minizinc sitting friends at a table, sharing common interests - set

this is my model... trying to put friends one next to other at N=16 POTITIONS of a cyclic table. friends have interests. one next to each other MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE COMMON INTEREST.
int :N;
set of int: FRIENDS = 1..N;
set of int: POSITIONS = 1..N;
array[FRIENDS] of set of int: interests;
array[POSITIONS] of var FRIENDS : friends_at;
include "alldifferent.mzn";
constraint alldifferent(friend_at);
constraint forall(i in 2..N-1)(
(interests[friend_at[i+1]]<=interests[friend_at[i]] \/ interests[friend_at[i+1]]>=interests[friend_at[i]])
( interests[friend_at[i-1]]<=interests[friend_at[i]] \/ interests[friend_at[i-1]]>=interests[friend_at[i]])
( interests[friend_at[N]]<=interests[friend_at[1]] \/ interests[friend_at[N]]>=interests[friend_at[1]])
solve satisfy;
The array of their interests:

Here is a model that seems to work. The main approach is to use the set operation intersect to ensure that two neighbours have at least one common interest.
int :N;
set of int: FRIENDS = 1..N;
set of int: POSITIONS = 1..N;
array[FRIENDS] of set of int: interests;
array[POSITIONS] of var FRIENDS : friend_at;
include "alldifferent.mzn";
constraint alldifferent(friend_at);
forall(i in 2..N-1) (
card(interests[friend_at[i+1]] intersect interests[friend_at[i]]) > 0
card(interests[friend_at[N]] intersect interests[friend_at[1]]) > 0;
solve satisfy;
output [ "friend_at:(friend_at)\n"] ++
"p:(p) interests:(interests[friend_at[p]])\n"
There are many solutions, here's the first one:
friend_at:[7, 15, 14, 16, 13, 12, 11, 9, 10, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1]
p:1 interests:{1,3}
p:2 interests:3..3
p:3 interests:2..3
p:4 interests:2..2
p:5 interests:2..3
p:6 interests:2..2
p:7 interests:1..2
p:8 interests:1..2
p:9 interests:{1,3}
p:10 interests:3..3
p:11 interests:2..3
p:12 interests:2..2
p:13 interests:2..3
p:14 interests:2..3
p:15 interests:1..2
p:16 interests:1..1
Here one can check that all neighbours (including the first and last) has at least one common interest.


