jmeter remote testing - IP address - jmeter

Is it possible to configure which IP address should jmeter-server use?
We have 1 Windows jMeter client server and 2 Linux jMeter server.
Linux 1:
Linux 2:
I send execution of test to the slaves on IPs: and, but slaves try to send me results back on IPs and
I get an Error:
2017/11/03 22:18:09 ERROR - jmeter.samplers.RemoteListenerWrapper: testStarted(host) java.rmi.ConnectIOException: Exception creating connection to:; nested exception is: No route to host
Backup-IP communication is forbidden, so I have to use only User-IP. How to hande this?
still the same problem.
root#slave02jm:/usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0/bin : ps -ef | grep jmeter
root 31350 30659 0 09:38 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./jmeter-server
root 31352 31350 0 09:38 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./jmeter -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -Dserver_port=1099 -s -j jmeter-server.log
root 31381 31352 9 09:38 pts/0 00:00:00 java -server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xms1024m -Xmx6144m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=2 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -jar ./ApacheJMeter.jar -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -Dserver_port=1099 -s -j jmeter-server.log
2017/11/04 09:38:23 INFO - jmeter.util.JMeterUtils: Setting Locale to en_US
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Loading user properties from: /usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0/bin/
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Loading system properties from: /usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0/bin/
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Setting System property: java.rmi.server.hostname=
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Setting System property: server_port=1099
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Copyright (c) 1998-2016 The Apache Software Foundation
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Version 3.0 r1743807
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: java.version=1.8.0_102
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter:
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: os.arch=amd64
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: os.version=3.0.101-108.10-default
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: file.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Max memory =5726797824
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Available Processors =4
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Default Locale=English (United States)
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: JMeter Locale=English (United States)
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: JMeterHome=/usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: user.dir =/usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0/bin
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: PWD =/usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0/bin
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: IP: Name: slave02 FullName: slave02
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Starting backing engine on 1099
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Resolving by name the value of System property 'java.rmi.server.hostname':
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Local IP address=
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Creating RMI registry (server.rmi.create=true)
2017/11/04 09:38:24 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Bound to registry on port 1099
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.samplers.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager: Settings: Delete null: true Check: true Allow variable: true Save: false Prefix: COOKIE_
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/html is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xhtml+xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/vnd.wap.wml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.RegexpHTMLParser
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/css is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.CssParser
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.control.CacheManager: Will only cache the following methods: [GET]
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.samplers.BatchSampleSender: Using batching for this run. Thresholds: num=100, time=60000
2017/11/04 09:38:57 INFO - jmeter.samplers.DataStrippingSampleSender: Using DataStrippingSampleSender for this run
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Creating JMeter engine on host slave02 base '.'
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Remote client host:
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - Default base='/usr/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.0/bin'
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - Set new base='.'
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Applying properties {}
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Running test
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Running the test!
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.samplers.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.util.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must contain the string: '.functions.'
2017/11/04 09:39:00 INFO - jmeter.engine.util.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must not contain the string: '.gui.'
2017/11/04 09:39:03 ERROR - jmeter.samplers.RemoteListenerWrapper: testStarted(host) java.rmi.ConnectIOException: Exception creating connection to:; nested exception is: No route to host
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1.testStarted(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.jmeter.samplers.RemoteListenerWrapper.testStarted(
at org.apache.jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine.notifyTestListenersOfStart(
Caused by: No route to host
at Method)
at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIDirectSocketFactory.createSocket(
at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIMasterSocketFactory.createSocket(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(
... 10 more
do you see any problem?
Thanks for your help.

