Taleo OBIEE - Merged Candidate Profiles Showing - obiee

I have created a report in Taleo OBIEE and I am getting a result that is not correct and I am trying to mask out the incorrect data (or determine what has been done incorrectly to cause this). I have merged candidates showing on the report. I these cases the following is what has happened:
A recruiter has merged profile A into profile B
Profile B is then matched to a requisition and the candidate is hired
I run a query to find candidates tied to filled requisitions who have not been dis positioned so these can be taken care of
When I run the report, along with the legitimate results I am getting a row with profile A which has been merged into B already. Since the candidate was hired with profile B and A is merged into it I would not expect to be seeing anything ties to profile A.
I have attempted to resolve by looking at the candidate event tied to the merge, but both the A and B profiles have the merge event listed.

When the profiles were merged, the old profile A was soft deleted and was still accessible at the database level. In OBI Reporting you can mask out these records as follows: Candidate > Candidate Identification > Record Status, with values of AVAILABLE or STORED, and STORED being the soft deleted record.


Where can I find sold item notes in the Square API?

I'm trying to create a report to pull my Square POS transaction data into Excel through Power Query. Basically, I want the information available in the standard "Items Detail CSV" report found in the Square Dashboard, but connected to Excel so I can build custom reporting and update it any time with a refresh.
I can connect to the Square data in Excel no problem. What I'm having trouble with is finding the right data, specifically the notes the merchant can enter in during the time of sale about the item. We have several items that will come up as "Custom Amount" where we enter additional notes about the item, and I can't find the notes field through the API.
After looking through the documentation, I've tried two main queries:
The Transactions List from v2:
The Payments List from v1:
The Payments List includes the v1PaymentItemization data type, which should include the notes field defined as "Notes entered by the merchant about the item at the time of payment, if any." I assume that's what I'm looking for.
(Link to documentation: https://docs.connect.squareup.com/api/connect/v1#type-v1paymentitemization)
However, I cannot find the notes field anywhere in my pulled results. There are no error messages, and I see every data field listed in the v1PaymentItemization documentation except "notes" in my query results.
Edit: The notes we're using are on individual items, not the payment as a whole. This fits the description of V1 List Payments -> PaymentItemization -> notes. I did check the tender notes as mentioned in the comments, but this was not what I'm looking for. Until now, I wasn't aware we could make a comment on the transaction as a whole, as opposed to individual items. The individual items notes would be more helpful anyway.
Either way, I didn't find the tender notes in the pulled data either. Most of the fields are there in the data pull, but not notes, v1TenderEntryMethod, and a couple of others. There's actually more data available in the standard dashboard reports than is actually pulling from the API.
I do realize a workaround is to export the Item Detail CSV report from the Square Dashboard, and then manipulate the data in Excel from there. I could even have a connection to the folder or file where I save my exports. It's just not as smooth as the desired result of opening Excel, setting my parameters there, and clicking refresh to get the data and formatted report all in one place.
Second Edit: In the POS, I'm entering an amount which shows up as Custom Amount in the itemized list for the sale. I then click on the Custom Amount to add a note to it and specify what the item is (e.g., "Lamp"). That note is applied to a single item, and there may be several items per transaction that have these notes added to them which would otherwise only show as "Custom Amount" on a report or receipt. We do this because we sell several items that are not standard inventory items, but we do want to keep track of what we've sold.
I can see these notes for each item in the standard reporting, so I know the data is entered and saved correctly. However, I can't find the note field when I pull from the API. I see all of the other itemization fields (i.e., name, quantity, item_detail, itemization_type, etc.), but not the note field.
I'm getting these results with a simple /v1/payments pull with no parameters or filters.

How do I create a report in ServiceNow of all my incidents which do not have an affected CI?

