Boost Spirit failing on empty string input - c++11

I am trying to parse the following string and extract the parts inside the parenthesis.
This string fails:
_FIND('Something', '')_
Should return
part1 = 'Something'
part2 = ''
This string passes:
_FIND('Something', '*')_
part1 = 'Something'
part2 = '*'
I assume the problem lies with the "quoted_string"
find_parser() : find_parser::base_type(start)
using qi::lit;
using qi::lexeme;
using standard_wide::char_;
/// simple quoted string.
quoted_string %= lexeme['\'' >> +(char_ - '\'') >> '\''];
start %=
-(lit("$(")) // optional
>> lit("_FIND")
>> '('
>> quoted_string
>> -(',' >> quoted_string) // 2nd parameter optional
>> ")_"
>> -(lit(")")) // optional
I tried added an "empty" string lexeme like this, but it does not work.
quoted_string %= lexeme['\'' >> +(char_ - '\'') >> '\''];
empty_quoted_string %= lexeme['\'' >> +(qi::space - '\'') >> '\''];
start %=
>> '('
>> (quoted_string|empty_quoted_string)
>> -(',' >> (quoted_string|empty_quoted_string)) // 2nd parameter optional
>> ")_"
I know it must be a simple thing, but I cannot put my finger on it.
Thanks for any inputs, hints or tips.

lexeme['\'' >> +(char_ - '\'') >> '\''];
+p means that p must match one-or-more times. If an empty string must be accepted, use the Kleene-star operator, which allows zero-or-more matches.
lexeme['\'' >> *(char_ - '\'') >> '\''];
Live Demo
Some inefficiencies/style issues resolves
Also, an incorrectness, where "$(_FIND('')" or "_FIND('')" would parse as "correct"
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp>
using Params = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
template <typename It>
struct find_parser : qi::grammar<It, Params()> {
find_parser() : find_parser::base_type(start)
using namespace qi;
start = skip(space) [ "$(" >> find >> ")" | find ];
= '_' >> lit("FIND") >> lit('(')
>> quoted_string >> -(',' >> quoted_string) // 2nd parameter optional
>> ')' >> '_'
quoted_string = "'" >> *~char_("'") >> "'";
qi::rule<It, Params()> start;
// rules with skipper
qi::rule<It, Params(), qi::space_type> find;
// implicit lexemes
qi::rule<It, std::string()> quoted_string;
int main() {
using It = std::string::const_iterator;
find_parser<It> const p;
for (std::string const input : {
"_FIND('Something', 'Something else')_",
"_ FIND('Something', 'Something else') _",
"$(_FIND('Something', 'Something else')_)",
"$( _FIND( 'Something', 'Something else' )_ )",
// second arg empty
"_FIND('Something', '')_",
"_ FIND('Something', '') _",
"$(_FIND('Something', '')_)",
"$( _FIND( 'Something', '' )_ )",
// optional args omitted
"_ FIND('Something') _",
"$( _FIND( 'Something' )_ )",
std::cout << "-------- " << input << " ------------\n";
It f = input.begin(), l = input.end();
Params parsed;
if (parse(f, l, p, parsed))
std::cout << "Parsed: '" << parsed.first << "', '" << parsed.second << "'\n";
std::cout << "Parsing failed\n";
if (f!=l)
std::cout << " -- Remaining unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";


