Can we use Ant jar for ANT_HOME on Windows? - windows

JAVA_HOME environment variable works fine (java -version works).
ANT_HOME pointing to C:\antdir\ant-1.8.2.jar isn't working.
Path command clearly displays that both JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME are added.
Is ant jar valid for ANT_HOME configuration?

In Windows, Ant is launched from ant.bat, which exists in the bin directory within the downloadable zip. Simply extract the zip to wherever you want ANT_HOME to be, and point your PATH environment variable to its bin subdirectory.
Theoretically, you could run Ant straight from the jar, but you'd first have to reproduce much of the complicated configuration that takes place within ant.bat. Just adding it to your path wouldn't be enough. Probably wouldn't be worth it unless you have a very specific reason to do so.


How to set up sbt on Windows to select a specific JDK (among available JDKs)?

Is there a way to tell SBT which (locally) installed JDK to use?
I am quite certain I could change PATH and JAVA_HOME but I'd rather not change those settings since they apply for the whole system (Windows in that case).
I am more looking for a command line parameter of some sort.
If you're looking to specify a JDK for running SBT (rather than a JDK to use for running your code and/or tests from within SBT), you can make use of the JAVA_HOMES environment variable, plus a .java-version file in your project.
This is described in SBT's sbt.bat file (typically installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin) as a "poor man's jenv", which isn't currently available on Windows.
(If you're looking for a similar solution for Linux or MacOS, you can either use jEnv, or specify the Java home directory via the -java-home SBT command line option—which also, sadly, isn't currently implemented on Windows.)
The JAVA_HOMES environment variable (not to be confused with JAVA_HOME) is used by SBT to identify a directory that contains one or more JDK installations. For example, if you're using AdoptOpenJDK's JDK distributions (recommended on Windows, if Oracle's new licensing restrictions are a problem for you), then this would typically be defined as C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK.
Let's say that you have two such JDK installations in the JAVA_HOMES directory: one in a subdirectory named jdk-; another in the jdk- subdirectory. You can select which JDK you want to use, on a project-by-project basis, by creating a file called .java-version in the root directory of each SBT project. To use the JDK in the jdk- subdirectory, this file should then contain:
When you run the sbt command, if you have JAVA_HOMES defined, SBT will look for a .java-version file in the project's root directory. If it finds it, it creates a local version of JAVA_HOME that is defined as JAVA_HOMES plus the last line of .java-version. It also adds this JAVA_HOME's bin directory to the path. (It also creates a JDK_HOME process-local environment variable with the same value.)
This should do what you want. Although it's not a command line-based solution, it doesn't adversely affect other users, and allows each SBT project to be configured individually. If you do not have permission to create a system-wide environment variable, you should still be able to create a user-specific JAVA_HOMES environment variable. Note that when using this solution, the JDK that SBT uses is then not necessarily the one identified by your system-wide (or user-specific) JAVA_HOME environment variable. (If you have not defined JAVA_HOMES, then SBT will expect you to have defined a valid JAVA_HOME variable.)
One word of caution: if you commit .java-version to source control, you must ensure that everyone defines a valid JAVA_HOMES environment variable, and has a JDK with the exact same name installed in that directory.

Apache Maven is not configured properly into System vairable

I have latest version of Apache Maven 3.3.9 residing in my drive downloaded from here. I need it for configuring Appium tool to perform automated testing of Android applications. I have Maven plugin already configured with my Eclipse IDE. I went through few articles and got to know that I have to configure Maven into system variables as well. I set system variables, path for it as below.
M2HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9
M2 = %M2HOME%\bin
path = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin;%M2%
I tried running mvn , mvn -version from cmd prompt to check successful configuration of Maven but it gave me nothing. I tried navigating to the bin folder and re run the command but still the result is same. I even changed my path variable to have absolute path of Apache Maven i.e path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin
To be further sure I copied the Apache Maven to a different folder just because it had spaces in between Program Files and Program Files (x86) but still the command prompt is as below:
I had followed above steps referring various articles in google. I'm not getting if I have committed any unseen mistake.
P.S: I have even tried above commands with cmd running as an administrator
Try mvn --version (with two dashes). mvn -v should also work. If Maven is not being executed at all, I suggest you try mvn.bat.
Some Command Prompt configurations will refuse to run .bat-files without the extension unless you explicitly tell them to.
It's probably a good idea to run where mvn in your Command Prompt as well. You should get this:
if everything it set up correctly.
You should define M2_HOME variable. (Not M2HOME). Make sure it looks like this:
You said that you copied your maven to the location without spaces. That's a good idea. But it looks like your Path system variable points to the old location of maven. Make sure to change it. (What is the current location of maven?)
BTW mvn -version works as well as mvn --version

