Disable button on ajax submit - ajax

I have the following JS and HTML code and I want to disable the button when ajax request is submitting so the user wont be able to double click and disturb the process.
function doReshare(_intPostId) {
if(typeof cLogin === 'undefined')
var cLogin = checkLogin();
var date = new Date();
var mainId = _intPostId;
var type = 1;
var active = 0;
var postFinded = 0;
jQuery(".reshare_" + _intPostId).each(function() {
postFinded = 1;
objElement = jQuery(this);
if(objElement.hasClass('sm2_playing') || objElement.hasClass('sm2_paused')) {
// track is active
active = 1;
if(objElement.hasClass('is_album')) {
mainId = objElement.closest('div.playlist-box').attr('id').replace('album_', '');
// mainId = objElement.data('mainid');
var intLikesCurrentCount = parseInt(objElement.find(".likes_count").first().text(), 10);
if(!objElement.find(".refeed_fct").hasClass("active")) {
//objElement.find(".likes_count").html("<i class=\"fa fa-heart-o\"></i> " + (intLikesCurrentCount + 1));
} else {
type = 0;
//objElement.find(".likes_count").html("<i class=\"fa fa-heart-o\"></i> " + (intLikesCurrentCount - 1));
if(!postFinded) {
if(!jQuery(".player-icons.dorepost").hasClass("active")) {
} else {
jQuery("#vowave").append('<img width="1" height="1" src="/reshare/' + mainId + '/' + type + '?time=' + date.getTime() + '" />');
and the html
<span class="refeed_fct" onclick="doReshare(10309)">
<i class="fa fa-retweet"></i> <div class="inline hidden-mobile">Repost</div>
Thank you

Maybe you should set the objElement's onclick listener to an empty function


Getting a 500 Internal Server Error Jquery

While everything is running in the software, I get this error when I make a selection from the dropdown list in only one part. Where am I making a mistake? or is it a server error?
I have not received this error in any Laravel before. When trying to get something from a dropdown list, this error comes to the console and there is no reaction on the site.
<script type="text/javascript">
$("ul#product #adjustment-create-menu").addClass("active");
var lims_product_array = [];
var product_code = [];
var product_name = [];
var product_qty = [];
style: 'btn-link',
$('#lims_productcodeSearch').on('input', function() {
var warehouse_id = $('#warehouse_id').val();
temp_data = $('#lims_productcodeSearch').val();
if (!warehouse_id) {
$('#lims_productcodeSearch').val(temp_data.substring(0, temp_data.length - 1));
alert('Please select Warehouse!');
$('select[name="warehouse_id"]').on('change', function() {
var id = $(this).val();
$.get('getproduct/' + id, function(data) {
lims_product_array = [];
product_code = data[0];
product_name = data[1];
product_qty = data[2];
$.each(product_code, function(index) {
lims_product_array.push(product_code[index] + ' (' + product_name[index] + ')');
var lims_productcodeSearch = $('#lims_productcodeSearch');
source: function(request, response) {
var matcher = new RegExp(".?" + $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i");
response($.grep(lims_product_array, function(item) {
return matcher.test(item);
response: function(event, ui) {
if (ui.content.length == 1) {
var data = ui.content[0].value;
$(this).autocomplete( "close" );
select: function(event, ui) {
var data = ui.item.value;
$("#myTable").on('input', '.qty', function() {
rowindex = $(this).closest('tr').index();
checkQuantity($(this).val(), true);
$("table.order-list tbody").on("click", ".ibtnDel", function(event) {
rowindex = $(this).closest('tr').index();
$(window).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
var $targ = $(e.target);
if (!$targ.is("textarea") && !$targ.is(":button,:submit")) {
var focusNext = false;
$(this).find(":input:visible:not([disabled],[readonly]), a").each(function() {
if (this === e.target) {
focusNext = true;
else if (focusNext) {
return false;
return false;
$('#adjustment-form').on('submit', function(e) {
var rownumber = $('table.order-list tbody tr:last').index();
if (rownumber < 0) {
alert("Please insert product to order table!")