I'd like to create a report in ServiceNow to list all incidents for a specified Assignment Group which do not have any Affected CIs.
I can create a report of incidents that do have Affected CIs using the task_ci table, but entries are only added to that table if a CI is affected. Is there a way to list incidents that do not appear in this table?
There is another way to do this directly on the List view if you have list v3 plugin enabled in your instance.
You can navigate to the incident list view and apply this filter on the related list
Make sure you specify the condition for Related list as Affected CIs Equal to 0
Using the Report Designer interface that was introduced in Jakarta, you can add filters on Relationships.
Simply add the relationship filter for no Affected CIs (you do not need any conditions) under the main filter on the Incident table. (refer screenshot below)
The ability to report on record relationships is not available without using the Report Designer.
For future ServiceNow questions, you're more likely to get an answer by creating a community account and posting there: https://community.servicenow.com

OBIEE 11g : Scheduling Reports based on filter

I need my OBIEE Analysis report to be sent to 200 people( all are from different departments) through Actionable Intelligence Agent .
I need to filter the data based on department and send it. I was unable to put the condition in Agent.
Can I filter the data in Dashboard prompt and link the Agent with Dashboard??
Will this work out or any other suggestion for this case??
For those "filter by X and send it to Y" scenarios the best way (in my opinion) is to use BI Publisher bursting options. It's just the textbook case for that.
If you have to stick to the agents in OBIEE, consider enabling row level security for that data following your requirements. Then just configure the agent to send the analysis to the required people and row level sec should do the rest.
If row level security is too much effort, I guess you could play with some auxiliary analysis to filter your main report based on the department of the user. The idea would be the following:
Create a report with the department column in the criteria and a filter by user where the user id is equal to the presentation variable #{user.id} (this is a meta variable that is always available and contains the user logged in).
Filter your main report with a condition where department is based on the results of another analysis (the previous one), so it will return the right department for each user.
Configure your agent to be sent as recipient (not as a specific user) and use the analysis in point 2 as the content to be delivered
Set your 200 recipients manually or use a condition report to get them
Make sure that both analysis in points 1 and 2 are saved in a place where all the users can read them.
I'm quite sure that it will work too :)
Though to be clear, my first option will be BIP bursting followed by proper row level sec.
Hope it helps!

Error when merging two accounts: A record with these values already exists

I am trying to merge two accounts and get the following error:
Duplicate Record
A record with these values already exists. A duplicate record cannot be created. Select one or more unique values and try again.
The Download Log File-button is greyed out and not clickable.
These accounts can successfully be merged with other accounts, but never with each other. There are no parent or child accounts set on any of the two accounts.
I recommend enabling tracing to be able to debug which SQL statement is failing.
In my case it turned out that there was a Customer Relationship (the kind of pre-2011 Relationship Role which has since been replaced with Connections) created between the two accounts. Deleting the Customer Relationship resulted in the merge succeeding without any issues.

TCR 2.1.1 importing ITM reports

I am trying to run some reports in TCR I imported from the 6.2.3-TIV-ITM_TMV-Agent-Reports-FP0001
Seeing that I get this error: UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "KSY_SUMMARIZATION_CONFIG_DV" was not found in the dictionary.
I checked and the table is not in the database.
Seeing that regarding that table it says this:
The Summarization and Pruning configuration is shown in a specific query subject (Summarization and Pruning Configuration). The result is one row that represents the most recent entry in the KSY_SUMMARIZATION_CONFIG_DV view.
Maybe the WAREHOUS is lacking something? If the agents are running shouldn't there be a view named KSY_SUMMARIZATION_CONFIG_DV?
I don't seem to find other tables like: KLZ_CPU_HV, KLZ_CPU_DV, KLZ_CPU_WV, KLZ_CPU_MV,
Thanks for your help
You have to configure historical collection for the appropriate agent attribute groups for those tables to show up in your TDW. For instance create a historical collection for the "Linux CPU" attribute group to get the KLZ_CPU table. For tables ending in _D, _H, etc, configure hourly, daily, etc, summarization for those attribute groups.
Depending on collection intervals eventually the warehouse proxy agent will create the necessary tables.
