Locating file descriptor leak in OS X application - macos

I have some very complex application. It is composition of couple libraries.
Now QA team found the some problem (something reports an error).
Fromm logs I can see that application is leaking a file descriptors (+1000 after 7 hours of automated tests).
QA team has delivered rapport "opened files and ports" from "Activity monitor" and I know exactly to which server connection is not closed.
From full application logs I can see that leak is quite systematic (there is no sudden burst), but I was unable to reproduce issue to see even a small leak of file descriptors.
Even thou I'm sure for which server connection is never closed, I'm unable to find code responsible.
I'm unable reproduce issue.
In logs I can see that all resources my library maintains are properly freed, still server address suggest this is my responsibility or NSURLSession (which is invalidated).
Since there are other libraries and application code it self there is small chance that leak is caused by third party code.
How to locate code responsible for leaking file descriptor?
Best candidate is use dtruss which looks very promising.
From documentation I can see it can print stack backtraces -s when system API is used.
Problem is that I do not know how to use this in such way that I will not get flooded with information.
I need only information who created opened file descriptor and if it was closed destroyed.
Since I can't reproduce issue I need a script which could be run by QA team so the could deliver me an output.
If there are other ways to find the source of file descriptor leak please let me know.
There is bunch of predefined scripts which are using dtruss, but I don't see anything what is matching my needs.
Final notes
What is strange the only code I'm aware is using problematic connection, do not use file descriptors directly, but uses custom NSURLSession (configured as: one connection per host, minimum TLS 1.0, disable cookies, custom certificate validation). From logs I can see NSURLSession is invalidated properly. I doubt NSURLSession is source of leak, but currently this is the only candidate.

OK, I found out how to do it - on Solaris 11, anyway. I get this output (and yes, I needed root on Solaris 11):
bash-4.1# dtrace -s fdleaks.d -c ./fdLeaker
open( './fdLeaker' ) returned 3
open( './fdLeaker' ) returned 4
open( './fdLeaker' ) returned 5
falloc fp: ffffa1003ae56590, fd: 3, saved fd: 3
falloc fp: ffffa10139d28f58, fd: 4, saved fd: 4
falloc fp: ffffa10030a86df0, fd: 5, saved fd: 5
opened file: ./fdLeaker
leaked fd: 3
opened file: ./fdLeaker
leaked fd: 4
The fdleaks.d dTrace script that finds leaked file descriptors:
/* this will probably need tuning
note there can be significant performance
impacts if you make these large */
#pragma D option nspec=4
#pragma D option specsize=128k
#pragma D option quiet
/ pid == $target /
/* arg1 might not have a physical mapping yet so
we can't call copyinstr() until open() returns
and we don't have a file descriptor yet -
we won't get that until open() returns anyway */
self->path = arg1;
/* arg0 is the file descriptor being returned */
/ pid == $target && arg0 >= 0 && self->path /
/* get a speculation ID tied to this
file descriptor and start speculative
tracing */
openspec[ arg0 ] = speculation();
speculate( openspec[ arg0 ] );
/* this output won't appear unless the associated
speculation id is commited */
printf( "\nopened file: %s\n", copyinstr( self->path ) );
printf( "leaked fd: %d\n\n", arg0 );
/* free the saved path */
self->path = 0;
/ pid == $target && arg0 >= 0 /
/* closing the fd, so discard the speculation
and free the id by setting it to zero */
discard( openspec[ arg0 ] );
openspec[ arg0 ] = 0;
/* Solaris uses falloc() to open a file and associate
the fd with an internal file_t structure
When the kernel closes file descriptors that the
process left open, it uses the closeall() function
which walks the internal structures then calls
closef() using the file_t *, so there's no way
to get the original process file descritor in
closeall() or closef() dTrace probes.
falloc() is called on open() to associate the
file_t * with a file descriptor, so this
saves the pointers passed to falloc()
that are used to return the file_t * and
file descriptor once they're filled in
when falloc() returns */
/ pid == $target /
self->fpp = args[ 2 ];
self->fdp = args[ 3 ];
/* Clause-local variables to make casting clearer */
this int fd;
this uint64_t fp;
/* array to associate a file descriptor with its file_t *
structure in the kernel */
int fdArray[ uint64_t fp ];
/ pid == $target && self->fpp && self->fdp /
/* get the fd and file_t * values being
returned to the caller */
this->fd = ( * ( int * ) self->fdp );
this->fp = ( * ( uint64_t * ) self->fpp );
/* associate the fd with its file_t * */
fdArray[ this->fp ] = ( int ) this->fd;
/* verification output */
printf( "falloc fp: %x, fd: %d, saved fd: %d\n", this->fp, this->fd, fdArray[ this->fp ] );
/* if this gets called and the dereferenced
openspec array element is a still-valid
speculation id, the fd associated with
the file_t * passed to closef() was never
closed by the process itself */
/ pid == $target /
/* commit the speculative tracing since
this file descriptor was leaked */
commit( openspec[ fdArray[ arg0 ] ] );
First, I wrote this little C program to leak fds:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main( int argc, char **argv )
int ii;
for ( ii = 0; ii < argc; ii++ )
int fd = open( argv[ ii ], O_RDONLY );
fprintf( stderr, "open( '%s' ) returned %d\n", argv[ ii ], fd );
fd = open( argv[ ii ], O_RDONLY );
fprintf( stderr, "open( '%s' ) returned %d\n", argv[ ii ], fd );
fd = open( argv[ ii ], O_RDONLY );
fprintf( stderr, "open( '%s' ) returned %d\n", argv[ ii ], fd );
close( fd );
return( 0 );
Then I ran it under this dTrace script to figure out what the kernel does to close orphaned file descriptors, dtrace -s exit.d -c ./fdLeaker:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet
self->exit = 1;
/ self->exit /
self->exit = 0;
/ self->exit /
printf( "---> %s\n", probefunc );
/ self->exit /
printf( "<--- %s\n", probefunc );
That produced a lot of output, and I noticed closeall() and closef() functions, examined the source code, and wrote the dTrace script.
Note also that the process exit dTrace probe on Solaris 11 is the rexit one - that probably changes on OSX.
The biggest problem on Solaris is getting the file descriptor for the file in the kernel code that closes orphaned file descriptors. Solaris doesn't close by file descriptor, it closes by struct file_t pointers in the kernel open files structures for the process. So I had to examine the Solaris source to figure out where the fd is associated with the file_t * - and that's in the falloc() function. The dTrace script associates a file_t * with its fd in an associative array.
None of that is likely to work on OSX.
If you're lucky, the OSX kernel will close orphaned file descriptors by the file descriptor itself, or at least provide something that tells you the fd is being closed, perhaps an auditing function.