function productSearch(data) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'lims_product_search',
data: {
data: data
success: function(data) {
var flag = 1;
$(".product-code").each(function(i) {
if ($(this).val() == data[1]) {
rowindex = i;
var qty = parseFloat($('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ') .qty').val()) + 1;
$('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ') .qty').val(qty);
flag = 0;
if(flag) {
var newRow = $("<tr>");
var cols = '';
cols += '<td>' + data[0] + '</td>';
cols += '<td>' + data[1] + '</td>';
cols += '<td><input type="number" class="form-control qty" name="qty[]" value="1" required step="any" /></td>';
cols += '<td class="action"><select name="action[]" class="form-control act-val"><option value="-">{{trans("file.Subtraction")}}</option><option value="+">{{trans("file.Addition")}}</option></select></td>';
cols += '<td><button type="button" class="ibtnDel btn btn-md btn-danger">{{trans("file.delete")}}</button></td>';
cols += '<input type="hidden" class="product-code" name="product_code[]" value="' + data[1] + '"/>';
cols += '<input type="hidden" class="product-id" name="product_id[]" value="' + data[2] + '"/>';
$("table.order-list tbody").append(newRow);
rowindex = newRow.index();
function checkQuantity(qty) {
var row_product_code = $('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ')').find('td:nth-child(2)').text();
var action = $('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ')').find('.act-val').val();
var pos = product_code.indexOf(row_product_code);
if ( (qty > parseFloat(product_qty[pos])) && (action == '-') ) {
alert('Quantity exceeds stock quantity!');
var row_qty = $('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ')').find('.qty').val();
row_qty = row_qty.substring(0, row_qty.length - 1);
$('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ')').find('.qty').val(row_qty);
else {
$('table.order-list tbody tr:nth-child(' + (rowindex + 1) + ')').find('.qty').val(qty);
function calculateTotal() {
var total_qty = 0;
$(".qty").each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
total_qty += 0;
} else {
total_qty += parseFloat($(this).val());
$('input[name="item"]').val($('table.order-list tbody tr:last').index() + 1);

Not real random function in a Blogger widget, it always shows 'neighbor' posts from the past

My blog is 12 years old, I have more than 5000 posts. I am using a widget that shows random posts from a specific label. I set it to show 2 posts in the sidebar, and I noticed that these posts are always 'neighbors', which means they are always from the same month in the past. For example, it's always 2 posts from May 2014, or June 2018. It's never something like: 1 post from May 2014 and the other from June 2018. Do you have any idea what the problem is?
Here is the part of the code which (I believe) contains the mistake:
var _vXsM=HOST+_s7IgU[159];
var _vXsM=HOST+_s7IgU[164];
I can't paste the whole code, the website doesn't let me. But you can get it here: https://sneeit.com/blogger-random-recent-specific-label-posts-widget-all-in-one-post-feed-widget/
My settings:
Post Count - 2
Post Order - Random
Specific Label - Summer
Show Thumbnail - Checked
Thumbnail Size - 200
Show Label - No
Show Comment Numbers - No
Show Date - No
Show Author Name - No
Show Readmore - No
Show Snippet - No
Show Copyright - No
Design Style - List
I have painstakingly deobfuscated this extension to be able to check how you could modify it (which should be much easier for you if you still want to), and I see that getting "non-neighbor" random numbers is not what this system is designed to do. choosePost(json) chooses one post by number to be the starting post, and makeWidget (which, bizarrely, uses string concatenation and document.write to generate the widget) just uses the first post_count posts after the chosen post, so your objective is not (easily) doable.
