How to access settings from `.env` inside the `index.php` - laravel

I’m creating a deployment configuration for Laravel project.
On my hosting public/ folder must be moved to another place.
Obviously, since that, I need to change path to the autoload.php and app.php in index.php.
However, I’d like to add and use a parameter which would tell where these files reside. Something like this:
require __DIR__ . '/../' . env('DEP_EXT_FOLDER') . 'vendor/autoload.php';
I think, the most proper place for such a parameter is .env file.
However, I’ve got an error:
Call to undefined function env()

You can't use the env() function before loading the autoloader.
if you absolutely want to use your .env file, you will have to use native php preg_match() for finding your key and using the value after that :)


How to display images from storage path using artisan serve

I was using laravel by the project URL without using serve and i didn't have this kind of problems.
But now i'm using it, so i thought that this is the reason.
I've got a problem to display the images from storage path, i tried some stuff like run the storage link PHP artisan storage:link and get the path using storage_path('app/' . $filename) but it didn't work
Your are not providing correct path to the storage_path helper your storage_path('app/' . $filename) is not working because you have not put / before app try putting a slash before app like storage_path('/app/' . $filename)
if you want to get the file in blade then you can use url helper like {{ url('storage/app/'.$filename) }}

How to deploy laravel to server using ftp

Hi I'm newbie on Laravel. I have to upload laravel project to Linux server(CentOS). Customer provide me ftp path. For example So I put all files into that path and after edited database inside .env file. I run on webbrowser but I getting error 'This page is not working, error 500'. I attached picture as below. Appreciated for advise and thank you very much.
Please Follow this Steps:
Copy all contents inside the /project/public directory to project/
Remember to copy the public/.htaccess to the project/ also
Now let’s modify the www/index.php to reflect the new structure. Don’t modify the project/public/index.php, okay? Only modify www/index.php, remember this!!!
Find the following line
require __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/autoload.php’;
$app = require_once __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/app.php’;
And update them to the correct paths as following
require __DIR__.’/../project/bootstrap/autoload.php’;
$app = require_once __DIR__.’/../project/bootstrap/app.php’;
2. Set permision 777 project/storage and project/bootstrap/cache
Maybe this tutorial will help you Deploy Laravel To Shared Hosting The Easy Way
Please Follow this Steps:
1.public folder(index.php) is the start point of your application set
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
according to your configuration or use symlink
2.Migrate Database (if you don't have ssh access create a route and use Artisan facade Artisan::call("migrate"); and don't forget to remove it )
3.Link storage if you need (if you don't have ssh access create a route and use Artisan facade Artisan::call("storage:link"); and don't forget to remove it )
4.Check server logs maybe folder premissions is wrong.

Can't use public_path() in a helper file Laravel 5.4

I have a helper.php file in app/Helpers directory. I included that file in composer.json:
"files": [
Helper works fine but I can't use public_path() method there. I need to include another file (please don't ask me why because it's old code that I don't need to rewrite). So I have the following:
require_once public_path() . '/appadmin/bootstrap.php';
I know that by default Laravel looks in /public/ folder but I faced with a problem. If I need to perform composer update I have to use public/appadmin/bootstrap.php path in helper.php, but after performing I have to change that path to /appadmin/bootstrap.php for correct work. That's why I decide to use public_path() method to receive correct path for both cases. And if I use it I'm getting an error:
Generating optimized autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
Script Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate handling
the post-update-cmd event terminated with an exception
Class path.public does not exist
Thank's in advance!
Have you tried updating your app to the current revision?
There are some files in the framework itself who need to be updated.
Check out the config files, the bootstrap files, server.php and the start files here
You could open index.php (in your public directory) and change:
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
// set the public path to this directory
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return __DIR__;
Now you dont need to change your public path when your public directory has changed.

What is difference between use env('APP_ENV'), config('app.env') or App::environment() to get app environment?