Non-blockings reads/writes to stdin/stdout in C on Linux or Mac

I have two programs communicating via named pipes (on a Mac), but the buffer size of named pipes is too small. Program 1 writes 50K bytes to pipe 1 before reading pipe 2. Named pipes are 8K (on my system) so program 1 blocks until the data is consumed. Program 2 reads 20K bytes from pipe 1 and then writes 20K bytes to pipe2. Pipe2 can't hold 20K so program 2 now blocks. It will only be released when program 1 does its reads. But program 1 is blocked waiting for program 2. deadlock
I thought I could fix the problem by creating a gasket program that reads stdin non-blocking and writes stdout non-blocking, temporarily storing the data in a large buffer. I tested the program using cat data | ./gasket 0 | ./gasket 1 > out, expecting out to be a copy of data. However, while the first invocation of gasket works as expected, the read in the second program returns 0 before all the data is consumed and never returns anything other than 0 in follow on calls.
I tried the code below both on a MAC and Linux. Both behave the same. I've added logging so that I can see that the fread from the second invocation of gasket starts getting no data even though it has not read all the data written by the first invocation.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 100000
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int elements=0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int total_read=0, total_write=0;
FILE *logfile=fopen(argv[1],"w");
int flags = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
flags = fcntl(fileno(stdout), F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(fileno(stdout), F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
while (1) {
int num_read=0;
if (elements < (BUFFER_SIZE-1024)) { // space in buffer
num_read = fread(&buffer[elements], sizeof(char), 1024, stdin);
elements += num_read;
total_read += num_read;
fprintf(logfile,"read %d (%d) elements \n",num_read, total_read); fflush(logfile);
if (elements > 0) { // something in buffer that we can write
int num_written = fwrite(&buffer[0],sizeof(char),elements, stdout); fflush(stdout);
total_write += num_written;
fprintf(logfile,"wrote %d (%d) elements \n",num_written, total_write); fflush(logfile);
if (num_written > 0) { // copy data to top of buffer
for (int i=0; i<(elements-num_written); i++) {
buffer[i] = buffer[i+num_written];
elements -= num_written;
I guess I could make the gasket multi-threaded and use blocking reads in one thread and blocking writes in the other, but I would like to understand why non-blocking IO seems to break for me.
My general solution to any IPC project is to make the client and server non-blocking I/O. To do so requires queuing data both on writing and reading, to handle cases where the OS can't read/write, or can only read/write a portion of your message.
The code below will probably seem like EXTREME overkill, but if you get it working, you can use it the rest of your career, whether for named pipes, sockets, network, you name it.
In pseudo-code:
typedef struct {
const char* pcData, * pcToFree; // pcData may no longer point to malloc'd region
int iToSend;
} DataToSend_T;
queue of DataToSend_T qdts;
// Caller will use malloc() to allocate storage, and create the message in
// that buffer. MyWrite() will free it now, or WritableCB() will free it
// later. Either way, the app must NOT free it, and must not even refer to
// it again.
MyWrite( const char* pcData, int iToSend ) {
iSent = 0;
// Normally the OS will tell select() if the socket is writable, but if were hugely
// compute-bound, then it won't have a chance to. So let's call WritableCB() to
// send anything in our queue that is now sendable. We have to send the data in
// order, of course, so can't send the new data until the entire queue is done.
if ( qdts has no entries ) {
iSent = write( pcData, iToSend );
// TODO: check error
// Did we send it all? We're done.
if ( iSent == iToSend ) {
free( pcData );
// OK, either 1) we had stuff queued already meaning we can't send, or 2)
// we tried to send but couldn't send it all.
add to queue qdts the DataToSend ( pcData + iSent, pcData, iToSend - iSent );
WritableCB() {
while ( qdts has entries ) {
DataToSend_T* pdts = qdts head;
int iSent = write( pdts->cData, pdts->iToSend );
// TODO: check error
if ( iSent == pdts->iToSend ) {
free( pdts->pcToFree );
pop the front node off qdts
else {
pdts->pcData += iSent;
pdts->iToSend -= iSent;
// Off-subject but I like a TINY buffer as an original value, that will always
// exercise the "buffer growth" code for almost all usage, so we're sure it works.
// If the initial buffer size is like 1M, and almost never grows, then the grow code
// may be buggy and we won't know until there's a crash years later.
int iBufSize = 1, iEnd = 0; iEnd is the first byte NOT in a message
char* pcBuf = malloc( iBufSize );
ReadableCB() {
// Keep reading the socket until there's no more data. Grow buffer if necessary.
while (1) {
int iRead = read( pcBuf + iEnd, iBufSize - iEnd);
// TODO: check error
iEnd += iRead;
// If we read less than we had space for, then read returned because this is
// all the available data, not because the buffer was too small.
if ( iRead < iBufSize - iEnd )
// Otherwise, double the buffer and try reading some more.
iBufSize *= 2;
pcBuf = realloc( pcBuf, iBufSize );
iStart = 0;
while (1) {
if ( pcBuf[ iStart ] until iEnd-1 is less than a message ) {
// If our partial message isn't at the front of the buffer move it there.
if ( iStart ) {
memmove( pcBuf, pcBuf + iStart, iEnd - iStart );
iEnd -= iStart;
// process a message, and advance iStart by the size of that message.
main() {
// Do your initial processing, and call MyWrite() to send and/or queue data.
while (1) {
select() // see man page
if ( the file handle is readable )
if ( the file handle is writable )
if ( the file handle is in error )
// handle it;
if ( application is finished )

