How to find the body and the subject in a mailto link? - ruby

I have this mailto link :
I would like to find to, subject, body.
Actually I use :
uri = URI('')
I have :to with that :
but I can not extract subject and body.
Do you know how to do it ?

You can use URI::MailTo#headers which returns an array of arrays:
#=> [[], ["subject", "test"], ["body", "type%20your"], ["body", "message%20here"]]
However, your mailto link is slightly broken. It should look like this:
uri = URI('')
# ^ ^
# no '&' here newline as %0D%0A
That gives:
#=> [["subject", "test"], ["body", "type%20your%0D%0Amessage%20here"]]
Which can be accessed via assoc:
#=> "test"
Or be converted to a hash:
headers = uri.headers.to_h
#=> {"subject"=>"test", "body"=>"type%20your%0D%0Amessage%20here"}
To get decoded values:
#=> "type your\r\nmessage here"


Why am I not getting same output in Ruby

I'm not getting the consistent output in two cases:
Scenario 1:
humen = {"hand" => 1, "eye" => 2, "head" => 3, "hair"=>4}
puts "enter any body part name"
internal = gets.chomp.downcase.to_s
body = humen[internal]
puts body
#if input is "eye", it comes out 2
Scenario 2:
humen = {hand:1, eye:2, head:3, hair:4}
puts "enter any body part name"
internal = gets.chomp.downcase.to_s
body = humen[internal]
puts body
I see nothing in irb console. Can anyone please explain why that's the case?
keys are symbol in second case -
{:hand=>1, :eye=>2, :head=>3, :hair=>4}
whereas internal is a string.
humen[internal] is expecting the string assigned to internal to be present in hash humen which is not the case.
:hand != 'hand'
You should convert the string to symbol by:
String#to_sym converts a string into a symbol.

Extract url params in ruby

I would like to extract parameters from url. I have following path pattern:
pattern = "/foo/:foo_id/bar/:bar_id"
And example url:
url = "/foo/1/bar/2"
I would like to get {foo_id: 1, bar_id: 2}. I tried to convert pattern into something like this:
I failed on first step when I wanted to replace backslash in url:
formatted = pattern.gsub("/", "\/")
Do you know how to fix this gsub? Maybe you know better solution to do this.
It is plain Ruby. I am not using RoR.
As I said above, you only need to escape slashes in a Regexp literal, e.g. /foo\/bar/. When defining a Regexp from a string it's not necessary:"foo/bar") produces the same Regexp as /foo\/bar/.
As to your larger problem, here's how I'd solve it, which I'm guessing is pretty much how you'd been planning to solve it:
def pattern_to_regexp(pattern)
expr = Regexp.escape(pattern) # just in case
pattern = "/foo/:foo_id/bar/:bar_id"
expr = pattern_to_regexp(pattern)
# => /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.+?)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.+?)/
str = "/foo/1/bar/2"
# => #<MatchData "/foo/1/bar/2" foo_id:"1" bar_id:"2">
Try this:
regex = /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.*)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.*)/i
matches = "/foo/1/bar/2".match(regex)
IRB output:
2.3.1 :032 > regex = /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.*)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.*)/i
=> /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.*)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.*)/i
2.3.1 :033 > matches = "/foo/1/bar/2".match(regex)
=> #<MatchData "/foo/1/bar/2" foo_id:"1" bar_id:"2">
2.3.1 :034 > Hash[[1..-1])]
=> {"foo_id"=>"1", "bar_id"=>"2"}
I'd advise reading this article on how Rack parses query params. The above works for your example you gave, but is not extensible for other params.
This might help you, the foo id and bar id will be dynamic.
require 'json'
#url to scan
url = "/foo/1/bar/2"
#scanning ids from url
id = url.scan(/\d/)
#gsub method to replacing values from url
url_with_id = url.gsub(url, "{foo_id: #{id[0]}, bar_id: #{id[1]}}")
=> "{foo_id: 1, bar_id: 2}"
If you want to change string to hash
url_hash = eval(url_with_id)
=>{:foo_id=>1, :bar_id=>2}

How can I parse out elements in a "< tag >"?

