how to use filter to update row in SQLite.swift library? - sqlite.swift

I am using SQLite.swift library.
I have defined a expression:
let id = Expression<Int64>("id")
I have a variable:
let num: Int = 1
Then, in update statement I do filtering:
let users = Table("User")
// compiler error: // Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Expression<Int64>' and 'Int'
users.filter(id == num)
I get compiler error showing in above comment. I understand what the error is saying, but how to get rid of it? According to SQLite.swift library document, the library should be smart enough to map Int with Expression Int64.

You will get rid of this error by using the Int64 type (or Int) for both the id expression and the num variable.


How to have multiple (alternate) return types in Nim?

I can declare a proc to return a "union type", but cannot actually return values of more than one type:
proc test(b: bool) : int|string =
if b: 1 else: "hello"
echo test true
echo test false
Error: type mismatch: got 'string' for '"hello"' but expected 'int literal(1)'
Even if I swap the return types (string|int) the error is the same. I am only allowed to return an int. I tried putting the return type in parens; and I tried using or instead of |. No dice.
What am I missing? (I don't want to use a variant object.)
The code can be tested online at the Nim Playground. I've scoured google and the Nim documentation, and come up empty.
Return types have to be known at compile time in Nim. Imagine you tried to return the result of that procedure to a string variable. Now you're in a scenario where one return value works, but the other would be a compilation error. In order to allow Nim to figure out whether to throw an error or not it must be able to figure out which type will be returned at compile time. The solution here is to use a static[bool] and a when in place of the if. If you actually need a type that can hold different types on runtime you have to use variant objects.

Getting error while access the struct type of array element as undefined (type []ParentIDInfo has no field or method PCOrderID)

I am new to golang and I have one issue which I think community can help me to solve it.
I have one data structure like below
type ParentIDInfo struct {
PCOrderID string `json:"PCorderId",omitempty"`
TableVarieties TableVarietyDC `json:"tableVariety",omitempty"`
ProduceID string `json:"PRID",omitempty"`
type PCDCOrderAsset struct {
PcID string `json:"PCID",omitempty"`
DcID string `json:"DCID",omitempty"`
RequiredDate string `json:"requiredDate",omitempty"`
Qty uint64 `json:"QTY",omitempty"`
OrderID string `json:"ORDERID",omitempty"`
Status string `json:"STATUS",omitempty"`
Produce string `json:"Produce",omitempty"`
Variety string `json:"VARIETY",omitempty"`
Transports []TransportaionPCDC `json:"Transportaion",omitempty"`
ParentInfo []ParentIDInfo `json:"ParentInfo",omitempty"`
So I have issue to access the PCOrderID which inside the []ParentIDInfo . I have tried below however I getting error as "pcdcorder.ParentInfo.PCOrderID undefined (type []ParentIDInfo has no field or method PCOrderID)"
keyfarmercas = append(keyfarmercas, pcdcorder.ParentInfo.PCOrderID)
Any help will be very good
Thanks in advance
PCDCOrderAsset.ParentInfo is not a struct, it does not have a PCOrderID field. It's a slice (of element type ParentIDInfo), so its elements do, e.g. pcdcorder.ParentInfo[0].PCOrderID.
Whether this is what you want we can't tell. pcdcorder.ParentInfo[0].PCOrderID gives you the PCOrderID field of the first element of the slice. Based on your question this may or may not be what you want. You may want to append all IDs (one from each element). Also note that if the slice is empty (its length is 0), then pcdcorder.ParentInfo[0] would result in a runtime panic. You could avoid that by first checking its length and only index it if its not empty.
In case you'd want to add ids of all elements, you could use a for loop to do that, e.g.:
for i := range pcdorder.ParentInfo {
keyfarmercas = append(keyfarmercas, pcdcorder.ParentInfo[i].PCOrderID)

