I am trying to transmit a signal through usrp in redhawk 2.0.7.
For that I made a simple waveform and export it to target SDR in Redhawk explorer view.
After that I have a made a node and include usrp uhd device in that node. I have exported this node project to target sdr.
After that I have launched domain manager by right clicking on target sdr. By doing so, both GPP and usrp started in device manager. But when I launched waveform, it gives me error.
Failed to create application. Failed to create usesdevice dependencies rh.USRP_UHD_1 for application. IDL:CF/ApplicationFactory/CreateApplication: 1.0
My question is how can I connect a component to a usrp device so that usrp can take input from a component (e.g signal generator)to transmit signal over the air in transmission case, and in receiving case, it can provide signal to component input port.
Although your hardware has all the necessary components, RedHawk has not created the front-end interface to be able to transmit. The signal input ports are there on the USRP component (which is misleading), but they are basically just place-holders. You can receive signals through the RedHawk framework, but they have not yet released a version capable of transmitting (as of March 2018).
I need to program a recently purchased STM32F407ZGT6 board
In 'normal mode' my computer doesn't recognizing the board as a Ports (COM & LPT)/STMElectronics Virtual COM Port when connected via USB (I'm using a Windows 10 Pro). The LEDs turn on and I can get it into 'DFU mode'. When I try to debug the code, I get the "No ST-LINK detected!" message in either mode.
This is my first time connecting the board and also my first time dealing with STM32
Despite the instructions, I want to program the board using C directly from the STM32CubeIDE
Here is what I found
I found this question [1] where Device Manager reads the STM as Disk drives/STM32. My PC identifies it as mass storage and portable devices on Windows 10 Pro. When in DFU mode, I can see it as Universal Serial Bus Device/STM32 BOOTLOADER on Device Manager.
The tutorial [2] uses Flash Loader Demo and this older tutorial [3] uses STSW-STM32080, but both of the drivers are tagged as obsolete on the ST Website. STM32CuberProgrammer is indicated instead, but I would like to flash and debug directly from the IDE. Another forum reply [4] says that "you need a ST-link V2 programmer to program the brand new chip".
In summary
I can see the solution being one of the following options:
correct answer I need to use the ST-LINK-V2 to program from the IDE and that's the only way
I need to flash a bootloader via STM32CubeProgrammer to get it to work via IDE (is there a standard code for this?)
I have to build the cross-compiler for MicroPython [5] before I get to program it in C
What are your thoughts? Any other driver or idea that I might be missing?
I went on and got my hands on a ST-LINK V2. I made the connection via the JTAG/SWD connector (see schematic) and I also tried connecting directly with the pins:
The ST-Link is not recognized. The ST-Link blinks and the board is powered up, but that's it. Device manager before and after shows the same.
So I went on checking if I was missing any new driver/program. I installed the STSW-LINK004 (STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.6.0.0) based on these instructions, but no luck, Utility cannot find it either. I've reseted the computer after each driver installation. If I connect my boardvia USB in DFU mode, it is still recognized as STM32 BOOTLOADER, if I do it with the ST-Link, nothing changes.
Update solution
It turned out the ST-Link was faulty and therefore not connecting. After finding another ST-LINK/V2, the computer can recognize the board under Universal Serial Bus devices/STM32 STLink.
Debugging with STM32CubeIDE will always need an ST-LINK or other JTAG or SWD debug probe.
The bootloader allows you to program the microcontroller with a binary image, and that's it. The IDE will happily produce such a binary image, and possibly even have a wizard for transferring it via DFU. But that's only programming, no debugging And only be when the bootloader is running. If you did debug-like things like reading RAM contents, you'd get what the bootloader stores there while it is running, not the variables that your own program uses.
The ROM bootloader supports several ways of receiving new code to flash -- USB (DFU), CAN, I2C, SPI, UART. That last is not a USB Virtual COM port, it is honest-to-God UART using the USART peripheral in the microcontroller and RX/TX pins.
If you want a virtual COM port for your custom firmware to use to send data to the PC, you have to program the USB peripheral.
