how to group by columnA and sum columnB, columnC in mixpanel JQL - mixpanel

I have a JQL in mixpanel. I managed to get to a result in the following format:
key, count1, count2, count3
a , 10, 0, 0
a , 0, 3, 0
a , 0, 0, 7
b , 2, 0, 0
b , 0, 3, 0
b , 0, 0, 5
And I'd like to get the results like:
key, count1, count2, count3
a , 10, 3, 7
b , 2, 3, 5
In other words: groupBy(['key'], WHAT_REDUCER_DO_I_NEED???)

You can use multiple reducers in your groupBy statement like this
.groupBy(['key'], [

.groupBy(["key"], function(accumulators, events){
var sum = {"count1":0,"count2":0,"count3":0};
for (var i = 0; i < accumulators.length; ++i) {
sum["count1"] += accumulators[i]["count1"];
sum["count2"] += accumulators[i]["count2"];
sum["count3"] += accumulators[i]["count3"];
for (i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) {
var event = events[i];
sum["count1"] += event["count1"];
sum["count2"] += event["count2"];
sum["count3"] += event["count3"];
return sum;


HBase FuzzyRowFilter doesn't work

I have a row key composed of twenty characters like this:
I want to scan using a FuzzyRowFilter on the AA value on 2 to 6 position . But AA is not fixed value.
If you don't have AAAA as fixed,you can do like this :
FilterList filterList = new FilterList(FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE);
String[] matches=new String[]{"AAAA","BBBB"};
for (String match:matches) {
byte[] rk = Bytes.toBytesBinary("??" + match + "??????????????");
byte[] fuzzyVal = new byte[]{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
pairs.add(new Pair<>(rk, fuzzyVal));
filterList.addFilter(new FuzzyRowFilter(pairs));
Scan scan=new Scan();
This will filter based on all the fuzzyFilters in the list and match based on FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE.
Based on your requirements,go ahead and modify it accordingly.
Sorry but using,
FilterList filterList = new FilterList(/*FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE*/);
String[] matches=new String[]{"1609","1610"};
for (String match:matches) {
byte[] rk = Bytes.toBytesBinary("??" + match + "??????????????");
byte[] fuzzyVal = new byte[]{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
pairs.add(new Pair<>(rk, fuzzyVal));
filterList.addFilter(new FuzzyRowFilter(pairs));
Scan scan_fuzzy=new Scan();
ResultScanner rs_fuzzy = table.getScanner(scan);
for( Result result : rs_fuzzy) {
System.out.println("Value: " + Bytes.toString(result.getValue(FAMILY,COLUMN)));
my result doesn't contain just the row corresponding to the rowkey :02160901222720647002
but all the row (and the rowkey) of my table

Understanding Recursion using flow of control through recursion calls for Merge Sort

I am studying the flow of control using recursion in Merge Sort.
The particular algorithm I used is:
MergeS(ar, p, r){
1. if p<r{
2. k = floor[(p+r)/2]
3. MergeS(ar, p , k)
4. MergeS(ar, k+1, r) //in the schematic diagram I have written this as mergeS(,,)
5. Merge(ar, p ,k, r)
6. }
Merge(ar, p, k, r){
8. n1 = k-p+1
9. n2 = r-p
10. let L[1...n1+1] and R[1....n2+1] be new arrays
11. for i=1 to n1
12. L[i] = ar[p+i-1]
13. for j=1 to n2
14. R[j] = ar[k+j]
15. L[n1+1] = Infinity
16. R[n2+1] = Infinity
17. i = 1
18. j = 1
19. for t = p to r
20. if L[i] <= R[j]
21. A[t] = L[i]
22. i = i+1
23. else
24. A[t] = R[j]
25. j = j+1
30. }
MergeS(ar, k+1, r) is exactly same as merge(ar, k+1, r). I used the lowercase m in the latter only for better visual clarity in the schematic diagram.
For understanding purpose, I took an array example-- 43, 32, 56, 12, 4.