var show_thumbnail = true;
var show_label = false;
var show_comment_numbers = false;
var show_date = false;
var show_author_name = false;
var show_readmore = false;
var show_snippet = false;
var hide_copyright = true;
var snippet_length = 150;
var post_count = 3;
var thumbnail_size = 140; // v1.5, only effect with list style
var sort_by = 'random'; // latest or random
var index_label = 'summer';
var design_style = 'list'; // list or column
var date_format = 'mm/dd/yyyy';
var lang_readmore = 'Readmore';
var HOST = '';
function sourceJSfile(url) {
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"<\/script>');
function generateDate(pub_date, format) {
pub_date = pub_date.split('-');
date = new Date(pub_date[0], pub_date[1] - 1, pub_date[2].substring(0, 2));
dd = date.getDate();
mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
yyyy = date.getFullYear();
format = format.replace('dd', dd);
format = format.replace('mm', mm);
format = format.replace('yyyy', yyyy);
return format;
function cleanContent(content) {
var tgt = '';
var imgtag = '<img ';
var srctag = 'src="';
var quote = '\"';
index0 = content.indexOf(imgtag);
if (index0 != -1) {
index1 = content.indexOf(srctag, index0);
index2 = content.indexOf(quote, index1 + srctag.length);
tgt = content.substring(index1 + srctag.length, index2);
if (tgt == '') {
imgtag = 'data-thumbnail-src="';
srctag = '"';
index0 = content.indexOf(imgtag);
if (index0 != -1) {
index1 = content.indexOf(srctag, index0 + imgtag.length);
if (index0 != -1) {
tgt = content.substring(index0 + imgtag.length, index1);
if (tgt == '') {
imgtag = '<iframe ';
srctag = 'src="';
quote = '"';
index0 = content.indexOf(imgtag);
if (index0 != -1) {
index1 = content.indexOf(srctag, index0);
if (index0 != -1) {
index2 = content.indexOf(quote, index1 + srctag.length);
if (index0 != -1) {
tgt = content.substring(index1 + srctag.length, index2);
tgt = tgt.replace("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=", '');
tgt = tgt.replace("http://www.youtube.com/embed/", '');
tgt = tgt.replace('?rel=0', '');
tgt = 'http://img.youtube.com/vi/' + tgt + '/mqdefault.jpg';
return tgt;
function jsonProcessor(json) {
var data = new Object();
var regex = /<\S[^>]*>/g;
data.id = json.feed.id.$t;
key = 'blog-';
index = data.id.indexOf(key);
data.id = data.id.substring(index + key.length);
data.id = data.id.replace('.comments', '');
data.cate = new Array();
if ('category' in json.feed) {
for (let i = 0; i < json.feed.category.length; i++) {
data.cate[i] = json.feed.category[i].term;
data.title = '';
if ('title' in json.feed) {
data.title = json.feed.title.$t;
data.subtitle = '';
if ('subtitle' in json.feed) {
data.subtitle = json.feed.subtitle.$t;
data.admin = new Object();
data.admin.name = 'Anonymous';
data.admin.uri = '';
data.admin.avatar = 'http://img1.blogblog.com/img/anon36.png';
if ('name' in json.feed.author[0]) {
data.admin.name = json.feed.author[0].name.$t;
if ('uri' in json.feed.author[0]) {
data.admin.uri = json.feed.author[0].uri.$t;
if ('gd$image' in json.feed.author[0]) {
if (json.feed.author[0].gd$image.src != 'http://img1.blogblog.com/img/blank.gif') {
data.admin.avatar = json.feed.author[0].gd$image.src;
data.total_entry = Number(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t);
data.start_index = Number(json.feed.openSearch$startIndex.$t);
data.item_per_page = Number(json.feed.openSearch$itemsPerPage.$t);
data.entry_number = 0;
if ('entry' in json.feed) {
data.entry_number = json.feed.entry.length;
data.entry = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < data.entry_number; i++) {
data.entry[i] = new Object();
temp = new Object();
entry = json.feed.entry[i];
temp.id = entry.id.$t;
key = 'post-';
index = temp.id.indexOf(key);
temp.id = temp.id.substring(index + key.length);
temp.published = '';
if ('published' in entry) {
temp.published = entry.published.$t;
temp.cate = new Array();
if ('category' in entry) {
for (j = 0; j < entry.category.length; j++) {
temp.cate[j] = entry.category[j].term;
temp.title = '';
if ('title' in entry) {
temp.title = entry.title.$t;
temp.content = '';
if ('content' in entry) {
temp.content = entry.content.$t;
temp.summary = '';
if ('summary' in entry) {
temp.summary = entry.summary.$t;
if (temp.summary == '') {
temp.summary = temp.content.replace(regex, '');
if (temp.content == '') {
temp.content = temp.summary;
temp.link = '';
temp.reply_label = 'comments';
if ('link' in entry) {
for (j = 0; j < entry.link.length; j++) {
