Hackerearth bubbleSort - algorithm

In Hackerearth i tried solving bubble sort swap counting. and my output always different from correct output.for example;
my output is 2475 and correct output is 2788
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int *A,tm,times=0;
cin >> tm;
A = new int[tm];
for(int i = 0; i<tm;i++) {cin >> A[i];}
int temp;
for(int i = 0; i<tm;i++){
for(int j = 0; j < tm-i-1;j++){
if(A[j] > A[j+1]){
temp = A[j];
A[j] = A[j+1];
A[j] = temp;
cout << times;
return 0;
Am i doing something wrong or correct outputs are wrong?

In the swap logic, in place of
In the outer for loop, i<tm-1 instead of i<tm

May be this is irrelevant, but it is possible to find the number of inversion with a better complexity. This solution will require O(n^2). It can be done in O(nlogn) time complexity. The idea is to use merge sort and at merging state you already know how many values are greater/smaller from a value without actually counting them. While merging, if a value of right subarray is greater, then all other values right of it are also greater. You just need to count how many values are at right. A detailed and pleasant explanation is provided here.
Number of swaps performed by Bubble-Sort on a given array


Rank of string solution

I was going through a question where it asks you to find the rank of the string amongst its permutations sorted lexicographically.
O(N^2) is pretty clear.
Some websites have O(n) solution also. The part that is optimized is basically pre-populating a count array such that
count[i] contains count of characters which are present in str and are smaller than i.
I understand that this'd reduce the complexity but can't fit my head around how we are calculating this array. This is the function that does this (taken from the link):
// Construct a count array where value at every index
// contains count of smaller characters in whole string
void populateAndIncreaseCount (int* count, char* str)
int i;
for( i = 0; str[i]; ++i )
++count[ str[i] ];
for( i = 1; i < 256; ++i )
count[i] += count[i-1];
Can someone please provide an intuitive explanation of this function?
That solution is doing a Bucket Sort and then sorting the output.
A bucket sort is O(items + number_of_possible_distinct_inputs) which for a fixed alphabet can be advertised as O(n).
However in practice UTF makes for a pretty large alphabet. I would therefore suggest a quicksort instead. Because a quicksort that divides into the three buckets of <, > and = is efficient for a large character set, but still takes advantage of a small one.
Understood after going through it again. Got confused due to wrong syntax in c++. It's actually doing a pretty simple thing (Here's the java version :
void populateAndIncreaseCount(int[] count, String str) {
// count is initialized to zero for all indices
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
for (int i = 1; i < 256; ++i)
count[i] += count[i - 1];
After first step, indices whose character are present in string are non-zero. Then, for each index in count array, it'd be the sum of all the counts till index-1 since array represents lexicographically sorted characters. And, after each search, we udate the count array also:
// Removes a character ch from count[] array
// constructed by populateAndIncreaseCount()
void updatecount (int* count, char ch)
int i;
for( i = ch; i < MAX_CHAR; ++i )