Currently, I have a desktop app that I used to read and write data to a proprietary hardware device via a serial port interface. The app starts by listing the serial COM devices connected to the computer, and once a device is selected, one can interact with the app to communicate with the corresponding device. I no longer have such a device at hand, but I would still like to use the app nonetheless.
I have already developed a command-line utility that, given a binary message in stdin, emits the corresponding binary reply (the same reply that the proprietary hardware device would send via serial port) to stdout. Let's call this utility a simulator.
How do I set up a virtual serial port such that the app can detect it, and that whenever the app sends a message using the serial port protocol, such message is forwarded to the simulator, and the simulator's reply is returned back to the desktop app?
I'm on Mac OS 12 with an M1 CPU. I'm also open to solutions on Windows 10 (with less priority).
I have looked at previous questions on StackOverflow that might be similar to this one, but they were either incomplete or slightly different, with no obvious way to infer the solution for my actual problem.
Serial ports are unlike other channels. That's why separate system calls exist for them.
Normally, serial ports are created by physical devices (an old-fashioned serial port or a newer USB-based one) and the associated driver. Since writing a driver is quite difficult, a pragmatic and possibly unexpected approach would be to use hardware, specifically two USB-to-serial adapters. That way, a serial port is created by the drivers of the USB-to-serial adapter.
The two USB-to-serial adapters are wired to each other (RX to TX and vice versa). The will appear as two serial ports on macOS (/dev/cu.usb...).
The legacy application then connects to one of the serial ports. And your command line utility (acting as a device emulation) connects to the other serial port. All data send by the command line utility will go to the legacy application, and vice versa.
The remaining issue is how to connect your command line utility to the serial port. If you are lucky, you can use the screen command. But more likely, you will need to modify it to read and write from the serial port (instead of stdin and stdout).
I am using the Onboard-SDK for DJI M100 on ROS.
I developed a code for controlling the position of the M100 to certain target position.
However, it doesn't reach the specified target.
For that reason I checked the published control signals with ROS, and as I saw, in some experiments the frequency of the control signal is not "constant" at all. For example, sometimes I have 50Hz, some others 5Hz, 10Hz etc.
I would like to know what is the actual reason behind this.
Assuming you 3.3V FTDI works and have perfect working hardware, I would guess some 1 changed the DJI assistant2 SDK setting for you. Otherwise, it will not changes. I had some simar problem before, but the problem is I burn the API port by using 5V FTDI
Besides, you control should be sent to the drone in a fixed time loop by running a ros loop rate and ros sleep routing. not send at each callback. The reason being that you need to control your drone position with PID or other control methods which is time depended.
Is it possible to get the HEX code of remote control from an application and a smartphone that has a infrared transmitter ? (Samsung S4)
Android SDK, starting from 19, introduced a function for transmitting infrared signals only. so the answer is No.
But it's possible to do that if the manufacturer has a public API for doing that. which requires the IR module to be both transmitter and receiver and the OS driver being able to receive the data, etc.
Sorry! I don't know about that. But you can use an Arduino board with IR receiver to capture and decode the IR signal and a Bluetooth module to send it to your device.
I have a Arduino app that needs to talk to my PC across the USB (Serial) connection. I have this bit of code that I lifted from the Arduino Playground at
this->serialPort1->PortName = "COM5"; // Replace with your COM port!
this->serialPort1->Write( "7" ); // In the future, you'll expand on this
// to write your custom data to the board
My question is how does one determine what COM port the Arduino USB cable is attached to?
There are several ways you can approach this.
The most obvious is that you simply make your application configurable and tell it which serial port to use. The port name should never change, unless you have other processes on your machine allocating virtual COM ports such as Bluetooth drivers.
A second option is that you can do what the Arduino app does and scan the serial ports on the system looking for the hardware. Since you are using the CLR, System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames() will give you a list of all the serial ports on the system. (You can also get this from the registry.) Then you can enumerate through them and check the status of the pins to see which serial ports have devices attached. You should probably include in your sketch a way to query the Arduino so that you can send it a command and have it give a fixed response. This would allow you to discern your application from other serial devices such as modems.
There is a third option which would involve figuring out where the FTDI driver stores its configuration information in the system/registry and going from there. This is a bit more involved, so I can't give any information on if this approach is even viable.