if (entry.link[j].rel == 'alternate') {
temp.link = entry.link[j].href;
if (entry.link[j].rel == 'replies') {
temp.reply_label = entry.link[j].title;
temp.author = new Object();
temp.author.name = 'Anonymous';
temp.author.uri = '';
temp.author.avatar = 'http://img1.blogblog.com/img/anon36.png';
a0 = entry.author[0];
if ('name' in a0) {
temp.author.name = a0.name.$t;
if ('uri' in a0) {
temp.author.uri = a0.uri.$t;
if ('gd$image' in a0) {
if (a0.gd$image.src != 'http://img1.blogblog.com/blank.gif') {
temp.author.avatar = a0.gd$image.src;
temp.thumbnail = '';
if ('media$thumbnail' in entry) {
temp.thumbnail = entry.media$thumbnail.url;
temp.reply_number = 0;
if ('thr$total' in entry) {
temp.reply_number = Number(entry.thr$total.$t);
temp.reply_label = temp.reply_label.replace(temp.reply_number + ' ', '');
temp.reply_to = '';
temp.reply_json = '';
temp.reply_title = '';
if ('thr$in-reply-to' in entry) {
temp.reply_to = entry['thr$in-reply-to'].href;
temp.reply_json = entry['thr$in-reply-to'].source;
temp.reply_json = temp.reply_json.replace('/default/', '/summary/');
temp.reply_json = temp.reply_json + '?alt=json-in-script';
temp.pid = '';
if ('gd$extendedProperty' in entry) {
for (j = 0; j < entry.gd$extendedProperty.length; j++) {
if (entry.gd$extendedProperty[j].name == 'blogger.itemClass') {
temp.pid = entry.gd$extendedProperty[j].value;
temp.pid = temp.pid.replace('pid-', '');
data.entry[i] = temp;
return data;
if (typeof(jquery_included) == 'undefined') {
jquery_included = false;
function jqueryLoader() {
if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') {
if (!jquery_included) {
jquery_included = true;
var scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.setAttribute('src', 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js');
scriptEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
setTimeout(jqueryLoader, 50);
} else {
if (!($('link[href*="font-awesome.css"]').length)) {
linkEl = document.createElement('link');
linkEl.setAttribute('href', 'http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.css');
linkEl.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
function makeWidget(json) {
var div = '<div style="clear:both!important;float:none;!important;line-height:0!important"></div>';
var jsonOut = jsonProcessor(json);
var docAppend = '';
if (jsonOut.total_entry) {
docAppend += ('<div class="post_feed ' + design_style + ' ' + ((show_thumbnail) ? 'thumb' : 'no-thumb') + '"><ul>');
for (let i = 0; i < jsonOut.total_entry && i < post_count; i++) {
p = jsonOut.entry[i];
docAppend += ('<li class="item item-' + i + '">');
if (!p.thumbnail) {
p.thumbnail = cleanContent(p.content);
if (show_thumbnail && p.thumbnail) {
var tgt = p.thumbnail;
if (tgt.indexOf('/s72-c/') != -1){
if (design_style === 'column')
tgt = tgt.replace('/s72-c/', '/s1600/');
tgt = tgt.replace('/s72-c/', '/s' + thumbnail_size + '-c/');
} else if (tgt.indexOf('youtube.com') != -1 && tgt.indexOf('/default.') != -1) {
tgt = tgt.replace('/default.', '/mqdefault.');
p.thumbnail = tgt;
docAppend += ('<a class="thumbnail" style="width:' + thumbnail_size + 'px;height:' + thumbnail_size + 'px;" href="' + p.link + '"><img src="' + p.thumbnail + '"/></a>');
docAppend += '<div class="item-body">';
if (show_label && (typeof(p.cate[0]) != 'undefined')) {
docAppend += ('<a class="cate" href="' + HOST + '/search/label/' + p.cate[0] + '">' + p.cate[0] + '</a>');
docAppend += ('<h3 class="title">' + p.title + '</h3>');
if (show_author_name || show_comment_numbers || show_date) {
docAppend += '<div class="meta">';
if (show_author_name) {
docAppend += ('<span class="meta-item author-name"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> ' + p.author.name + '</span>');
if (show_comment_numbers) {
docAppend += ('<span class="meta-item comment-number"><i class="fa fa-comment"></i> ' + p.reply_number + '</span>');
if (show_comment_numbers) {
docAppend += ('<span class="meta-item date-time"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + generateDate(p.published, date_format) +'</span>');
docAppend += (div + '</div>' + div);
if (show_snippet) {
if (p.summary.length > snippet_length) {
p.summary = p.summary.substring(0, snippet_length) + '...';
if (show_readmore) {
p.summary += ' ' + lang_readmore + '';
docAppend += ('<p class="snippet">' + p.summary + '</p>');
docAppend += (div + '</div>' + div);
docAppend += ('</li>');
docAppend += ('</ul>');
if (!hide_copyright) {
docAppend += div;