Maven3 user.home vs environment variable HOME

There seems to be a problem with the system properties in Maven. It seems that system properties don't correspond to the environment variables.
The situation is that I would like to the change the absolute location of the user-specific settings.xml file, as the Maven document says
If you need to create user-specific settings from scratch, it’s
easiest to copy the global settings from your Maven installation to
your ${user.home}/.m2 directory
which means that the only way to change the absolute location of the user-specific file is to change the user.home property. But it seems that this is not exactly the HOME or HOMEPATH environment variable. In fact, I deleted all the environment variables such as HOME and HOMEPATH, and run mvn using mvn -X just to see the user-specific settings.xml that mvn uses. The result is the following (I am in Windows 7 and I run the command in cmd.exe):
Maven still finds a user.home property, however, I haven't set such a environment variable. To verify this, I then run the set command to see all the environment variables but find nothing about the path d:\Userfiles\xili\ which is used by Maven as the user.home system property. By the way, there is no settings.xml file in this path, because I haven't put any file in this path.
How maven figure out such a path as user.home?
The answer is here!
In fact, in Windows, the JVM uses the PATH_TO_DESKTOP_FOLDER_AS_SET_IN_THE_REGISTRY as the reference to determine wheres is the user.home.
user.home is just the parent folder of the above path. That't it, this has nothing to do with the HOME or HOMEPATH enviroment variable.
In the source code of Maven, there should be some code like System.getProperty('user.home').

Set JDK home (javac path) in user's

I need to specify the path to javac in my gradle project. I can do this by adding the following to my build.gradle file:
options.forkOptions.executable = '/home/mj/lib/jdk1.7.0_80/bin/javac'
The problem is that this file is shared in our repository and I do not want the setting to get pushed there. I tried putting it in my local file, but it didn't work. Also setting does not affect this. I guess it's because gradle uses for java and not for javac, right? I also (hopelessly) tried setting a gradle.jdk.home which (not surprisingly) didn't work either!
Is there any place outside the project that is included in build.gradle?
In your
In your build.gradle
options.forkOptions.executable ='javacPath')
Using a path relative to "java.home" has worked for us. Not elegant, but this does not need another setting. The reason why we need this in the first place is that we build with a JDK that's part of the working copy, not pre-installed with the Jenkins slave. We have no javac/JDK on the slave, just a JRE to run the Jenkins slave. Our gradlew in the working copy points to the JDK next to it.
compileJava {
options.fork = true
options.forkOptions.executable = "${['java.home']}/../bin/javac"
(Note: At Java run time, java.home points to the $JAVA_HOME/jre folder within the JDK. That's one below where the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to.)
It's closing in on the end of 2021 and there's a much simpler approach now. In your project's root directory add the following to your file (add the file, too, if it doesn't exist):

How to represent directory of IzPack installer?

I'm using Maven and IzPack. I'm looking for a way to put a file into the directory of the installer file. In the install.xml I've got a file tag set with a targetdir of "." but that will only work if the installer is executed from that directory. If executed from a different directory, the file is put in the current working directory of the user instead.
Having checked IzPack documentation, there's a built-in variable for $INSTALL_PATH, but I need the path of the installer. There's no way to predict where this installer will be when executed so specifying a pre-set directory won't work. Trying to specify the local directory via Maven just gives the path to the POM.
Is there an undocumented variable that would do the job or something else I've overlooked?