When starting the jmeter-server ensure you add
This will do what you want

configuration setting in (jmeter Windows client) do the trick java.rmi.server.hostname=


I'm getting 100% ERROR in Blaze meter when I run my JMX script which has 3 CSV data config files

KPI log
1637689348093,392388,GenerateToken,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,"Non HTTP response message: Connect to [,,] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)",Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-3,false,2976,5,5,0,3d8ec0ef127d,392388
1637689348093,392388,GenerateToken,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,"Non HTTP response message: Connect to [,,] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)",Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-1,false,2976,5,5,0,3d8ec0ef127d,392388
1637689348093,392388,GenerateToken,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,"Non HTTP response message: Connect to [,,] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)",Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-4,false,2976,5,5,0,3d8ec0ef127d,392388
1637689348093,392388,GenerateToken,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,"Non HTTP response message: Connect to [,,] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)",Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-5,false,2976,5,5,0,3d8ec0ef127d,392388
1637689348093,392388,GenerateToken,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,"Non HTTP response message: Connect to [,,] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)",Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-2,false,2976,5,5,0,3d8ec0ef127d,392388
When I run the JMX script which has 3 CSV data config file in JMETER it working fine, but When I run the same file in Blaze meter with (5 ur,1min duration) getting the error 443(connection timed out, browser crash)error rate is 100%. running test in private account in blaze meter
1.uploaded the 3 csv files and JMX in blaze meter
2.In the place of path of csv in csv config I have given the name of csv file not path
3.In blaze meter it shows response as-non http
I have tried every thing "Implementation" added some lines in "user. Properties"
using the latest version of JMeter
Thanks in advance
***I have used http samplers.
2021-11-23 17:42:27,293 INFO o.a.j.u.JMeterUtils: Setting Locale to en_US
2021-11-23 17:42:27,307 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading user properties from: /shared/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/5.2.1/bin/
2021-11-23 17:42:27,308 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading system properties from: /shared/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/5.2.1/bin/
2021-11-23 17:42:27,308 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading additional properties from: /tmp/artifacts/
2021-11-23 17:42:27,309 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Copyright (c) 1998-2019 The Apache Software Foundation
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Version 5.2.1
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.version=1.8.0_292
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: 64-Bit Server VM
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter:
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.arch=amd64
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.version=4.14.225-168.357.amzn2.x86_64
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: file.encoding=UTF-8
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.awt.headless=true
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Max memory =4250402816
2021-11-23 17:42:27,310 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Available Processors =8
2021-11-23 17:42:27,313 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Default Locale=English (United States)
2021-11-23 17:42:27,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeter Locale=English (United States)
2021-11-23 17:42:27,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeterHome=/shared/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/5.2.1
2021-11-23 17:42:27,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: user.dir =/tmp/artifacts
2021-11-23 17:42:27,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: PWD =/tmp/artifacts
2021-11-23 17:42:27,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: IP: Name: 3d8ec0ef127d FullName: 3d8ec0ef127d
2021-11-23 17:42:27,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: user.classpath=/tmp/artifacts:/tmp/artifacts
2021-11-23 17:42:27,315 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Adding to classpath and loader: /tmp/artifacts
2021-11-23 17:42:27,315 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Adding to classpath and loader: /tmp/artifacts
2021-11-23 17:42:27,320 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Default base='/tmp/artifacts'
2021-11-23 17:42:27,321 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Set new base='/tmp/artifacts'
2021-11-23 17:42:27,427 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Testplan (JMX) version: 2.2. Testlog (JTL) version: 2.2
2021-11-23 17:42:27,432 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Using SaveService properties file encoding UTF-8
2021-11-23 17:42:27,437 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Using SaveService properties version 5.0
2021-11-23 17:42:27,443 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Loading file: /tmp/artifacts/modified_sample_report_portal.jmx
2021-11-23 17:42:27,496 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/html is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-11-23 17:42:27,496 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xhtml+xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-11-23 17:42:27,496 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-11-23 17:42:27,496 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-11-23 17:42:27,496 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/vnd.wap.wml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.RegexpHTMLParser
2021-11-23 17:42:27,496 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/css is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.CssParser
2021-11-23 17:42:27,544 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Running the test!
2021-11-23 17:42:27,545 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2021-11-23 17:42:27,545 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2021-11-23 17:42:27,546 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Starting Beanshell server (9000,)
2021-11-23 17:42:27,552 INFO o.a.j.e.u.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must contain the string: '.functions.'