pid provider matching processes that come and go in dtrace

I would like to trace all function calls for a given library in a process, but the process is going to exit and re-open regularly, and I want to keep tracing.
I am doing this now:
printf("%s\n", probefunc);
However, this only lets me provide one pid at a time. Can I keep this going?
I want something like:
/execname == "foo"/
but that * doesn't work there.
I don't think you can do this with just a single dtrace script. You'd need two (at least...). And you need to have the ability to run the destructive system() action, which most likely means root access.
Assume you want to run this script on any new ls process:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
printf( "func: %s\n", probefunc );
Assuming the path to that script is /root/dtrace/tracelibc.d, the following script will start dtrace on any new ls process that gets started. Note that you need #pragma D option destructive to be able to start dtrace on the new process:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
/ "ls" == basename( execname ) /
printf( "tracing process %d\n", pid );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracelibc.d %d", pid );
That should work, but in this case ls is such a short-lived process that something like this happens quite often:
dtrace: failed to compile script /root/dtrace/tracelibc.d: line 10:
failed to grab process 12289
The process is gone by the time dtrace gets going. If you're tracing long-lived processes and don't care that you might miss the first few probes because dtrace takes a while to attach, you're done.
But, if you want to trace short-lived processes, you need to stop the process right when it starts, then restart it after dtrace attaches:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
/ "ls" == basename( execname ) /
printf( "stopping process %d\n", pid );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracelibc.d %d", pid );
and start it back up in tracelibc.d:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
system( "prun %d", $1 );
printf( "func: %s\n", probefunc );
Note that I'm using Solaris prun to restart the stopped process. You'd have to look at the Mac dtrace documentation for the stop() call to get the Mac equivalent of Solaris prun.
But... ooops. The two scripts above combine to produce:
stopping process 12274
dtrace: failed to compile script /root/dtrace/tracelibc.d: line 10:
probe description pid12274:libc::entry does not match any probes
Why does this say pid12274:libc::entry doesn't match any probes? Oh, yeah - when exec returns, the libc.so shared object hasn't been loaded into memory yet. We need a probe that's guaranteed to exist in the target process, and that gets called after libc.so is loaded, but before any processing gets done. main should suffice. So the main script to start it all becomes:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
/ "ls" == basename( execname ) /
printf( "stopping process %d\n", pid );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracemain.d %d", pid );
That starts the tracemain.d script, that restarts the process, loads the tracelibc.d script, and stops the process again:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
system( "prun %d", $1 );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracelibc.d %d", $1 );
/* this instance of dtrace is now done */
exit( 0 );
And tracelibc.d adds its own system( "prun %d", $1 ); in the BEGIN probe, and it looks like:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
system( "prun %d", $1 );
printf( "func: %s\n", probefunc );
Those three really slow up the ls process, but they do produce the expected output - and there's a lot of it, as expected.

Reliable way to determine file size on POSIX/OS X given a file descriptor

I wrote a function to watch a file (given an fd) growing to a certain size including a timeout. I'm using kqueue()/kevent() to wait for the file to be "extended" but after I get the notification that the file grew I have to check the file size (and compare it against the desired size). That seems to be easy but I cannot figure out a way to do that reliably in POSIX.
NB: The timeout will hit if the file doesn't grow at all for the time specified. So, this is not an absolute timeout, just a timeout that some growing happens to the file. I'm on OS X but this question is meant for "every POSIX that has kevent()/kqueue()", that should be OS X and the BSDs I think.
