Jasmine - Multiple it's, one asynchronous call - jasmine

I'm trying to do multiple it specs on a single external load rather than have the external data loaded EVERY time.
How can I do this with a single call of getExternalValue while still keeping my it definitions?
Currently I'm doing all the expects in a single it block. I've also thought about storing the loaded value before my tests but then I'd have to find another way to make jasmine wait until the value is loaded.
function getExternalValue(callback) {
console.log("getting external value");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
return false;
describe("mjaTestLambda()", function() {
it("is truthy", function(done) {
let truthy;
truthy = getExternalValue(function(bool) {
truthy = bool;
it("is falsy", function(done) {
let truthy;
truthy = getExternalValue(function(bool) {
truthy = bool;

How can I do this with a single call of getExternalValue while still
keeping my it definitions?
Use beforeEach() or beforeAll() to get the resolved value. Personally I suggest beforeEach() as it will reset the value for each test and helps ensure a clean setup for each one.
I noticed your function has a callback parameter. Async/await is a useful pattern that works best when (1) you're writing async/await functions or (2) your functions return a Promise. If you need to keep the callback parameter, let me know and I'll update the following:
// returns Promise
function getExternalValue() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log("getting external value");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
describe("mjaTestLambda()", () => {
let value;
beforeAll(() => {
return getExternalValue()
.then((v) => { value = v; });
it("is truthy", () => {
it("is not falsy", () => {


I tried to maka a QUnit async test for checking ajax update

I tried to maka a QUnit async test for checking ajax update.
I read of QUnit.asyncTest here
but if i try this i get a
TypeError: QUnit.asyncTest is not a function
thats the complete source: https://gist.github.com/232457b002e5363439aece7535600356
of course i new by using QUnit and used JavaScript not for long time.
that a snippet of the part where the error happens:
function max() {
var max = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] > max) {
max = arguments[i];
return max;
// https://www.sitepoint.com/test-asynchronous-code-qunit/
//TypeError: QUnit.asyncTest is not a function
QUnit.asyncTest('max', function (assert) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
assert.strictEqual(max(3, 1, 2), 3, 'All positive numbers');
}, 0);
this test gives no syntax error but gives old date:
QUnit.test('usersInnerHTMLlength_Is24', function(assert) {
// problem: this not reads the updates done by ajax. means that are old data:
let innerHTMLlength = $("#users").html().toString().length;
assert.equal(innerHTMLlength, 24);
May its not possible to check ajax with QUnit?
I thougt this when i have read here:
QUnit testing AJAX calls
I use it inside a Wordpress Plugin
That sitepoint article is very old (by web standards). You'll need to use the newer syntax found on the documentation website:
function someAsyncThing(value) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (value > 5) {
} else {
reject(new Error("bad value"));
}, 500);
QUnit.test( "some async thing success test", function( assert ) {
// This is what tells QUnit the test is asynchronous
// "done" here will be a callback function used later
var done = assert.async();
// Now call your Async code, passing in a callback...
.then(function(result) {
// do your assertions once the async function ends...
assert.equal(result, 10)
// Now tell QUnit you're all done with the test
// we can pass the "done" callback from above into catch() to force a test failure
QUnit.test( "some async thing FAILURE test", function( assert ) {
var done = assert.async();
.then(function() {
done(new Error("we should NOT succeed with a value < 5"));
.catch(function(err) {
assert.equal(err.message, "bad value")

Chai http Promise never failing

I am using Chai http and the promise. The following test should fail, but it passes without ever calling the then function. If I add the done parameter to wait for the async function to finish, it fails (correctly). Am I doing something wrong?
it('Returns the correct amount of events', function() {
.then(function(res) {
throw new Error('why no throw?');
.catch(function(err) {
throw err;
When you forget to return promise your test is evergreen. So, you just need to return promise to make it work:
it('Returns the correct amount of events', function() {
return chai.request(app)
.then(function(res) {
throw new Error('why no throw?');
.catch(function(err) {
return Promise.reject(err);

My Mocha test passes on first time but fails on subsequent runs when using watch

I am writing integration tests using mocha and chai. I want to use mocha -w however whenever the code re-runs due to changes, the tests fails with the message that done was not called. However every time that I stop mocha and run again it runs fine. There seems to be some type of scoping issue, that when mocha re-runs some things are out of scope. Any help would be appreciated!
Using Mocha "mocha#3.2.0"
function sendGoodMsg(){
return sendMsg(payloads.goodPayload, "good_msg")
function tooManyMsg(){
return sendMsg(payloads.tooManyPayload, "too_many_msg")
function tooFewMsg(){
return sendMsg(payloads.tooFewPayload, "too_few_msg")
function sendMsg(payload, type){
//get process started
let sentMsg = new queue.CCMessage( 'scheduler_service', queue.WORK, 'setSchedule' );
sentMsg.context.origContext = uuid.v4();
sentMsg.context.testType = type;
sentMsg.payload = payload;
return sentMsg.Send();
function receiveMsg(payloadType){
return new Promise(resolve =>{
const messageReceiver = new queue.MessageReceiver(queue.THIS_SERVICE, queue.WORK);
messageReceiver.on('setSchedule', (msg)=>{
if(msg.context.testType === payloadType){
} else {
describe("should receive sent message", function(){
it('should have the following fields', function () {
return sendGoodMsg().then(()=>{
return receiveMsg("good_msg").then(payload =>{
return assert.isTrue(processMessage.messageIsValid(payload));
it('should not have extra fields', function () {
return tooManyMsg().then(()=> {
return receiveMsg("too_many_msg").then(payload => {
return assert.isFalse(processMessage.messageIsValid(payload));
it('should not be missing fields', function () {
return tooFewMsg().then(()=> {
return receiveMsg("too_few_msg").then(payload => {
return assert.isFalse(processMessage.messageIsValid(payload));

