Require Not Working in Ruby - ruby

I have two files person.rb and contact_info.rb and the person.rb file contains a class, and the contact_info.rb file contains a module. When i do load 'person.rb' in irb this works fine when load 'contact_info.rb' is at the top of this file.
When I switch this to require 'contact_info.rb' at the top of the person.rb file, and in irb do require 'person.rb' I get an error (i've included the error at the bottom of this text and it's using a completely different file path.
I've googled some solutions such as using './person.rb' and require_relative 'person' but these don't work either.
I've simplified the code within files to make things easier.
Any help would be awesome.
CODE IN THE person.rb FILE
require 'contact_info.rb'
class Person
include ContactInfo
CODE IN THE contact_info.rb FILE
module ContactInfo
#some code
ERROR MESSAGE THAT I'M GETTING - when I type in require 'person.rb' in irb.
**note - when i drag the file into the command line the file path is /Volumes/New\ Passport/All\ Creative/Ruby/module_folder_tut/person.rb
LoadError: cannot load such file -- person.rb
from /Users/paulknight/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.4.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
from /Users/paulknight/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.4.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
from (irb):1
from /Users/paulknight/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

Current directory in NOT on the ruby search path by default. Add it to $: and everything will be fine (assuming you are launching irb from the directory where person.rb is located):
$: << "."
require "person.rb"
More detailed info.


Calling classes from files

I am writing a program which includes two file. I’m the first file all I am doing is initializing the next file which includes multiple classes. I call the class at the bottom of the file, but it runs the class at the top of the file.
Btw I am running ruby
First file:
Require ‘./secondfile.rb’
Second file:
class Firstclass
class Lastclass
Hint #1. It's better to write without .
It depends on directory from where you run your app.
For example you have directory folder. And there you have two files:
puts "I'm file.rb"
require './file.rb'
If you run your app from folder - it's ok:
folder$ ruby main.rb
I'm file.rb
But if you'll run it from high level - it will be error:
folder$ cd ..
:~$ ruby folder/main.rb
kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- ./file.rb (LoadError)
But how to write in this case?
Hint #2. You can use special method
require "./#{__dir__}/file.rb"
Now it's ok in all cases:
~$ ruby folder/main.rb
I'm file.rb
folder$ ruby main.rb
I'm file.rb
But you can write it better.
Hint #3. You can use require_relative
require_relative 'file.rb'
And even better.
require_relative 'file'
Ruby understand it.
~$ ruby folder/main.rb
I'm file.rb
folder$ ruby main.rb
I'm file.rb
Hope this helps you.
Classes are injected into the root namespace if they're defined. If another file defines a class, all files get it:
require_relative './secondfile.rb'
This is unlike JavaScript (e.g. Node.js) where you must explicitly import classes from other files. In Ruby it happens by manipulating the root namespace.
Another note is to pay close attention to which slashes you use. In your code you used a backslash, which is incorrect. You also used the wrong quotes. Often every character counts when programming.

ruby require command not loading correctly

First post, "Hello World"
I am working through the lynda videos on Ruby and am just getting to the part of requiring content from .rb files in irb. An example patch we made is named contact_info.rb and from irb I am trying to require that file. When executed it comes back with the attached below.
Some light googling made it seem like this is maybe a yosemite issue (running 10.10.3.), but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot.
Thanks all
irb(main):006:0> require contact_info.rb
LoadError: cannot load such file -- contact_info.rb
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in 'require'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in 'require'
from (irb):6
from /usr/bin/irb:12:in '<main>'
you can use require_relative 'contact_info'.
Assuming the file is in your current directory, type this in your command line:
irb -r './contact_info.rb'
First, note that with any require statement, you omit the file extension:
require 'contact_info'
When you require a file, ruby only looks in certain directories on your computer for the file. You can see which directories those are by running the following code:
In ruby 1.8.7, the $LOAD_PATH array included ".", or the current directory, which means your code would have worked. But, including the current directory in $LOAD_PATH was deemed a security risk, so now you have to do something different:
1) One option is to use a relative path for the file you specify in the require statement:
require './contact_info'
The path is relative to the current directory. That works fine if you have this structure:
And you switch directories to /some/dir and then run your_prog.rb:
~$ cd /some/dir
/some/dir$ ruby my_prog.rb
The require statement works--no problems. However, what if you do this:
/some/dir$ cd ..
/some$ ruby ./dir/your_prog.rb
Now, the current directory is /some, and require './contact_info' tells ruby to look in the /some directory for contact_info.rb--but it isn't there, so you will get the error:
`require': cannot load such file -- ./contact_info.rb (LoadError)
2) To cure that problem, ruby added require_relative. Paths specified with require_relative are relative to the location of the file that contains the require_relative statement. As a result, the statement:
require_relative './contact_info'
...will look in the directory containing your_prog.rb for the file contact_info.rb. Now, doing this:
/some$ ruby ./dir/your_prog.rb
will work fine. And in fact, in the require_relative you don't even have to write the ./ in the path:
require_relative 'contact_info' #Look for contact_info.rb in the same
#directory that contains this file
require_relative '../contact_info' #Look for contact_info.rb one directory
#above the directory that contains this file
I am working through the lynda videos on Ruby and am just getting to
the part of requiring content from .rb files in irb.
In my opinion, it's not a good idea to use irb for much of anything. A better option is to create a couple of files called 1.rb, 2.rb, 3.rb, and do your coding in those files.