Counting sort - Efficiency

I was thinking about counting sort and how we implement it, actually how the algorithm works. I am stuck with one part, algorithm is really straightforward and easy to understand but one part of it doesn't seem necessary. I thought people might mistaken or so, but it seems like everyone using the same method so I am mistaken somewhere. Can you please explain.
Here is code for counting sort from geeksforgeeks
// C Program for counting sort
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define RANGE 255
// The main function that sort the given string arr[] in
// alphabatical order
void countSort(char arr[])
// The output character array that will have sorted arr
char output[strlen(arr)];
// Create a count array to store count of inidividul
// characters and initialize count array as 0
int count[RANGE + 1], i;
memset(count, 0, sizeof(count));
// Store count of each character
for(i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
// Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual
// position of this character in output array
for (i = 1; i <= RANGE; ++i)
count[i] += count[i-1];
// Build the output character array
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
output[count[arr[i]]-1] = arr[i];
// Copy the output array to arr, so that arr now
// contains sorted characters
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
arr[i] = output[i];
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
char arr[] = "geeksforgeeks";//"applepp";
printf("Sorted character array is %s\n", arr);
return 0;
Cool , but about this part:
// Build the output character array
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
output[count[arr[i]]-1] = arr[i];
Why do I need this ?? Ok I counted my numbers :
Let's say I had array -> [1, 3, 6, 3, 2, 4]
INDEXES 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
I created this -> [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1]
Than this part does this:
[0, 1+0, 1+1, 2+2, 4+1, 0+5, 1+5]
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6]
Can't I just use my array like the one before ? Here is my idea and my code, please explain why it's wrong or, why other way is more useful.
void countingSort (int *arr) {
int countingArray[MAX_NUM] = {0};
for (i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i++)
int output_Index = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM ; i++)
while ( countingArray[i]-- )
arr[output_Index++] = i;
For the simple case where you are sorting an array of integers, your code is simpler and better.
However, counting sort is a general sorting algorithm that can sort based on a sorting key derived from the items to be sorted, which is used to compare them, as opposed to directly comparing the items themselves. In the case of an array of integers, the items and the sort keys can be one and the same, you just compare them directly.
It looks to me as though the geeksforgeeks code has been adapted from a more generic example that allows the use of sorting keys, something like this:
// Store count of each item
for(i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
// Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual
// position of this character in output array
for (i = 1; i <= RANGE; ++i)
count[i] += count[i-1];
// Build the output array
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
output[count[key(arr[i])]-1] = arr[i];
Where key is a function that computes a sort key based on an item (for an integer type you could just return the integer itself). In this case MAX_NUM would have to be replaced with MAX_KEY.
This approach uses the extra output array because the final result is generated by copying the items from arr rather than simply from the information in count (which only contains the count of items with each key). However, an in-place counting sort is possible.
The algorithm also guarantees a stable sort (items with the same sort key have their relative order preserved by sorting) - this is meaningless when sorting integers.
However, since they have removed the ability to sort based on key, there's no reason for the extra complexity and your way is better.
It's also possible that they have copied the code from a language like C++, where the int cast (which will be called when using an item to index an array) could be overloaded to return the sort key, but have mistakenly converted to C.
I think your version is a better approach. I suspect that the person who wrote this code sample had probably written similar code samples for other sorting algorithms — there are many sorting algorithms where you do need separate "scratch space" — and didn't put enough thought into this one.
Alternatively, (s)he may have felt that the algorithm is easier to explain if we separate "generating the result" from "moving the result into place"? I don't agree, if so, but the detailed comments make clear that (s)he had pedagogy in mind.
That said, there are a few minor issues with your version:
You forgot to declare i.
You should take the array-length as a parameter, rather than using a hardcoded ARRAY_SIZE. (In the code sample, this issue is avoided by using a string, so they could iterate until the terminating null byte.)
This may be subjective, but rather than while ( countingArray[i]-- ), I think it's clearer to write for (int j = 0; j < countingArray[i]; ++j).

Resolve 16-Queens Problem in 1 second only

I should resolve 16-Queens Problem in 1 second.
I used backtracking algorithm like below.
This code is enough to resolve N-Queens Problem in 1 second when the N is smaller than 13.
But it takes long time if N is bigger than 13.
How can I improve it?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int n;
int arr[100]={0,};
int solution_count = 0;
int check(int i)
int k=1, ret=1;
while (k < i && ret == 1) {
if (arr[i] == arr[k] ||
abs(arr[i]-arr[k]) == abs(i-k))
ret = 0;
return ret;
void backtrack(int i)
if(check(i)) {
if(i == n) {
} else {
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) {
arr[i+1] = j;
int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("%d", solution_count);
Your algorithm is almost fine. A small change will probably give you enough time improvement to produce a solution much faster. In addition, there is a data structure change that should let you reduce the time even further.
First, tweak the algorithm a little: rather than waiting for the check all the way till you place all N queens, check early: every time you are about to place a new queen, check if another queen is occupying the same column or the same diagonal before making the arr[i+1] = j; assignment. This will save you a lot of CPU cycles.
Now you need to speed up checking of the next queen. In order to do that you have to change your data structure so that you could do all your checks without any loops. Here is how to do it:
You have N rows
You have N columns
You have 2N-1 ascending diagonals
You have 2N-1 descending diagonals
Since no two queens can take the same spot in any of the four "dimensions" above, you need an array of boolean values for the last three things; the rows are guaranteed to be different, because the i parameter of backtrack, which represents the row, is guaranteed to be different.
With N up to 16, 2N-1 goes up to 31, so you can use uint32_t for your bit arrays. Now you can check if a column c is taken by applying bitwise and & to the columns bit mask and 1 << c. Same goes for the diagonal bit masks.
Note: Doing a 16 Queen problem in under a second would be rather tricky. A very highly optimized program does it in 23 seconds on an 800 MHz PC. A 3.2 GHz should give you a speed-up of about 4 times, but it would be about 8 seconds to get a solution.
I would change while (k < i && ret == 1) { to while (k < i) {
and instead of ret = 0; do return 0;.
(this will save a check every iteration. It might be that your compiler does this anyway, or some other performance trick, but this might help a bit).

