Feign client and Spring retry - spring

I have a restful service calling an external service using Spring Cloud Feign client
#FeignClient(name = "external-service", configuration = FeignClientConfig.class)
public interface ServiceClient {
#RequestMapping(value = "/test/payments", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void addPayment(#Valid #RequestBody AddPaymentRequest addPaymentRequest);
#RequestMapping(value = "/test/payments/{paymentId}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public ChangePaymentStatusResponse updatePaymentStatus(#PathVariable("paymentId") String paymentId,
#Valid #RequestBody PaymentStatusUpdateRequest paymentStatusUpdateRequest);
I noticed the following failure 3-4 times in the last 3 months in my log file:
json.ERROR_RESPONSE_BODY:Connection refused executing POST
http://external-service/external/payments json.message:Send Payment
Add Payment Failure For other reason: {ERROR_RESPONSE_BODY=Connection
refused executing POST http://external-service/external/payments,
json.stack_trace:feign.RetryableException: Connection refused
executing POST http://external-service/external/payments at
feign.FeignException.errorExecuting(FeignException.java:67) at
Is it possible to add Spring Retry on a Feign client.
What I wanted to annotate the addPayment operation with
#Retryable(value = {feign.RetryableException.class }, maxAttempts = 3, backoff = #Backoff(delay = 2000, multiplier=2))
But this is not possible, what other options do I have?

You can add a Retryer in the FeignClientConfig
public class FeignClientConfig {
public Retryer retryer() {
return new Custom();
class Custom implements Retryer {
private final int maxAttempts;
private final long backoff;
int attempt;
public Custom() {
this(2000, 3);
public Custom(long backoff, int maxAttempts) {
this.backoff = backoff;
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
this.attempt = 1;
public void continueOrPropagate(RetryableException e) {
if (attempt++ >= maxAttempts) {
throw e;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
public Retryer clone() {
return new Custom(backoff, maxAttempts);
Updated with sample Retryer example config based on the Retryer.Default.

If you are using ribbon you can set properties, you can use below properties for retry:
Note: "myapp" is your service id.
Checkout this Github implementation for working example

Just new a contructor Default
public class FeignClientConfig {
public Retryer retryer() {
return new Retryer.Default(100, 2000, 3);

Adding this if it can help someone. I was getting connection reset using feign, as some unknown process was running on that port.
Try changing the port. Refer this to find the process running on a port

I prepared a blog post about using Spring Retry with Feign Client methods. You may consider checking the Post. All steps have been explained in the post.

This is my config. Test OK in spring boot 2.2.0.RELEASE
spring cloud Hoxton.M3.
java code is :
#FeignClient(name = "MY-SPRING-API",configuration = {PythonPatentConfig.class},fallbackFactory = FallBack.class)
public interface PythonPatentClient
#RequestLine("GET /test?q={q}")
void timeTest(#Param("appNo") String q);
Controller is :
#RequestMapping(value = "/test",method = {RequestMethod.POST,RequestMethod.GET})
public Object test() throws InterruptedException {
log.info("========important print enter test========");
pom.xml additon add:
public class ApiApplication
this is document :

I resolved that by creating a wrapper on top of ServiceClient
public class ServiceClient {
ServiceFeignClient serviceFeignClient;
#Retryable(value = { ClientReprocessException.class }, maxAttemptsExpression = "#{${retryMaxAttempts}}", backoff = #Backoff(delayExpression = "#{${retryDelayTime}}"))
public void addPayment( AddPaymentRequest addPaymentRequest){
return serviceFeignClient.addPayment(addPaymentRequest);


Hystrix fallback method returns null

I implemented feign client and hystrix to my spring boot microservice application.
I first tried to test to communicate users service to albums service with feign client,
so I threw an exception at albums service to check if users service Error Decoder can catch the exception and then make the fallback method triggered.
It worked, but the cause is always null only at the first time, and after that I can see the error message that I wanted to see.
Can anyone tell me if something is wrong or not.
This is my code.
Users Service Feign Client
#FeignClient(name = "albums-ws", fallbackFactory = AlbumsFallbackFactory.class)
public interface AlbumServiceClient {
#GetMapping(path = "users/{userId}/albums")
List<AlbumDetailResponse> getAlbums(#PathVariable("userId") String userId);
Fallback Factory
public class AlbumsFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<AlbumServiceClient> {
public AlbumServiceClient create(Throwable cause) {
return new AlbumServiceClientFallback(cause);
public class AlbumServiceClientFallback implements AlbumServiceClient {
private final Throwable cause;
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
public AlbumServiceClientFallback(Throwable cause) {
this.cause = cause;
public List<AlbumDetailResponse> getAlbums(String userId) {
logger.error("An exception took place: " + cause.getMessage());
return new ArrayList<>();
Feign Error Decoder
public class FeignErrorDecoder implements ErrorDecoder {
public Exception decode(String methodKey, Response response) {
switch(response.status()) {
case 400:
case 404:
if(methodKey.contains("getAlbums")) {
return new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.valueOf(response.status()), response.reason());
return new Exception(response.reason());
return null;
First fallback triggered
2020-08-02 12:42:27.836 ERROR 24772 --- [ HystrixTimer-1] c.a.p.a.u.P.f.AlbumServiceClientFallback : An exception took place: null
2020-08-02 12:43:07.672 DEBUG 24772 --- [rix-albums-ws-2] c.a.p.a.u.P.feign.AlbumServiceClient : [AlbumServiceClient#getAlbums] User not found with id: f5b313e2-411f-4fc3-95e7-9aa5c43c286c
Hystrix has class org.springframework.cloud.netflix.feign.HystrixTargeter. There is a comment in targetWithFallbackFactory method:
We take a sample fallback from the fallback factory to check if it
returns a fallback that is compatible with the annotated feign
and code after:
Object exampleFallback = fallbackFactory.create(new RuntimeException());
It is why you don't have cause in exception.

