How to custom handle a file not being found when using go static file server? - go

So I'm using a go server to serve up a single page web application.
This works for serving all the assets on the root route. All the CSS and HTML are served up correctly.
fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("build"))
http.Handle("/", fs)
So when the URL is http://myserverurl/index.html or http://myserverurl/styles.css, it serves the corresponding file.
But for a URL like http://myserverurl/myCustompage, it throws 404 if myCustompage is not a file in the build folder.
How do I make all routes for which a file does not exist serve index.html?
It is a single page web application and it will render the appropriate screen once the html and js are served. But it needs index.html to be served on routes for which there is no file.
How can this be done?

The handler returned by http.FileServer() does not support customization, it does not support providing a custom 404 page or action.
What we may do is wrap the handler returned by http.FileServer(), and in our handler we may do whatever we want of course. In our wrapper handler we will call the file server handler, and if that would send a 404 not found response, we won't send it to the client but replace it with a redirect response.
To achieve that, in our wrapper we create a wrapper http.ResponseWriter which we will pass to the handler returned by http.FileServer(), and in this wrapper response writer we may inspect the status code, and if it's 404, we may act to not send the response to the client, but instead send a redirect to /index.html.
This is an example how this wrapper http.ResponseWriter may look like:
type NotFoundRedirectRespWr struct {
http.ResponseWriter // We embed http.ResponseWriter
status int
func (w *NotFoundRedirectRespWr) WriteHeader(status int) {
w.status = status // Store the status for our own use
if status != http.StatusNotFound {
func (w *NotFoundRedirectRespWr) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
if w.status != http.StatusNotFound {
return w.ResponseWriter.Write(p)
return len(p), nil // Lie that we successfully written it
And wrapping the handler returned by http.FileServer() may look like this:
func wrapHandler(h http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
nfrw := &NotFoundRedirectRespWr{ResponseWriter: w}
h.ServeHTTP(nfrw, r)
if nfrw.status == 404 {
log.Printf("Redirecting %s to index.html.", r.RequestURI)
http.Redirect(w, r, "/index.html", http.StatusFound)
Note that I used http.StatusFound redirect status code instead of http.StatusMovedPermanently as the latter may be cached by browsers, and so if a file with that name is created later, the browser would not request it but display index.html immediately.
And now put this in use, the main() function:
func main() {
fs := wrapHandler(http.FileServer(http.Dir(".")))
http.HandleFunc("/", fs)
panic(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
Attempting to query a non-existing file, we'll see this in the log:
2017/11/14 14:10:21 Redirecting /a.txt3 to /index.html.
2017/11/14 14:10:21 Redirecting /favicon.ico to /index.html.
Note that our custom handler (being well-behaviour) also redirected the request to /favico.ico to index.html because I do not have a favico.ico file in my file system. You may want to add this as an exception if you don't have it either.
The full example is available on the Go Playground. You can't run it there, save it to your local Go workspace and run it locally.
Also check this related question: Log 404 on http.FileServer


what is the differences between r.Static() and context.File() to get the picture in gin?

I'm developing a Go program based on Gin web framework.
I want to serve pictures from the local file system.
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
r.Static("/page2", "resources/pictures")
r.GET("/test", func(context *gin.Context) {
name := context.Query("name")
context.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"name": name,
r.GET("/page", func(context *gin.Context) {
name := context.Query("picname")
context.File("resources/pictures/" + name + ".jpg")
context.JSON(http.StatusOK, "That is "+name)
I find it strange that when I use /page2 to get the pictures (url http://localhost:9090/page2/xiamei.jpg), it works fine.
But when I use /page to get the pictures (url http://localhost:9090/page/xiamei.jpg) an error happens.
http: wrote more than the declared Content-Length
What is the internal reason, and what is the root cause of the difference between these two access methods?
In the /page handler, you call both Context.File, and Context.JSON.
The first call to Context.File already writes the file to the response and sets Content-Length header.
By calling Context.JSON again with more payload, you are increasing the actual length of the content without updating the Content-Length header; this results in the error you see.
r.Static doesn't have this issue because it serves one file and doesn't add more payload than it should.
In a Gin handler you should call only one renderer function. If you are serving a file, you can remove the last c.JSON altogether.