Here's my current version of my function:
* Blocks until `fd` reaches `size`. Times out if `fd` isn't extended for `timeout`
* amount of time. Returns `-1` and sets `errno` to `EFBIG` should the file be bigger
* than wanted.
int fwait_file_size(int fd,
off_t size,
const struct timespec *restrict timeout)
int ret = -1;
int kq = kqueue();
struct kevent changelist[1];
if (kq < 0) {
/* errno set by kqueue */
ret = -1;
goto out;
memset(changelist, 0, sizeof(changelist));
if (kevent(kq, changelist, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0) {
/* errno set by kevent */
ret = -1;
goto out;
while (true) {
/* Step 1: Check the size */
int suc_sz = evaluate_fd_size(fd, size); /* IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS IS THE QUESTION */
if (suc_sz > 0) {
/* wanted size */
ret = 0;
goto out;
} else if (suc_sz < 0) {
/* errno and return code already set */
ret = -1;
goto out;
/* Step 2: Wait for growth */
int suc_kev = kevent(kq, NULL, 0, changelist, 1, timeout);
if (0 == suc_kev) {
/* That's a timeout */
errno = ETIMEDOUT;
ret = -1;
goto out;
} else if (suc_kev > 0) {
if (changelist[0].filter == EVFILT_VNODE) {
if (changelist[0].fflags & NOTE_RENAME || changelist[0].fflags & NOTE_DELETE) {
/* file was deleted, renamed, ... */
errno = ENOENT;
ret = -1;
goto out;
} else {
/* errno set by kevent */
ret = -1;
goto out;
out: {
int errno_save = errno;
if (kq >= 0) {
errno = errno_save;
return ret;
So the basic algorithm works the following way:
Set up the kevent
Check size
Wait for file growth
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the file reached the wanted size.
The code uses a function int evaluate_fd_size(int fd, off_t wanted_size) which will return < 0 for "some error happened or file larger than wanted", == 0 for "file not big enough yet", or > 0 for file has reached the wanted size.
Obviously this only works if evaluate_fd_size is reliable in determining file size. My first go was to implement it with off_t eof_pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) and compare eof_pos against wanted_size. Unfortunately, lseek seems to cache the results. So even when kevent returned with NOTE_EXTEND, so the file grew, the result may be the same! Then I thought to switch to fstat but found articles that fstat caches as well.
The last thing I tried was using fsync(fd); before off_t eof_pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); and suddenly things started working. But:
Nothing states that fsync() really solves my problem
I don't want to fsync() because of performance
EDIT: It's really hard to reproduce but I saw one case in which fsync() didn't help. It seems to take (very little) time until the file size is larger after a NOTE_EXTEND event hit user space. fsync() probably just works as a good enough sleep() and therefore it works most of the time :-.
So, in other words: How to reliably check file size in POSIX without opening/closing the file which I cannot do because I don't know the file name. Additionally, I can't find a guarantee that this would help
By the way: int new_fd = dup(fd); off_t eof_pos = lseek(new_fd, 0, SEEK_END); close(new_fd); did not overcome the caching issue.
EDIT 2: I also created an all in one demo program. If it prints Ok, success before exiting, everything went fine. But usually it prints Timeout (10000000) which manifests the race condition: The file size check for the last kevent triggered is smaller than the actual file size at this very moment. Weirdly when using ftruncate() to grow the file instead of write() it seems to work (you can compile the test program with -DUSE_FTRUNCATE to test that).
Nothing states that fsync() really solves my problem
I don't want to fsync() because of performance
Your problem isn't "fstat caching results", it's the I/O system buffering writes. Fstat doesn't get updated until the kernel flushes the I/O buffers to the underlying file system.
This is why fsync fixes your problem and any solution to your problem more or less has to do the equivalent of fsync. ( This is what the open/close solution does as a side effect. )
Can't help you with 2 because I don't see any way to avoid doing fsync.

