Icinga2 does not start because he could not load library "db_ido_mysql" - icinga2

Here is the Error:
root#taurus:/etc/icinga2/features-available# service icinga2 checkconfig
* checking Icinga2 configuration
information/cli: Icinga application loader (version: r2.7.2-1)
information/cli: Loading configuration file(s).
critical/config: Error: Error while evaluating expression: Could not load library 'libdb_ido_mysql.so.2.7.2': libdb_ido_mysql.so.2.7.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Location: in /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf: 6:1-6:22
/etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf(4): */
/etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf(6): library "db_ido_mysql"
/etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf(8): object IdoMysqlConnection "ido-mysql" {
* checking Icinga2 configuration. Check '/var/log/icinga2/startup.log' for details.
root#taurus:/etc/icinga2/features-available# icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: command compatlog debuglog gelf graphite influxdb livestatus opentsdb perfdata statusdata syslog
Enabled features: api checker ido-mysql ido-pgsql mainlog notification
Does anybody know what i did wrong during the installation?
there were no problems, i dont get the answer.

Do you want to use Icingaweb2 with your Icinga2 installation? Then you have to install the
Package for your distribution and configure it. Here you can find a step by step instruction on how to install and configure it. If not, disable the following features:
ido-mysql ido-pgsql


Running my revel application on windows 10 fail

I had problem when run my revel app on windows
it create fine but don't run when I try so only get this. any idea?
C:\Desarrollo\Web\webpro>revel run -a webpro
Revel executing: run a Revel application
WARN 05:53:33 harness.go:175: No http.addr specified in the app.conf listening on localhost interface only. This will not allow external access to your application
Changed detected, recompiling
Parsing packages, (may require download if not cached)... Completed
ERROR 05:53:38 build.go:406: Build errors errors="C:\\Users\\Mario\\go\\pkg\\mod\\github.com\\revel\\revel#v1.0.0\\cache\\memcached.go:11:2: no required module provides package github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache; to add it:\n\tgo get github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache\nC:\\Users\\Mario\\go\\pkg\\mod\\github.com\\revel\\revel#v1.0.0\\cache\\redis.go:10:2: no required module provides package github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis; to add it:\n\tgo get github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis\nC:\\Users\\Mario\\go\\pkg\\mod\\github.com\\revel\\revel#v1.0.0\\cache\\inmemory.go:12:2: no required module provides package github.com/patrickmn/go-cache; to add it:\n\tgo get github.com/patrickmn/go-cache\n"
WARN 05:53:38 build.go:420: Could not find in GO path file=C:\\Users\\Mario\\go\\pkg\\mod\\github.com\\revel\\revel#v1.0.0\\cache\\memcached.go:11
ERROR 05:53:38 harness.go:239: Build detected an error error="Go Compilation Error (in C:\\Users\\Mario\\go\\pkg\\mod\\github.com\\revel\\revel#v1.0.0\\cache\\memcached.go:11:2): no required module provides package github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache; to add it:"
Error compiling code, to view error details see proxy running on http://:9000
Time to recompile 5.3684655s
I am newer ok
Check your IPv4 address with the ipconfig command
Open webpro/conf/app.conf and paste the IPv4 address into the http.addr parameter

Unable to load dynamic library 'blackfire'

I create a post today because I have a problem with the blackfire installation.
I read all documentation and install this extension but I have an error message in my command consol.
I did add BlackFire but when I want to config the extension, this message appair :
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'blackfire' (tried: D:/Programmes/WAMP/bin/php/php7.3.12/ext/blackfire (The specified module was not found.), D:/Programmes/WAMP/bin/php/php7.3.12/ext/php_blackfire.dll (The specified module was not found.)) in Unknown on line 0[enter image description here]
I'm sure as a good path and I don't understand why I have this message..
If you can help me,
Thanks in advance and good development !

libnetwork: Error: unknown command "/var/run/docker/netns/582bd184e561" for "some_app"

I am trying to setup a network in the container (using Docker's libnetwork and libcontainer), but I keep running into this issue. As far as I can tell it's looking into some_app to get some sandbox information?
INFO[3808] No non-localhost DNS nameservers are left in resolv.conf. Using default external servers : [nameserver nameserver]
INFO[3808] IPv6 enabled; Adding default IPv6 external servers : [nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888 nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844]
Error: unknown command "/var/run/docker/netns/582bd184e561" for "some_app"
Run 'some_app --help' for usage.
ERRO[3808] Resolver Setup/Start failed for container 6b81802576bd4f16aa117061f81b5c3e, "setup not done yet"
ERRO[3808] failed to add interface vethef0a693 to sandbox: failed in prefunc: failed to set namespace on link "vethef0a693": invalid argument
ERRO[3808] failed to add interface vethef0a693 to sandbox: failed in prefunc: failed to set namespace on link "vethef0a693": invalid argument
I was wondering if anyone could help me make sense of this and perhaps prevent it. Are these two separate errors?
Thank you
Here is the library I am trying to use
It took me a while to figure this out, but here goes:
Just like in Docker, libnetwork creates a veth interface pair. It then moves one end of the veth pair into the container namespace. During this process libnetwork tries to execute commands registered at runtime on the current instance of the binary (some_app in this case).
These commands do not exist on the external interface of some_app however. They are injected later using a library called reexec. For this to work, reexec needs to be initialized like this:
if reexec.Init() {
Also note that according to this thread libnetwork is currently not supported for applications outside of Docker.
NB: I discovered this by reading the source code, so I might be wrong but my issue went away after this.

Freeswitch : getting error while loading module mod_h323

I am configuring h323 with freeswitch but while loading mod_h323 module in freeswitch getting below error.
CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:1520 Error Loading module /usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_h323.so
**/usr/local/freeswitch/lib/libh323_linux_x86_64_.so.1.26.5: undefined symbol: _ZN18H235Authenticators19GetEncryptionPolicyEv*
Please anyone knows how to fix this error ?
this is well known problem while compiling some of the module in freeswitch.reason for this can be one of these
1. Ptlib and H323plus need is not configured properly or installed correctly
2. package config is not configured to pc files
so for that
1. first check your library required for h323 is installed correctly and location for the same
2. find .pc file
3. configure pkg config path to that library

HPCC/HDFS Connector

Does anyone know about HPCC/HDFS connector.we are using both HPCC and HADOOP.There is one utility(HPCC/HDFS connector) developed by HPCC which allows HPCC cluster to acess HDFS data
i have installed the connector but when i run the program to acess data from hdfs it gives error as libhdfs.so.0 doesn't exist.
I tried to build libhdfs.so using command
ant compile-libhdfs -Dlibhdfs=1
its giving me error as
target "compile-libhdfs" does not exist in the project "hadoop"
i used one more command
ant compile-c++-libhdfs -Dlibhdfs=1
its giving error as
[get] Getting: http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.1.0/ivy-2.1.0.jar
[get] To: /home/hadoop/hadoop-
[get] Error getting http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.1.0/ivy-2.1.0.jar
to /home/hadoop/hadoop-
BUILD FAILED java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
any suggestion will be a great help
Chhaya, you might not need to build libhdfs.so, depending on how you installed hadoop, you might already have it.
Check in HADOOP_LOCATION/c++/Linux-<arch>/lib/libhdfs.so, where HADOOP_LOCATION is your hadoop install location, and arch is the machine’s architecture (i386-32 or amd64-64).
Once you locate the lib, make sure the H2H connector is configured correctly (see page 4 here).
It's just a matter of updating the HADOOP_LOCATION var in the config file:
good luck.
