InstallShield: Get the organization name during installation - installation

I'm creating an installation with instalshield.
In the "Installation Interview", (which is part of the "Project Assistant") I set the option "to prompt users to enter their Company Name".
My question is: how can I interact with the value they entered? I mean how can I get it? I need to take this value and insert it to my app config file , during the installation process.
In a more general way, I would love to know how can I add text fields of my own and interact with the values the customers insert?
Thank you,

Look at the installation Wizard Noam. Anywhere you see an edit control, you will notice that it has a property associated with it. The property is a 'variable' that will have a value assigned to it. You can use the property to populate a registry, an XML file, etc.
I would look through the help documentation for InstallShield relating to Properties.
The link above goes over the difference between Public and Private properties and how you can use them.

Ok, so I sort of solved it, I didn't use any built in dialog boxes, but simply created my own public property and dialog, then added an event to dialog and finally read the property value with powershell script, in more details (for future noobies) :
Create new property in Property Manager (under "Behavior and Logic"), give it a name and default value.
Create new dialog (under "User Interface").
At the behavior section of your dialog go to "Next" control (for example).
Add event (by pressing the tiny green plus sign at the line of the "Events")
Choose "SetProperty"
At the SetProperty line you can specify a condition, for example ApplicationUsers = "AllUsers"
At the "Property" field enter the property name (from first instruction)
At the "Value" field enter the value you wish for.
For getting the property value from powershell, create powershell script with the following: $value = Get-Property -Name PROPERTY_NAME
That's it.
This is not exactly what I asked for in the question but I believe this answer is more general and so also contains the answer to my original question.


HP-UFT configure settings for capturing of Object Repository

Is it possible to customize/configure the Capture features in HP UFT Repository manager (Tools: "Navigate and Learn", "Spy" and "Add").
When capturing the object I would like to define what HP automatically sets as the name and test object properties.
For instance if property Help Text if available for an object, set this to the name.
The way UFT determines what name to give an object is controlled by the tag query name in the registry.
The default value is logical name but you can change it to any other property supported by the object's GetROProperty.
In order to configure open regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest\TestObjects.
Then under the object you want (e.g. Edit) change tag query name from logical name to the property you want (e.g. placeholder).
If the object in question is web-based and the property you want isn't supported by UFT you can use the attribute/ notation
UFT has a 'Tools' > 'Object Identification'. Choose the object to modify, then add the property to the 'assistive' list.

Is is possible to use variable in dialog prompt in LUIS?

In LUIS if you require some parameters for an action, and add a prompt question, if the parameter is missing, it will send the prompt as a dialog option in the answer.
In my case I have 2 required parameters, and if the 2nd one is missing (the quantity) I'd like the prompt asking for clarification to use the value of the other parameter's value.
For example:
query: I would like to buy tickets to toronto.
dialog prompt should
be: How many tickets to toronto?
I tried setting the prompt to something like "how many tickets to {location}" but obviously this doesn't work.
I haven't found any information on this so I think it's just not possible but I'd like confirmation.
I don't think this is possible out of the box. However, I believe it could be done if you start overriding things here and there.
The main problem is that the LuisActionDialog (the dialog that prompts for parameters) is not receiving the original LuisResult model (which makes sense since it's not serializable).
So, I think that to start looking into this, you will have to:
Override the MessageReceived method from the LuisDialog class, in order to create a new dialog that handles the parameters. Please note that overriding the MakeLuisActionDialog method won't be enough, per what I explained before about not receiving the original LuisResult.
Create a new dialog similar to the LuisActionDialog, that will do what the current dialog does but also performs the prompts manipulation that you are looking to have.

Record without adding to repository?

Imagine creating a new QTP project. You hit record to get your first bit of code in place. By default, you'll get something like:
Browser("MyApp").Page("MyPage").WebEdit("MyLogin").Set "Bob"
And you'll get the Browser, Page, and WebEdit objects automatically added to the repository. What I would like to be able to do, as one of those QTP bods that prefers descriptive programming, is hit record, and get something like:
Browser("name:=MyApp").Page("name:=MyPage").WebEdit("name:=MyLogin").Set "Bob"
And have no objects added to the repository. Is there a setting / option to do this somewhere?
(Obviously there are arguments for not wanting to do this, which I acknowledge and appreciate - but for those of us that prefer DP, this could help expedite test creation).
From what i understood is that you want to hit 'Record' button and you will get the script in descriptive type rather than the usual. But that is not possible.
For descriptive programming, you have to explicitly write the code by identifying the properties of each object for that (you can use Tools > Object Spy).
For above example:
Go to Object Spy > Select "the pointing hand symbol button" and click on the WebEdit for which you want to set the text "Bob"
Now, from Object Hierarchy select each object Top to Bottom and write properties of those object in the script. Like 1st Browser, then Page, then WebEdit. Try adding as more properties as you can.
You just can not get descriptive script by hitting Record button.

Check model from VBScript in PowerDesigner and change selected objects

I need to check Physical Data Model in PowerDesigner 16.5 from VBScript and change selection of objects, which should be checked, but following test case does not work:
I press F4 and create in GUI some saved (persistent) selections named Sel1 and Sel2.
I use following code in VBScript as found in documentation:
Option Explicit
ActiveModel.UseSelection fct_CheckModel, "Sel1"
'Output ActiveModel.GetSelection(fct_CheckModel)
Problem is function call "UseSelection" on model does nothing and last selected Persistent Selection is used , which can be checked with commented line (does not return desired Sel1).
Am i missing something or it is just some bug in PowerDesigner?

Where does xcode 4 get the user name for file templates

When I create a new file in xcode, the file template emits the following line:
// Created by ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS on 11/2/11.
According to the docs, this should be using the full user name of the currently logged in user, but it's substituting ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS instead. Anyone know why it's not using my user name? The variable it's substituting for is ___FULLUSERNAME___
I think it pulls information for the "me" card in your AddressBook to replace the ___FULLUSERNAME___ and __MyCompanyName__ values. (In "Card" menu, select "Go to My Card" and see if you have any data entered. You can set any card in your address book to be your "me" card and the basis for those values.)
I've also seen developers use the defaults command line tool to set those values explicitly rather than using the variables above when they wanted to swap details without changing their address book identity. For example when writing code on behalf of multiple companies.
defaults write PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{"ORGANIZATIONNAME" = "My organization";}'