The flow of recursion calls is schematically shown below till the first call to Merge is made and the code inside that block is executed.
---1:MergeS(ar, 0, 5)-----
if(0<5):true ; set k=(0+5)/2
---Pause 1:MergeS(ar, 0, 5)-----Call-->2:MergeS(ar, 0, 2)---------
if(0<2):true ; set k=(0+2)/2
---Pause 2:MergeS(ar, 0, 2)-----Call-->3:MergeS(ar, 0, 1)---------
if(0<1):true ; set k=(0+1)/2
---Pause 3:MergeS(ar, 0, 1)-----Call-->4:MergeS(ar, 0, 0)---------
---Resume 3:MergeS(ar, 0, 1)-----Call-->5:mergeS(ar, 0+1, 5)---------
if(1<5):true ; set k=(1+5)/2
---Pause 5:mergeS(ar, 0+1, 5)-----Call-->6:MergeS(ar, 1, 3)---------
if(1<3):true ; set k=(1+3)/2
---Pause 6:MergeS(ar, 1, 3)-----Call-->7:MergeS(ar, 1, 2)---------
if(1<2):true ; set k=(1+2)/2
---Pause 7:MergeS(ar, 1, 2)-----Call-->8:MergeS(ar, 1, 1)---------
---Resume 7:MergeS(ar, 1, 2)------Call-->9:mergeS(ar, 1+1, 5)---------
if(2<5):true ; set k=(2+5)/2
---Pause 9:mergeS(ar, 2, 5)--------Call-->10:Merge(ar, 2, 3)---------
if(2<3):true ; set k=(2+3)/2
---Pause 10:Merge(ar, 2, 3)-------Call-->11:Merge(ar, 2, 2)----------
---Resume 10:MergeS(ar, 2, 3)-----Call-->12:mergeS(ar, 2+1, 5)----------
if(3<5):true ; set k=(3+5)/2
---Pause 12:mergeS(ar, 2+1, 5)------Call-->13:MergeS(ar, 5, 5 )---------
---Resume 12:mergeS(ar, 2+1, 5)-------Call-->Merge(ar, 3, 4, 5)----------
n1 = 4-3+1=2
n2 = 5-4=1
for(i = 0 to i=1):
L[0] = ar[3+0-1]= ar[2] //value 56 is assigned to ar[2]
L[1] = ar[3+1-1] = ar[3] //value 12 is assigned to ar[3]
for(j=0 to j=0):
R[0] = ar[4+0] = ar[4] //value 4 is assigned to ar[4]
x = 0;
y = 0;
for(t=0 to t=1):
/* if(L[0]<= R[0]) //56<=4:false */
ar[0] = R[0] //4 is assigned to ar[0]
y = y+1
if(L[0]<=R[1]): //56<=infinity
ar[1] = L[0] // 56 is assigned to ar[1]
After the preceding step, I got a value 4 in ar[0] and a value 56 in ar[2]. My guess is that this is wrong.
I need help understanding where I went wrong and and an explanation for that.
The indices in the algorithm in the question need to be modified in the code for simpler use. I am not saying that the algorithm is wrong, it's absolutely correct, only needs modification.