What is difference between use env('APP_ENV'), config('app.env') or App::environment() to get app environment?
I know that the env('APP_ENV') will to $_ENV, config('app.env') reads the configuration and App::environment() is an abstraction of all. And in my opinion the advantage is even this. Abstraction.
I do not know if there are other differences, such as the level of performance or security
In Short & up-to-date 2022:
use env() only in config files
use App::environment() for checking the environment (APP_ENV in .env).
use config('app.var') for all other env variables, ex: config('app.debug')
create own config files for your own ENV variables. Example:
In your .env:
example config/myconfig.php
return [
'myvalue' => env('MY_VALUE', 'bar'), // 'bar' is default if MY_VALUE is missing in .env
Access in your code:
config('myconfig.myvalue') // will result in 'foo'
Explanation & History:
I just felt over it. When you cache your config file, env() will (sometimes?) not work right. So what I found out:
Laravel recommends only to use env() within the config files. Use the config() helper in your code instead of env(). For example you can call config('app.env') in your code.
When you use php artisan config:cache all the configuration strings are cached by the framework and any changes you make to your .env file will not be active until you run the php artisan config:cache command again.
From this article on Laracast:
env() calls work as long as you don't use php artisan config:cache. So it's very dangerous because it will often work while development but will fail on production. See upgrade guide
Caching And Env
If you are using the config:cache command during deployment, you must
make sure that you are only calling the env function from within your
configuration files, and not from anywhere else in your application.
If you are calling env from within your application, it is strongly
recommended you add proper configuration values to your configuration
files and call env from that location instead, allowing you to convert
your env calls to config calls.
UPDATE Laravel 5.6:
Laravel now recommends in its documentation to use
$environment = App::environment();
// or check on an array of environments:
if (App::environment(['local', 'staging'])) {
// The environment is either local OR staging...
and describes that env() is just to retrieve values from .env in config files, like config('app.env') or config('app.debug').
You have two equally good options
if (\App::environment('production')) {...}
if (app()->environment('production')) {...}
app()->environment() is actually used by Bugsnag, look in documentation here it says
By default, we’ll automatically detect the app environment by calling the environment() function on Laravel’s application instance.
Now, differences:
1) env(...) function returns null after caching config. It happens on production a lot.
2) you can change config parameters inside unit tests, it gives you flexibility while testing.
One thing to consider is perhaps the convenience factor of passing string to app()->environment() in order validate your current environment.
// or App:: whichever you prefer.
if (app()->environment('local', 'staging')) {
logger("We are not live yet!");
} else {
logger("We are LIVE!");
2023 Updated Answer
env() helper works when there is no config.php inside bootstrap/cache directory
config() helper works both in case if the file config.php is present or not. If the file is not present then if will parse the variables at runtime, but if it does find one; it uses the cached version instead.
In production environment the artisan commands we run to add/remove the config file.php becomes of paramount importance in context of how env() and config() behave.
Consider the following example to understand the concept:
Route::get('/', function () {
// to experiment: set APP_ENV=production in your .env file
echo 'Via env(): ' . env('APP_ENV') . '<br/>'; // production
echo 'Via config(): ' . config('app.env'); // production
| run: php artisan config:cache
| The config:cache command will generate a configuration cache file (config.php) in the bootstrap/cache directory.
| At this point, the env() helper will no longer work as all ENV variables will be flushed in favor of the cached config.php file.
echo '<hr/>';
echo 'Via env(): ' . env('APP_ENV') . '<br/>'; // null
echo 'Via config(): ' . config('app.env'); // production
| run: php artisan config:clear
| The config:clear command will remove (config.php) configuration cache file from the bootstrap/cache directory.
| At this point, the env() helper will work again as framework doesn't find a cached configuration file.
echo '<hr/>';
echo 'Via env(): ' . env('APP_ENV') . '<br/>'; // production
echo 'Via config(): ' . config('app.env'); // production
So general rule of thumb is to always use config() helper inside your code files; in this way your code does not explode if cached configuration file is available or not.
Now getting the environment is so important and common; Laravel gives us a handful ways we can accomplish the same:
// APP_ENV=production inside .env file
App::environment(); // production
app()->environment(); // production
App::environment('production'); // returns boolean: true
app()->environment('production'); // return boolean: true
Keep in mind you are using App facade or app() helper they all will be using config helper under the hood.
If you are using the config:cache command during deployment, you must make sure that you are only calling the env function from within your configuration files, and not from anywhere else in your application.
If you are calling env from within your application, it is strongly recommended you add proper configuration values to your configuration files and call env from that location instead, allowing you to convert your env calls to config calls.
Add an env configuration option to your app.php configuration file that looks like the following:
'env' => env('APP_ENV', 'production'),
In 12factor methodology application contains two types of configuration values:
internal which not vary between deploys and are stored in laravel ./config/ folder. In this type we usually store some technical optimal/good values used in application which should not be changed by users over time e.g. optimal image compression level, connection timeout, session expiration time etc.
external which vary between deploys and are stored in .env file (but should not be stored in git repo, however .env.example with example values with detail info can be stored in repo). In this type we store usually some important/protected values which depends on local environment e.g. passwords, debug mode, db address etc.
Laravel proposes handy approach for this
in regular code we use only config(...) helper (so on this level programmer do not need to know which configuration value is internal and which is external)
in configuration code external config values should be set using env(...) helper e.g. in config/app.php 'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', false)

Deploying Laravel 4 on hosting server

I have a problem deploying Laravel 4 on hosting server (hostgator). I have uploaded all files to the server. Current PHP version is 5.3.24 and I have followed all the instructions on
I get following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function run() on a non-object in /home3/varoid/public_html/index.php on line 51
If you look at the index.php in your public_html folder, you'll see it calls $app->run(). Since run isn't defined, $app is probably not available. On line 35 the $app is set like this:
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
It doesn't work for you, so this means the start.php could not be found. Maybe you placed it elsewhere than the default path? In case you didn't know __DIR__ means, the current dir (public_html). Just make sure the file exists and try again!
