Number of records in index - elasticsearch

I have an elasticsearch query method, but it only yields me 10 records of an index --- does someone know how I can get all the records that I have?
var consultaPlazaCobro = elasticClient.Search<Entity.PlazaCobroELK>(s => s
.Query(q => q.QueryString(qs => qs.Query("*"))));

If you have less than 10000 documents, you can use the .Size() method call:
var consultaPlazaCobro = elasticClient.Search<Entity.PlazaCobroELK>(s => s
.Query(q => q.QueryString(qs => qs.Query("*"))));
Otherwise you need to resort to using a Scroll request


Elasticsearch NEST API, Searching Multiple Indices

If one is seraching several indexes at the same time, is there any way to say that if searching index A, then add this filter and if searching index B then add a different filter.
For example:
var filters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<PropertySearchResult>, QueryContainer>>();
filters.Add(fq => fq.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.PromoterId).Value(user.Id)));
filters.Add(fq => fq.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.SubscriptionId).Value(subscriptionId)));
string indicies = String.Join(",", Utils.SupportedCountries.Select(c => c.Key.ToLower()).ToArray());
var result = await ElasticSearchConfig.GetClient().DeleteByQueryAsync<PropertySearchResult>(u => u
.Query(q => q
.Bool(bq => bq.Filter(filters))));
at the moment, all indices will be subject to the same filters but I would like to vary the filters based on which index is being searched.
Add(with &&) a term query to each of your filters
.Term("_index", A)
Check this link

How to construct Aggregation (Count) of records using NEST?

I have a requirement to perform Aggregation (Count) of records using NEST wrapper but to fire the DSL query inside NEST.
Since I don't know how to construct it properly, I have done the same using LINQ approach.
ISearchResponse<AgencyDetailReportModel> searchResponse = ConnectionToESClient().Search<AgencyDetailReportModel>
(s => s
.Query(q =>
var allocatedAgencies = agencySearchResponse.Documents.Where(w => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.agencyid)).Count();
var unAllocatedAgencies = agencySearchResponse.Documents.Where(w => string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.agencyid)).Count();
How can I construct the DSL query inside NEST?
So for your question you need allocatedAgencies count and unAllocatedAgencies count right.We can achieve this by simple query rather than going for aggregations.
var searchResponse = await highLevelClient.CountAsync<accountsdata>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.ConstantScore(c => c
.Filter(f => f
.Bool(b => b
.MustNot(m => m
.Exists(e => e.Field("agencyid"))))))));
This is for unAllocatedAgencies count and for allocatedAgencies below is the query.
var searchResponse = await highLevelClient.CountAsync<accountsdata>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.ConstantScore(c => c
.Filter(f => f
.Bool(b => b
.Must(m => m
.Exists(e => e.Field("agencyid"))))))));
Let me know if you face any issues, max it will work for your above mentioned problem. Thanks

How can I find the total hits for an Elastic NEST query?

In my application I have a query which brings limits the number of hits returned to 50 as follows
var response = await client.SearchAsync<Episode>(s => s
.Source(sf => sf
.Includes(i => i
f => f.Title,
f => f.PublishDate,
f => f.PodcastTitle
.Excludes(e => e
.Fields(f => f.Description)
.Query(q => q
.Term(t => t.Title, request.Search) || q
.Match(mq => mq.Field(f => f.Description).Query(request.Search))));
I am interested in the total number of hits for the query (i.e. not limited to the size), so that I can deal with pagination on the front-end. Does anyone know how I can do this?
You are looking for Total property on the search response object. Have a look.
So in your particular case that will be response.Total.
For those who are working on indices with more than 10000 documents, Elasticsearch will calculate total hits up to 10000 by default. To get around that, include .TrackTotalHits(true) in your query:
var resp = client.Search<yourmodel>(s => s
.Query(q => q.MatchAll()));

Elasticsearch 2.1 - Deprecated search types

According to this link, both scan and count are deprecated.
I am trying to change my queries to reflect this. So the count change is easy, just removing the search type and adding size=0 to the request, however, I am not 100% on the scan change.
Currently I have this query:
var result = ElasticClient.Search<Product>(s => s
(qu =>
(fil =>
(f =>
f.Bool(b => b.Must(m => m.Term("filedName", "abc")))))));
Am I correct in my understanding that all I need to change is remove the searchtype and add a sort? I.e:
var result = ElasticClient.Search<Product>(s => s
.Sort(x => x.OnField("_doc"))
(qu =>
(fil =>
(f => f.Bool(b => b.Must(m => m.Term("filedName", "abc")))))));
I have seen a enum SortSpecialField here, but I am not sure how to actually use this in the sort parameter.
You're correct in your understanding that the change (as you document in your question) to sort by _doc will replace the deprecated Scan searchtype. The SortSpecialField enum is just syntax sugar for sorting by _doc. If you prefer to use it, in NEST 2.0 [only], you can do this:
ElasticClient.Search<Product>(s => s
.Sort(x => x.Ascending(SortSpecialField.DocumentIndexOrder))

Sort inside of a query or filter in elasticsearch

I am using client. I query something with pagination. But it returns documents according to sorting criteria not query criteria.It is like it ignores the query just works with sorting. Thing is I want to sort all documents then process the query. I think if I can use sort inside of a query that'll solve the problem.Is there any way to do that? Thanks in advance.
Here is code piece.
ISearchResponse<Product> response = _elasticClient
.Search<Product>(p => p
.From(request.Pagination.PageIndex - 1)
.Query(q => q
.Bool(b => b
.Must(m => m.Term(genderTerm => genderTerm.ProductGenderTypeList, request.BoutiqueFilter.GenderTypeList ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>()))
.Should(s => s
.Match(m2 => m2
.OnField(on => on.ProductGenderType)
.Query((request.BoutiqueFilter.SortGender == SortGender.None ? String.Empty : ((int)request.BoutiqueFilter.SortGender).ToString()))
.Sort(sort => request.BoutiqueFilter.SortByPrice == SortByPrice.None
? sort.OnField(onf => onf.Sequence).Ascending()
: request.BoutiqueFilter.SortByPrice == SortByPrice.Ascending
? sort.OnField(onf => onf.Price).Ascending()
: sort.OnField(onf => onf.Price).Descending()));