Swift optionals - warning on conditional cast from 'x' to 'x' always succeeds

I was wondering if there is a way to turn off/avoid 'yellow' warnings in xcode on if let...NSUserDefaults constructs where the key is of a known value.
For example:
if let x = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey("myKey") as? Int {...}
Because of the if let I have to use as?. However, as I am using a known value type (in this case integer) the as? Int is effectively redundant - which is why I am getting the 'yellow warning'.
Thoughts? Is there a better way to code these types of constructs?
My suggestion would be to address the issue instead of silencing the warnings. :)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey("myKey") does not return an Optional, and the type is known, so you don't need neither optional binding with if let nor type casting with as?.
Just this:
let x = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey("myKey")
will suffice, since .integerForKey just returns 0 if it can't get the actual value.
If you don't like this behavior of getting a default value (I don't), then don't use .integerForKey and use objectForKey with optional binding and type casting instead. Like you were doing first but with .objectForKey replacing .integerForKey. That way you'll get an actual nil if the value for the key is unreachable, not a default value.
if let x = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults(). objectForKey("myKey") as? Int {...}
First of all check always the signature:
⌥-click on the symbol integerForKey: or look at Quick Help.
You will see:
func integerForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Int
It reveals the return value is a non optional.
Non optionals can retrieved directly as described in Eric's answer without any type casting, optional binding causes an error.
That's one of the essential semantics in Swift.

Swift: Having a "for in loop" where the range is determined by a return statement

I was building a custom UI and I realize that for some reason I cannot do this.
protocol notImportant{
SegementButtons(segmentControl : VerticalSegmentControl) -> Int
//trying to use the function later in this fashion below
for index in 0...delegate?.segementButtonsCount(self)
Now I know there are many other solutions.
First of all, is this valid or must I provide a concrete number or variable?
Xcode shows an error
Binary operator '...' cannt be applied to oraands of type Int and Int?
I type cast the return value to an Int, changing the error to
Type Int does not conform to protocol SequenceType
Now it would be pretty cool if I could make this work without Xcode cutting itself.
delegate is an optional, therefore the type of the expression
is also an optional (which is nil if delegate == nil).
You can use optional binding to unwrap the delegate
if let theDelegate = delegate {
for index in 0 ..< theDelegate.segmentButtonsCount(self) {
// do something ...
or use the nil-coalescing operator ?? to provide a
default value:
for index in 0 ..< (delegate?.segmentButtonsCount(self) ?? 0) {
// do something ...
Note that since array indices are zero-based, you probably want to use the range operator ..< which
excludes the end element.

Is Swift type-inference contradicting itself here?

Here's my test code:
var myDict: [String: AnyObject] = ["k":"v"]
var a = myDict["k"]
var b = a as String
var c = myDict["k"] as String
Here's my Swift playground in Xcode6-beta6:
According to the rules of type inference, doesn't complaining about c logically contradict not-complaining about b?
I believe that this is a bug. Part of what is going on here is that String is not an object. If you change the first line to:
var myDict: [String: Any] = ["k":"v"]
then everything is fine. So, given that string is not an object, casting a variable of type AnyObject? to a String should definitely yield an error. And, since the compiler has already decided that a is of type AnyObject? it should complain about casting a to a String.
Note that if you change the last line to:
var c = myDict["k"] as NSString
the error goes away supporting the notion that the issue is that String is not an object. You get the same complaint if you put an Int as the value in the array and try to cast that to an Int.
So the plot thickens. If you don't import Foundation or import something that imports Foundation, then you get additional errors. Without Foundation:
So clearly some of this has to do with the dual nature of Strings as non-objects and NSStrings as objects and the ability to use Strings as NSStrings when Foundation is imported.
This has to do with the fact that Dictionary has two subscript overloads:
subscript (key: Key) -> Value?
subscript (i: DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>) -> (Key, Value) { get }
The first is the familiar one where you pass a key and it gives you an optional of the value; and you can use to set the value on a key.
The second one is less common. I believe DictionaryIndex is a kind of iterator into the dictionary, and you can use it as a subscript to directly get the key-value pair at that iterator.
When the compiler can't find an overload that matches (in this case, the first one doesn't match because it returns an optional, which cannot be cast to non-optional String), it just picks one arbitrarily (well, it seems arbitrary to me anyway) to show in the error. In this place, it picks the second one, which you don't recognize. That's why the error seems weird to you.
This works.
var c = myDict["k"] as AnyObject! as String // "v"
To answer your question, the reason Swift complains could be that you are trying to do these two conversions in one go. Remember, the statement var a = myDict["k"] contains an implicit conversion already. The implied conversion is AnyObject?, so the above would also work like this:
var c = myDict["k"] as AnyObject? as String // "v"
Note that the above would lead to a run time error if the key "k" where not defined. You would allow this to return nil by casting to String?.