How to identify what is printing on screen in linux?

I'm using a library in my C++ application and trying to capture all the output in a file. I tried to redirect the stderr to stdout and then stdout to a file like so:
./a.out 2>&1 > out.txt
This captures pretty much everything in my application but there are still some output on the console related to the library I'm using. My question is:
Are there anything besides stdout/stderr? (other than stdin)
If there are, how can I identify these in my case?
And then how can I redirect these to the same file?
Note: In case someone is familiar, library is called SystemC (which is an event driven simulation library/language on top of C++ for mainly system/hardware design).
You must set output file before any stream-to-stream redirection, else bash can't detect file name to output. In your case you can see stderr output.
See bash redirections reference manual.
./a.out >out.txt 2>&1
Or just:
./a.out &>out.txt
Hmm, well I think what might be happening is that your program is printing to the controlling terminal. One possibility could be to have your program run as a daemon with no controlling terminal. I have a C function that I call to turn my code into a daemon, I got this from a book called The Linux Programming Interface which I highly recommend.
#define BD_NO_CHDIR 01 /* Don't chdir("/") */
#define BD_NO_CLOSE_FILES 02 /* Don't close all open files */
#define BD_NO_REOPEN_STD_FDS 04 /* Don't reopen stdin, stdout, and
stderr to /dev/null */
#define BD_NO_UMASK0 010 /* Don't do a umask(0) */
#define BD_MAX_CLOSE 8192 /* Maximum file descriptors to close if
sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) is indeterminate */
int becomeDaemon(int flags){
int maxfd, fd, new_stdout;
switch (fork()) { /* Become background process */
case -1: return -1;
case 0: break; /* Child falls through... */
default: _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* while parent terminates */
if (setsid() == -1) /* Become leader of new session */
return -1;
switch (fork()) { /* Ensure we are not session leader */
case -1: return -1;
case 0: break;
default: _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
if (!(flags & BD_NO_UMASK0))
umask(0); /* Clear file mode creation mask */
if (!(flags & BD_NO_CHDIR))
chdir("/"); /* Change to root directory */
if (!(flags & BD_NO_CLOSE_FILES)) { /* Close all open files */
maxfd = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
if (maxfd == -1) /* Limit is indeterminate... */
maxfd = BD_MAX_CLOSE; /* so take a guess */
for (fd = 0; fd < maxfd; fd++)
if (!(flags & BD_NO_REOPEN_STD_FDS)) {
close(0); /* Reopen standard fd's to /dev/null */
fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
if (fd != 0) /* 'fd' should be 0 */
return -1;
if (dup2(0, 1) != 1)
return -1;
if (dup2(0, 2) != 2)
return -1;
return 0;
Now I suppose that you can change the line open("/dev/null", O_RDWR) to open("/home/you/output.txt", O_RDWR) and redirect the output there. Ofcourse then you wouldn't be able to directly input from the terminal to your program, but from the sounds of the error message you're getting I think you're using a socket anyway so could possible write a client to do that for you if it was necessary.
Hope that helps.