2021-11-23 17:42:27,552 INFO o.a.j.e.u.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must not contain the string: '.gui.'
2021-11-23 17:42:27,893 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Running test (1637689347893)
2021-11-23 17:42:27,951 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting ThreadGroup: 1 : Report_Portal
2021-11-23 17:42:27,951 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting 5 threads for group Report_Portal.
2021-11-23 17:42:27,951 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Thread will continue on error
2021-11-23 17:42:27,955 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: All thread groups have been started
2021-11-23 17:42:27,955 INFO c.b.j.t.c.ConcurrencyThreadStarter: Start supplying threads
2021-11-23 17:42:27,960 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: Note: Sample TimeStamps are START times
2021-11-23 17:42:27,960 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.default.encoding is set to UTF-8
2021-11-23 17:42:27,960 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.useNanoTime=true
2021-11-23 17:42:27,960 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep=5000
2021-11-23 17:42:27,991 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-2
2021-11-23 17:42:27,991 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-5
2021-11-23 17:42:27,991 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-1
2021-11-23 17:42:27,991 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-4
2021-11-23 17:42:27,991 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Report_Portal-ThreadStarter 1-3
2021-11-23 17:42:27,993 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Stored: launch_names.csv
2021-11-23 17:42:28,009 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPHCAbstractImpl: Local host = 3d8ec0ef127d
2021-11-23 17:42:28,015 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPHC4Impl: HTTP request retry count = 0
2021-11-23 17:42:28,125 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.h.LazyLayeredConnectionSocketFactory: Setting up HTTPS TrustAll Socket Factory
2021-11-23 17:42:28,134 INFO o.a.j.u.JsseSSLManager: Using default SSL protocol: TLS
2021-11-23 17:42:28,134 INFO o.a.j.u.JsseSSLManager: SSL session context: per-thread
2021-11-23 17:43:27,978 INFO c.b.j.t.c.ConcurrencyThreadStarter: Done supplying threads
No one will be able to help unless you provide more details like:
schematic view of your test plan so we could see which Samplers are being used
JMeter Log file
kpi.jtl from Test Artifacts
optionally bzt.log
If you're a BlazeMeter customer it may make more sense considering opening a BlazeMeter Support Ticket

Taurus master shuts down test run when connecting to jmeter slaves in the same network on azure

Error image
I am running taurus in master node in distributed mode and jmeter in slave node. Slave is running jmeter server properly but master is unable to perform the test. Master instance is able to reach the remote host on the ip but the test plan execution fails. I am pinging bng url in taurus yml scenario.
Below is the jmeter log for reference.
13:07:38 ERROR: JMeter log:
2021-10-12 13:07:29,533 INFO o.a.j.u.JMeterUtils: Setting Locale to en_EN
2021-10-12 13:07:29,550 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading user properties from: /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4/bin/
2021-10-12 13:07:29,550 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading system properties from: /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4/bin/
2021-10-12 13:07:29,551 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading additional properties from: /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107/
2021-10-12 13:07:29,551 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Setting Global properties from the file /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107/
2021-10-12 13:07:29,551 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Setting System properties from file: /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107/
2021-10-12 13:07:29,615 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Copyright (c) 1998-2020 The Apache Software Foundation
2021-10-12 13:07:29,615 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Version 5.4
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.version=1.8.0_275
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: 64-Bit Server VM
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter:
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.arch=amd64
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.version=4.15.0-1113-azure
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: file.encoding=UTF-8
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.awt.headless=true
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Max memory =4294967296
2021-10-12 13:07:29,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Available Processors =1
2021-10-12 13:07:29,625 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Default Locale=English (EN)
2021-10-12 13:07:29,625 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeter Locale=English (EN)
2021-10-12 13:07:29,625 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeterHome=/opt/apache-jmeter-5.4
2021-10-12 13:07:29,625 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: user.dir =/root/bzt
2021-10-12 13:07:29,626 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: PWD =/root/bzt
2021-10-12 13:07:29,626 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: IP: Name: wk-caas-72db06a10f1e40fba0235dcea9465aaf-bd09aa1593d47434818635 FullName: wk-caas-72db06a10f1e40fba0235dcea9465aaf-bd09aa1593d47434818635