SystemStackError: when parsing SCIM 2.0 filter query using Parslet

I am writing a SCIM 2.0 filter parser using Parslet. When I try to parse the following query, I end up with a SystemStackError.
'title pr or userType eq "Intern"'
I have converted the ABNF notation from into a Parslet parser shown in the example code.
class Filter < Parslet::Parser
root :filter
# FILTER = attrExp / logExp / valuePath / *1"not" "(" FILTER ")"
rule(:filter) do
attribute_expression | logical_expression | value_path | not_op >> lparen >> filter >> rparen
# valuePath = attrPath "[" valFilter "]" ; FILTER uses sub-attributes of a parent attrPath
rule(:value_path) do >> lbracket >> value_filter >> rbracket
# valFilter = attrExp / logExp / *1"not" "(" valFilter ")"
rule(:value_filter) do
attribute_expression | logical_expression | not_op >> lparen >> value_filter >> rparen
# attrExp = (attrPath SP "pr") / (attrPath SP compareOp SP compValue)
rule(:attribute_expression) do
( >> space >> presence) | >> space >> >> space >>
# logExp = FILTER SP ("and" / "or") SP FILTER
rule(:logical_expression) do
filter >> space >> (and_op | or_op) >> space >> filter
# compValue = false / null / true / number / string ; rules from JSON (RFC 7159)
rule(:comparison_value) do
falsey | null | truthy | number | string
# compareOp = "eq" / "ne" / "co" / "sw" / "ew" / "gt" / "lt" / "ge" / "le"
rule(:comparison_operator) do
equal | not_equal | contains | starts_with | ends_with |
greater_than | less_than | less_than_equals | greater_than_equals
# attrPath = [URI ":"] ATTRNAME *1subAttr ; SCIM attribute name ; URI is SCIM "schema" URI
rule(:attribute_path) do
(uri >> colon).repeat(0, 1) >> attribute_name >> sub_attribute.repeat(0, 1)
# ATTRNAME = ALPHA *(nameChar)
rule(:attribute_name) do
alpha >> name_character.repeat(0, nil)
# nameChar = "-" / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA
rule(:name_character) { hyphen | underscore | digit | alpha }
# subAttr = "." ATTRNAME ; a sub-attribute of a complex attribute
rule(:sub_attribute) { dot >> attribute_name }
# uri = 1*ALPHA 1*(":" 1*ALPHA)
rule(:uri) do
# alpha.repeat(1, nil) >> (colon >> (alpha.repeat(1, nil) | version)).repeat(1, nil)
str('urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:') >> (
str('core:2.0:User') |
str('core:2.0:Group') | (
str('extension') >>
colon >>
alpha.repeat(1) >>
colon >>
version >>
colon >>
rule(:presence) { str('pr').as(:presence) }
rule(:and_op) { str('and').as(:and) }
rule(:or_op) { str('or').as(:or) }
rule(:not_op) { str('not').repeat(0, 1).as(:not) }
rule(:falsey) { str('false').as(:false) }
rule(:truthy) { str('true').as(:true) }
rule(:null) { str('null').as(:null) }
rule(:number) do
str('-').maybe >> (
str('0') | (match('[1-9]') >> digit.repeat)
) >> (
str('.') >> digit.repeat(1)
).maybe >> (
match('[eE]') >> (str('+') | str('-')).maybe >> digit.repeat(1)
rule(:equal) { str('eq') }
rule(:not_equal) { str('ne') }
rule(:contains) { str('co') }
rule(:starts_with) { str('sw') }
rule(:ends_with) { str('ew') }
rule(:greater_than) { str('gt') }
rule(:less_than) { str('lt') }
rule(:greater_than_equals) { str('ge') }
rule(:less_than_equals) { str('le') }
rule(:string) do
quote >> (str('\\') >> any | str('"').absent? >> any).repeat >> quote
rule(:lparen) { str('(') }
rule(:rparen) { str(')') }
rule(:lbracket) { str('[') }
rule(:rbracket) { str(']') }
rule(:digit) { match('\d') }
rule(:quote) { str('"') }
rule(:single_quote) { str("'") }
rule(:space) { match('\s') }
rule(:alpha) { match['a-zA-Z'] }
rule(:dot) { str('.') }
rule(:colon) { str(':') }
rule(:hyphen) { str('-') }
rule(:underscore) { str('_') }
rule(:version) { digit >> dot >> digit }
I am expecting that Parslet should be able to handle the recursion safely instead of raising a SystemStackError. The base atom sets the def cached? to return true by default. If I monkey patch the Atom base class to return false from the cached? method, then I am able to parse this query. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Always consume something before you recurse.
For example:
Don't define a list of numbers as
NumList = NumList >> "," >> NumList | Number
Defined it as
NumList = Number >> ("," >> NumList).maybe
or even
NumList = Number >> ("," >> Number).repeat(0)
So for logican_expression...
# logExp = FILTER SP ("and" / "or") SP FILTER
rule(:logical_expression) do
filter >> space >> (and_op | or_op) >> space >> filter
You need the first filter to be something that can't be a logical_expression.
# FILTER = attrExp / logExp / valuePath / *1"not" "(" FILTER ")"
rule(:filter) do
logical_expression | filter_atom
rule(:filter_atom) do
(not_op? >> lparen >> filter >> rparen) | attribute_expression | value_path
# logExp = FILTER SP ("and" / "or") SP FILTER
rule(:logical_expression) do
filter_atom >> space >> (and_op | or_op) >> space >> filter

How to test for function return false?