spring-boot customize Jetty SSLContextFactory

From reading the spring-boot docs, it seems like the standard way to customize the Jetty server is to implement a class like the following:
public class JettyServerCustomizer
implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<JettyServletWebServerFactory> {
private ServerProperties serverProperties;
public void customize(final JettyServletWebServerFactory factory) {
factory.addServerCustomizers((server) -> {
// Customize
I'm specifically interested in modifying the SSLContextFactory.
Tracing through the spring-boot code, right before the customizers are called, ssl is configured:
if (getSsl() != null && getSsl().isEnabled()) {
customizeSsl(server, address);
for (JettyServerCustomizer customizer : getServerCustomizers()) {
customizeSsl is a private method so cannot be overridden easily:
private void customizeSsl(Server server, InetSocketAddress address) {
new SslServerCustomizer(address, getSsl(), getSslStoreProvider(), getHttp2()).customize(server);
One option is to create the context factory and connector ourselves in the customizer, and then overwrite the connectors on the server. This would probably work but it feels like we are re-creating a bunch of code that spring-boot is already doing just to be able to call a method on the SSLContextFactory.
It seems like if we could somehow provider our own SslServerCustomizer then we could do the custom configuration we want.
Does anyone know of a better way to do this?
On my case it works just fine as:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "org.demo.jetty.*" })
public class DemoWebApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoWebApplication.class, args);
public ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory webServerFactory() {
JettyServletWebServerFactory factory = new JettyServletWebServerFactory();
return factory;
private JettyServerCustomizer getJettyConnectorCustomizer() {
return server -> {
final HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();
final HttpConfiguration httpsConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration(httpConfiguration);
httpsConfiguration.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());
ServerConnector httpsConnector = new ServerConnector(server,
new SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1.asString()),
new HttpConnectionFactory(httpsConfiguration));
server.setConnectors(new Connector[] { httpsConnector });
You can define also a HTTP connector and add it to the customized section
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server);
connector.addConnectionFactory(new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfiguration));
server.setConnectors(new Connector[]{connector, httpsConnector});

spring integration publish subscribe between beans

Thanks for reading ahead of time. In my main method I have a PublishSubscribeChannel
#Bean(name = "feeSchedule")
public SubscribableChannel getMessageChannel() {
return new PublishSubscribeChannel();
In a service that does a long running process it creates a fee schedule that I inject the channel into
public class FeeScheduleCompareServiceImpl implements FeeScheduleCompareService {
MessageChannel outChannel;
public List<FeeScheduleUpdate> compareFeeSchedules(String oldStudyId) {
List<FeeScheduleUpdate> sortedResultList = longMethod(oldStudyId);
return sortedResultList;
Now this is the part I'm struggling with. I want to use completable future and get the payload of the event in the future A in another spring bean. I need future A to return the payload from the message. I think want to create a ServiceActivator to be the message end point but like I said, I need it to return the payload for future A.
public class SFCCCompareServiceImpl implements SFCCCompareService {
private SubscribableChannel outChannel;
public List<SFCCCompareDTO> compareSFCC(String state, int service){
ArrayList<SFCCCompareDTO> returnList = new ArrayList<SFCCCompareDTO>();
CompletableFuture<List<FeeScheduleUpdate>> fa = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () ->
{ //block A WHAT GOES HERE?!?!
CompletableFuture<List<StateFeeCodeClassification>> fb = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () ->
return this.stateFeeCodeClassificationRepository.findAll();
CompletableFuture<List<SFCCCompareDTO>> fc = fa.thenCombine(fb,(a,b) ->{
//block C
//get in this block when both A & B are complete
Object theList = b.stream().forEach(new Consumer<StateFeeCodeClassification>() {
public void accept(StateFeeCodeClassification stateFeeCodeClassification) {
a.stream().forEach(new Consumer<FeeScheduleUpdate>() {
public void accept(FeeScheduleUpdate feeScheduleUpdate) {
returnList new SFCCCompareDTO();
return theList;
return returnList;
Was thinking there would be a service activator like:
public class UpdatesHandler implements MessageHandler{
#ServiceActivator(requiresReply = "true")
public List<FeeScheduleUpdate> getUpdates(Message m){
return (List<FeeScheduleUpdate>) m.getPayload();
Your question isn't clear, but I'll try to help you with some info.
Spring Integration doesn't provide CompletableFuture support, but it does provide an async handling and replies.
See Asynchronous Gateway for more information. And also see Asynchronous Service Activator.
outChannel.subscribe() should come with the MessageHandler callback, by the way.

