Segment tree data position to tree position relation - algorithm

I wonder if there is any relation between data_array data position to tree_array data position.
int data[N];
int tree[M]; // lets M = 2^X-1, where X = nearest ceiling power of 2 to N;
void build_segment_tree();
I wonder if I can say n'th value of data[] is mapped with i'th value of tree[]. is there any mathematical resolution?

You certainly can. For example segment tree is used for it's capapbility to store
segment information.
Now you will see that if you want to create a segment tree out of N elements then
you will need ceil(log_2(N))+1 levels. And in the last level you will find all the
1 length-range or the single elements.
These elements will be precisely in the position (1-index) 2^ceil(log_2(N)) to 2^ceil(log_2(N))+N-1.
/ \
[1-4] [5-8]
/ \ / \
[1-2][3-4] [5-6][7-8]
/\ /\ /\ /\
[1][2] [3][4] [5][6] [7][8]
/ \
1-6 7-11
1-3 4-6 7-9 10-11
1-2 3 4-5 6 7-8 9 10 11
1 2 4 5 7 8
This answer is for only valid for segment tree of power of 2 elements.
But for other elements the elements are not necessarily organized.
So the answer will be false for N those are not power of 2.
On that case you can't find any formualitve rule.


How to get max sum of k 2x1 or 1x2 tiles in Nx3 matrix

I have a problem where I have a N x 3 matrix with int values. I need to tile it with K 2x1 or 1x2 tiles so that they do not overlap and that I get the maximum sum with the use of dynamic programming.
What would the best way be to solve such a problem?
Example 5 x 3 matrix, K = 5:
2 6 2
6 5 6
2 6 2
1 1 1
1 1 1
Good tiles: (6,2), (6,2), (6,2), (6,5), (2,1)
Result = 38
And an example with an edge case:
2 x 3 Matrix, K = 2
0 4 1
3 4 1
Good tiles: (4,1), (4,3)
Result = 12
Let's define the state of a row as the cells that are covered by some of the K bricks. You have 8 combinations (2^3) from 000 (everything is not covered) to 111 (everything is covered) (you can use binary to encode the state for efficiency).
The dynamic programming matrix will be a[row][tiles][state]. Where row is the row we are processing, going top to bottom, tiles is how many tiles you placed already, state is the state as we defined above and the value is the current maximum sum.
To fill it we go top to bottom. We simplify things by only allowing a vertical tile to be placed on the current and the row above (not below). You can iterate through tile placement combinations between the rows (some are mutually exclusive). You have 3 vertical options and 2 horizontal options on the current row (5 options, for a total of 12 combinations, if I've done the math right). Also iterate through the possible values of 'titles'. For each combination look for all possible combination that allow it's placement on the previous row (so that the vertical tiles don't overlap) take the maximum and update the dynamic matrix. Some combinations are very strict (3 vertical tiles require 000 in the row above), while some are very relaxed (1 horizontal tile allows for every posibility). Do this on paper a few times to see how it works.
As an optimization note that you only need to know the values from the previous row, as the ones above that don't factor into so you can keep only the previous row and current row.
Algorithm should look something like this
For i from 0 to N
for tiles from 0 to K
for each combination
if tiles - combination.tiles < 0: continue
m = -1
for each state compatible with combination.previous_row
m = max(m, a[i-1][tiles - combination.tiles][state])
if m > 0
a[i][tiles][combination.state] = max(a[i][tiles][combination.state], m)
The solution is the maximum between the states on last row with tiles=K.
Complexity will be N*K* 12 combinations * 2^3 states so O(N*K). Memory can be O(K) with the trick I've mentioned above.

How to make a N-level tree in pyramid fashion, such that each child may(doesn't mean has to) have 2 parents?

The question may look very simple, and probably the answer is too, but I always get confused in the tree questions.
Ok so I want to make a tree something like:
3 level 0
/ \
4 5 level 1 ..
/ \ / \
6 7 8
/ \ / \ / \
9 10 11 12
What are such trees called? Sorry, I'm a beginner..
Function can pass an array[] of ints, or function can take input till N = 3 (denoting level 3 with 10 nodes). Also can you give solution in C/C++/Java.
Given your requirements are only for traversal, I would simply implement this using an array a, containing each level as a contiguous sub-array. Level i then occurs in entries L(i-1) up to but not including L(i), where L(n) = n*(n+1)/2. In particular, the jth value on the ith level is in a[L(i-1)+j].
As long as you always keep track of i and j, you can now easily navigate through your pyramid.