The tweaked code of Merge:
private static void Merge(int[] ar, int p, int k, int r) {
int n1 = k-p+1;
int n2 = r-k;
int[] L = new int[n1+1];
int[] R = new int[n2+1];
for(int i=0; i<n1; i++){
L[i] = ar[p+i]; // p+i and not p+i-1
for(int i=0; i<n2; i++){
R[i] = ar[k+i+1]; //k+1+i and not k+i
// Use of Tnteger.MAX_VALUE
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for(int t=p; t<=r; t++){ //carefully set initialization and t<=r and not simply t<r
ar[t] = L[i];
ar[t] = R[j];
The correct flow of recursion calls is shown below:(the changes from the above flow of control diagram are italicised)
---1:MergeS(ar, 0, 5)-----
if(0<5):true ; set k=(0+5)/2
---Pause 1:MergeS(ar, 0, 5)-----Call-->2:MergeS(ar, 0, 2)---------
if(0<2):true ; set k=(0+2)/2
---Pause 2:MergeS(ar, 0, 2)-----Call-->3:MergeS(ar, 0, 1)---------
if(0<1):true ; set k=(0+1)/2
---Pause 3:MergeS(ar, 0, 1)-----Call-->4:MergeS(ar, 0, 0)---------
---Break 4:MergeS(ar, 0, 0)-----Call-->5:mergeS(ar, 0+1, 1)---------
if(1<_1_):_false_ ;
---Break 5:mergeS(ar, 0+1, 1)-----Call-->Merge(ar,0,0,1)
After the execution of Merge function with parameters ar, 0, 0, 1, the elements at first two indices of the array 43 32 56 12 4 are swapped.
Maintaining a stack of function calls came in handy.

stack debugging in VS2008

I am doing some editings with an original source code in OpenCV package to do my tasks. There have been some other compilation errors after my modification. But I've already fixed them. Here comes the last one that I don't know how to remove it:
moreover, this run-time error does not give any output to the command line to ease the debugging
Is there any solution when bugs come out like this??
PS: the original code is the function cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2 of calib3d.cpp
for convinience, I post the original OpenCV function here:
CV_IMPL void cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2( const CvMat* objectPoints,
const CvMat* imagePoints, const CvMat* A,
const CvMat* distCoeffs, CvMat* rvec, CvMat* tvec,
int useExtrinsicGuess )
const int max_iter = 20;
Ptr<CvMat> matM, _Mxy, _m, _mn, matL, matJ;
int i, count;
double a[9], ar[9]={1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, R[9];
double MM[9], U[9], V[9], W[3];
CvScalar Mc;
double param[6];
CvMat matA = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, a );
CvMat _Ar = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, ar );
CvMat matR = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, R );
CvMat _r = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, param );
CvMat _t = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, param + 3 );
CvMat _Mc = cvMat( 1, 3, CV_64F, Mc.val );
CvMat _MM = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, MM );
CvMat matU = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, U );
CvMat matV = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, V );
CvMat matW = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, W );
CvMat _param = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_64F, param );
CvMat _dpdr, _dpdt;
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(objectPoints) && CV_IS_MAT(imagePoints) &&
CV_IS_MAT(A) && CV_IS_MAT(rvec) && CV_IS_MAT(tvec) );
count = MAX(objectPoints->cols, objectPoints->rows);
matM = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC3 );
_m = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 );
cvConvertPointsHomogeneous( objectPoints, matM );
cvConvertPointsHomogeneous( imagePoints, _m );
cvConvert( A, &matA );
CV_Assert( (CV_MAT_DEPTH(rvec->type) == CV_64F || CV_MAT_DEPTH(rvec->type) == CV_32F) &&
(rvec->rows == 1 || rvec->cols == 1) && rvec->rows*rvec->cols*CV_MAT_CN(rvec->type) == 3 );
CV_Assert( (CV_MAT_DEPTH(tvec->type) == CV_64F || CV_MAT_DEPTH(tvec->type) == CV_32F) &&