dup2 blocking printf, but not fprintf?

so, I have an assignment for my Operating Systems class wherein i am to create a ring of processes connected with pipes in order to pass messages between them. i found some example code which i was looking to adapt (or at least understand) for my needs. the example code (slightly modified) is:
/* Program 4.1 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* Sample C program for generating a unidirectional ring of processes.Invoke this program
with a command-line arg ument indicating the number of processes on the ring. Communication
is done via pipes that connect the standard output of a process to the standard input of
its successor on the ring. After the ring is created, each process identifies itself with
its process ID and the process ID of its parent. Each process then exits. */
void main(int argc, char *argv[ ])
int master_pid = getpid();
printf("master pid: %i\n", master_pid);
int i; /* number of this process (starting with 1) */
int childpid; /* indicates process should spawn another */
int nprocs; /* total number of processes in ring */
int fd[2]; /* file descriptors returned by pipe */
int error; /* return value from dup2 call */
/* check command line for a valid number of processes to generate */
if ( (argc != 2) || ((nprocs = atoi (argv[1])) <= 0) ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s nprocs\n", argv[0]);
/* connect std input to std output via a pipe */
if (pipe (fd) == -1) {
perror("Could not create pipe");
printf("%s\n", "test");
//this section is blocking printf()?
if ((dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO) == -1) ||
(dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)) {
perror("Could not dup pipes");
printf("%s\n", "test");
if ((close(fd[0]) == -1) || (close(fd[1]) == -1)) {
perror("Could not close extra descriptors");
/* create the remaining processes with their connecting pipes */
for (i = 1; i < nprocs; i++) {
if (pipe (fd) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not create pipe %d: %s\n",
i, strerror(errno));
if ((childpid = fork()) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create child %d: %s\n",
i, strerror(errno));
if (childpid > 0) /* for parent process, reassign stdout */
error = dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
error = dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
if (error == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not dup pipes for iteration %d: %s\n",
i, strerror(errno));
if ((close(fd[0]) == -1) || (close(fd[1]) == -1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not close extra descriptors %d: %s\n",
i, strerror(errno));
if (childpid)
/* say hello to the world */
fprintf(stderr,"This is process %d with ID %d and parent id %d\n",
i, (int)getpid(), (int)getppid());
exit (0);
} /* end of main program here */
which outputs:
master pid: 30593
This is process 1 with ID 30593 and parent id 30286
This is process 2 with ID 30594 and parent id 30593
when i give is 2 as argv[1]
so, I'm wondering, why would the dup2 section prevent the printf() from executing? if i cant even print something, i'm not sure if i could even pass the message correctly. also, why would the fprintf() already there work, but not one that i would put there?
edit: i would take this to my professor/TA, but theyre both out of town and will be unreachable between now and the deadline...
printf prints to stdout, which is file descriptor 1 (or equivalently STDOUT_FILENO). dup2(3) is duplicating the pipe's file descriptor on top of the current stdout, which has the side effect of closing the current stdout. So, when you try to printf after calling that particular dup2, you're really printing the data into the pipe you just created, which doesn't go to your terminal output.
fprintf(stderr, ...) still works because that prints to stderr, not stdout, and the stderr file descriptor (2, or equivalently STDERR_FILENO) does not change during the program, so it continues to print out to the terminal.
printf() does not send data to path 0, it sends buffered data using stdout. It would seem that when you disrupt path 0 by dup2'ing something to it, you're disrupting stdout in the process.
From the man page on dup2: dup2() makes newfd be the copy of oldfd, closing newfd first if necessary. Thus when you call dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO) you are breaking stdout.
You state that fprintf() is working but printf() is not... what path are you using for fprintf()? If you're using stderr then it makes perfect sense that it would continue to work, since you haven't done anything with that path.