Can someone tell me what
do something
is in valid VBScript? I've tried
The logical negation operator is called Not in VBScript:
>> b = 1 = 1
>> WScript.Echo TypeName(b), CStr(b), CStr(Not b)
Boolean True False
2nd sample:
>> For Each e In Split("1 a 2")
>> If Not IsNumeric(e) Then
>> WScript.Echo e, "not a number"
>> Else
>> WScript.Echo e, "a numerical string"
>> End If
>> Next
1 a numerical string
a not a number
2 a numerical string

Ruby:parslet for a system verilog interface parser

I am using Ruby::Parslet.
I am parsing a document similar to an SV interface, eg:
interface my_intf;
protocol validonly;
transmit [Bool] valid;
transmit [Bool] pipeid;
transmit [5:0] incr;
transmit [Bool] sample;
Here is my parser:
class myParse < Parslet::Parser
rule(:lparen) { space? >> str('(') >> space? }
rule(:rparen) { space? >> str(')') >> space? }
rule(:lbox) { space? >> str('[') >> space? }
rule(:rbox) { space? >> str(']') >> space? }
rule(:lcurly) { space? >> str('{') >> space? }
rule(:rcurly) { space? >> str('}') >> space? }
rule(:comma) { space? >> str(',') >> space? }
rule(:semicolon) { space? >> str(';') >> space? }
rule(:eof) { any.absent? }
rule(:space) { match["\t\s"] }
rule(:whitespace) { space.repeat }
rule(:space?) { whitespace.maybe }
rule(:blank_line) { space? >> newline.repeat(1) }
rule(:newline) { str("\n") }
# Things
rule(:integer) { space? >> match('[0-9]').repeat(1).as(:int) >> space? }
rule(:identifier) { match['a-z'].repeat(1) }
rule(:intf_start) { space? >> str('interface') >> space? >> (match['a-zA-Z_'].repeat(1,1) >> match['[:alnum:]_'].repeat(0)).as(:intf_name) >> space? >> str(';') >> space? >> str("\n") }
rule(:protocol) { space? >> str('protocol') >> whitespace >> (str('validonly').maybe).as(:protocol) >> space? >> str(';') >> space? >> str("\n") }
rule(:bool) { lbox >> space? >> str('Bool').as(:bool) >> space? >> rbox }
rule(:transmit_width) { lbox >> space? >> match('[0-9]') >> space? >> str(':') >> space? >> match('[0-9]') >> space? >> rbox }
rule(:transmit) { space? >> str('transmit') >> whitespace >> (bool | transmit_width) >> whitespace >> (match['a-zA-Z_'].repeat(1,1) >> match['[:alnum:]_'].repeat(0)).as(:transmit_name) >> space? >> str(';') >> space? >> str("\n") }
rule(:interface_body) { (protocol | blank_line.maybe) }
rule(:interface) { intf_start >> interface_body }
rule(:expression) { ( interface ).repeat }
root :expression
I am having an issue making the rule for interface_body.
It can have 0 or more transmit lines and 0 or 1 protocol line and multiple blanks, comments etc.
Can someone help me out please? The rules I have written in the code snippet works with single transmit and single protocol, i.e. they properly match, but when I parse a whole interface it does not work.
Thanks in advance.
Ok... this parses the file you mentioned. I don't understand the desired format so I can't say it will work for all your files, but hopefully this will get you started.
require 'parslet'
class MyParse < Parslet::Parser
rule(:lparen) { space? >> str('(') }
rule(:rparen) { space? >> str(')') }
rule(:lbox) { space? >> str('[') }
rule(:rbox) { space? >> str(']') }
rule(:lcurly) { space? >> str('{') }
rule(:rcurly) { space? >> str('}') }
rule(:comma) { space? >> str(',') }
rule(:semicolon) { space? >> str(';') }
rule(:eof) { any.absent? }
rule(:space) { match["\t\s"] }
rule(:whitespace) { space.repeat(1) }
rule(:space?) { space.repeat(0) }
rule(:blank_line) { space? >> newline.repeat(1) }
rule(:newline) { str("\n") }
# Things
rule(:integer) { space? >> match('[0-9]').repeat(1).as(:int) >> space? }
rule(:identifier) { match['a-z'].repeat(1) }
def line( expression )
space? >>
expression >>
space? >>
str(';') >>
space? >>
rule(:expression?) { ( interface ).repeat(0) }
rule(:interface) { intf_start >> interface_body.repeat(0) >> intf_end }
rule(:interface_body) {
intf_end.absent? >>
interface_bodyline >>
rule(:intf_start) {
line (
str('interface') >>
space? >>
( match['a-zA-Z_'].repeat(1,1) >>
rule(:interface_bodyline) {
line ( protocol | transmit )
rule(:protocol) {
str('protocol') >> whitespace >>
rule(:transmit) {
str('transmit') >> whitespace >>
(bool | transmit_width) >> whitespace >>
rule(:name) {
match('[a-zA-Z_]') >>
(match['[:alnum:]'] | str("_")).repeat(0)
rule(:bool) { lbox >> str('Bool').as(:bool) >> rbox }
rule(:transmit_width) {
lbox >>
space? >>
match('[0-9]').repeat(1).as(:msb) >>
space? >>
str(':') >>
space? >>
match('[0-9]').repeat(1).as(:lsb) >>
space? >>
rule(:intf_end) { str('endinterface') }
root :expression?
require 'rspec'
require 'parslet/rig/rspec'
RSpec.describe MyParse do
let(:parser) { }
context "simple_rule" do
it "should consume protocol line" do
expect(parser.interface_bodyline).to parse(' protocol validonly;
it 'name' do
expect( parse('valid')
it "bool" do
expect(parser.bool).to parse('[Bool]')
it "transmit line" do
expect(parser.transmit).to parse('transmit [Bool] valid')
it "transmit as bodyline'" do
expect(parser.interface_bodyline).to parse(' transmit [Bool] valid;
end['--format', 'documentation'])
doc ="test.txt")
rescue Parslet::ParseFailed => error
puts error.cause.ascii_tree
The main changes...
Don't consume whitespace both side of your tokens.
You had expressions that parsed "[Bool] valid" as LBOX BOOL RBOX SPACE? then expected another WHITESPACE but couldn't find one (as the previous rule had consumed it).
When an expression can validly parse as a zero length (e.g. something with repeat(0)) and there is a problem with who it's written, then you get an odd error. The rule pass and match nothing, then the next rule will typically fail. I explicitly matched 'body lines' as 'not the end line' so it would fail with an error.
'repeat' defaults to (0) which I would love to change. I see mistakes around this all the time.
x.repeat(1,1) means make one match. That's the same as having x. :)
there were more whitespace problems
Write your parser from the top down. Write tests from the bottom up.
When your tests get to the top you are done! :)
Good luck.

Ruby parse through string

I have a string that looks like below, and I have to remove everything between the first bracket and the last bracket. All bets are off, on what's in between (regarding other brackets). What would be the best aproach, thanks.
{ "foo":
"bar": {
["foo":"bar", "foo":"bar"]
If your data really does look like that and you don't have an brackets in the bit at the end then:
s.gsub(/\[.*\]/m, '')
If you want to be a little more paranoid, then you can look for ], followed by an end-of-line:
s.gsub(/\[.*\],$/m, ',')
Hard to say any more than that without a specification of your data format.
Here you go:
string.gsub(/\[.*\]/m, '')
You need to use the m flag for the . to match newline characters. .* is already greedy, so it will match any number of brackets in between.
It's difficult to tell what you're trying to achieve, but that looks like JSON to me so it would probably be much easier to parse it and then manipulate it that way.
you need multi-line mode:
str.gsub(/\[.*\]/m, '')
You could use something like Parslet to write a parser.
Here's an example I wrote, based on the JSON grammer from
require 'parslet'
#This needs a few more 'as' calls to annotate the output
class JSONParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:space) { match('[\s\n]').repeat(1)}
rule(:space?) { space.maybe }
rule(:digit) { match('[0-9]') }
rule(:hexdigit) { match('[0-9a-fA-F]') }
rule(:number) { space? >> str('-').maybe >>
(str('0') | (match('[1-9]') >> digit.repeat)) >>
(str('.') >> digit.repeat).maybe >>
((str('e')| str('E')) >> (str('+')|str('-')).maybe >> digit.repeat ).maybe }
rule(:escaped_character) { str('\\') >> (match('["\\\\/bfnrt]') | (str('u') >> hexdigit.repeat(4,4))) }
rule(:string) { space? >> str('"') >> (match('[^\"\\\\]') | escaped_character).repeat >> str('"') }
rule(:value) { space? >> (string | number | object | array | str('true') | str('false') | str('null')) }
rule(:pair) { string >> str(":") >> value }
rule(:pair_list) { pair >> (space? >> str(',') >> pair).repeat }
rule(:object) { str('{') >> space? >> pair_list.maybe >> space? >> str('}') }
rule(:value_list) { value >> (space? >> str(',') >> value).repeat }
rule(:array) { space? >> str('[') >> space? >> value_list.maybe >> space? >> str(']') >> space?}
rule(:json) {'value') >> (space? >> str(',') >>'value')).repeat }
# I've changed your doc to be a list of JSON values
doc = '[
{ "foo":
"bar": [
{"foo":"bar", "foo":"bar"}
puts[1..-1].map{|value| value["value"]}.join(",")
# => {"foo":"bar"},{"foo":"bar"}
However as your document isn't valid JSON (as far as I know).. then you can change the above...
require 'parslet'
class YourFileParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:space) { match('[\s\n]').repeat(1)}
rule(:space?) { space.maybe }
rule(:digit) { match('[0-9]') }
rule(:hexdigit) { match('[0-9a-fA-F]') }
rule(:number) { space? >> str('-').maybe >>
(str('0') | (match('[1-9]') >> digit.repeat)) >>
(str('.') >> digit.repeat).maybe >>
((str('e')| str('E')) >> (str('+')|str('-')).maybe >> digit.repeat ).maybe }
rule(:escaped_character) { str('\\') >> (match('["\\\\/bfnrt]') | (str('u') >> hexdigit.repeat(4,4))) }
rule(:string) { space? >> str('"') >> (match('[^\"\\\\]') | escaped_character).repeat >> str('"') }
rule(:value) { space? >> (string | number | object | array | str('true') | str('false') | str('null')) }
rule(:pair) { string >> str(":") >> value }
rule(:pair_list) { (pair|value) >> (space? >> str(',') >> (pair|value)).repeat }
rule(:object) { str('{') >> space? >> pair_list.maybe >> space? >> str('}') }
rule(:value_list) { (pair|value) >> (space? >> str(',') >> (pair|value)).repeat }
rule(:array) { space? >> str('[') >> space? >> value_list.maybe >> space? >> str(']') >> space?}
rule(:yourdoc) { (pair|value).as('value') >> (space? >> str(',') >> (pair|value).as('value')).repeat }
doc = '[
{ "foo":
"bar": {
["foo":"bar", "foo":"bar"]
puts[1..-1].map{|value| value["value"]}.join(",")