(tvec->rows == 1 || tvec->cols == 1) && tvec->rows*tvec->cols*CV_MAT_CN(tvec->type) == 3 );
_mn = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 );
_Mxy = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 );
// normalize image points
// (unapply the intrinsic matrix transformation and distortion)
cvUndistortPoints( _m, _mn, &matA, distCoeffs, 0, &_Ar );
if( useExtrinsicGuess )
CvMat _r_temp = cvMat(rvec->rows, rvec->cols,
CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(rvec->type)), param );
CvMat _t_temp = cvMat(tvec->rows, tvec->cols,
CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(tvec->type)), param + 3);
cvConvert( rvec, &_r_temp );
cvConvert( tvec, &_t_temp );
Mc = cvAvg(matM);
cvReshape( matM, matM, 1, count );
cvMulTransposed( matM, &_MM, 1, &_Mc );
cvSVD( &_MM, &matW, 0, &matV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );
// initialize extrinsic parameters
if( W[2]/W[1] < 1e-3 || count < 4 )
// a planar structure case (all M's lie in the same plane)
double tt[3], h[9], h1_norm, h2_norm;
CvMat* R_transform = &matV;
CvMat T_transform = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, tt );
CvMat matH = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, h );
CvMat _h1, _h2, _h3;
if( V[2]*V[2] + V[5]*V[5] < 1e-10 )
cvSetIdentity( R_transform );
if( cvDet(R_transform) < 0 )
cvScale( R_transform, R_transform, -1 );
cvGEMM( R_transform, &_Mc, -1, 0, 0, &T_transform, CV_GEMM_B_T );
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
const double* Rp = R_transform->data.db;
const double* Tp =;
const double* src = matM->data.db + i*3;
double* dst = _Mxy->data.db + i*2;
dst[0] = Rp[0]*src[0] + Rp[1]*src[1] + Rp[2]*src[2] + Tp[0];
dst[1] = Rp[3]*src[0] + Rp[4]*src[1] + Rp[5]*src[2] + Tp[1];
cvFindHomography( _Mxy, _mn, &matH );
if( cvCheckArr(&matH, CV_CHECK_QUIET) )
cvGetCol( &matH, &_h1, 0 );
_h2 = _h1;;
_h3 = _h2;;
h1_norm = sqrt(h[0]*h[0] + h[3]*h[3] + h[6]*h[6]);
h2_norm = sqrt(h[1]*h[1] + h[4]*h[4] + h[7]*h[7]);
cvScale( &_h1, &_h1, 1./MAX(h1_norm, DBL_EPSILON) );
cvScale( &_h2, &_h2, 1./MAX(h2_norm, DBL_EPSILON) );
cvScale( &_h3, &_t, 2./MAX(h1_norm + h2_norm, DBL_EPSILON));
cvCrossProduct( &_h1, &_h2, &_h3 );
cvRodrigues2( &matH, &_r );
cvRodrigues2( &_r, &matH );
cvMatMulAdd( &matH, &T_transform, &_t, &_t );
cvMatMul( &matH, R_transform, &matR );
cvSetIdentity( &matR );
cvZero( &_t );
cvRodrigues2( &matR, &_r );
// non-planar structure. Use DLT method
double* L;
double LL[12*12], LW[12], LV[12*12], sc;
CvMat _LL = cvMat( 12, 12, CV_64F, LL );
CvMat _LW = cvMat( 12, 1, CV_64F, LW );
CvMat _LV = cvMat( 12, 12, CV_64F, LV );
CvMat _RRt, _RR, _tt;
CvPoint3D64f* M = (CvPoint3D64f*)matM->data.db;
CvPoint2D64f* mn = (CvPoint2D64f*)_mn->data.db;
matL = cvCreateMat( 2*count, 12, CV_64F );
L = matL->data.db;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, L += 24 )
double x = -mn[i].x, y = -mn[i].y;
L[0] = L[16] = M[i].x;
L[1] = L[17] = M[i].y;
L[2] = L[18] = M[i].z;
L[3] = L[19] = 1.;
L[4] = L[5] = L[6] = L[7] = 0.;
L[12] = L[13] = L[14] = L[15] = 0.;
L[8] = x*M[i].x;
L[9] = x*M[i].y;
L[10] = x*M[i].z;
L[11] = x;
L[20] = y*M[i].x;
L[21] = y*M[i].y;
L[22] = y*M[i].z;
L[23] = y;
cvMulTransposed( matL, &_LL, 1 );
cvSVD( &_LL, &_LW, 0, &_LV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );
_RRt = cvMat( 3, 4, CV_64F, LV + 11*12 );
cvGetCols( &_RRt, &_RR, 0, 3 );
cvGetCol( &_RRt, &_tt, 3 );
if( cvDet(&_RR) < 0 )
cvScale( &_RRt, &_RRt, -1 );
sc = cvNorm(&_RR);
cvSVD( &_RR, &matW, &matU, &matV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_U_T + CV_SVD_V_T );
cvGEMM( &matU, &matV, 1, 0, 0, &matR, CV_GEMM_A_T );
cvScale( &_tt, &_t, cvNorm(&matR)/sc );
cvRodrigues2( &matR, &_r );
cvReshape( matM, matM, 3, 1 );
cvReshape( _mn, _mn, 2, 1 );
// refine extrinsic parameters using iterative algorithm
