Add Scroll tracking in Mixpanel Autotrack - mixpanel

Can we add scroll tracking on web pages to the autotrack feature of Mixpanel ? If yes, how can I combine both ?


How to disable refresh page after using pop out this form

I am working on MScrm 365 on-premise there is a new feature pop out this form after clicking this button the form is out but the page is refreshed to a grid, is there an option to disable this refresh?
Unfortunately this is by product design, once you pop-out the record, the user navigate away to the grid/list page in main window.
You can implement a custom button logic and implement your need instead of rigging the product behavior which is unsupported and will break in future releases.

How to add custom button to sidebar?

In my case I'm using server-side session (not authClient with token in cookies/local storage). So instead of using default LogoutButton I want to place custom button which will do simple "POST /logout" action. There are some examples in docs how to place custom buttons on resource pages, but nothing about sidebar. Any advices/examples?
A custom Sidebar is a custom Menu: ?

Adding GA Event code to Joomla {tab}

I am trying to add a Google Analytics event to track if a tab has been clicked on in a page. I am using Joomla 2.5.7 and in the article is has this markup for the tabs extension:
<p>{tab Rates}</p>
This is the tab at the top of the page. I want to add the following universal analytics tracking event code:
onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'tab active', 'click', 'rates');"
to track when someone looks at this tab.
Currently I have only used this onclick event on an anchor, but as using Joomla this isn't working and is just showing up on the page.
Please advise the best place to get this information and how to activate it. Thanks all.

How to create a Google Hangout button for chat-only?

I added a Google Hangout button to my page following the instructions:
<script src="" async defer>
invites="[{ id : '74838920', invite_type : 'PROFILE' },
{ id : '', invite_type : 'EMAIL' }]">
When I press that button a Video Hangout starts (informaing me I should enable video). I am also not sure if I have the hangout invitee correctly, but I will adress that later.
How to let let a chat-only window open on the button press?
I looked at the documentation and there is no way of doing it.
The only way to do it is to ask the participants to click on the "Turn Camera Off" button on the top once they enter the hangout.
There is an option now:
Use The profile ID is a unique ID of the user and can be retreived via People API
I don't think chat/text only functonality is available. Your question has been asked before in more general terms (not specific to Google+ Hangout button):
Hangout (chat only) integration in web page - getting started?
Can Google Hangouts be used for Text Only Live Chat from my WordPress website?
There's not even a way to disable the video by default.
Disable video by default in Google hangout?
I can't find official documentation stating chat only is not possible, but the tag line for Google Hangout Apps is: "Some things are better face-to-face." The APIs also suggests video is really the focus for Google Hangouts.
there certainly is a way. if you visit someone's G+ page you will find a hangout-symbol right below their profile - clicking this opens a chat-window, not a videocall.

URL Change without loading whole page in mvc3

I am working on classified ads project in mvc3. I am facing problem in filter search page I want to change the URL without loading the whole page like Facebook or Linkedin before change:
after change when user remove category:
And when user select category it should be change to append category as I show on top.
I am using ajax for filter search
You can make use of the Html5 History API
Anyway this is an Html5 feature and not all browsers may support it. In this case I would suggest directly using a plugin that degrades to hash changes if not supported, like History.js
This is fundamentally the same question as how to fix the browser history back-forward buttons. Checkout What is the best back button jQuery plugin?, it really could help you alot!