My code for merge sort in C++ using dynamic arrays returning garbage values

Please tell me why this code is giving garbage values
Compiles well, implemented this based on the Cormen algorithm for mergesorting
Basically taking given numbers in a dynamic array. two void functions are taken.One is to merge the two sub arrays via merge sort and the other to recursively split the array to sub arrays
using namespace std;
void merge(int *A,int p, int q, int r)// a function to merge two //sub arrays
int n1= q-p+1;
int n2=r-q;
int L[n1];
int R[n2];
for (int i=0;i<n1;i++)
int m=1;
for(int j=0; j<n2 ;j++)
int i=0;
int j=0;
for(int k=0;k<r;k++)
if (L[i]<=R[j])
void mergesort(int *A,int p,int r)// dividng the sequence to sub arrays
if (p<r)
int q;
int main()
int n;
cout<<"Enter the number of numbers to be sorted by merge sort"<<endl;
int* a=NULL;
a=new int[n];
int temp;
cout<<"Enter the numbers"<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
*(a+i)=temp;// inputting the given numbers into a dynamic array
cout<<"The given numbers are:"<<endl;
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
cout<<*(a+j)<<" ";
cout<<"The merged sorted numbers are:"<<endl;
for(int s=0;s<n;s++)
cout<<*(a+s)<<" ";
delete [] a;
return 0;
You are getting your intervals wrong pretty much everywhere in your code. For example:
Based on your usage in main, mergesort is supposed to sort the sublist of indices [0,n-1].
With this meaning, your recursion in mergesort says in order to sort the indices [p,r-1], you should first sort [p,q-1] then sort [q+1,r-1]: you completely ignore index q.
Similarly, merge is confused: once you fix the typo when coping into L (A[i] should be A[p+i]), it takes [p,q] as one list, and [q,r] as the other list: note you copy entry q twice, and you also copy r when you probably shouldn't be.
To fix your code, you need to straighten out exactly what intervals everything is supposed to be working on. This isn't a hard problem, you just have to bring yourself to write down explicitly exactly what all of your functions and loops and stuff are supposed to be doing.
The typical convention these days is half-open intervals: you should generally think of taking indices [p,q) from a list. ([p,q) is the same as [p,q-1]) Here are several examples of why this is preferred:
The number of entries of [p,r) is simply r-p
A for loop iterating through [p,r) is the usual for(i=p; i<r; ++i) (not <=)
Splitting the interval [p,r) into parts gives you intervals [p,q) and [q,r) -- there is no worry about remembering to add 1 in places.
e.g. merge would normally be designed to take the first list comes from indices [p,q) and the second list from indices [q,r).

Am I using Dynamic Programming? Matrix chain multiplication in c

Halo I just write code to perform Matrix chain multiplication, which can be solved by Dynamic Programming
Here is the code I wrote, which I think is simpler than the one provided by wikipedia. So I doubt am i doing dynamic programming or not?
and I can't figure out the time complexity of my program. Can someone help me to figure the time complexity of this program?
Here's my guess..
the for loop will run n times for each call? if mem is not used..
for each loop, it will then expand into two
if mem is used, it prevent recalculation...
ahhh I can't figure it out, hope someone can help me :-)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
int mem[10][10];
int row[10];
int col[10];
int m[10];
#define NUM 4
int DP(int c, int r){
if(mem[c][r] != INT_MAX) return mem[c][r];
if(c == r) return 0;
int min_cost;
for(int j=c; j<r; j++){
min_cost = DP(c, j) + DP(j+1, r) + m[c-1]*m[j]*m[r];
if(min_cost < mem[c][r])
mem[c][r] = min_cost;
return mem[c][r];
int main(){
for(int i=0; i< 10;i++){
for(int j=0; j<10;j++){
mem[i][j] = INT_MAX;
int n = NUM; // MAX 4 matrix
int a,b;
for(int i=0; i< NUM+1; i++){
cin >> a;
m[i] = a;
cout << "Lowest Cost for matrix multiplicatoin " << DP(1,NUM);
The technique you have used is called memoization. Most of the time, you may solve DP problems using memoization with little (or no) overhead.
The complexity of your implementation is just like the original DP solution: O(n^3) (Note: Every cell of mem array should be computed at least once, and each cell takes O(n) time to be computed. Further computation of a cell, does not involve any loop, since it would be a simple lookup.)
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization
