Ansible jinja block - ansible

How to comment a particular line only by using jinja template.
I have my line
I have tried
{% comment %}{{ var }} {% endcomment %}
{% if var is defined %}
{{ var }}
{% endif %}

Can you try this:
{# {{ var }} #}


How to pass a limit parameter to an include using Jekyll's Liquid

I have a collection of projects on my site that I iterate over using {% for project in site.projects %} and store in an include called projects-list.html.
I would like to include the latest project from this collection on the homepage as a ‘featured’ item – is it possible to include the projects-list but pass in a limit:1 parameter so that only the first project is shown? Based on the Jekyll docs found here, I have tried passing the parameter to the include like this:
{% for project in site.projects limit:{{ include.limit }} %}
and refercing the include like this:
{% include projects-list.html limit=1 %}
but this does not appear to work. Is this a syntax error or am I missing something?
You could try the first
{% assign projectFeatured = site.projects | first %}
{% for projects in site.projects %}
{% include projects-list.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% for projects in projectFeatured %}
{% include projects-list.html %}
{% endfor %}
Though I encourage you to add a featured: True in your post and do something like that:
{% if post.featured == true %}
{% include post.html %}
{% endif %}
Below is my current solution (with featured: true) added to post frontmatter. It's really nasty but appears to work for now:
<div class="project-list">
{% if page.layout == "home" %}
{% assign projects = site.projects | where: "featured", "true" %}
{% for project in projects %}
{% include project/project.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% assign projects = site.projects %}
{% for project in projects %}
{% include project/project.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

How can I output social url's in JSON+LD from a yaml data file?

My code will capture items from the data file. I need those to be comma separated. I've had no luck!
Data File socialmedia.yml
id: 'dpcgco'
href: ''
title: 'Facebook'
fa-icon: 'fa-facebook-square'
id: 'DenverProphitJr'
href: ''
title: 'Twitter'
fa-icon: 'fa-twitter-square'
I have tried this. It doesn't comma separate them, though:
{% if %}
{% assign sm = %}
{% for entry in sm %}
{% assign key = entry | first | split%}
{% if sm[key].id %}
{% capture social %}{{ sm[key].href }}{{ sm[key].id }}{% endcapture %}
{{ social | replace: " ", "," | jsonify }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Desired Output Format:
"sameAs": [
Actual Invalid Output:
"sameAs":[ "" "" ],
You have to check if an item is the last in the forloop.last.
{% if %}
{% assign sm = %}
{% for entry in sm %}
{% assign key = entry | first %}
{% if sm[key].id %}"{{ sm[key].href }}
{{ sm[key].id }}",
{% if forloop.last %}
"{{ sm[key].href }}{{ sm[key].id }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

How do i specify variable as alt attribute in a liquid HTML filter

Im trying to append the name of the variable in img alt attribute,
from the official documentation, they're hard-code the alt text.
is there any working solution?
{% for product in products %}
{{ product | img_tag: 'Picture of {{ }}' }}
{% endfor %}
Thank you
You must do your logic outside and pass it as a variable.
{% for product in products %}
{%- capture image_alt -%}Picture of {{ product.title }}{%- endcapture -%}
{{ product | img_tag: image_alt }}
{% endfor %}
And there is no object but there is product.title.

Ansible loops matching on array/dict_list

I have an array like so
- domain:
- { path: '/' }
- { path: '/test1' }
- domain:
- { path: '/' }
- { path: '/test2' }
and in a template I want to match on a given domain and then loop over the contents of urls
{% if item.value.domain == '' %}
{% for item_url in item.urls %}
service_description{{ item_url['path'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Im sure the FOR loop will work ok as its working in a similar context elsewhere in the code.
Im just struggling getting a conditional match on the domain name.
Any help would be appreciated
it looks like you want to execute the template task for each of the elements of the our_domains list.
you should just remove the value from the if statement, rest looks fine:
{% if item.domain == '' %}
{% for item_url in item.urls %}
service_description{{ item_url['path'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
if on the other hand, your intention was to generate only 1 file, you should use this template (one more for loop added enclosing the previous code):
{% for item in our_domains %}
{% if item.domain == '' %}
{% for item_url in item.urls %}
service_description{{ item_url['path'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Why doesn't this Jekyll Liquid where filter filter?

I am trying to output a list of blog posts for a certain author. I tried this where Jekyll filter:
{% for post in (site.posts | where:"author", "mike") %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}
But it outputs every post. I'm not clear what I'm doing wrong.
Supposing that your post author is in your front matter, like this :
author: toto
If you want two last post by author == toto, just do :
{% assign counter = 0 %}
{% assign maxPostCount = 2 %}
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% if == 'toto' and counter < maxPostCount %}
{% assign counter=counter | plus:1 %}
<li>{{ counter }} - {{ post.title }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Et hop !
And another solution using the where filter instead of the if clause :
{% assign posts = site.posts | where: "author", "toto" %}
{% assign counter2 = 0 %}
{% assign maxPostCount2 = 3 %}
{% for post in posts %}
{% if counter2 < maxPostCount2 %}
{% assign counter2=counter2 | plus:1 %}
<li>{{ counter2 }} - {{ post.title }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
RE-EDIT: Justin is right I don't need my two vars (counter2 and maxPostCount2), I can use Liquid for loop limit:n option.
{% assign posts = site.posts | where: "author", "toto" %}
{% for post in posts limit:3 %}
<Ol>{{ post.title }}</ol>
{% endfor %}
Better !
You need to do an assign first for the filtered items
{% assign posts = site.posts | where:"author", "mike" %}
{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}
It seems filters are to be used only inside output tags (those surrounded by {{ and }}. Which mean you could use something like :
{{ site.posts | where "author", "mike" }}
But you can't use it the way you're doing.
Source: liquid documentation on Filters