2021-10-12 13:07:29,626 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: user.classpath=/root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107:/root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107
2021-10-12 13:07:29,626 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Adding to classpath and loader: /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107
2021-10-12 13:07:29,627 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Adding to classpath and loader: /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107
2021-10-12 13:07:29,635 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Default base='/root/bzt'
2021-10-12 13:07:29,636 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Set new base='/root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107'
2021-10-12 13:07:29,963 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Testplan (JMX) version: 2.2. Testlog (JTL) version: 2.2
2021-10-12 13:07:30,057 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Using SaveService properties file encoding UTF-8
2021-10-12 13:07:30,063 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Using SaveService properties version 5.0
2021-10-12 13:07:30,072 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Loading file: /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107/modified_requests.jmx
2021-10-12 13:07:30,144 INFO o.a.j.p.h.c.CacheManager: Will only cache the following methods: [GET]
2021-10-12 13:07:30,146 INFO o.a.j.p.h.c.CookieManager: Settings: Delete null: true Check: true Allow variable: true Save: false Prefix: COOKIE_
2021-10-12 13:07:30,226 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/html is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-10-12 13:07:30,226 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xhtml+xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-10-12 13:07:30,226 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-10-12 13:07:30,226 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2021-10-12 13:07:30,226 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/vnd.wap.wml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.RegexpHTMLParser
2021-10-12 13:07:30,227 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/css is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.CssParser
2021-10-12 13:07:30,339 INFO o.a.j.e.DistributedRunner: Configuring remote engine:
2021-10-12 13:07:30,341 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:30,421 INFO o.a.j.e.DistributedRunner: Starting distributed test with remote engines: [] # Tue Oct 12 13:07:30 GMT 2021 (1634044050419)
2021-10-12 13:07:30,421 INFO o.a.j.e.ClientJMeterEngine: running clientengine run method
2021-10-12 13:07:30,427 INFO o.a.j.e.u.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must contain the string: '.functions.'
2021-10-12 13:07:30,427 INFO o.a.j.e.u.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must not contain the string: '.gui.'
2021-10-12 13:07:31,313 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:31,313 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:31,316 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2021-10-12 13:07:31,323 INFO o.a.j.s.BatchSampleSender: Using batching (client settings) for this run. Thresholds: num=100, time=60000
2021-10-12 13:07:31,323 INFO o.a.j.s.DataStrippingSampleSender: Using DataStrippingSampleSender for this run
2021-10-12 13:07:31,323 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:31,323 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:31,324 INFO o.a.j.s.BatchSampleSender: Using batching (client settings) for this run. Thresholds: num=100, time=60000
2021-10-12 13:07:31,324 INFO o.a.j.s.DataStrippingSampleSender: Using DataStrippingSampleSender for this run
2021-10-12 13:07:31,325 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:31,325 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:32,217 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:32,217 INFO o.a.j.r.RmiUtils: Disabling SSL for RMI as server.rmi.ssl.disable is set to 'true'
2021-10-12 13:07:32,350 INFO o.a.j.e.ClientJMeterEngine: sent test to basedir='2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107'
2021-10-12 13:07:32,351 INFO o.a.j.e.ClientJMeterEngine: Sending properties {user.classpath=/root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107:/root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107, jmeterengine.force.system.exit=true,,, sampleresult.default.encoding=UTF-8, jmeterengine.nongui.port=4445, client.rmi.localport=1099,,, server.rmi.ssl.disable=True, loops=10, rampup=10, jmeterengine.nongui.maxport=4445, threads=2}
2021-10-12 13:07:32,423 INFO o.a.j.e.ClientJMeterEngine: sent run command to
2021-10-12 13:07:32,423 INFO o.a.j.e.DistributedRunner: Remote engines have been started:[]
2021-10-12 13:07:32,439 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Started remote host: (1634044052439)
2021-10-12 13:07:32,561 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Finished remote host: (1634044052561)
2021-10-12 13:07:32,561 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: All remote engines have ended test, starting RemoteTestStopper thread
2021-10-12 13:07:37,565 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Interrupting RMI Reaper
13:07:38 INFO: Artifacts dir: /root/bzt/2021-10-12_13-07-24.364107
13:07:38 WARNING: Done performing with code: 1
2021-10-12 13:07:32,439 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Started remote host: (1634044052439)
2021-10-12 13:07:32,561 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Finished remote host: (1634044052561)
Are you sure that your test is supposed to finish in 122 milliseconds?