CvLevMarq solver( 6, count*2, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,max_iter,FLT_EPSILON), true);
cvCopy( &_param, solver.param );
CvMat *matJ = 0, *_err = 0;
const CvMat *__param = 0;
bool proceed = solver.update( __param, matJ, _err );
cvCopy( __param, &_param );
if( !proceed || !_err )
cvReshape( _err, _err, 2, 1 );
if( matJ )
cvGetCols( matJ, &_dpdr, 0, 3 );
cvGetCols( matJ, &_dpdt, 3, 6 );
cvProjectPoints2( matM, &_r, &_t, &matA, distCoeffs,
_err, &_dpdr, &_dpdt, 0, 0, 0 );
cvProjectPoints2( matM, &_r, &_t, &matA, distCoeffs,
_err, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
cvSub(_err, _m, _err);
cvReshape( _err, _err, 1, 2*count );
cvCopy( solver.param, &_param );
_r = cvMat( rvec->rows, rvec->cols,
CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(rvec->type)), param );
_t = cvMat( tvec->rows, tvec->cols,
CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(tvec->type)), param + 3 );
cvConvert( &_r, rvec );
cvConvert( &_t, tvec );
I guess it is pretty complicated! :(
What's going wrong here is that in one of the function calls the compiler is putting local variables, including tvecmat_ar on the stack, but in a debug build it is also putting some guard blocks after the variables. When the function is about to return and the stack is popped the debug runtime checks the status of the guard blocks. If they have a different value then this generates the stack corruption error that you are seeing. So this means that code in that function is corrupting memory. I would bet that you are writing to an array beyond the size of that array.
You haven't attached the source of the code containing the variable that it is warning you about, so it's impossible to tell any further, but I would advise checking all array allocations and indexes in your function.

Null values in matrix, why?

I'm learning about dynamic programming via the 0-1 knapsack problem.
I'm getting some weird Nulls out from the function part1. Like 3Null, 5Null etc. Why is this?
The code is an implementation of:
I use a matrix to store all the values and keeps, dont know how efficient this is since it is a list of lists(indexing O(1)?).
This is my code:
(* 0-1 Knapsack problem
item = {value, weight}
Constraint is maxweight. Objective is to max value.
Input on the form:
lookup[x_, y_, m_] := m[[x, y]];
part1[items_, maxweight_] := {
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
keep = values = Table[0, {j, 0, nbrofitems}, {i, 1, maxweight}];
For[j = 2, j <= nbrofitems + 1, j++,
itemweight = items[[j - 1, 2]];
itemvalue = items[[j - 1, 1]];
For[i = 1, i <= maxweight, i++,
x = lookup[j - 1, i, values];
diff = i - itemweight;
If[diff > 0, y = lookup[j - 1, diff, values], y = 0];
If[itemweight <= i ,
{If[x < itemvalue + y,
{values[[j, i]] = itemvalue + y; keep[[j, i]] = 1;},
{values[[j, i]] = x; keep[[j, i]] = 0;}]
y(*y eller x?*)]
{values, keep}
solvek[keep_, items_, maxweight_] :=
(*w=remaining weight in knapsack*)
(*i=current item*)
w = maxweight;
knapsack = {};
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
For[i = nbrofitems, i > 0, i--,
If[keep[[i, w]] == 1, {Append[knapsack, i]; w -= items[[i, 2]];
i -= 1;}, i - 1]];
Clear[keep, v, a, b, c]
maxweight = 5;
nbrofitems = 3;
a = {5, 3};
b = {3, 2};
c = {4, 1};
items = {a, b, c};
results = part1[items, 5];
keep = results[[1]];
results2 = solvek[keep, items, 5];
{{{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,5 Null,5 Null,5 Null},{0,3 Null,5 Null,5 Null,8 Null},{4 Null,4 Null,7 Null,9 Null,9 Null}},{{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,Null,Null,Null},{0,Null,0,0,Null},{Null,Null,Null,Null,Null}}}
While your code gives errors here, the Null problem occurs because For[] returns Null. So add a ; at the end of the outermost For statement in part1 (ie, just before {values,keep}.
