Reduce durability to improve performace in db2 - performance

In db2 10.5, is it possible that transaction commit does not wait for log IO to finish and return control to the client, like SQL server's delayed durability?
Is there any way to reduce the number of log IOs when there are large number of serial small transactions?

Db2 on Linux/Unit/Windows, at version 11.1 does not currently support lazy commits as offered by some versions of Microsoft SQL-server.
For some kinds of processing, especially large batches, it is often very convenient to use unlogged global temporary tables for intermediate tables. That is the one convenient way to eliminate logging overhead, although the use case is limited to specific scenarios. Such tables (declared global temporary tables, or created global temporary tables) let you do fast processing without incurring logging overhead, although you have to design your batches (typically your stored procedures) to work with these kinds of tables, including the ability to restart after failures and recover etc.
If you have high frequency discrete OLTP transactions that include both insert AND update (not batch) , you should concentrate on optimising your active-logging configuration. For example to ensure your active logs are on the fastest media, to ensure your Db2 is never waiting for log files, to ensure that the logbufsz is adequate, to ensure that the bufferpool cleaning is optimal etc, to ensure that the size of your transaction-log files is compatible with your RTO and RPO Service-levels.

Db2 LUW has a database configuration parameter called mincommit. The value of mincommit indicates how many transactions will commit before flushing out the log buffer to disk. This is probably what you are looking for.
From Db2 LUW v10.5 and higher, this parameter is ignored, and the value is only meaningful on versions of Db2 LUW up to v10.1.
For older versions of Db2 LUW, the recommendation is to leave the value at 1. In most cases there is no performance improvement while at the same time introducing risk. Hence, the configuration parameter has been deprecated in version 10.1. My advice: Do not use it even though it still exists.


Dynamically List contents of a table in database that continously updates

It's kinda real-world problem and I believe the solution exists but couldn't find one.
So We, have a Database called Transactions that contains tables such as Positions, Securities, Bogies, Accounts, Commodities and so on being updated continuously every second whenever a new transaction happens. For the time being, We have replicated master database Transaction to a new database with name TRN on which we do all the querying and updating stuff.
We want a sort of monitoring system ( like htop process viewer in Linux) for Database that dynamically lists updated rows in tables of the database at any time.
TL;DR Is there any way to get a continuous updating list of rows in any table in the database?
Currently we are working on Sybase & Oracle DBMS on Linux (Ubuntu) platform but we would like to receive generic answers that concern most of the platform as well as DBMS's(including MySQL) and any tools, utilities or scripts that can do so that It can help us in future to easily migrate to other platforms and or DBMS as well.
To list updated rows, you conceptually need either of the two things:
The updating statement's effect on the table.
A previous version of the table to compare with.
How you get them and in what form is completely up to you.
The 1st option allows you to list updates with statement granularity while the 2nd is more suitable for time-based granularity.
Some options from the top of my head:
Write to a temporary table
Add a field with transaction id/timestamp
Make clones of the table regularly
AFAICS, Oracle doesn't have built-in facilities to get the affected rows, only their count.
Not a lot of details in the question so not sure how much of this will be of use ...
'Sybase' is mentioned but nothing is said about which Sybase RDBMS product (ASE? SQLAnywhere? IQ? Advantage?)
by 'replicated master database transaction' I'm assuming this means the primary database is being replicated (as opposed to the database called 'master' in a Sybase ASE instance)
no mention is made of what products/tools are being used to 'replicate' the transactions to the 'new database' named 'TRN'
So, assuming part of your environment includes Sybase(SAP) ASE ...
MDA tables can be used to capture counters of DML operations (eg, insert/update/delete) over a given time period
MDA tables can capture some SQL text, though the volume/quality could be in doubt if a) MDA is not configured properly and/or b) the DML operations are wrapped up in prepared statements, stored procs and triggers
auditing could be enabled to capture some commands but again, volume/quality could be in doubt based on how the DML commands are executed
also keep in mind that there's a performance hit for using MDA tables and/or auditing, with the level of performance degradation based on individual config settings and the volume of DML activity
Assuming you're using the Sybase(SAP) Replication Server product, those replicated transactions sent through repserver likely have all the info you need to know which tables/rows are being affected; so you have a couple options:
route a copy of the transactions to another database where you can capture the transactions in whatever format you need [you'll need to design the database and/or any customized repserver function strings]
consider using the Sybase(SAP) Real Time Data Streaming product (yeah, additional li$ence is required) which is specifically designed for scenarios like yours, ie, pull transactions off the repserver queues and format for use in downstream systems (eg, tibco/mqs, custom apps)
I'm not aware of any 'generic' products that work, out of the box, as per your (limited) requirements. You're likely looking at some different solutions and/or customized code to cover your particular situation.