parse.com A Cloud Job of few words

I am trying to create a simple Cloud Job on parse.com but it doesn't behave as expected.
The job returns without error but in the process I am making a find query that seems to be thrown out to the void. There is no error, my console.log are visible before executing query.find() but after that nothing... The query seems to fail silently.
Here is my code:
Parse.Cloud.job("maintenanceJob", function(request, status) {
return performMaintenanceTasks().then(function() {
status.success("Parse Job done");
}, function(errors) {
function performMaintenanceTasks ()
// If we have more than NB_MAX_ITEMS objects in Items, let's delete some
var query = new Parse.Query(Items);
return query.count({
success: function(count) {
if(count > NB_MAX_ITEMS) {
return deleteOldItems(1); // 1 is used for test
return Parse.Promise.as("Nothing to do.");
error: function(error) {
return Parse.Promise.error(error);
function deleteOldItems(nbToDelete) {
// (...)
var query = new Parse.Query(Items);
console.log("I am visible in console, but NOTHING AFTER ME. query.find() seems to return immediately");
return query.find({
success: function (results) {
// I never pass here
var promise = Parse.Promise.as();
_.each(results, function (item) {
// For each item, extend the promise with a function to delete it.
promise = promise.then(function () {
var rawData = item.get("rawData");
// If we have a rawData, delete it before Item
if (rawData && rawData.id) {
return rawData.destroy({
success: function (theObj) {
return item.destroy({
success: function (anotherObj) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.as();
error: function (anotherObj, error) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.as();
error: function (theObj, error) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.as();
} else {
return item.destroy({
success: function (anotherObj) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.as();
error: function (anotherObj, error) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.as();
return promise;
error: function (error) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.error(error);
}).then(function (nil) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.as("DELETEOLDITEMS: Job finished");
}, function(error) {
// I never pass here
return Parse.Promise.error(error);
(I have tested to replace every // I never pass here with console.log(), without any result)
I tried many different things but I believe this should work! Or at least return errors!
Anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Even weirder, if I modify performMaintenanceTasks to skip query.count():
function performMaintenanceTasks()
return deleteOldItems(1);
the query.find() in deleteOldItems() is correctly executed this time!
What does that mean? Am I not allowed to nest queries on the same class?
I'm not certain if this pertains to you, but I know from my a personal experience that the Parse log can seem a little unintuitive. The Parse log only spits out 10 lines by default, so ensure you're specifying the log length every time you check.
parse log -n 1000
...is what I tend to do every time. This just makes debugging easier.

AngularJS - fail resilence on $q.all()

I'm trying to fill some local data resolving a series of remote calls.
When every promise is resolved, I load the data and proceed.
The method $q.all( [] ) does exactly this:
.then(function (r) {
.then(function (r) {
.then(function (r) {
.then(function () {
Problem is, this code is not resilient.
If any of these call fails, nobody gets the fish!
Wrapping the calls in a try/catch statement, simply causes $q.all() to entirely ignore the entry, even when not failing (note the console.log in the func)...
.then(function (r) {
function () {
try {
.then(function (r) {
catch (err) {
.then(function () {
Any hint on how I could wrap this to be resilient?
Thanks to #dtabuenc, I've gone one step further.
Implementing the error callback, I can avoid the breaking of the chain, and push the values of the resolved promises.
However, a nasty Exception is still displayed on the console...
How can I get rid of that if I cannot try/catch on async requests?
Caller code
return $q.all([
.then(function (r) {
results['personal_details'] = r
function (r) {
results['connections'] = r
function(err) {
.then(function () {
return (results)
Callee code (inject with an exception)
getUserConns: function() {
return __doCall( ws.getUserConnections, {} )
.then( function(r) {
// very generic exception injected
throw new Error
if (r && r.data['return_code'] === 0) {
return r.data['entries']
else {
console.log('unable to retrieve the activity - err: '+r.data['return_code'])
return null
This will work but also push the errors to the array.
function push(r) {
.then(function () {
You should also improve your understanding of promises, you never should use try-catch with promises - when using promises, you use the .catch() method (with everything else being implicitly a try). This works for normal errors as well as asynchronous errors.
If you want to totally ignore the errors:
function push(r) {
function noop() {}
.then(function () {
I think it's easier to do :
.then(function success(data) {
I'm not sure what you mean by resilient. What do you want to happen if one of the promises fails?
Your try-catch won't work because the promise will fail asynchronously.
You can however pass in an error handler as the second parameter to the then() call and do whatever you wish there.
Same issue here. For those of you with for loops: inside a then response:
var tracks = [];
var trackDfds = [];
for(var i = 0; i < res.items.length; i++){
var fn = function () {
var promise = API.tracks(userId, res.items[i].id);
return promise.then(function (res) {
if (res.items.length) {
.then(function (res) {
#Esailija's answer seems like a workaround to a problem.
You can't resolve the problem outside the main contributor to the problem: $q.
It seems a bit wiser to have reject callbacks for each then (2nd argument) and in there to insert $q.reject(...).
function (response) { // UI data preparation for this part of the screen },
function (response) {
// ...
function () {
// all good
function () {
// at least one failed
This is particularly indicated when the UI model depends on all ajax calls.
Personally I think this is the safe way to proceed anyway, because most of the times you do want to push some server messages to some toast component on the reject callbacks, or alert the user in some way (queuing 7 ajax calls doesn't mean you can't show anything because 1 failed - it means you won't be able to show some region of the screen - that needs a specialized feedback to the user).