Linear problem solving with matrix constraints in Rust

I am trying to rewrite a fairness ranking algorithm (source: from Python to Rust. The objective is finding a document-ranking probability matrix that is doubly stochastic and, by use of an utility vector (i.e. the document relevance in this case) gives fair exposure to all document types.
The objective is thus to maximise the expected utility under the following constraints:
sum of probabilities for each position equals 1;
sum of probabilities for each document equals 1;
every probibility is valid (i.e. 0 <= P[i,j] <= 1);
P is fair (disparate treatment constraints).
In Python we have done this using CVXPY:
u = documents[['rel']].iloc[:n].values.ravel() # utility vector
v = np.array([1.0 / (np.log(2 + i)) for i in range(n)]) # position discount vector
P = cp.Variable((n, n)) # linear maximizing problem uͭPv s.t. P is doubly stochastic and fair.
# Construct f in fͭPv such that for P every group's exposure divided by mean utility should be
# equal (i.e. enforcing DTC). Do this for the set of every individual two groups:
# example: calculated f for three groups {a, b, c}
# resulting constraints: [a - b == 0, a - c == 0, b - c == 0]
groups = {k: group.index.values for k, group in documents.iloc[:n].groupby('document_type')}
fairness_constraints = []
for k0, k1 in combinations(groups, 2):
g0, g1 = groups[k0], groups[k1]
f_i = np.zeros(n)
f_i[g0] = 1 / u[g0].sum()
f_i[g1] = -1 / u[g1].sum()
# Create convex problem to solve for finding the probabilities that
# a document is at a certain position/rank, matching the fairness criteria
objective = cp.Maximize(cp.matmul(cp.matmul(u, P), v))
constraints = ([cp.matmul(np.ones((1, n)), P) == np.ones((1, n)), # ┤
cp.matmul(P, np.ones((n,))) == np.ones((n,)), # ┤
0.0 <= P, P <= 1] + # └┤ doubly stochastic matrix constraints
[cp.matmul(cp.matmul(c, P), v) == 0 for c in fairness_constraints]) # DTC
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
This works great for multiple solvers, including SCS, ECOS and CBC.
Now trying to implement the algorithm above to Rust, I have resolved to crates like good_lp and lp_modeler. These should both be able to solve linear problems using CBC as also demonstrated in the Python example above. I am struggling however to find examples on how to define the needed constraints on my matrix variable P.
The code below is my work in progress for rewriting the Python code in Rust, using in this case the lp_modeler crate as an example. The code below compiles but panics when run. Furthermore I don't know how to add the disparate treatment constraints in a way Rust likes, as no package seems to be able to accept equality constraints on two vectors.
let n = cmp::min(u.len(), 25);
let u: Array<f32, Ix1> = array![...]; // utility vector filled with dummy data
// position discount vector
let v: Array<f32, Ix1> = (0..n)
.map(|i| 1.0 / ((2 + i) as f32).ln())
let P: Array<f32, Ix2> = Array::ones((n, n));
// dummy data for document indices and their types
let groups = vec![
vec![23], // type A
vec![8, 10, 16, 19], // type B
vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 24], // type C
vec![14, 17, 18, 20, 22] // type D
let mut fairness_contraints: Vec<Vec<f32>> = Vec::new();
for combo in groups.iter().combinations(2).unique() {
let mut f_i: Vec<f32> = vec![0f32; n];
{ // f_i[g0] = 1 / u[g0].sum()
let usum_g0: f32 = combo[0].iter()
.map(|&i| u[i])
for &i in combo[0].iter() {
f_i[i] = 1f32 / usum_g0;
{ // f_i[g1] = -1 / u[g1].sum()
let usum_g1: f32 = combo[1].iter()
.map(|&i| u[i])
for &i in combo[1].iter() {
f_i[i] = -1.0 / usum_g1;
let mut problem = LpProblem::new("Fairness", LpObjective::Maximize);
problem +=; // Expected utility objective
// Doubly stochastic constraints
for col in P.columns() { // Sum of probabilities for each position
problem += sum(&col.to_vec(), |&el| el).equal(1);
for row in P.rows() { // Sum of probabilities for each document
problem += sum(&row.to_vec(), |&el| el).equal(1);
// Valid probability constraints
for el in P.iter() {
problem += lp_sum(&vec![el]).ge(0);
problem += lp_sum(&vec![el]).le(1);
// TODO: implement DTC fairness constraints
let solver = CbcSolver::new();
let result =;
Can anybody give me a nudge in the right direction on this specific problem? Thanks in advance!

How to deal with the edge weight in the graph in minizinc?

I have a task like the follow figure:
I need code a optimization model in Minizinc to solver placement problem, that is, solve give a placement strategy to indicate which Host should a, b, c to place.
One of the chanllenge that I faced is the constraint that the resource requirement do not exceed the resource.
I did it like:
int: numHosts = 5;
set of int: hosts = 1..numHosts;
int: numRel = 2;
set of int: relindx = 1..numRel;
array[relindx] of int: preNode = [1, 1]; % edge (1, 2), (2, 3) a=1, b=2, c=3
array[relindx] of int: postNode = [2, 3];
int: sliceLen = 3;
set of int: sSlice = 1..sliceLen;
array[sSlice] of int: slice = [1, 2, 3]; % a, b, c
int: numVnfs = 5; % types of rectangle(a, b, c, d, e)
set of int: vnfs = 1..numVnfs;
array[vnfs, vnfs] of int: bandwidth_resource = array2d(1..numHosts, 1..numHosts, [0,0,30,0,0, 0,0,35,0,30, 30,35,0,0,40, 0,0,0,0,35, 0,30,40,35,0]); % array2d save the edge resources
array[vnfs, vnfs] of int: vnf_bandwidth = array2d(1..numVnfs, 1..numVnfs, [0,2,2,4,4, 2,0,3,4,2, 2,3,0,4,3, 4,4,4,0,2, 4,2,3,2,0]); % array2d save the source requirement of rectangle
array[sSlice] of var hosts: placement;
array[vnfs, vnfs] of var int: bandwidth_used;
constraint forall(host1 in hosts, host2 in hosts)
bandwidth_used[host1, host2] = sum(c1 in preNode, c2 in postNode where placement[c1] = host1 /\ placement[c2] = host2) (vnf_bandwidth[c1, c2])
constraint forall(vnf in vnfs)
bandwidth_used[vnf, vnf] <= bandwidth_resource[vnf, vnf]
Now, the First question is solver can give a plecement but bandwidth_used connot calculate coorectly.
the second question is how to sum the resource used that host do not conected directly
For example, in the figure rectangle a placed on Host1 and rectangle b placed on Host2, so the bandwidth_used should calculate the resource used in both edge (Host1, Host3) and edge (Host2, Host3).
Could you help me?
It seems that your problem is a mapping problem with communication constraints on bandwidth. Communication between two tasks mapped into two hosts can, in fact, be routed in different ways. You propose (Host1, Host3) and (Host3, Host2) but it can also be routed (Host1, Host3), (Host3, Host5) and (Host5, Host2). This can be modelled by network flow constraints (one constraint for each communication). For more details you can check our minizinc model in
Hope it helps.

