Maven Configuration issue - settings.xml - spring

Few jars are taken from my repository successfully. This particular jar (failed, see below) needs to be from Maven central Repo but it is seeing to download it from my repo where this jar is not present. I feel that my configuration in settings.xml is wrong. My major doubt is in mirror configuration.
Could not find artifact org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:pom:1.4.0.RELEASE in my domain
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
<name>repo TPS</name>

Try adding below in your pom.xml
<name>Spring Snapshots</name>
<name>Spring Milestones</name>
<name>Spring Snapshots</name>
<name>Spring Milestones</name>


Could not download maven-fail-safe-plugin. Giving me an error message

I have created a new maven project with serenity framework. I am getting this error in my new maven project
Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:2.22.1 or one of
its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact
descriptor for
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:jar:2.22.1: Could not
transfer artifact
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:pom:2.22.1 from/to
central ( Authorization failed for
403 Forbidden
You need change http to https to
I found this way, just delete these line below in pom.xml and it's worked:
In my case, I had mistakenly removed jcenter configurations from the ~/.m2/settings.xml while my organization specific repositores. After adding it started working.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=''
xmlns='' xmlns:xsi=''>

Unrecognized Tag 'repositores'

upon doing a mvn clean I am greeted with an error
[WARNING] Unrecognised tag: 'repositories' (position: START_TAG seen">\n\n <repositories>... #6:19) # /Users/geronimo.sanpascual/.m2/settings.xml, line 6, column 19
Here's my m2.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
I tried adding it to a <profiles> </profiles tag but still didnt work.
Any help would be appreciated. thank you.
--Added the whole POM file--
According to you can't have a <repositories> tag directly in <settings>, you should include it into a <profile> like that
<settings ...>

Jenkins maven release goes to lib-snapshot repository

I am having setup where Jenkins is used to release maven project to artifactory. I see everything is working fine what maven release do like incrementing pom versions, creating tag but it is not uploading to lib-release repo instead it is uploading it to lib-snapshot repo.
I verified my settings.xml and saw it uses different ids for snapshot and release repo. What else can I check to fix this issue?
This is my settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<snapshots />
It's completely up to Maven and POM definitions.
By default every Jenkins run are threaten as Snapshots but you can control them by
Repositories with
And using maven-release-plugin

Why does the jira try to download dependencies from different sources

I have a jira trying to download dependencies from the server. I have a repository that is configured and works great. This repository duplicates data from the server (in fact it is a secure gateway).
BUT somehow jira tries to connect directly to the server, at the same time it refers to the repository: 3
I thought that in jira connection with the network and with the Internet is configured in maven. Maybe I'm wrong ?
here are the settings of the mavena setting.xml lying in (atlassian-plugin-sdk-6.2.14 \ apache-maven-3.2.1 \ conf)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
Unless I am mistaken your problem is that:
you properly configure maven to retrieve artifacts from your artifactory server
maven downloads a batch of artifacts from artifactory and resolves them
maven then tries to download transitive dependencies from maven central
Maven central is a special pre-configured repository, injected through automatic POM inheritance.
So your artifacts are resolved both in the repositories defined in your own settings.xml and in maven central
In a nutshell, you need to define in your settings.xml that your artifactory server acts as a mirror to maven central, with the following snippet
<name>Artifactory proxy of central repo</name>
Note that closely related to this question is Disable Maven central repository
My answer is a combination of the solutions to this question.

Project won't build when settings.xml exists

Following on from Unable to build maven project, pom.xml file not found, I'm finding that if settings.xml exists, the project fails to build. However I need settings.xml to tell maven how to find the Oracle ojdbc6.jar file.
<settings xmlns=""
<snapshots />
<snapshots />
The pom.xml is quite large (649 lines) but if the above settings.xml does not exist, the project builds but then fails the unit tests as it can't connect to the Oracle DB. If the above settings.xml file does exist, the it can;t find artifacts in Artifactory that it does find if settings.xml doesn't exist.
The reposiories and distribution management section are:
<snapshots />
<snapshots />
I'm thoroughly confused and am hoping for some guidance.
build_server (not its real name) runs artifactory on port 8081 and teamcity on 8111.
OK, so the problem turned out to be the ID's. I changed the ID's in the pom.xml in the distributionManagement section to match the ID's in the pluginRepositories section and now it works.
I hope this helps someone else.