As I said though, the code snippet gives errors when I run it.
In case my answer isn't clear, here is how the problem occurs:
Do[i, {i, 1, 10}]
(*3 Null*)
Do[i, {i, 1, 10}];
The Null error has been reported by acl. There are more errors though.
Your keep matrix actually contains two matrices. You need to call solvek with the second one: solvek[keep[[2]], items, 5]
Various errors in solvek:
i -= 1 and i - 1 are more than superfluous (the latter one is a coding error anyway). The i-- in the beginning of the For is sufficient. As it is now you're decreasing i twice per iteration.
Append must be AppendTo
keep[[i, w]] == 1 must be keep[[i + 1, w]] == 1 as the keep matrix has one more row than there are items.
Not wrong but superfluous: nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]]; nbrofitems is already globally defined
The code of your second part could look like:
solvek[keep_, items_, maxweight_] :=
Module[{w = maxweight, knapsack = {}, nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]]},
For[i = nbrofitems, i > 0, i--,
If[keep[[i + 1, w]] == 1, AppendTo[knapsack, i]; w -= items[[i, 2]]]

EAN 8 : How to calculate checksum digit?

I need to create EAN 8 bar code programmatically.
I search an algorithm to calculate the checksum digit.
The algorithm is covered in this wikipedia article on EAN, note that EAN-8 is calculated in the same way as EAN-13.
Here's a worked example from :
Assuming we wish to encode the 7-digit message "5512345", we would calculate the checksum in the following manner:
Barcode 5 5 1 2 3 4 5
Odd/Even Pos? O E O E O E O
Weighting 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
Calculation 5*3 5*1 1*3 2*1 3*3 4*1 5*3
Weighted Sum 15 5 3 2 9 4 15
The total is 15 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 15 = 53. 7 must be added to 53 to produce a number evenly divisible by 10, thus the checksum digit is 7 and the completed bar code value is "55123457".
string code="55123457";
int sum1 = code[1] + code[3] + code[5]
int sum2 = 3 * (code[0] + code[2] + code[4] + code[6]);
int checksum_value = sum1 + sum2;
int checksum_digit = 10 - (checksum_value % 10);
if (checksum_digit == 10)
checksum_digit = 0;
int checkSum(const std::vector<int>& code) const
if (code.size() < 8) return false;
for( SIZE_T i = 0; i< code.size(); i++ )
if( code[i] < 0 ) return false;
int sum1 = code[1] + code[3] + code[5]
int sum2 = 3 * (code[0] + code[2] + code[4] + code[6]);
int checksum_value = sum1 + sum2;
int checksum_digit = 10 - (checksum_value % 10);
if (checksum_digit == 10) checksum_digit = 0;
return checksum_digit;
Sorry for re-opening
public int checkSum(String code){
int val=0;
for(int i=0;i<code.length();i++){
int checksum_digit = 10 - (val % 10);
if (checksum_digit == 10) checksum_digit = 0;
return checksum_digit;
Reawakened with a C# version:
public static bool IsValidEan13(string eanBarcode)
return IsValidEan(eanBarcode, 13);
public static bool IsValidEan12(string eanBarcode)
return IsValidEan(eanBarcode, 12);
public static bool IsValidEan14(string eanBarcode)
return IsValidEan(eanBarcode, 14);
public static bool IsValidEan8(string eanBarcode)
return IsValidEan(eanBarcode, 8);
private static bool IsValidEan(string eanBarcode, int length)
if (eanBarcode.Length != length) return false;
var allDigits = eanBarcode.Select(c => int.Parse(c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).ToArray();