If yes, are you sure that the slave can reach the master in order to transfer the results back?
Make sure that you can connect from the slave to the port you define as the client.rmi.localport, this port is open in OS firewall and in Azure Network Security Groups, etc.
Also jmeter-server.log file from the slave should contain some information regarding the failure.
More information:
Remote hosts and RMI configuration
JMeter Distributed Testing with Docker - there you can see how and what ports to open and how to specify the ports on the master and slaves

JMeter.bat runs but doesn't start application

I downloaded JMeter v5.1.1 and tried to run it (double click on 'jmeter.bat') but only Commpand Prompt window starts for a brief while and closes automatically. After that nothing happens
I verified that I have a Java installed with following output
java version "9"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9+181)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9+181, mixed mode)
As I read other threads there might be a problem with my Java version OR path system variable so here it is
User Path var contains: %JAVA_HOME%\bin
System Path var contains: %JAVA_HOME%\bin
System Java_Home var: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181
I verified that Java path is correct and contains java.exe file. Any help? Maybe somebody had similar issue
As of a question asked I paste here jmeter.log
2019-04-30 09:48:24,538 INFO o.a.j.u.JMeterUtils: Setting Locale to en_US
2019-04-30 09:48:24,584 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading user properties from:
2019-04-30 09:48:24,585 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading system properties from:
2019-04-30 09:48:24,598 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Copyright (c) 1998-2019 The Apache Software Foundation
2019-04-30 09:48:24,598 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Version 5.1.1 r1855137
2019-04-30 09:48:24,598 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.version=9
2019-04-30 09:48:24,599 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
2019-04-30 09:48:24,599 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: 10
2019-04-30 09:48:24,599 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.arch=amd64
2019-04-30 09:48:24,599 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.version=10.0
2019-04-30 09:48:24,599 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: file.encoding=Cp1252
2019-04-30 09:48:24,599 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.awt.headless=null
2019-04-30 09:48:24,600 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Max memory =3185573888
2019-04-30 09:48:24,600 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Available Processors =4
2019-04-30 09:48:24,615 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Default Locale=English (United States)
2019-04-30 09:48:24,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeter Locale=English (United States)
2019-04-30 09:48:24,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeterHome=E:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1
2019-04-30 09:48:24,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: user.dir =E:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin
2019-04-30 09:48:24,616 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: PWD =E:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin
2019-04-30 09:48:24,619 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: IP: *XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX* Name: *XXXXXXXXXX* FullName: *XXXXXXXXXX*
2019-04-30 09:48:25,583 INFO o.a.j.g.a.LookAndFeelCommand: Installing Darcula LAF
2019-04-30 09:48:25,591 INFO o.a.j.g.a.LookAndFeelCommand: Using look and feel: com.bulenkov.darcula.DarculaLaf [Darcula]
2019-04-30 09:48:25,592 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Setting LAF to: com.bulenkov.darcula.DarculaLaf
2019-04-30 09:48:25,712 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loaded icon properties from org/apache/jmeter/images/
2019-04-30 09:48:27,998 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/html is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2019-04-30 09:48:27,999 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xhtml+xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2019-04-30 09:48:27,999 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2019-04-30 09:48:28,000 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2019-04-30 09:48:28,000 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/vnd.wap.wml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.RegexpHTMLParser
2019-04-30 09:48:28,000 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/css is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.CssParser
2019-04-30 09:48:29,188 INFO o.a.j.e.KeyToolUtils: keytool found at 'keytool'
2019-04-30 09:48:29,189 INFO o.a.j.p.h.p.ProxyControl: HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder SSL Proxy will use keys that support embedded 3rd party resources in file E:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin\proxyserver.jks
2019-04-30 09:48:29,490 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Default base='E:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin'
2019-04-30 09:48:30,491 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: Note: Sample TimeStamps are START times
2019-04-30 09:48:30,492 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.default.encoding is set to ISO-8859-1
2019-04-30 09:48:30,492 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.useNanoTime=true
2019-04-30 09:48:30,492 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep=5000
I started to mess around with files in jmeter/bin directory and found out that double click on ApacheJMeter.jar instead of trying to use jmeter.bat starts the application!