Spring rabbit retries to deliver rejected message..is it OK?

I have the following configuration
spring.rabbitmq.listener.default-requeue-rejected=false //I have also changed it to true but the same behavior still happens
and in my listener I throw the exception AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException to reject the message and enforce rabbit not to try to redeliver it...But rabbit redilvers it for 3 times then finally route it to dead letter queue.
Is that the standard behavior according to my provided configuration or do I miss something?
You have to configure the retry policy to not retry for that exception.
You can't do that with properties, you have to configure the retry advice yourself.
I'll post an example later if you need help with that.
requeue-rejected is at the container level (below retry on the stack).
public class So39853762Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context = SpringApplication.run(So39853762Application.class, args);
#RabbitListener(queues = "foo")
public void foo(String foo) {
if ("foo".equals(foo)) {
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("foo"); // won't be retried.
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("bar"); // will be retried
public ListenerRetryAdviceCustomizer retryCustomizer(SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory containerFactory,
RabbitProperties rabbitPropeties) {
return new ListenerRetryAdviceCustomizer(containerFactory, rabbitPropeties);
public static class ListenerRetryAdviceCustomizer implements InitializingBean {
private final SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory containerFactory;
private final RabbitProperties rabbitPropeties;
public ListenerRetryAdviceCustomizer(SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory containerFactory,
RabbitProperties rabbitPropeties) {
this.containerFactory = containerFactory;
this.rabbitPropeties = rabbitPropeties;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
ListenerRetry retryConfig = this.rabbitPropeties.getListener().getRetry();
if (retryConfig.isEnabled()) {
RetryInterceptorBuilder<?> builder = (retryConfig.isStateless()
? RetryInterceptorBuilder.stateless()
: RetryInterceptorBuilder.stateful());
Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, Boolean> retryableExceptions = new HashMap<>();
retryableExceptions.put(AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException.class, false);
retryableExceptions.put(IllegalStateException.class, true);
SimpleRetryPolicy policy =
new SimpleRetryPolicy(retryConfig.getMaxAttempts(), retryableExceptions, true);
ExponentialBackOffPolicy backOff = new ExponentialBackOffPolicy();
.recoverer(new RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer());
NOTE: You cannot currently configure the policy to retry all exceptions, "except" this one - you have to classify all exceptions you want retried (and they can't be a superclass of AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException). I have opened an issue to support this.
The other answers posted here didn't work me when using Spring Boot 2.3.5 and Spring AMQP Starter 2.2.12, but for these versions I was able to customize the retry policy to not retry AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException exceptions:
public class RabbitConfiguration {
public RabbitRetryTemplateCustomizer customizeRetryPolicy(
#Value("${spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.max-attempts}") int maxAttempts) {
SimpleRetryPolicy policy = new SimpleRetryPolicy(maxAttempts, Map.of(AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException.class, false), true, true);
return (target, retryTemplate) -> retryTemplate.setRetryPolicy(policy);
This lets the retry policy skip retries for AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueExceptions but retries all other exceptions as usual.
Configured this way, it traverses the causes of an exception, and skips retries if it finds an AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException.
Traversing the causes is needed as org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.adapter.MessagingMessageListenerAdapter#invokeHandler wraps all exceptions as a ListenerExecutionFailedException

Any samples to unit test fallback using Hystrix Spring Cloud

I wish to test the following scenarios:
Set the hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMillisecond value to a low value, and see how my application behaves.
Check my fallback method is called using Unit test.
Please can someone provide me with link to samples.
A real usage can be found bellow. The key to enable Hystrix in the test class are these two annotations:
class ClipboardService {
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getNextClipboardFallback")
public Task getNextClipboard(int numberOfTasks) {
public Task getNextClipboardFallback(int numberOfTasks) {
return null;
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {ClipboardService.class})
public class ClipboardServiceIT {
private MockRestServiceServer mockServer;
private ClipboardService clipboardService;
public void setUp() {
this.mockServer = MockRestServiceServer.createServer(restTemplate);
public void testGetNextClipboardWithBadRequest() {
mockServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo("https://getDocument.com?task=1")).andExpect(method(HttpMethod.GET))
Task nextClipboard = clipboardService.getNextClipboard(1);
assertNull(nextClipboard); // this should be answered by your fallBack method
Fore open the circuit in your unit test case just before you call the client. Make sure fall back is called. You can have a constant returned from fallback or add some log statements.
Reset the circuit.
public void testSendOrder_openCircuit() {
String order = null;
ServiceResponse response = null;
order = loadFile("/order.json");
// use this in case of feign hystrix
.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "true");
// use this in case of just hystrix
System.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "true");
response = client.sendOrder(order);
// DONT forget to reset
.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "false");
// use this in case of just hystrix
System.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "false");