docAppend += '<a target="_blank" class="copyright" href="http://www.sneeit.com/2014/05/blogger-random-recent-specific-label-posts-widget-all-in-one-post-feed-widget" style="font-size: 11px!important;text-align:right;visibility: visible;!important;text-indent:0!important;height:auto!important;width:100%!important;position:static!important;color:#999!important;display:block!important;opacity:1!important;">BloggerWidget</a>';
docAppend += ('</div>' + div);
} else {
docAppend += '<p><em>Have no posts</em><p>';
function choosePost(json) {
if (sort_by == 'random') {
var processedJSON = jsonProcessor(json);
rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * processedJSON.total_entry) + 1);
if (rand + post_count > processedJSON.total_entry) {
rand = processedJSON.total_entry - post_count + 1;
if (rand < 1) {
rand = 1;
var request = HOST + '/feeds/posts/default';
if (index_label) {
request += '/-/' + encodeURIComponent(index_label);
request += '?alt=json-in-script&max-result=' + post_count + '&start-index=' + rand + '&callback=makeWidget';
} else {
var request = HOST + '/feeds/posts/default';
if (index_label) {
request += '/-/' + encodeURIComponent(index_label);
request += '?alt=json-in-script';
if (sort_by == 'random') {
request += '&max-results=0';
} else {
request += '&max-results=' + post_count;
request += '&callback=choosePost';
The modifications will take some work, but the deobfuscated version should be much easier to use. I'd recommend removing jqueryLoader, and to get you started: the API requests are sourceJSfile('/feeds/post/default/-/summer?alt=json-in-script&max-results=1&callback=choosePost'). You'd probably be better off rewriting the thing from scratch than trying to bodge it on top of this code, I think.
PS: This code loads the entire jquery library so it can load some random stylesheet in jqueryLoad.

For every new ajax call it takes a little more time than the previous call

I am trying to change some data with an ajax call, but the problem is that every new call takes a little more time than the previous one.
So after 10-15 calls, the time from when the ajax request starts and when ajax returns data is like 20 seconds per request.
I also tried to debug, and it seems that the problem is that when I trigger an ajax call, it takes all that time till the controller detects the call, and after controller detects it, it gets executed and returns data immediately.
P.S. When i comment out these 2 intervals, it works perfectly. So i guess these intervals are blocking this request form happening immediately.
Also can it be a problem with Google Chrome? Because i guess in Microsoft Edge works perfectly (as far i made a test 2 times).
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-condensed table-hover usersTable">
<th style="width: 20%">Benutzer</th>
#foreach (var item in Model.Skills)
<th title="#item.Name">#item.ShortName</th>
<th class="text-center">Extension</th>
<th class="text-center">Total Calls</th>
<th class="text-center">Calls per hour</th>
<th class="text-center">Average Call Duration</th>
<tbody class="usersTableBody"></tbody>
<div class="col-md-12 text-center noSignedInUser" style="display: none;">
<h4 style="color: lightgrey">There is no signed in user</h4>
$(function () {
$('.usersTableBody').on('click', '.hasSkill', function () {
var userId = $(this).parent().data('id');
var skillId = $(this).data('id');
if ($(this).hasClass('skillIsActive')) {
addRemoveSkill(userId, skillId, false, $(this))
else {
addRemoveSkill(userId, skillId, true, $(this))
//add or remove a skill to a user with ajax
function addRemoveSkill(userId, skillId, add, element) {
url: '#Url.Action("AddRemoveSkill","Home")',
data: { userId: userId, skillId: skillId, add: add },
success: function (data) {
if(data == true) {
if (add == false)
else {
function hasAllSkillsDisabled(element) {
parent = $(element).parent();
var hasAllDisabled = true;
$.each(parent.children('td'), function (i, item) {
if ($(item).hasClass('skillIsActive'))
hasAllDisabled = false;
if (hasAllDisabled == true)
else {
two other functions that gets data every 1000ms
var detectClass = 0;
function getUserDatas() {
var type = $('#Type').val();
var skill = $('#Skill').val();
url: '#Url.Action("GetUsersDataWithAjax", "Home")',
data: { type: type, skill: skill },
success: function (data) {
if (data.length == 0) {
else {
if (data != false) {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var tr = $('tr[data-id="' + item.Id + '"].agentTr');