I dunno why and what is happening. I did not make any changes in my system, everything is as it is said in a question. Application starts and works properly (after 1 working day of playing with it, it didn't crush nor I found any misbehavior based on tutorials)

Jmeter on linux command line able to run only limited number of threads

I have a jmeter test plan which has run 40000 threads and ramp up time is 600 seconds.
I am running it with command line.
./jmeter -n -t ../../HttpTestPlan.jmx
It runs fine on windows 64 bit machine. It able to execute all 40000 threads without any problem.
But when I run the same test plan in ec2 (with root privilege) it can execute only 31208 threads and then it will stop the execution.
What should I do to make sure it runs all the threads on linux ec2 box?
2018-09-05 08:04:58,148 INFO o.a.j.u.JMeterUtils: Setting Locale to en_EN
2018-09-05 08:04:58,164 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading user properties from:
2018-09-05 08:04:58,165 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Loading system properties from:
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Copyright (c) 1998-2018 The Apache Software Foundation
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Version 4.0 r1823414
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: java.version=1.8.0_181
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: 64-Bit Server VM
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter:
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.arch=amd64
2018-09-05 08:04:58,170 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: os.version=3.10.0-862.3.3.el7.x86_64
2018-09-05 08:04:58,171 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: file.encoding=UTF-8
2018-09-05 08:04:58,171 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Max memory =1073741824
2018-09-05 08:04:58,171 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Available Processors =2
2018-09-05 08:04:58,175 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Default Locale=English (EN)
2018-09-05 08:04:58,175 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeter Locale=English (EN)
2018-09-05 08:04:58,175 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: JMeterHome=/home/pardema/apache-jmeter-4.0
2018-09-05 08:04:58,175 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: user.dir =/home/pardema/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin
2018-09-05 08:04:58,176 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: PWD =/home/pardema/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin
2018-09-05 08:04:58,180 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: IP: xxxxxxxxxx Name: xxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2018-09-05 08:04:58,183 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Default base='/home/pardema/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin'
2018-09-05 08:04:58,189 INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Set new base='/home/pardema/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/../..'
2018-09-05 08:04:58,336 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Testplan (JMX) version: 2.2. Testlog (JTL) version: 2.2
2018-09-05 08:04:58,355 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Using SaveService properties file encoding UTF-8
2018-09-05 08:04:58,360 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Using SaveService properties version 4.0
2018-09-05 08:04:58,366 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveService: Loading file: ../../HttpTestPlan.jmx
2018-09-05 08:04:58,409 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/html is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,409 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xhtml+xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,409 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,409 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/xml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.LagartoBasedHtmlParser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,410 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/vnd.wap.wml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.RegexpHTMLParser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,410 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/css is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.CssParser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,433 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Creating summariser
2018-09-05 08:04:58,440 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Running the test!
2018-09-05 08:04:58,441 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2018-09-05 08:04:58,441 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleEvent: List of sample_variables: []
2018-09-05 08:04:58,445 INFO o.a.j.e.u.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must contain the string: '.functions.'