Algorithm of finding optimal cuts/sections to reduce remains

Input data
Pipes or somethins like on stock (length = quantity on stock):
pipe3m = 4 pc
pipe4m = 1 pc
pipe5m = 1 pc
Needed cust (length = quantity)
cut2m = 4pc
cut2.5m = 1pc
Result: optimal pipes for minimum remains, considering quantity that left on stock
pipe4m 1pc => cut2m + cut2m => remains 0m (4-2-2)
pipe5m 1pc => cut2m + cut2.5m => remains 0.5m (5 - 2 - 2.5)
pipe3m 1pc => cut2m => remains 1m (3-2)
So we need:
pipe4m => 1pc *(if we have 2 pc of pipe4m on stock we can cut it into 2m+2m, but there is only 1)*
pipe5m => 1pc
pipe3m => 1pc
How can I implement some optimal algorithm for this?
There will be 5-10 pipe lengths and 10-20 cuts, so I think that it can't be solved with brute force, but I'm not algorithm guru.
Thanks :)
Smaller instances can be solved with mixed-integer linear programming. Here is an implementation in MiniZinc using the data from the question. The available pipes have been rearranged into a flat array pipeLength. In the model x denotes the cuts from each pipe and z denotes whether a pipe is used or not.
int: nPipes = 6;
int: nCuts = 2;
set of int: PIPE = 1..nPipes;
set of int: CUT = 1..nCuts;
array[PIPE] of float: pipeLength = [3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5];
array[CUT] of int: cutQuantity = [4, 1];
array[CUT] of float: cutLength = [2, 2.5];
array[PIPE, CUT] of var 0..10: x;
array[PIPE] of var 0..1: z;
% required cuts constraint
constraint forall(k in CUT)
(sum(i in PIPE)(x[i,k]) = cutQuantity[k]);
% available pipes constraint
constraint forall(i in PIPE)
(sum(k in CUT)(cutLength[k]*x[i,k]) <= pipeLength[i]);
% pipe used constraint
constraint forall(i in PIPE)
(max(cutQuantity)*z[i] >= sum(k in CUT)(x[i,k]));
var float: loss = sum(i in PIPE)(pipeLength[i]*z[i] - sum(k in CUT)(cutLength[k]*x[i,k]));
solve minimize loss;
output ["loss=\(show_float(2, 2, loss))\n"] ++
["pipeCuts="] ++ [show2d(x)] ++
["usePipe="] ++ [show(z)];
Running gives:
pipeCuts=[| 0, 0 |
0, 0 |
0, 0 |
0, 1 |
2, 0 |
2, 0 |]
usePipe=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
The same MILP-model could also be implemented in e.g. PuLP.

