Can't access user model in middleware - laravel

I created a custom middleware for checking if request is submitted by user who owns the resource or owned by admin.
Route::middleware(['web', 'selforadmin'])->group(function () {
Route::post('users/update-account/{id}', 'UsersController#UpdateAccount');
Route::post('users/update-email/{id}', 'UsersController#UpdateEmail');
Route::post('users/update-password/{id}', 'UsersController#UpdatePassword');
and then the middleware handler:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
return $next($request);
But I don't know why user model is not accessible here. I read that request needs to pass from web middleware first so I did but still can't access this middleware.
It gives null on $request->user() or Auth::user()
I am using Laravel 5.4
Middleware is being called as I see other inputs. Only Auth is empty. And User is logged.

You can't access using models directly in middleware. You need to define a terminate method in your middleware to perform some processing after response has been sent to browser.
public function terminate($request, $response)
// Your code ...

If user is not logged in it will always return null.
There are two solution for this.
First is, check if $request->user() is not null.
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
// do your stuff
// do otherwise
return $next($request);
Second is, add auth middleware before your middleware to assure that only logged in users are allowed.
Route::middleware(['web', 'auth', 'selforadmin'])->group(function () {
// .....


How to register middleware in routes file to be handled after request is processed

I have a login route that makes sure that a user is verified before logging in like so.
Route::post('/login', [AuthController::class, 'login'])->middleware('userIsVerified');
However in the case of the user entering a wrong password, it passes through the middleware first and then returns that the user is not verified in case of the user is not verified.
How to tweak this middleware to make it run after the request is processed by the controller?
Here is the middleware code:
class UserIsVerified
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
if (auth()->user()) {
$userIsVerified = auth()->user()->verified;
} else {
$user = Client::where('phone', $request->phone)->first();
if (!$user)
return response(['message' => 'User doesnt exist.'], Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
$userIsVerified = $user->verified;
if (!! $userIsVerified)
return $next($request);
return response(['message' => 'User is not verified.'], Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
Laravel middleware has one more method callled terminate(), this method apply after the response. Its called terminable middleware.
Read More About terminate

Laravel Custom Middleware

I am trying to achieve this using middleware
Route::get('/test', 'TestController#index')->middleware('TestLogin');
redirect to /test if session is found
Route::get('/test1', 'TestController#index1')->middleware('TestLogin');
redirect to test1 if session is set
Middleware -TestLogin
public function handle($request, Closure $next)`
return redirect()->route(\);
// what to write here to redirect to the path its being called from
return redirect()->route('login');
don't want to use default auth middleware
Your middleware is suppose to check the login (session), if it is not found then redirect to login page otherwise it should pass the request. Something like this:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
// No login session, redirect
return redirect()->route('login');
// Pass the request down the rest of pipeline
return $next($request);
You should consider to use built in authentication system in Laravel itself, it will save you lots of code and you can be sure the auth is handled correctly in security point of view.

Custom Auth Middleware not redirecting properly for unauthorized user

I have created a custom auth controller for recognising unauthorized user and redirect them to login path. If logged in the middlewre is working absolutely fine, but showing error if not logged in. Here is my code
class CheckUserAuthenticated
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if(auth()->check()) {
$user_id = auth()->user()->id;
define('authenticated_user_id' ,$user_id);
return $next($request);
return redirect('login'); // this code is not working
try this hope it help
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if(auth()->check()) {
$user_id = auth()->user()->id;
define('authenticated_user_id' ,$user_id);
return $next($request);
return redirect('/login'); OR return redirect(route('login'));
class CheckUserAuthenticated
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if(auth()->check()) {
$user_id = auth()->user()->id;
define('authenticated_user_id' ,$user_id);
return $next($request);
// return redirect('login'); // this code is not working
return redirect()->guest('/login');
redirect()->guest() will redirect if there is no authenticated user.
Example: If an authenticated user is logged in, it won't redirect them as they aren't a guest. If a user isn't logged in, the redirect will happen.
The issue is in circular routing, you are calling from one route, and then return to the same route from the middleware, so your request never reaches the endpoint.
if you call middleware on the...
...then middleware can not route to 'login' on the fail...
return redirect('login');
... because it will create the loop that never ends. The middleware should reroute to something else, or be placed on other route like 'admin'...
You probably have the middleware on the 'login', that creates the loop, just remove it.

laravel: how to stay login until a condition becomes false?

I have a field (can_login) in my users table.
normally,users can login. and logout with this code:
I want, when each time a logged-in user refresh a page,
laravel check can_login in user table.
if can_login is false, then auto logout.
I try this in RouteServiceProvider
public function boot()
return route('logout');
but auth()->user() is always empty.
You can use a middleware or add a check to your existing authentication middleware.
On each request it passes through a middleware to check if user is authenticated and after that auth()->user() will not be empty.
Simplest solution would be to create a middleware in app/Http/Middlewares/CheckUserCanLoginMiddleware.php
class CheckUserCanLoginMiddleware
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
) {
if ($request->user()->can_login ?? false) {
return $this->sendUnauthorizedResponse();
return $next($request);
And then register it as a routeMiddleware` in your bootstrap/app.php file.
The last thing you need is to use it to our routes middlewares after authentication middleware.

Laravel 5 restrict access to pages using middleware

I am working on a laravel project and i need to restrict access to some pages such that only authenticated users can view that page.
To do this, created a middleware: php artisan make:middleware OnlyRegisteredUser
and registered it in the $routemiddleware inside App\Http\kernel.php as
'onlyregistereduser' => \App\Http\Middleware\OnlyRegisteredUser::class,
and this is the class. it redirects user to auth/login if not logged in
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $right=null)
$user = $request->user();
if ($user && $user->onlyregistereduser()) {
return $next($request);
return redirect('auth/login');
Here is my route:
Route::get('admin/poem', ['middleware' => 'onlyregistereduser:admin', 'uses'=>'PoemsController#poem']);
admin is a parameter passed to my middleware. It is taken from my user model which has an `enum' column as follows:
public function up()
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->enum('rights', ['admin', 'guest'])->nullable();
// ...
Now to restrict access to some of my controller methods, e.g create, i added a constructor to my PoemsController as shown:
public function __construct()
My problem now is that this caused every single route to the PoemsController to redirect me to the login page. And again after login in, it doesn't take me to the page i intended to visit. it takes me instead to the home page. What i want is to restrict access to only some of the controller methods and not all of them and to be able to redirect to the intended page after user login.
I hope you understand my problem.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Remove the middleware from constructor, you don't have to add middleware to both route and costructor. That should solve your ". What i want is to restrict access to only some of the controller methods and not all of them" issue.
For othe issue modify your middleware like this
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $right=null)
$user = $request->user();
if ($user && $user->onlyregistereduser()) {
return $next($request);
$request_url = $request->path();
session()->put('login_refferrer', $request_url);
return redirect('auth/login');
and before redirect user after login
$url = session()->pull('login_refferrer');
return redirect($url);
