tooltip in mobile not working material2 - angular-material2

the tooltip are not working in mobile devices.
mdTooltip="message" [mdTooltipPosition]="tooltipPosition"
when I hover the the div that contain the code it's working on desktop
I know that on mobile I have to click but the click is not working.

My solution in Angular:
<button #tooltip="matTooltip" (click)="tooltip.toggle()" matTooltip="text" matTooltipPosition="above" aria-label="Button that shows a tooltip"> Tooltip </button>
use (click)="tooltip.toggle()" with #tooltip="matTooltip"


How to Animate Modal popup Dialog component opening and closing in nativescript-angular app?

I am using modal dialog component in nativescript angular app I am trying to implement Animate modal popup dialog for opening slideup and closing slidedown
but in android device it not working.
How can we give transition for modal popup for android device?

Remove border when hover a button Xamarin form UWP

How to remove the rectangle border showing when hovering the button in Xamarin form UWP. I have referred the following link
Remove border of button when hover
that we have to change border width property, that too failed because I am using a rounded corner button that border only came whenever hovering and clicking.
Following screenshots will display the scenario.
Button - normal state
Button - when hovers
I have found the answer for my own question few minute after posting it.
you can override ButtonBackgroundPointerOver inside your App.xaml of UWP project.
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ButtonBackgroundPointerOver">Transparent</SolidColorBrush>
I have found this from Hover pointover background

Clickable toolbar in Xamarin

I am newest in Xamarin and have question for developers with more experiences.
I want to hide custom picker when user clicks anywhere any view in app. This working with view where is custom picker opened, but when I click on toolbar he remains opened. This problem is existing only on iOS, Android work as expected.
Could i make whole toolbar to be clickable and how?
Thanks in advance
In the Picker Toolbar you can set UIBarButtonItem to add Done button. Then you can add a Click Event for the Done button and write following code in it.

Why does Xamarin Forms Picker has transparent selector modal?

I have create a new view in order to be sure the opacity is not applied for some resource in my app, but for some reason it is not working in a clean enviroment neither.
I have checked the XF documentation and the modal with all the items should render in a solid color.
I have found the emulator was rendering a wrong modal for the picker, maybe it is caused by the default theme on the emulator. I have tested the app on a real device and seems to be ok.

react bootstrap dropdown on firefox

I am using React Bootstrap Dropdown that will render text depending on what DropDown selection you choose. However, it only works on browsers that isn't Firefox.
<MenuItem key={item.key} onSelect={this.handleFilterSelect.bind(this)} eventKey={item.key} className="filter-option text-right">
I've tried switching onSelect with onClick, but I still get the same error. In the Firefox consol, the error says,
"ReferenceError: event is not defined react-bundle-1e7c66351cc2cc9138d2f506e79409f1.js:27:31664"
Any have an idea what's going on?