Maximum continuous achievable number

The problem
Let's define a natural number N as a writable number (WN) for number set in M numeral system, if it can be written in this numeral system from members of U using each member no more than once. More strict definition of 'written': - here CONCAT means concatenation.
Let's define a natural number N as a continuous achievable number (CAN) for symbol set in M numeral system if it is a WN-number for U and M and also N-1 is a CAN-number for U and M (Another definition may be N is CAN for U and M if all 0 .. N numbers are WN for U and M). More strict:
Let we have a set of S natural numbers: (we are treating zero as a natural number) and natural number M, M>1. The problem is to find maximum CAN (MCAN) for given U and M. Given set U may contain duplicates - but each duplicate could not be used more than once, of cause (i.e. if U contains {x, y, y, z} - then each y could be used 0 or 1 time, so y could be used 0..2 times total). Also U expected to be valid in M-numeral system (i.e. can not contain symbols 8 or 9 in any member if M=8). And, of cause, members of U are numbers, not symbols for M (so 11 is valid for M=10) - otherwise the problem will be trivial.
My approach
I have in mind a simple algorithm now, which is simply checking if current number is CAN via:
Check if 0 is WN for given U and M? Go to 2: We're done, MCAN is null
Check if 1 is WN for given U and M? Go to 3: We're done, MCAN is 0
So, this algorithm is trying to build all this sequence. I doubt this part can be improved, but may be it can? Now, how to check if number is a WN. This is also some kind of 'substitution brute-force'. I have a realization of that for M=10 (in fact, since we're dealing with strings, any other M is not a problem) with PHP function:
//$mNumber is our N, $rgNumbers is our U
function isWriteable($mNumber, $rgNumbers)
if(in_array((string)$mNumber, $rgNumbers=array_map('strval', $rgNumbers), true))
return true;
for($i=1; $i<=strlen((string)$mNumber); $i++)
foreach($rgKeys = array_keys(array_filter($rgNumbers, function($sX) use ($mNumber, $i)
return $sX==substr((string)$mNumber, 0, $i);
})) as $iKey)
$rgTemp = $rgNumbers;
if(isWriteable(substr((string)$mNumber, $i), $rgTemp))
return true;
return false;
-so we're trying one piece and then check if the rest part could be written with recursion. If it can not be written, we're trying next member of U. I think this is a point which can be improved.
As you see, an algorithm is trying to build all numbers before N and check if they are WN. But the only question is - to find MCAN, so, question is:
May be constructive algorithm is excessive here? And, if yes, what other options could be used?
Is there more quick way to determine if number is WN for given U and M? (this point may have no sense if previous point has positive answer and we'll not build and check all numbers before N).
U = {4, 1, 5, 2, 0}
M = 10
then MCAN = 2 (3 couldn't be reached)
U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11}
M = 10
then MCAN = 21 (all before could be reached, for 22 there are no two 2 symbols total).
Hash the digit count for digits from 0 to m-1. Hash the numbers greater than m that are composed of one repeated digit.
MCAN is bound by the smallest digit for which all combinations of that digit for a given digit count cannot be constructed (e.g., X000,X00X,X0XX,XX0X,XXX0,XXXX), or (digit count - 1) in the case of zero (for example, for all combinations of four digits, combinations are needed for only three zeros; for a zero count of zero, MCAN is null). Digit counts are evaluated in ascending order.
1. MCAN (10, {4, 1, 5, 2, 0})
3 is the smallest digit for which a digit-count of one cannot be constructed.
MCAN = 2
2. MCAN (10, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11})
2 is the smallest digit for which a digit-count of two cannot be constructed.
MCAN = 21
3. (from Alma Do Mundo's comment below) MCAN (2, {0,0,0,1,1,1})
1 is the smallest digit for which all combinations for a digit-count of four
cannot be constructed.
MCAN = 1110
4. (example from No One in Particular's answer)
MCAN (2, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1111,11111111})
1 is the smallest digit for which all combinations for a digit-count of five
cannot be constructed.
MCAN = 10101
The recursion steps I've made are:
If the digit string is available in your alphabet, mark it used and return immediately
If the digit string is of length 1, return failure
Split the string in two and try each part
This is my code:
$u = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11];
echo ncan($u), "\n"; // 21
// the functions
function satisfy($n, array $u)
if (!empty($u[$n])) { // step 1
return $u;
} elseif (strlen($n) == 1) { // step 2
return false;
// step 3
for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($n); ++$i) {
$u2 = satisfy(substr($n, 0, $i), $u);
if ($u2 && satisfy(substr($n, $i), $u2)) {
return true;
return false;
function is_can($n, $u)
return satisfy($n, $u) !== false;
function ncan($u)
$umap = array_reduce($u, function(&$result, $item) {
return $result;
}, []);
$i = -1;
while (is_can($i + 1, $umap)) {
return $i;
Here is another approach:
1) Order the set U with regards to the usual numerical ordering for base M.
2) If there is a symbol between 0 and (M-1) which is missing, then that is the first number which is NOT MCAN.
3) Find the fist symbol which has the least number of entries in the set U. From this we have an upper bound on the first number which is NOT MCAN. That number would be {xxxx} N times. For example, if M = 4 and U = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3}, then the number 333 is not MCAN. This gives us our upper bound.
4) So, if the first element of the set U which has the small number of occurences is x and it has C occurences, then we can clearly represent any number with C digits. (Since every element has at least C entries).
5) Now we ask if there is any number less than (C+1)x which can't be MCAN? Well, any (C+1) digit number can have either (C+1) of the same symbol or only at most (C) of the same symbol. Since x is minimal from step 3, (C+1)y for y < x can be done and (C)a + b can be done for any distinct a, b since they have (C) copies at least.
The above method works for set elements of only 1 symbol. However, we now see that it becomes more complex if multi-symbol elements are allowed. Consider the following case:
U = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1111,11111111}
Define c(A,B) = the number of 'A' symbols of 'B' length.
So for our example, c(0,1) = 15, c(0,2) = 0, c(0,3) = 0, c(0,4) = 0, ...
c(1,1) = 3, c(1,2) = 0, c(1,3) = 0, c(1,4) = 1, c(0,5) = 0, ..., c(1,8) = 1
The maximal 0 string we can't do is 16. The maximal 1 string we can't do is also 16.
1 = 1
11 = 1+1
111 = 1+1+1
1111 = 1111
11111 = 1+1111
111111 = 1+1+1111
1111111 = 1+1+1+1111
11111111 = 11111111
111111111 = 1+11111111
1111111111 = 1+1+11111111
11111111111 = 1+1+1+11111111
111111111111 = 1111+11111111
1111111111111 = 1+1111+11111111
11111111111111 = 1+1+1111+11111111
111111111111111 = 1+1+1+1111+11111111
But can we make the string 11111101111? We can't because the last 1 string (1111) needs the only set of 1's with the 4 in a row. Once we take that, we can't make the first 1 string (111111) because we only have an 8 (which is too big) or 3 1-lengths which are too small.
So for multi-symbols, we need another approach.
We know from sorting and ordering our strings what is the minimum length we can't do for a given symbol. (In the example above, it would be 16 zeros or 16 ones.) So this is our upper bound for an answer.
What we have to do now is start a 1 and count up in base M. For each number we write it in base M and then determine if we can make it from our set U. We do this by using the same approach used in the coin change problem: dynamic programming. (See for example for the algorithm.) The only difference is that in our case we only have finite number of each elements, not an infinite supply.
Instead of subtracting the amount we are using like in the coin change problem, we strip the matching symbol off of the front of the string we are trying to match. (This is the opposite of our addition - concatenation.)