I have a string:
string = <RECALL>first_name</RECALL>, I'd like to send you something. It'll help you learn more about both me and yourself. What is your email?"
I want to pull out the value "first_name" of the tag <RECALL>.
I used gem crack, but it doesn't behave as I expected:
parsed = Crack::XML.parse(string) =>
{"RECALL"=>"first_name, I'd like to send you something. It'll help you learn more about both me and yourself. What is your email?"}
Maybe XML parsing isn't the right way. What is the way so that I could get the following, desired behavior, instead?
Does not look like valid XML to me. I would just try to use an REGEXP here:
string = "<RECALL>first_name</RECALL>, I'd like to send you something..."
#=> "first_name"
Here's two ways you could get the content of the tags:
string = "<RECALL>first_name</RECALL>"
firstname = string[/<RECALL>([^<]+)</, 1]
firstname # => "first_name"
Parsing strings containing tags gets tricky. It's doable for simple content, but once tags are nested or additional < or > show up, it gets a lot harder.
You can use a trick using an XML parser:
require 'nokogiri'
string = "foo <RECALL>first_name</RECALL> bar"
doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(string)'RECALL').text # => "first_name"
Note that I'm using Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse. That tells Nokogiri to only expect a partial XML document and relaxes a lot of its normally strict XML rules. Then I can tell the parser to find the <RECALL> tag and grab its contained text.
...wondering if there's a way to extract it (I use Crack to extract it, but it only works if the <tag> is at the end of the string.
This pattern matches mid-string:
str = "foo <RECALL>first_name</RECALL> bar"
str[%r!<RECALL>([^<]+)</RECALL>!, 1] # => "first_name"
This pattern fails if the tag is not at the end of the string:
str[%r!<RECALL>([^<]+)</RECALL>\z!, 1] # => nil
And succeeds if it is at the end of the string:
str = "foo <RECALL>first_name</RECALL>"
str[%r!<RECALL>([^<]+)</RECALL>\z!, 1] # => "first_name"
This is one place where a regexp pattern makes it easier to do something than using a parser.
Using a parser:
require 'nokogiri'
Normally we don't care where a tag occurs in a DOM, but if it's important we can figure out where it is in relation to the other tags. It won't always be this straightforward though:
This returns nil if the tag isn't at the end of the string/DOM:
str = "foo <RECALL>first_name</RECALL> bar"
doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(str)
recall_node ='RECALL')
recall_node == doc.children.last ?'RECALL').text : nil # => nil
This returns the text of the node because it is at the end of the DOM:
str = "foo <RECALL>first_name</RECALL>"
doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(str)
recall_node ='RECALL')
recall_node == doc.children.last ?'RECALL').text : nil # => "first_name"
This works because every node in a document has an identifier and we can ask whether the node of interest matches the last node in the DOM:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse("<node>first_name</node> text")
# => #(DocumentFragment:0x3ffc89c3d3e8 {
# name = "#document-fragment",
# children = [
# #(Element:0x3ffc89c3cf9c {
# name = "node",
# children = [ #(Text "first_name")]
# }),
# #(Text " text")]
# })'node').object_id.to_s(16) # => "3ffc89c3cf9c"
doc.children.last.object_id.to_s(16) # => "3ffc89c3cec0"
doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse("<node>first_name</node>")
# => #(DocumentFragment:0x3ffc89c345cc {
# name = "#document-fragment",
# children = [
# #(Element:0x3ffc89c342c0 {
# name = "node",
# children = [ #(Text "first_name")]
# })]
# })'node').object_id.to_s(16) # => "3ffc89c342c0"
doc.children.last.object_id.to_s(16) # => "3ffc89c342c0"

How to insert variables in an url?

I have this code for send a request to an url, and I wanted to place on the url two variables :
talksList = open('{variable1}&key=#{variable2}')
But when I insert my variables like this, it doesn't work. Can you help me ?
Thanks in advance.
As #YuHao said, you're trying to interpolate a variable into a non-interpreted string. But you have a bigger long-term problem.
Don't try to inject unencoded variables into a URL. While it will work, you run the risk of generating nonsensical URLs, which a browser would accept, but code won't. Instead, use the appropriate tools to modify the URL, which will maintain appropriate encoding for you.
Here's an example using URI:
require 'uri'
variable1 = 'foo'
variable2 = 'bar'
uri = URI.parse('')
params = URI.decode_www_form(uri.query)
params << ['id', variable1]
params << ['key', variable2]
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
uri.to_s # => ""
You can do the same thing using the Addressable gem, which is more full-featured:
require 'addressable/uri'
variable1 = 'foo'
variable2 = 'bar'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('')
params = uri.query_values
uri.query_values = params.merge('id' => variable1, 'key' => variable2)
uri.to_s # => ""
That's because you are using strings with single quotes. In single quoted strings, nothing is replaced except \\ and \'.
Specifically, interpolation is only available in double quoted strings, try
talksList = open("{variable1}&key=#{variable2}")

ruby string splitting problem

i have this string:
i want to get the value after between the ACK and the & symbol, the value between the ACK and the & symbol can be changed...
i want the solution in ruby.
require "cgi"
query_string = "asdasda=asdaskdmasd&asmda=asdasmda&ACK=Success&asmda=asdakmsd"
parsed_query_string = CGI.parse(query_string)
#=> { "asdasda" => ["asdaskdmasd"],
# "asmda" => ["asdasmda", "asdakmsd"],
# "ACK" => ["Success"] }
#=> "Success"
If you also want to reconstruct the query string (especially together with the rest of a URL), I would recommend looking into the addressable gem.
require "addressable/uri"
# Note the leading '?'
query_string = "?asdasda=asdaskdmasd&asmda=asdasmda&ACK=Success&asmda=asdakmsd"
parsed_uri = Addressable::URI.parse(query_string)
#=> "Success"
parsed_uri.query_values = parsed_uri.query_values.merge("ACK" => "Changed")
#=> "?ACK=Changed&asdasda=asdaskdmasd&asmda=asdakmsd"
# Note how the order has changed and the duplicate key has been removed due to
# Addressable's built-in normalisation.
$1 # => 'Success'
A quick approach:
s = "asdasda=asdaskdmasd&asmda=asdasmda&ACK=Success&asdmas=asdakmsd&asmda=adasda"
#=> asdasda=asdaskdmasd&asmda=asdasmda&ACK[changedValue]&asdmas=asdakmsd&asmda=adasda
s = "asdasda=asdaskdmasd&asmda=asdasmda&ACK=Success&asdmas=asdakmsd&asmda=adasda"
m = s.match /.*ACK=(.*?)&/
puts m[1]
and just for fun without regexp:
Hash[s.split("&").map{|p| p.split("=")}]["ACK"]