//if that row already exists or its new
if (!tr.length)
//if new create html and append to table body
var dontHaveSkills = "dontHaveSkills";
if (item.hasSkills) {
dontHaveSkills = "";
var hasAllSkillsDisabled = "";
if (item.hasSkills && item.HasAllSkillsDisabled) {
hasAllSkillsDisabled = "hasAllSkillsDisabled";
var html = '';
html += '<tr data-id="' + item.Id + '" class="agentTr ' + dontHaveSkills + ' ' + hasAllSkillsDisabled + ' time' + detectClass + '">';
html += '<td>' + item.Name + '</td>';
html += '<td class="stateName"><div class="text-right ' + item.State.NameClass + '">' + item.State.Name + '</div></td>';
html += '<td class="stateCircle"><div class="statusCircle ' + item.State.CircleClass + '"</div></td>';
$.each(item.Skills, function (j, skill) {
var klasa = "";
if (skill.IsActive == true) {
klasa = "hasSkill skillIsActive";
else if (skill.IsActive == false) {
klasa = "hasSkill skillIsInactive";
else {
klasa = "unableSkill";
html += '<td data-id="' + skill.Id + '" class="' + klasa + '" title="' + skill.Name + '">' + skill.ShortName + '</td>';
if (j == 25) {
return false;
html += '<td class="text-center extension">' + item.Extension + '</td>';
html += '<td class="text-center totalCalls">' + item.AvgCalls.TotalCalls + '</td>';
html += '<td class="text-center callsPerHour">' + item.AvgCalls.CallsPerHour + '</td>';
html += '<td class="text-center avgCallDuration">' + item.AvgCalls.AvgCallDuration + '</td>';
html += '</tr>';
else {
//else if its existing update datas
tr.removeClass('dontHaveSkills hasAllSkillsDisabled');
var detect = 'time' + (detectClass - 1);
if (!item.hasSkills) {
if (item.hasSkills && item.HasAllSkillsDisabled) {
var stateName = tr.children('.stateName');
stateName.children('div').removeClass('bereitName besetzName nbzName pauseName abgemeldetName');
var stateCircle = tr.children('.stateCircle');
stateCircle.children('div').removeClass('Online OnCall AfterTime Pause LoggedOff');
$.each(item.Skills, function (j, skill) {
var skillElement = tr.children('td[data-id="' + skill.Id + '"]');
if (!skillElement.hasClass('recentlyUpdated')) {
skillElement.removeClass('hasSkill skillIsActive skillIsInactive unableSkill');
if (skill.IsActive == true) {
skillElement.addClass('hasSkill skillIsActive');
else if (skill.IsActive == false) {
skillElement.addClass('hasSkill skillIsInactive');
else {
else {
if (j == 25) {
return false;
var extension = tr.children('.extension');
var totalCalls = tr.children('.totalCalls');
var callsPerHour = tr.children('.callsPerHour');
var avgCallDuration = tr.children('.avgCallDuration');
tr.addClass('time' + detectClass);
var allTr = $('tr.agentTr');
$('tr.agentTr').each(function (i, item) {
if (!$(item).hasClass('time' + detectClass)) {
function getSkillHeader() {
url: '#Url.Action("GetSkillHeaderWithAjax", "Home")',
success: function (data) {
if (data.length == 0) {
else {
if (data != false) {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var tr = $('tr[data-id="' + item.Id + '"].skillTr');
if (!tr.length) {
var html = '';
html += '<tr data-id="' + item.Id + '" class="skillTr">';
html += '<th class="name">' + item.Name + '</th>';
html += '<th class="text-center waitingQueue">~</th>';
html += '<th class="text-center activeCalls">~</th>';
html += '<th class="text-center totalFreeAgents">' + item.TotalFreeAgents + '</th>';
html += '<th class="text-center totalSignedInAgents">' + item.TotalSignedInAgents + '</th>';
html += '</tr>';
else {
var name = tr.children('.name');
var totalFreeAgents = tr.children('.totalFreeAgents');
var totalSignedInAgents = tr.children('.totalSignedInAgents');
//call getUserDatas method every 1 seconds
setInterval(function () {
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);
public ActionResult AddRemoveSkill(string userId, string skillId, bool add)
var skill = _sysCfgContext.GetUserSkill(Guid.Parse(userId), Guid.Parse(skillId));
if (add)
skill.IsActive = true;
skill.IsActive = false;
return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
return Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I'm using the assumption that those two functions aren't dependent upon one another.
function getUserDatas() {
var type = $('#Type').val();
var skill = $('#Skill').val();
return $.ajax(function() {
//Code omitted for brevity
function getSkillHeader() {
return $.ajax(function() {
//Code omitted for brevity
var interval = setInterval(function(){
$.when(getUserDatas(), getSkillHeader())
I have to add that this is the untested code.