Balanced Binary Search Tree for numbers

I wanted to draw a balanced binary search tree for numbers from 1 to 20.
/ \
___5___ 15
/ \ / \
3 8 13 18
/ \ / \ / \ / \
2 4 7 9 12 14 17 19
/ / / /
1 6 11 16
Is the above tree correct and balanced?
In answer to your original question as to whether or not you need to first calculate the height, no, you don't need to. You just have to understand that a balanced tree is one where the height difference between the tallest and shortest node is zero or one, and the simplest way to achieve this is to ensure that you always pick the midpoint of the possible list, when populating the top node in a sub-tree.
Your sample tree is balanced since all leaf nodes are either at the bottom or next-to-bottom level, hence the difference in heights between any two leaf nodes is at most one.
To create a balanced tree from the numbers 1 through 20 inclusive, you can just make the root entry 10 or 11 (the midpoint being 10.5 for those numbers), so that there's an equal quantity of numbers in either sub-tree.
Then just do that recursively for each sub-tree. On the lower side of 10, 5 is the midpoint:
/ \
5 11-thru-19 sub-tree
/ \
1-thru-4 6-thru-9
sub-tree sub-tree
Just expand on that and you'll end up with something like:
/ \
___5___ 15
/ \ / \
2 7 13 17
/ \ / \ / / \
1 3 6 8 11 16 18 <- depth of highest leaf node
\ \ \ \
4 9 12 19 <- depth of lowest leaf node
Difference is 1
The midpoint can be found at the number where the difference between quantities above and below that numbers is one or zero. For the whole list of numbers 1 through 20 inclusive, there are nine less than 10 and ten greater than 10 (or, if you chose 11 as the midpoint, the quantities are ten and nine).
The difference between your sample and mine is probably to do with the fact that I preferred to pick the midpoint by rounding down where there was a choice (meaning my right sub-trees tend to be "heavier"). Because your left sub-trees are heavier, you appear to have rounded up.
After choosing 10 as the initial midpoint, there's no leeway on the left sub-tree, you have to choose 5 since it has four above and below it. Any other midpoint would result in a difference of at least two between the two halves (for example, choosing 4 as the midpoint would have the two halves of size three and five). This can still give you a balanced sub-tree depending on the data but it's "safer" to choose the midpoint.

High and Low bits in van Emde Boas Tree

I was trying to understand the concept of vEB tree.
In an example:
I assumed a universe set U = {0, 1, 2, 3 ..... 8}. So the size is 9.
Now lets take a subset S = {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7}.
For an operation FindSuccessor (3, S); where I need to know the smallest element > 3 in subset S, I need to know the high and low bits of my element i.e. 3.
One explanation says its the first half and second half bits, giving the result 00 and 11 as high and low respectively.
Another says:
high = Floor [element/sqrt(|U|)] = Floor [3/ sqrt (9)] = Floor [1] = 1;
low = element % sqrt(|U|) = 3 % sqrt (9) = 0;
Please explain where am I going wrong?
You're not going wrong—the explanations are for two slightly different data structures that coincide only when |U| is a square power of two. At a high level, we're trying to divide a key k into two halves, each with about √|U| possibilities. The first method achieves this goal directly; the second is an approximation that runs faster on commodity hardware (assuming |U| is a power of two, the worst case is when |U| is not square and the first half has twice as many possibilities as the second). Pick one method and stick with it.
Here's an example of FindSuccessor(3, S). For simplicity, I'm going to bottom out the recursion at three elements.
The tree looks like
min=0| aux
/ | \ max=2|
/ | \ /|\
/ | \ 0 1 2
/ | \
v v v
min=0| min=3| min=6|
max=1| max=4| max=7|
/| /| /|
0 1 3 4 6 7
At the root, we split 3 = (1, 0) and check whether the 1th (middle) child has max > 3. It does, so we descend there and use brute force to compute the answer, 4. (Of course, if the tree had more than two levels, we would search recursively.)
A more interesting case is when S = {0, 1, 3, 6, 7}.
min=0| aux
/ | \ max=2|
/ | \ /|\
/ | \ 0 1 2
/ | \
v v v
min=0| min=3| min=6|
max=1| max=3| max=7|
/| / /|
0 1 3 6 7
Here, we examine the 1th subtree of the root, {3}, and find that its max is not greater than 3. We find the successor of 1 in the aux data structure, which is 2, and return the min of the 2th subtree, which is 6.