var s = length%2 == 0 ? 3 : 1;
var s2 = s == 3 ? 1 : 3;
return allDigits.Last() == (10 - (allDigits.Take(length-1).Select((c, ci) => c*(ci%2 == 0 ? s : s2)).Sum()%10))%10;
Here is a MySQL version for EAN13:
SET #first12digits="123456789012";
SELECT #first12digits,
IF (
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 1, 1) AS DECIMAL))+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 2, 1) AS DECIMAL) * 3)+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 3, 1) AS DECIMAL))+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 4, 1) AS DECIMAL) * 3)+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 5, 1) AS DECIMAL))+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 6, 1) AS DECIMAL) * 3)+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 7, 1) AS DECIMAL))+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 8, 1) AS DECIMAL) * 3)+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 9, 1) AS DECIMAL))+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 10, 1) AS DECIMAL) * 3)+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 11, 1) AS DECIMAL))+
(CAST(SUBSTRING(#first12digits, 12, 1) AS DECIMAL) * 3)
,10)) = 10, 0, #check
) AS checkDigit;
There was a bug. If Calc result = 10 then check digit = 0.
Here below a better version for EAN14.
SET #first13digits="1234567890123";
SELECT #txCode13:=#first13digits,
#iCheck := (
10 - (
MID(#txCode13, 2, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 4, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 6, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 8, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 10, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 12, 1)
) + (
MID(#txCode13, 1, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 3, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 5, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 7, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 9, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 11, 1) +
MID(#txCode13, 13, 1)
) * 3 ) % 10
) AS iCheck,
#iCheckDigit := IF(#iCheck = 10, 0, #iCheck) AS checkDigit,
xCode13, CAST(#iCheckDigit AS CHAR)) AS EAN14WithCheck
Here is the Java version for EAN13
private int calcChecksum(String first12digits) {
char[] char12digits = first12digits.toCharArray();
int[] ean13 = {1,3};
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i<char12digits.length; i++){
sum += Character.getNumericValue(char12digits[i]) * ean13[i%2];
int checksum = 10 - sum%10;
if(checksum == 10){
checksum = 0;
return checksum;
class GTIN(object):
def __init__(self, barcode=''):
self.barcode = barcode
def __checkDigit(self, digits):
total = sum(digits) + sum(map(lambda d: d*2, digits[-1::-2]))
return (10 - (total % 10)) % 10
def validateCheckDigit(self, barcode=''):
barcode = (barcode if barcode else self.barcode)
if len(barcode) in (8,12,13,14) and barcode.isdigit():
digits = map(int, barcode)
checkDigit = self.__checkDigit( digits[0:-1] )
return checkDigit == digits[-1]
return False
def addCheckDigit(self, barcode=''):
barcode = (barcode if barcode else self.barcode)
if len(barcode) in (7,11,12,13) and barcode.isdigit():
digits = map(int, barcode)
return barcode + str(self.__checkDigit(digits))
return ''
Today I need a PHP version, I remember about this page and copy from the Java version. Thank you.