How to loop 2 Dimensional Array on Google Script

There is a problem with my run time execution in my code. It takes too long to finish, since I have to loop a large amounts of data to look for matching data. I used array on the first loop value though, I don't know how to array the second value without affecting the first array.
Name of the first array : Source
Name of the Second array : Target
Here is my Code:
function inactive_sort_cebu() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('169vIeTMLK4zN5VGCw1ktRteCwMToU8eGABFDxg52QBk');
// var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];// Manila Roster
var sheet2 = ss.getSheets()[1];// Cebu Roster
var column = sheet2.getRange("C1:C").getValues();
var last = column.filter(String).length;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
var ss1 = SpreadsheetApp.openById('153ul2x2GpSopfMkCZiXCjmqdPTYhx4QiOdP5SBYzQkc');
// var sched_sheet = ss1.getSheets()[0];// ScheduledForm_Manila
var sched_sheet2 = ss1.getSheets()[1];// ScheduledForm_Cebu
var column2 = sched_sheet2.getRange("C1:C").getValues();
var last2 = column2.filter(String).length;
//// -------------------------Manila-Roster---------------------------------
var i= 2;
var column3 = sched_sheet2.getRange("J1:J").getValues();
var a = column3.filter(String).length - 1;
// var a = 0;
var source = sched_sheet2.getRange("C2:C").getValues();
for (a;a<=last2;){
/// this is the code that i need to array without affecting the other array which is the source variable
var target = sheet2.getRange("C"+ i).getValue();
if(source[a] == target){
// Get "No Schedule Request data on Cell H
var data = sched_sheet2.getRange("H"+(a+2)).getValue();
// Get "Schedule Request data on Cell F
var data1 = sched_sheet2.getRange("F"+(a+2)).getValue();
var condition_1 = sched_sheet2.getRange("D"+(a+2)).getValue();
var condition_2 = sched_sheet2.getRange("G"+(a+2)).getValue();
var format_Con_2 = Utilities.formatDate(condition_2, 'Asia/Manila', 'm/dd/yyyy');
var condition_3 = sched_sheet2.getRange("K"+ (a+2)).getValue();
var date = new Date();
var date_Manila = Utilities.formatDate(date, 'Asia/Manila', 'm/dd/yyyy');
if(condition_1 == "No Schedule Request" && format_Con_2 <= date_Manila && condition_3 ==""){
sheet2.getRange("AA"+ i).setValue("N - "+ data);
sched_sheet2.getRange("J"+ (a+2)).setValue("Cebu");
sched_sheet2.getRange("K"+ (a+2)).setValue("Done");
else if (condition_1 == "Schedule Request" && format_Con_2 <= date_Manila && condition_3 ==""){
sheet2.getRange("AA"+ i).setValue("Y - "+data1);
sched_sheet2.getRange("J"+ (a+2)).setValue("Cebu");
sched_sheet2.getRange("K"+ (a+2)).setValue("Done");
else {i++;}
This is a simple example of a web app that puts an editable spreadsheet on an HTML Page. Publish as a webapp. I loops through the 2D array that you get when you getValues from the getDataRange() method. In this case I'm just intertwining html into the mix.