Analytical solution to predict array size of binary tree

I'm constructing a binary tree for a sequence of data and the tree is stored in a 1-based array. So if index of parent node is idx,
the left child is 2 * idx and the right is 2 * idx + 1.
Every iteration, I sort current sequence based on certain criteria, select the median element as parent, tree[index] = sequence[median], then do same operation on left(the sub sequence before median) and right(the subsequence after median) recursively.
Eg, if 3 elements in total, the tree will be:
/ \
2 3
the array size to store the tree is also 3
4 elements:
/ \
2 3
the array size to store the tree is also 4
5 elements:
/ \
2 3
/ \ /
4 null 5
the array size to store the tree has to be 6, since there is a hole between 4 and 5.
Thus, the array size is only determined by number of elements, I believe there is an anlytical solution for it, just can't prove it.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Every level of a binary tree contains twice as many nodes as the previous level. If you have n nodes, then the number of levels required (the height of the tree) is log2(n) + 1, rounded up to a whole number. So if you have 5 nodes, your binary tree will have a height of 3.
The number of nodes in a full binary tree of height h is (2^h) - 1. So you know that the maximum size array you need for 5 items is 7. Assuming all the levels are filled except possibly the last one.
The last row of your tree will contain (2^h)-1 - n nodes. The last level of a full tree contains 2^(h-1) nodes. Assuming you want it balanced so half of the nodes are on the left and half are on the right, and the right side is left-filled, that is, you want this:
2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
The number of array spaces required required for the last level of your tree, then, is either 1, or it's half the number required by a full tree, plus half the nodes required by your tree.
n = 5
height = roundUp(log2(n) + 1)
fullTreeNodes = (2^height) - 1
fullTreeLeafNodes = 2^(height-1)
nodesOnLeafLevel = fullTreeNodes - n
Now comes the fun part. If there is more than 1 node required on the leaf level, and you want to balance the sides, you need half of fullTreeLeafNodes, plus half of nodesOnLeafLevel. In the tree above, for example, the leaf level has a potential for 8 nodes. But you only have 4 leaf nodes. You want two of them on the left side, and two on the right. So you need to allocate space for 4 nodes on the left side (2 for the left side items, and 2 empty spaces), plus two more for the two right side items.
if (nodesOnLeafLevel == 1)
arraySize = n
arraySize = (fullTreeNodes - fullTreeLeafNodes/2) + (nodesOnLeafLevel / 2)
You really shouldn't have any holes. They are created by your partitioning algorithm, but that algorithm is incorrect.
For 1-5 items, your trees should look like:
1 2 2 3 4
/ \ / \ / \ / \
1 1 3 2 4 2 5
/ / \
1 1 3
The easiest way to populate the tree is to do an in-order traversal of the node locations, filling items from the sequence in order.
I'm close to formalizing a solution. By intuition, first find the maximal power of 2 < N, then check whether the N - 2^m is even or odd, decide which part of the leave level need be growed.
int32_t rup2 = roundUpPower2(nPoints);
if (rup2 == nPoints || rup2 == nPoints + 1)
return nPoints;
int32_t leaveLevelCapacity = rup2 / 2;
int32_t allAbove = leaveLevelCapacity - 1;
int32_t pointsOnLeave = nPoints - allAbove;
int32_t iteration = roundDownLog2(pointsOnLeave);
int32_t leaveSize = 1;
int32_t gap = leaveLevelCapacity;
for (int32_t i = 1; i <= iteration; ++i)
leaveSize += gap / 2;
gap /= 2;
return (allAbove + leaveSize);