function getEAN13($txEan12)
for($i=0; $i<strlen($txEan12); $i++)
$iSingleCharVal = intval(substr($txEan12, $i, 1)); // extract value of one char
$iSingleCharMult = $iSingleCharVal * ($i%2==0 ? 1 : 3); // calculate depending from position
$iVal+= $iSingleCharMult; // sum
$iCheckDigit = 10 - ($iVal % 10);
if ($iCheckDigit == 10) $iCheckDigit = 0;
return $txEan12 . $iCheckDigit;
Java Version:
It works perfectly
public static int checkSum(String code){
int val=0;
for(int i=0; i<code.length()-1; i++){
int checksum_digit = (10 - (val % 10)) % 10;
return checksum_digit;
Python EAN13 check-digit calculation based on Najoua Mahi's Java function:
def generateEAN13CheckDigit(self, first12digits):
charList = [char for char in first12digits]
ean13 = [1,3]
total = 0
for order, char in enumerate(charList):
total += int(char) * ean13[order % 2]
checkDigit = 10 - total % 10
if (checkDigit == 10):
return 0
return checkDigit
This works on both EAN 13 and EAN8:
public static String generateEAN(String barcode) {
int first = 0;
int second = 0;
if(barcode.length() == 7 || barcode.length() == 12) {
for (int counter = 0; counter < barcode.length() - 1; counter++) {
first = (first + Integer.valueOf(barcode.substring(counter, counter + 1)));
second = (second + Integer.valueOf(barcode.substring(counter, counter + 1)));
second = second * 3;
int total = second + first;
int roundedNum = Math.round((total + 9) / 10 * 10);
barcode = barcode + String.valueOf(roundedNum - total);
return barcode;
This is a code I wrote in VFP (Visual FoxPro 9), for both EAN-8 and EAN-13
Lparameters lcBarcode,llShowErrorMessage
If Vartype(m.lcBarcode)<>'C'
If m.llShowErrorMessage
MessageBox([Type of parameter is incorect!],0+16,[Error Message])
Return .f.
If Len(Chrtran(Alltrim(m.lcBarcode),[0123456789],[]))>0
If m.llShowErrorMessage
MessageBox([Provided barcode contains invalid characters!],0+16,[Error Message])
Return .f.
If Len(Alltrim(m.lcBarcode))=0
If m.llShowErrorMessage
MessageBox([The length of provided barcode is 0 (zero)!],0+16,[Error Message])
Return .f.
If !InList(Len(Alltrim(m.lcBarcode)),8,13)
If m.llShowErrorMessage
MessageBox([Provided barcode is not an EAN-8 or EAN-13 barcode!],0+16,[Error Message])
Return .f.
Local lnCheck as Integer, lnSum as Integer, lnOriginalCheck as Integer,jj as Integer
m.lnOriginalCheck = Cast(Right(Alltrim(m.lcBarcode),1) as Integer)
m.lcBarcode = Left(Alltrim(m.lcBarcode),Len(Alltrim(m.lcBarcode))-1)
For ii = Len(m.lcBarcode) to 1 step -1
lnSum = lnSum + Cast(Substr(m.lcBarcode,ii,1) as Integer) * Iif(Mod(jj,2)=0,1,3)
lnCheck = 10-Mod(lnSum,10)
lnCheck = Iif(lnCheck =10,0,lnCheck)
Return (lnCheck = lnOriginalCheck)
JavaScript version for EAN-8 and EAN-13
function checksum(code) {
const sum = code.split('').reverse().reduce((sum, char, idx) => {
let digit = Number.parseInt(char);
let weight = (idx + 1) % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 3;
let partial = digit * weight;
return sum + partial;
}, 0);
const remainder = sum % 10;
const checksum = remainder ? (10 - remainder) : 0;
return checksum;
Mini Javascript Version
function checksum(code){
return (10 - (code.split('').reduce((s, e, i) => { return s + parseInt(e) * ((i%2==0)?1:3) },0) % 10)) % 10;
=INT(CONCAT([#Code],MOD(10 - MOD((MID([#Code], 2, 1) + MID([#Code], 4, 1) + MID([#Code], 6, 1)) + (3*(MID([#Code], 1, 1) + MID([#Code], 3, 1) + MID([#Code], 5, 1) + MID([#Code], 7, 1))),10), 10)))
The above formula will calculate the check character without the need to use a macro or change to XLSM.
Note: Only works for EAN-8.