2018-09-05 08:04:58,445 INFO o.a.j.e.u.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must not contain the string: '.gui.'
2018-09-05 08:04:58,851 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Running test (1536149098851)
2018-09-05 08:04:58,890 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting ThreadGroup: 1 : Thread Group
2018-09-05 08:04:58,891 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting 50000 threads for group Thread Group.
2018-09-05 08:04:58,891 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Thread will continue on error
2018-09-05 08:04:58,891 INFO o.a.j.t.ThreadGroup: Starting thread group... number=1 threads=50000 ramp-up=600 perThread=12.0 delayedStart=false
2018-09-05 08:04:58,900 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-1
2018-09-05 08:04:58,913 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-2
2018-09-05 08:04:58,919 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPHCAbstractImpl: Local host =
2018-09-05 08:04:58,925 INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.HTTPHC4Impl: HTTP request retry count = 0
2018-09-05 08:04:58,932 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-3
2018-09-05 08:04:58,933 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: Note: Sample TimeStamps are START times
2018-09-05 08:04:58,933 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.default.encoding is set to ISO-8859-1
2018-09-05 08:04:58,933 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.useNanoTime=true
2018-09-05 08:04:58,933 INFO o.a.j.s.SampleResult: sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep=5000
2018-09-05 08:04:58,946 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-4
2018-09-05 08:04:58,950 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-5
2018-09-05 08:04:58,962 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-6
2018-09-05 08:04:58,975 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-7
2018-09-05 08:04:59,001 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-9
2018-09-05 08:04:59,006 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-8
2018-09-05 08:04:59,026 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-10
2018-09-05 08:04:59,026 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-11
You might need to amend /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max setting
Also check limits.conf as you may need to increase the maximum number of open handles
Be aware that 40k threads is quite big amount for a single JMeter engine so you might need to consider Distributed Testing , ensure that the machine(s) have enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, network, disk IO, etc. as if JMeter will not be able to send requests fast enough you will get lower throughput even if your application will not be overloaded and stick to JMeter Best Practices.
Most probably you had a hs_err_pid.log file generated due to crash of your JVM.
Search for such file for root cause of JVM crash.
Among hypothesis:
Linux memory, process, file descriptor limits
Not enough memory on your system
Note that 40k threads requires a powerful machine and most probably more than one to overcome:
- network limits of your card
- Other resources required
Your machine (2 CPUs , 1Gb RAM) is very very short for that.

Jmeter beanshell classnotfounderror

I am trying to use beanshell on jmeter (last version), but everytime I add a beanshell processor (pre, pro or whatever), I got this error
ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cannot find BeanShell: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: bsh.Interpreter
Ubuntu last stable versione, jmeter last stable version(2.13)
I don't understand what I need to do..
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: here full logs:
2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.util.JMeterUtils: Setting Locale to en_IE 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Loading user properties from: /home/asada/Downloads/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/ 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Loading system properties from: /home/asada/Downloads/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/ 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Copyright (c) 1998-2012 The Apache Software Foundation 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Version 2.8.20130705 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: java.version=1.8.0_72 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: os.arch=amd64 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: os.version=3.19.0-49-generic 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO
- jmeter.JMeter: file.encoding=UTF-8 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Default Locale=English (Ireland) 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: JMeter Locale=English (Ireland) 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: JMeterHome=/usr/share/jmeter 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: user.dir
=/home/asada/Downloads/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: PWD
