AppInventor: QR code for .apk does not allow to download apk file - apk

I've built a simple "HelloWorld" Android app with MIT AppInventor and I would like to install it in my Smartphone. The App Inventor IDE offers me two choices from the 'Build' menu:
Provide QR code for .apk
Save .apk to my computer
The second option works: I transfer the .apk file to my smartphone and when I open the .apk file, the app gets installed.
But if I scan the generated QR code, it doesn't lead to the .apk file itself. Check for example the QR code in the image
If you scan it with your phone, it takes you to the following url:, which is not a download link for the .apk file.
I remember to have installed app-inventor apps with QR codes with the old IDE, but I can't make it work now.

Just go to the download folder in your phone and change the name of the file from namexxx to namexxx.apk, with the permission of installing from others and the AI2 MIT companion. It should work.


Bypass the signed .pkg file from apple gatekeeeper

I have built a macOS app. First I was distributing Unsigned .pkg. So whenever client try to install it
for opening the app, the client has to open through the following steps
System Preference >> Security and Privacy >> General tab >> Allow app downloaded from section >> click on Open anyway.
So he asked me to create the signed .pkg file. So users don't fear opening malicious software.
So with the following steps, I created signed .app and .pkg both.
So basically I follow these steps:
First I created the signed .app file using Apple Notarization and I exported my archive.
After getting my signed .app file I use Packages to create a .pkg file which is actually unsigned .pkg.
So with help of the following command, I create a signed .pkg
productsign -sign “Developer ID Installer: Your Apple Account Name (**********)” ~/Desktop/example.pkg ~/Desktop/signed-example.pkg
So finally I created my signed .pkg file.
So before distributing the app I thought of testing. So I uploaded the .pkg file to my google drive and downloaded it. I was trying to do as the user will do like download the .pkg file and open it.
So did I but when I opened it, it again showing the same above pop up when it was unsigned.
I didn't get the point even my signed .pkg file consider as malicious software.
How to remove this pop-up so users can directly install it without fear.
Any suggestions...

How to red an external file during the installation of an .appxbundle

I want to distribute my UWP app using side-loading.
I have created the .appxbundle using Visual Studio, and also EV code-signed it.
So, when the user clicks on the .appxbundle file, my app is properly installed and the user can start working with it!
In this way, I can place such .appxbundle on my website, and the users can download and install it. Marvelous.
Now, I would like to customize each download, by adding a file with some tracking information to attribute a download e.g. to a specific ad campaign that I am running.
So my server can generate a ZIP file containing the .appxbundle and a little .txt file containing the tracking info (I need to generate a separate file because the signed .appxbundle takes too long - several minutes - to regenerate each time).
The user then unzips the ZIP file, clicks on the .appxbundle and installs the app.
The tricky part is that, during the installation of the app, I would like to copy the .txt file into the LocalState folder of the app that is being installed.
Is it possible?
How can I do that?
If your users are going to install the app by clicking a ms-appinstaller:// link, you can attach extra data using the activationUri.
This can be a custom URL scheme that you register for your app with any url parameters. The appinstaller will call this url once the app is installed.
We use this to pass login information to the app, like this:
If your app registers for the my-app-track-install url scheme in the Appxmanifest, then from the apps perspective the first launch is then a url activation with the url you added as activationUri. In your case you would track the install, and then proceed to launch the app normally.
You can find more info on this in the example and remark for this (semi-related) api-documentation:

How to set up download path of Epub file

How can I set up my epub book (I made it) to be download to other folder than download folder on Android phone?.
Maybe to be downlaoader to folder where Kobo reader keeps Epub files?
Can i do than in manifest file?
Thnaks in advance.
In general, you cannot control from within your EPUB file where it is going to be downloaded on the filesystem of a particular device. (For example, on iOS there is no user-accessible filesystem, and EPUB is just a document format, like PDF or ODT!)
Where an EPUB file, once downloaded, ends up depends on which apps are available on the user's device.
For example, certain apps might register a suitable Intent and be able to "intercept" the EPUB file when you click the download link in the browser: once the download is completed, they might "move" the downloaded file into their app storage directory. Other apps might register an Intent telling Android that they can "open" EPUB files, but the app itself will not manage the download and file move, likely resulting in the EPUB file to be downloaded in the "Download" directory.
If you control the Web server from which users will download the EPUB file, you can make sure to set the appropriate MIME Type (served by the Web server) for the .epub file. See e.g. this:

Xcode 4 exported app gives error 'Can't Open Application...Classic Environment Not supported'?

I made a simple app, archived it and went into organizer. From there I clicked Distribute -> Export As Application -> Don't Resign and then saved it to my desktop. It runs fine then, but if I upload it to Mediafire and try to download it I get the error You can't open the application X because the Classic environment is no longer supported. when trying to run it. I didn't change any default settings.
How did you upload it? Did you wrap it in a zip archive or did you just upload the raw app bundle?
If you just uploaded the raw app then you will have destroyed the permissions and extended attributes on the executables, causing the app to fail to work when downloaded.
The system will see your main executable as a non-executable file, and the "Classic Environment" error message is just the default error message in this situation as it's the most likely reason for this issue.
Wrapping the app in a zip works because the zip format retains the permissions information for the files in the zip archive.
Hm for whatever reason I had to zip up the file before uploading it. Don't know exactly why, but that works.

Unexpected productuil submitting to the Mac App Store

So today I was going to upload my Mac app to the App Store. So I create the app id and everything and I make sure that I got everything right and then I find the .app file and compress it to a .zip.
After that I open Application Loader and it finds the created App ID and I get all the info I've filled in on itunes connect and then I click choose to find my .zip file but when I find it it's not selectable.
I also tried to go File > Open and then I was able to select the .zip file and then I selected the App ID etc but when I click send I get these 2 errors:
The archive is invalid. Unexpected productuil output: the prodcut-metadata must be present
Product archive "/User/Kevin/Desktop/Mini" is not valid ((null))
What should I do?
You should probably be using the archiving utility now bundled in Xcode. You can read more about it here.