How do I require a Ruby file?

I have a file called "go.rb" that contains:
require 'turboname'
dictionary =
100999032982389.times do
name = => dictionary) if name.length < 15 and name.available?
tld = name.tldize if tld and name.length < 15 and name.available?(tld)
turboname.rb is located in the same directory as go.rb. It's the same level. I just want to include this file in this script. I don't want to deal with gems or bundles.
./turboname.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- turboname/version (LoadError)
from ./turboname.rb:1
from go.rb:1:in `require'
from go.rb:1
Use a require_relative Statement
Recent Ruby versions no longer add . to the load path stored in $:. However, one solution is to use Kernel#require_relative to require a file relative to the current value of __FILE__. For example:
require_relative './turboname'
Note that this doesn't work in interactive REPL sessions with irb or pry, but works fine within actual source files.
The error isn't telling you it can't find ./turboname.rb. It's telling you that it found that file, but the first line of ./turboname.rb tries to require 'turboname/version', which Ruby can't find. Does ./turboname/version.rb exist? If so, is it readable by the current user?
If everything else checks out, then you have a load-path problem. At the top of go.rb, explicitly add the current working directory (or whichever directory contains turboname.rb and turboname/version.rb (possibly ./lib/) to your load path:
$LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__) # for ./
# or
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib') # for ./lib/
With Ruby 2.0:
require "#{__dir__}/turboname"

require can't find an .rb file that's the same directory

How exactly does the require command in Ruby work? I tested it with the following two files that are in the same directory.
require 'requirements'
def square(x)
But when I run ruby test.rb while I'm in the same directory as the files "test.rb" and "requirements.rb", I get the error:
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p286/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- requirements (LoadError)
from /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p286/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'
from test.rb:1:in `<main>'
which I think means it can't find the requirements.rb file. But it's in the same directory as test.rb! How does one fix this?
Much thanks in advance. I apologize for such noob questions.
IIRC, ruby 1.9 doesn't include current dir ('.') to LOAD_PATH. You can do one of these:
# specify relative path
require './test1'
# use relative method
require_relative 'test1'
# add current dir to LOAD_PATH
$LOAD_PATH.unshift '.'
require 'test1'
I too just started to learn how ruby works, so I'm not perfectly sure if this helps. But try require_relative instead of require and I think it will work.
Afaik require searches in the ruby libary.

Rails irb default directory

I'm trying to include a source code file when I run irb but irb is unable to find it.
For example, say I am in the following directory in terminal:
Assume I have a file named "firstapp.rb" in /dan/rubyapp/
I startup irb and from the irb prompt I type
> require "firstapp.rb"
but the file can't be found. If I type "Dir.pwd" it shows as
The only way I can get "require" to work is if I include the full path like so
> require "/dan/rubyapp/firstapp.rb"
Is that the only way I can get this to work? All the tutorials I see online simply do "require file_name" so I assumed it would work.
here is the output from $: at irb
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > $:
=> ["/Users/Daniel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/wirble-0.1.3/bin",
The problem is that the current working directory is no longer in your path (as of Ruby 1.9.2). There are a few different ways around the problem.
1) In a ruby file itself, you can use the method require_relative instead of require. This will load a file relative to the loaction of the file containing the require_relative method:
require_relative 'firstapp.rb'
This, however, will not work in irb.
2) Your other option is to include the current path in your argument to the require method. This will work in irb or in a ruby file. For instance:
require './firstapp.rb'
The reason this was implemented in ruby was to avoid inadvertently requiring the wrong file if there are different files with the same name in different directories in the path (similar to how *nix does not include the current directory "." in its path)
A couple of things to try:
1) Drop the .rb from the end of your require so you have:
require 'firstapp'
You don't normally add the .rb to a require (only to a load) - have a look here for more details:
2) Failing that, make sure the current directory is on your load path - in irb execute:
p $:
and it will print out your ruby load path - check for an entry for "." (mine is the last entry)