=/home/asada/Downloads/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: IP: Name: asada-Precision-WorkStation-T5500 FullName: asada-Precision-WorkStation-T5500 2016/03/02 14:44:05 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Loaded icon properties from org/apache/jmeter/images/ 2016/03/02 14:44:06 INFO - jmeter.engine.util.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must contain the string: '.functions.' 2016/03/02 14:44:06 INFO - jmeter.engine.util.CompoundVariable: Note: Function class names must not contain the string: '.gui.' 2016/03/02 14:44:07 INFO - jmeter.gui.action.LookAndFeelCommand: Using look and feel: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel [Metal, CrossPlatform] 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.util.BSFTestElement: Registering JMeter version of JavaScript engine as work-round for BSF-22 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Cannot find .className property for htmlParser, using default 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/html is 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xhtml+xml is 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for application/xml is 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/xml is 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Parser for text/vnd.wap.wml is org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.RegexpHTMLParser 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase: Reuse SSL session context on subsequent iterations: true 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.gui.util.MenuFactory: Skipping org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier.gui.ParamModifierGui 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.samplers.SampleResult: Note: Sample TimeStamps are START times 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.samplers.SampleResult: sampleresult.default.encoding is set to ISO-8859-1 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.samplers.SampleResult: sampleresult.useNanoTime=true 2016/03/02 14:44:08 INFO - jmeter.samplers.SampleResult: sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep=5000 2016/03/02 14:44:24 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellInterpreter: Beanshell Interpreter not found 2016/03/02 14:44:24 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cannot find BeanShell: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: bsh.Interpreter 2016/03/02 14:44:29 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cannot find BeanShell: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: bsh.Interpreter 2016/03/02 14:44:29 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cannot find BeanShell: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: bsh.Interpreter 2016/03/02 14:44:29 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Listeners will be started after enabling running version 2016/03/02 14:44:29 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: To revert to the earlier behaviour, define jmeterengine.startlistenerslater=false 2016/03/02 14:44:29 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Running the test! 2016/03/02 14:44:29 INFO - jmeter.gui.util.JMeterMenuBar: setRunning(true,local) 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting ThreadGroup: 1 : Thread Group 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting 1 threads for group Thread Group. 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO
- jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Thread will continue on error 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.threads.ThreadGroup: Starting thread group number 1 threads 1 ramp-up 1 perThread 1000.0 delayedStart=false 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: jmeterthread.startearlier=true (see 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Running PostProcessors in forward order 2016/03/02 14:44:30 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cannot find BeanShell: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: bsh.Interpreter 2016/03/02 14:44:30 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cannot find BeanShell: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: bsh.Interpreter 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.threads.ThreadGroup: Started thread group number 1 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: All thread groups have been started 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Thread started: Thread Group 1-1 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Thread finished: Thread Group 1-1 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Notifying test listeners of end of test 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - Default base='/home/asada/Downloads/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin' 2016/03/02 14:44:30 INFO - jmeter.gui.util.JMeterMenuBar: setRunning(false,local)
Double check your JMeter installation, it should contain bsh-2.0b5.jar. If it doesn't - download it from i.e. and drop to /lib folder of your JMeter installation. If you installed it from Ubuntu repositories it can be something like /usr/share/jmeter/lib/
Just in case take the following steps:
Create a new Ubuntu user and log into its account.
Download the latest version of Oracle Java Server JRE or JDK an unpack it somewhere
Set JAVA_HOME system variable pointing to Java installation folder and add $JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH variable like:
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java && export JAVA_HOME
PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH && export PATH
Download JMeter 2.13 (or newer) and unpack it somewhere
In the same terminal window you set JAVA_HOME and PATH navigate to /bin folder of your JMeter installation and type ./jmeter
If the problem still persists - post full jmeter.log file contents here.
If there will be nothing suspicious in the jmeter.log file - add
line at the beginning of your Beanshell script and inspect terminal output.
I have faced similar issue. It could be due to your JAVA_TOOLS_OPTIONS.
Remove that, Relaunch everything and Try again.
Close the terminal
ReLaunch the terminal
type jmeter (or ./jmeter)and hit enter
Now - What do you see in the Terminal once jmeter is launched?
Now It works.
With windows I never had a single problem.
BTW I did:
sudo apt-get remove jmeter
delete the folder where I had the second jmeter in my pc.
I update the java alternatives and I choose the
java 8 with both commands: sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
Restart the pc
Download again jmeter
this time I moved the dir on /opt/apache-jmeter-2.13.
I went in bin and I just ran ./jmeter.
This time without errors. I really don't know what was the problem.