IRIX bash shell expands expression in single quotes, yet shouldnt

At the shell, I enter a single-quote and then carriage return and then a series of lines and then another single-quote:
root#aim:/root > '
> #stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);
> if (!#stat) {
if (#stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);) {
> print "nil\n";
> exit 0;
> }
> '
However, if you notice the interpreted output from the shell:
#stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);
if (#stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);) {
print "nil\n";
exit 0;
: command not found
root#aim:/root > uname -a
IRIX64 aim 6.5 04091957 IP27
root#aim:/root > echo $0
root#aim:/root >
You notice that !#stat gets converted to #stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);
How should the following shell program be written so that the perl program within it gets interpreted literally?
tramp_perl_file_attributes () {
\perl -e '
#stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);
if (!#stat) {
print "nil\n";
exit 0;
if (($stat[2] & 0170000) == 0120000)
$type = readlink($ARGV[0]);
$type = "\"$type\"";
elsif (($stat[2] & 0170000) == 040000)
$type = "t";
$type = "nil"
$uid = ($ARGV[1] eq "integer") ? $stat[4] : "\"" . getpwuid($stat[4]) . "\"";
$gid = ($ARGV[1] eq "integer") ? $stat[5] : "\"" . getgrgid($stat[5]) . "\"";
"(%s %u %s %s (%u %u) (%u %u) (%u %u) %u.0 %u t (%u . %u) -1)\n",
$stat[8] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[8] & 0xffff,
$stat[9] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[9] & 0xffff,
$stat[10] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[10] & 0xffff,
$stat[1] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[1] & 0xffff
);' "$1" "$2"
Escape the ! or disable history expansion (with set +H) while you type the command.
For some reason, ! is expanded from the history (!! gets expanded to the last command you typed on the command line) which shouldn't happen between single quotes.
Works perfectly here with bash 4.1.5 under Debian Linux. What version of bash do you have on IRIX? Maybe it's old and buggy? As a workaround, you can use here-docs:
tramp_perl_file_attributes () {
perl - "$1" "$2" <<'EOF'
#stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);
if (!#stat) {
print "nil\n";
exit 0;
if (($stat[2] & 0170000) == 0120000)
$type = readlink($ARGV[0]);
$type = "\"$type\"";
elsif (($stat[2] & 0170000) == 040000)
$type = "t";
$type = "nil"
$uid = ($ARGV[1] eq "integer") ? $stat[4] : "\"" . getpwuid($stat[4]) . "\"";
$gid = ($ARGV[1] eq "integer") ? $stat[5] : "\"" . getgrgid($stat[5]) . "\"";
"(%s %u %s %s (%u %u) (%u %u) (%u %u) %u.0 %u t (%u . %u) -1)\n",
$stat[8] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[8] & 0xffff,
$stat[9] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[9] & 0xffff,
$stat[10] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[10] & 0xffff,
$stat[1] >> 16 & 0xffff,
$stat[1] & 0xffff