Commits in the absence of locks in CockroachDB

I'm trying to understand how ACID in CockroachDB works without locks, from an application programmer's point of view. Would like to use it for an accounting / ERP application.
When two users update the same database field (e.g. a general ledger account total field) at the same time what does CockroachDB do? Assuming each is updating many other non-overlapping fields at the same time as part of the respective transactions.
Will the aborted application's commit process be informed about this immediately at the time of the commit?
Do we need to take care of additional possibilities than, for example, in ACID/locking PostgreSQL when we write the database access code in our application?
Or is writing code for accessing CockroachDB for all practical purposes the same as for accessing a standard RDBMS with respect to commits and in general.
Of course, ignoring performance issues / joins, etc.
I'm trying to understand how ACID in CockroachDB works without locks, from an application programmer's point of view. Would like to use it for an accounting / ERP application.
CockroachDB does have locks, but uses different terminology. Some of the existing documentation that talks about optimistic concurrency control is currently being updated.
When two users update the same database field (e.g. a general ledger account total field) at the same time what does CockroachDB do? Assuming each is updating many other non-overlapping fields at the same time as part of the respective transactions.
One of the transactions will block waiting for the other to commit. If a deadlock between the transactions is detected, one of the two transactions involved in the deadlock will be aborted.
Will the aborted application's commit process be informed about this immediately at the time of the commit?
Do we need to take care of additional possibilities than, for example, in ACID/locking PostgreSQL when we write the database access code in our application?
Or is writing code for accessing CockroachDB for all practical purposes the same as for accessing a standard RDBMS with respect to commits and in general.
At a high-level there is nothing additional for you to do. CockroachDB defaults to serializable isolation which can result in more transaction restarts that weaker isolation levels, but comes with the advantage that the application programmer doesn't have to worry about anomalies.

Postgres Hstore vs. Redis - performance wise

I read about HStores in Postgres something that is offered by Redis as well.
Our application is written in NodeJS. Two questions:
Performance-wise, is Postgres HStore comparable to Redis?
for session storage, what would you recommend--Redis, or Postgres with some other kind of data type (like HStore, or maybe even the usual relational table)? And how bad is one option vs the other?
Another constraint, is that we will need to use the data that is already in PostgreSQL and combine it with the active sessions (which we aren't sure where to store at this point, if in Redis or PostgreSQL).
From what we have read, we have been pointed out to use Redis as a Session manager, but due to the PostgreSQL constraint, we are not sure how to combine both and the possible performance issues that may arise.
Redis will be faster than Postgres because Pg offers reliability guarantees on your data (when the transaction is committed, it is guaranteed to be on disk), whereas Redis has a concept of writing to disk when it feels like it, so shouldn't be used for critical data.
Redis seems like a good option for your session data, or heck even store in a cookie or in your client side Javascript. But if you need data from your database on every request then it might not be even worth involving Redis. It very much depends on your application.
Using PostgreSQL as session manager is usually bad idea.
For older than 9.1 was physical limit of transaction per second based on persistent media parameters. For session management you usually don't need MGA (because there are not collision) and it means so MGA is overhead and databases without MGA and ACID must be significantly faster (10 or 100).
I know a use case, where PostgreSQL was used for session management and Performance was really terrible and unstable - it was eshop with about 10000 living sessions. When session management was moved to memcached, then performance and stability was significantly increased. PostgreSQL can be used for 100 living session without problem probably. For higher numbers there are better tools.

Need: In memory object database, transactional safety, indices, LINQ, no persistence

Anyone an idea?
The issue is: I am writing a high performance application. It has a SQL database which I use for persistence. In memory objects get updated, then the changes queued for a disc write (which is pretty much always an insert in a versioned table). The small time risk is given as accepted - in case of a crash, program code will resynclocal state with external systems.
Now, quite often I need to run lookups on certain values, and it would be nice to have standard interface. Basically a bag of objects, but with the ability to run queries efficiently against an in memory index. For example I have a table of "instruments" which all have a unique code, and I need to look up this code.... about 30.000 times per second as I get updates for every instrument.
Anyone an idea for a decent high performance library for this?
You should be able to use an in-memory SQLite database (:memory) with System.Data.SQLite.

How does oracle db writer decide whether or not to do multiblock / sequential writes

We have a test system which matches our production system like for like. 6 months ago we did some testing on new hardware, and found the performance limit of our system.
However, now we are re-doing the testing with a view to adding further hardware, and we have found the system doesnt perform as it used to.
The reason for this is because on one specific volume we are now doing random I/O which used to be sequential. Further to this it has turned out that the activity on this volume by oracle which is 100% writes, is actually in 8k blocks, where before it was up to 128k.
So something has caused the oracle db writer to stop batching up it's writes.
We've extensively checked our config, and cannot see any difference between our test and production systems. We've also opened a call with Oracle but at this stage information is slow in forthcoming.
so; Ultimately this is 2 related questions:
Can you rely on oracle multiblock writes? Is that a safe thing to engineer/tune your system for?
Why would oracle change its behaviour?
We're not at this stage necessarily blaming oracle - it may well be reacting to something in the environment - but what?
The OS/arch is solaris/sparc.
Oh; I forgot to mention, the insert table has no indexes, and only a couple of foreign keys - it's designed as a bucket for as fast an insert as possible. It's also partitioned on the key field.
Thanks for any tips!
More description of the workload would allow some hypotheses.
If you are updating random blocks, then the DBWR process(es) are going to have little choice but to do single-block writes. Indexes especially are likely to have writes all over the place. If you have an index of character values and need to insert a new 'M' record where there isn't room, it will get a new block for the index and split the current block. You'll have some of those 'M' records in the original block, and some in the new block (while will be the last [used] block in the last extent).
I suspect you are most likely to get multi-block writes when bulk inserting into tables, as new blocks will be allocated and written to. Potentially, initially you had (say) 1GB of extents allocated and were writing into that space. Now you might have reached the limit of that and be creating new extents (say 50 Mb) which it may be getting from scattered file locations (eg other tables that have been dropped).