var SSID='SpreadsheetID';
var sheetName='Sheet Name';
function htmlSpreadsheet(mode)
var mode=(typeof(mode)!='undefined')?mode:'dialog';
var br='<br />';
var s='';
var hdrRows=1;
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById(SSID);
var sht=ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var rng=sht.getDataRange();
var rngA=rng.getValues();
for(var i=0;i<rngA.length;i++)
for(var j=0;j<rngA[i].length;j++)
s+='<th id="cell' + i + j + '">' + '<input id="txt' + i + j + '" type="text" value="' + rngA[i][j] + '" size="10" onChange="updateSS(' + i + ',' + j + ');" />' + '</th>';
s+='<td id="cell' + i + j + '">' + '<input id="txt' + i + j + '" type="text" value="' + rngA[i][j] + '" size="10" onChange="updateSS(' + i + ',' + j + ');" />' + '</th>';
//s+='<div id="success"></div>';
switch (mode)
case 'dialog':
var userInterface=HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('htmlss').setWidth(1000).setHeight(450);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(userInterface, 'Spreadsheet Data for ' + ss.getName() + ' Sheet: ' + sht.getName());
case 'web':
var userInterface=HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('htmlss').setWidth(1000).setHeight(450);
return userInterface.append(s).setXFrameOptionsMode(HtmlService.XFrameOptionsMode.ALLOWALL);
function updateSpreadsheet(i,j,value)
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById(SSID);
var sht=ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var rng=sht.getDataRange();
var rngA=rng.getValues();
var data = {'message':'Cell[' + Number(i + 1) + '][' + Number(j + 1) + '] Has been updated', 'ridx': i, 'cidx': j};
return data;
function doGet()
var output=htmlSpreadsheet('web');
return output;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
function updateSS(i,j)
var str='#txt' + String(i) + String(j);
var value=$(str).val();
function successHandler(data)
$('#txt' + data.ridx + data.cidx).css('background-color','#ffffff');
console.log('My Code');
<div id="success"></div>

Scroll Events in TouchGridPanel

I am building a mobile application using Sencha Touch 1.0. I need to display report, for that am using grid given by Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel.
It is working fine.
Where as I need to capture Scroll event in Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel.
I have added 'scroll' in bubble event of Dataview.
I am also trying to capture the event after the Dataview created.
But nothing seems to be working. Below is the code which I have changed.
Does anybody has any idea how to capture the start of scroll event?
Thanks in advance.
Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
layout: "fit",
multiSelect: false,
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
me.items = me.dataview = me.buildDataView();
var store = me.store;
store.on("update", me.dispatchDataChanged, me);
var dataview = me.dataview;
dataview.on('scroll', me.startScroll);
dispatchDataChanged: function (store, rec, operation) {
var me = this;
me.fireEvent("storeupdate", store, rec, operation);
startScroll: function (scroller, offset) {
console.log('is this event captured???')
var me = this;
me.fireEvent("scroll", this.scroller, offset);
buildDataView: function () {
var me = this, colModel = me.colModel, colNum = me.getColNum(false), cellWidth = 100 / colNum,
colTpl = '<div class="x-grid-head">';
colTpl += '<thead><tr class="x-grid-header">';
for (var i = 0; i < colModel.length; i++) {
var col = colModel[i];
var width = (Ext.isDefined(col.width)) ? ("width =" + (col.width - 4) + "%") : '';
colTpl += '<th class="x-grid-cell" ' + width + ' style="' + col.style + '" >' + col.header + '</th>';
colTpl += '</tr></thead>';
colTpl += '<tbody ><tpl for="."><tr class="x-grid-row">';
for (var i = 0; i < colModel.length; i++) {
var col = colModel[i];
var width = (Ext.isDefined(col.width)) ? ("width =" + col.width + "%") : '';
colTpl += '<td class="x-grid-cell" style="' + col.style + '" >{' + col.mapping + '}</td>';
colTpl += '</tr></tpl></tbody>';
colTpl += '</table></div>'
return new Ext.DataView({
store: me.store,
itemSelector: "tr.x-grid-row",
simpleSelect: me.multiSelect,
scroll: me.scroll,
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(colTpl,
isRowDirty: function (dirty, data) {
return dirty ? "x-grid-row-dirty" : "";
prepareData: function (data, index, record) {
var column,
i = 0,
ln = colModel.length;
var prepare_data = {};
prepare_data.dirtyFields = {};
for (; i < ln; i++) {
column = colModel[i];
if (typeof column.renderer === "function") {
prepare_data[column.mapping] = column.renderer.apply(me, [data[column.mapping], column, record, index]);
} else {
prepare_data[column.mapping] = data[column.mapping];
prepare_data.isDirty = record.dirty;
prepare_data.rowIndex = index;
return prepare_data;
bubbleEvents: [
// #private
onScrollStart: function () {
console.log("Are you coming here");
var offset = this.scroller.getOffset();
this.closest = this.getClosestGroups(offset);
// #private
onScroll: function (scroller, pos, options) {
Ext.reg("touchgridpanel", Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel);
We can directly access dataview scroller and check event of the same.
For eg.
newGrid = new Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel({....
after creation of the Panel just access its dataview scroller
newGrid.dataview.scroller.on('scroll', scrollGrid1);
var scrollGrid1 = function(scroller, offsets){
console.log(' Grid scrolling with offset ' + offsets.x + ' & ' + offsets.y);