Overriding ResponseWriter interface to catch HTTP errors

I'm coding a web application in Go, and while various mux libraries provide a way to set a custom 404 error handler, there's nothing for other 4xx and 5xx error codes.
One suggestion is to override the WriteHeader method in the ResponseWriter interface and check the status code, but I'm confused as to how this would actually be written (the overriding of ResponseWriter methods, before outputting). One possible example can be found from the negroni package.
Would this be the correct way to serve a custom template for 4xx and 5xx errors? Could anyone provide an example of how this could be implemented?
Big thanks to David and elithrar for their responses and code. The Interceptor struct that David coded can be used in a wrapper for the server mux, as elithrar shows in the comments. For those looking for further explanation as to why and how this works, this section from astaxie's book gives some very good info on the workings of the net/http package, along with viewing the server.go source code from the net/http package.
The mux libraries only have a means of setting the not found handler as a means of giving you a way to intercept requests where the mux can't resolve the URL to it's known mappings.
For example, you do:
But the client accesses /baz to which the mux has no mapping.
They do not actually intercept a 404 going to the client, they just invoke the not found handler when it runs in to this problem.
Also, if your /foo handler sends a 404 response, the not found does not get invoked.
If you want custom pages for various return responses from your mapped URLs, simply make the various handlers write the correct response.
If you don't control that logic (ie: the framwork is writing something and has no means to override), then you may want to intercept all requests and override the http.ResposeWriter with response code detection logic.
Here's an example interceptor that basically does what you want. On Play
package main
import (
import "net/http"
type Interceptor struct {
origWriter http.ResponseWriter
overridden bool
func (i *Interceptor) WriteHeader(rc int) {
switch rc {
case 500:
http.Error(i.origWriter, "Custom 500 message / content", 500)
case 404:
http.Error(i.origWriter, "Custom 404 message", 404)
case 403:
fmt.Fprintln(i.origWriter, "Custom 403 message")
// if the default case didn't execute (and return) we must have overridden the output
i.overridden = true
func (i *Interceptor) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !i.overridden {
return i.origWriter.Write(b)
// Return nothing if we've overriden the response.
return 0, nil
func (i *Interceptor) Header() http.Header {
return i.origWriter.Header()

http.HandleFunc with Static Files

I am building a webpage. The page should be able to handle the different http methods (GET, POST...). My page technically works and handles each type of request, but in the case of GET requests (serving index.html at the root "/" path), my page is not displaying properly. None of the images or css are displaying correctly, presumably because those files cannot be found.
I have noticed that http.Handle provides better results than http.HandleFunc when substituted into my server.go code below, in that the images and css do display correctly using:
http.Handle("/", http.StripPrefix("/", fs))
The following is my web server with images and css not being displayed correctly. In general, my intent is to use static files for everything, including html (ex. index.html) and to implement some solution using nothing but standard go.
server.go code
package main
import (
func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Content Type", "text/html")
switch r.Method {
case "GET":
http.ServeFile(w, r, "./static/index.html")
case "POST":
fmt.Pprintf(w, "POST!")
case "PUT":
fmt.Pprintf(w, "PUT!")
case "DELETE":
fmt.Pprintf(w, "DELETE!")
fmt.Pprintf(w, "Default!")
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
You've hard-coded your server to always return index.html for any GET request, no matter what is being requested. So if your index.html includes a reference to style.css, the browser is going to make a second request for style.css and you'll return index.html again.
I assume what you're trying to do is have all GET requests return static files, while other verbs will do something else. You just need to pass those along to the file server:
root := "static"
case "GET":
if r.URL.Path == "" || r.URL.Path == "/" {
http.ServeFile(w, r, path.Join(root, "index.html"))
} else {
http.ServeFile(w, r, path.Join(root, r.URL.Path))
Note that by the time your handler is called, all ".." references in the URL have been removed, attackers can't use this to escape your static tree. But ServeFile() will return directory listings, so you'll need to check for that if that's a problem.

Idiomatic way to handle template errors in golang

Say I have a html/template like the following:
<p>{{SomeFunc .SomeData}}</p>
and sometimes SomeFunc returns an error. Is there an idiomatic way to deal with this?
If I write directly to the ResponseWriter, then a status code 200 has already been written before I encounter the error.
var tmpl *template.Template
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err := tmpl.Execute(w, data)
// "<html><body><p>" has already been written...
// what to do with err?
Preferably I would return a status code 400 or some such, but I can't see a way to do this if I use template.Execute directly on the ResponseWriter. Is there something I'm missing?
Since the template engine generates the output on-the-fly, parts of the template preceding the SomeFunc call are already sent to the output. And if the output is not buffered, they (along with the HTTP 200 status) may already be sent.
You can't do anything about that.
What you can do is perform the check before you call template.Execute(). In trivial case it should be enough to call SomeFunc() and check its return value. If you choose this path and the return value of SomeFunc() is complex, you do not have to call it again from the template, you can simply pass its return value to the params you pass to the template and refer to this value in the template (so SomeFunc() won't have to be executed twice).
If this is not enough or you can't control it, you can create a bytes.Buffer or strings.Builder, execute your template directed into this buffer, and after the Execute() returns, check if there were errors. If there were errors, send back a proper error message / page. If everything went ok, you can just send the content of the buffer to the ResponseWriter.
This could look something like this:
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := tmpl.Execute(buf, data)
if err != nil {
// Send back error message, for example:
http.Error(w, "Hey, Request was bad!", http.StatusBadRequest) // HTTP 400 status
} else {
// No error, send the content, HTTP 200 response status implied