Recursive interlacing permutation

I have a program (a fractal) that draws lines in an interlaced order. Originally, given H lines to draw, it determines the number of frames N, and draws every Nth frame, then every N+1'th frame, etc.
For example, if H = 10 and N = 3, it draws them in order:
0, 3, 6, 9,
1, 4, 7,
2, 5, 8.
However I didn't like the way bands would gradually thicken, leaving large areas between undrawn for a long time. So the method was enhanced to recursively draw midpoint lines in each group instead of the immediately sebsequent lines, for example:
0, (32) # S (step size) = 32
8, (24) # S = 16
4, (12) # S = 8
2, 6, (10) # S = 4
1, 3, 5, 7, 9. # S = 2
(The numbers in parentheses are out of range and not drawn.) The algorithm's pretty simple:
Set S to a power of 2 greater than N*2, set F = 0.
While S > 1:
Draw frame F.
Set F = F + S.
If F >= H, then set S = S / 2; set F = S / 2.
When the odd numbered frames are drawn on the last step size, they are drawn in simple order just as an the initial (annoying) method. The same with every fourth frame, etc. It's not as bad because some intermediate frames have already been drawn.
But the same permutation could recursively be applied to the elements for each step size. In the example above, the last line would change to:
1, # the 0th element, S' = 16
9, # 4th, S' = 8
5, # 2nd, S' = 4
3, 7. # 1st and 3rd, S' = 2
The previous lines have too few elements for the recursion to take effect. But if N was large enough, some lines might require multiple levels of recursion. Any step size with 3 or more corresponding elements can be recursively permutated.
Question 1. Is there a common name for this permutation on N elements, that I could use to find additional material on it? I am also interested in any similar examples that may exist. I would be surprised if I'm the first person to want to do this.
Question 2. Are there some techniques I could use to compute it? I'm working in C but I'm more interested at the algorithm level at this stage; I'm happy to read code other language (within reason).
I have not yet tackled its implemention. I expect I will precompute the permutation first (contrary to the algorithm for the previous method, above). But I'm also interested if there is a simple way to get the next frame to draw without having to precomputing it, similar in complexity to the previous method.
It sounds as though you're trying to construct one-dimensional low-discrepancy sequences. Your permutation can be computed by reversing the binary representation of the index.
def rev(num_bits, i):
j = 0
for k in xrange(num_bits):
j = (j << 1) | (i & 1)
i >>= 1
return j
Example usage:
>>> [rev(4,i) for i in xrange(16)]
[0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15]
A variant that works on general n:
def rev(n, i):
j = 0
while n >= 2:
m = i & 1
if m:
j += (n + 1) >> 1
n = (n + 1 - m) >> 1
i >>= 1
return j
>>> [rev(10,i) for i in xrange(10)]
[0, 5, 3, 8, 2, 7, 4, 9, 1, 6]
