Unity UI is blured when centered - user-interface

Today, I am facing problem. I am using the new Unity UI, but when I select that I want to center it, it gets blured. Is there any way to fix it?
Version: 2017.2.0f3
Platform: Windows 10

Oh. I solved it! It is because I have not checked Pixel Perfect option in canvas.


UNITY werid bars on the side

When I launch my unity program weird black bars load on the side here a picture i've tried changing the settings
I found the awnser I just changed to exclusive fullscreen in project setting thx for trying to help

Make current screen into BLUR on Xamarin.forms

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms PCL project.
I just wanted to know if there is some way to make current screen into blur screen.
I will put something on it.
I'm using SkiaSharp 2d library for XF which works great and support blur image.
But it's for image file to make blur.
Should I take a screenshot for current screen and put it on the top and make it blur?
Any tip will be helpful.
For iOS for blur you may try https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms.Essentials.Controls/
For Android and Win there seems to be no such a straightforward functionality but one can try creating some bitmaps and blurring them.
The Sharpnado.MaterialFrame supports blurred background:

CSS3 Radial Gradient pulsating waves on Macbook Pro OSX 10.10 using Chrome

I'm experiencing issues with the following code
background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center center, circle cover, #706358, #302B29)
The gradient is showing up correctly but with pulsing waves on MacBook Pro's, from what I can tell.
I have a attached an image, but of course you need a macbook pro to be able to view the issue.
This is a well known issue of Google Chrome: see here
At the moment there are no fixes, your only choices are...
Disable the automatic GPU-Switching on your Macbook Pro
...or use another browser. Safari and Firefox are working fine.
Does this happen with all gradients, or just this one?
When you mentioned "pulsating waves", I instantly thought of the "moire effect".
Some displays combined with some color bit depth settings can render this effect.

Is joyride responsive?

I have recently started playing around with joyride. It is superb. However, I am having some major responsive issues. When I resize my browser, the tip position changes. For instance, when the original position is 'top' it suddenly changes to 'bottom' when I resize the browser.
I have looked everywhere for a solution but unable to find why this is happening.
Is anyone experiencing this issue and/or know a way around this?
Thanks in advance!
Responsive web design is not about manually resizing your browser, the foundation needs to load to calculte the co-ords of the page?

Animation origin not working correctly Monogame 3.0

I've been working on a new game, and I just put in my first animation, an explosion.
The problem is this. The explosions spritesheet is 1200x100, made up of 12 100x100 frames.
The explosion animates fine EXCEPT the origin is behaving strange. I want the explosion to be centered, so I specify 50, 50 as I've done on previous games in the past. This centers in the Y direction but in the X direction its only moved slightly.
After some fiddling I noticed that if I put the origin as 600, 50 (half the spritesheets width) it centers correctly. This makes no sense. I've used this animation code before and never had this problem. I've ensured the values are all being passed correctly, and the destination and source rectangles look to be correct... I am STUMPED!!
I tested Monogame and there is something going on between XNA vs monogame.
I've made this sample for anyone whos interested to download and inspect for themselves.
As you'll see, in the XNA version the black dot is in the middle as it should be, but on the monogame version its way off center.
Not sure whats causing this. Rectangle or spritebatch.draw differences? or perhaps its the way the textures are processed using the monogame content project. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
To run this you'll need xna 4.0 installed as well as monogame 3.0
Well I've figured it out!
Seems it was a problem with the content builder in the 3.0 monogame release.
Today the 3.0.1 release came out, so I uninstalled 3.0 and installed 3.0.1.
I then ran the project, the problem still remained. So i opened my content project, rebuilt all my content, copied over the files and tries again, problem solved!!! :D
TY Dr. Asik for spurring me into the right direction! :)