Golang. What to use? http.ServeFile(..) or http.FileServer(..)?

I'm a little bit confused. Much of examples shows usage of both: http.ServeFile(..) and http.FileServer(..), but seems they have very close functionality. Also I have found no information about how to set custom NotFound handler.
// This works and strip "/static/" fragment from path
fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("static"))
http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", fs))
// This works too, but "/static2/" fragment remains and need to be striped manually
http.HandleFunc("/static2/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, r, r.URL.Path[1:])
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
I've tried to read source code and both of them use serveFile(ResponseWriter, *Request, FileSystem, string, bool) underlying function. However http.FileServer return fileHandler with its own ServeHTTP() method and make some preparation work before serving file (eg path.Clean()).
So why need this separation? Which method better to use? And how can I set custom NotFound handler, for example when requested file not found?
The main difference is that http.FileServer does effectively almost 1:1 mapping of an HTTP prefix with a filesystem. In plain english, it serves up an entire directory path. and all its children.
Say you had a directory called /home/bob/static and you had this setup:
fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("/home/bob/static"))
http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static", fs))
Your server would take requests for e.g. /static/foo/bar and serve whatever is at /home/bob/static/foo/bar (or 404)
In contrast, the ServeFile is a lower level helper that can be used to implement something similar to FileServer, or implement your own path munging potentially, and any number of things. It simply takes the named local file and sends it over the HTTP connection. By itself, it won't serve a whole directory prefix (unless you wrote a handler that did some lookup similar to FileServer)
NOTE Serving up a filesystem naively is a potentially dangerous thing (there are potentially ways to break out of the rooted tree) hence I recommend that unless you really know what you're doing, use http.FileServer and http.Dir as they include checks to make sure people can't break out of the FS, which ServeFile doesn't.
Your secondary question, how do you do a custom NotFound handler, unfortunately, is not easily answered. Because this is called from internal function serveFile as you noticed, there's no super easy place to break into that. There are potentially some sneaky things like intercepting the response with your own ResponseWriter which intercepts the 404 response code, but I'll leave that exercise to you.
Here a handler which sends a redirect to "/" if file is not found. This comes in handy when adding a fallback for an Angular application, as suggested here, which is served from within a golang service.
Note: This code is not production ready. Only illustrative (at best :-)
package main
import "net/http"
type (
// FallbackResponseWriter wraps an http.Requesthandler and surpresses
// a 404 status code. In such case a given local file will be served.
FallbackResponseWriter struct {
WrappedResponseWriter http.ResponseWriter
FileNotFound bool
// Header returns the header of the wrapped response writer
func (frw *FallbackResponseWriter) Header() http.Header {
return frw.WrappedResponseWriter.Header()
// Write sends bytes to wrapped response writer, in case of FileNotFound
// It surpresses further writes (concealing the fact though)
func (frw *FallbackResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if frw.FileNotFound {
return len(b), nil
return frw.WrappedResponseWriter.Write(b)
// WriteHeader sends statusCode to wrapped response writer
func (frw *FallbackResponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
Log.Printf("INFO: WriteHeader called with code %d\n", statusCode)
if statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
Log.Printf("INFO: Setting FileNotFound flag\n")
frw.FileNotFound = true
// AddFallbackHandler wraps the handler func in another handler func covering authentication
func AddFallbackHandler(handler http.HandlerFunc, filename string) http.HandlerFunc {
Log.Printf("INFO: Creating fallback handler")
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Log.Printf("INFO: Wrapping response writer in fallback response writer")
frw := FallbackResponseWriter{
WrappedResponseWriter: w,
FileNotFound: false,
handler(&frw, r)
if frw.FileNotFound {
Log.Printf("INFO: Serving fallback")
http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther)
It can be added as in this example (using goji as mux):
AddFallbackHandler(http.FileServer(http.Dir("./html")).ServeHTTP, "/"))
