p5.play counter not working - animation

I'm trying to write a program in which the end screen of the game only shows up after the last animation finishes. I'm using a counter that's implemented after each object is removed (which is only after it finishes its animation), and when that counter gets to zero, it should show the end screen. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, the counter statement isn't registering at all. I've inserted a print statement that isn't functioning.
var star;
var score;
var counter;
function setup() {
score = 0;
counter = 20;
for (var s = 0; s < 20; s++) {
star = createSprite(random(width), random(height));
star.addAnimation("idle", idleAnim);
star.addAnimation("explode", explAnim);
star.onMousePressed = function() {
this.animation.looping = false;
score +=1
if (this.getAnimationLabel() == "explode" && this.animation.getFrame() == this.animation.getLastFrame()) {
counter -= 1;
function draw() {
if (score == 20 && counter == 0) {
text("YOU WIN!",95,225)
} else {

You need to take a step back and debug your program. For example, are you sure the star.onMousePressed() function is firing? Are you sure the if statement is working the way you expected? Are you sure the player.dir() function is being called?
It sounds like your if statement is not being entered. can you find out the value of everything on that line? Which thing has a different value from what you expected?
Use console.log() statements, or use the JavaScript debugger, to answer all of the above. Figure out exactly which line of code is behaving differently from what you expected, and then isolate that problem in a MCVE. Good luck.


In the following code variable 'checkNumber' is not incrementing to 1 even after 'if' block get executed and so that Break is not working

In the following code variable 'checkNumber' is not incrementing to 1 even after 'if' block get executed and so that Break is not working where i need to break the loop
var checkNumber =0
for (let i = 0; i < totalRowCountAllocPrj; i++){
allocationObjects.getAllocationStatusfromGrid(i).then(text => {
appAllocStatus = Cypress.$(text).text()
cy.log("Allocation Status :" + appAllocStatus)
if(appAllocStatus == userData.approvalReservedAllocStatus){
cy.log("Project is not Reserved")
The variable checkNumber gets incremented inside an asynchronous command, but the loop is running synchronously.
You can't use break but you should be able to stop executing the commands with the inverse check.
Since checkNumber never should go above 0, it's more sensible to use a boolean
let found = 0
for (let i = 0; i < totalRowCountAllocPrj; i++) {
cy.then(() => {
if (!found) {
allocationObjects.getAllocationStatusfromGrid(i).then(text => {
appAllocStatus = Cypress.$(text).text()
if (appAllocStatus === userData.approvalReservedAllocStatus) {
found = true
BTW you should be able to rewrite allocationObjects.getAllocationStatusfromGrid() to directly search for userData.approvalReservedAllocStatus and get rid of the loop altogether.

I want to create an object at a position where there is nothing, but there is something wrong

I'm making a game in Unity2D where are 4 roads that tanks drive on, tanks spawn in random positions, I want to make sure that a tank can't spawn in a position that another tank is already in. When I start the game the Unity Editor crashes I think there is a problem somewhere in the do while loop but I haven't found it, hoping I described it right.
public GameObject tank;
public float spawnTime = 1f;
float positionX;
float positionY;
private bool check;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
InvokeRepeating("TankSpawn", 1f, spawnTime);
void TankSpawn()
int rndY = Random.Range(1, 5);
float rndX = Random.Range(20.5f, 35.0f);
if (rndY == 1)
positionY = -3.5f;
positionX = rndX;
else if (rndY == 2)
positionY = 0.5f;
positionX = rndX;
else if (rndY == 3)
positionY = 4.5f;
positionX = rndX;
else if (rndY == 4)
positionY = 8.5f;
positionX = rndX;
GameObject[] tanks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("tank");
foreach (GameObject tank in tanks)
if (tank.transform.position.x == positionX && tank.transform.position.y == positionY)
check = false;
check = true;
} while (check != true);
Instantiate(tank, new Vector2(positionX, positionY), transform.rotation);
Firstly the problem that is doing you in:
By default bool variables. like check, are false. The while loops when check is false. The only way for check to be set to true is thru the forloop if the generated coordinates don't match any tank positions. The problem with that is that if there are no tanks in the scene the forloop is never even started meaning that there is no way for check to become true, ergo your while loop keeps looping and hangs up your editor.
A quick solution would be to check the length of found tanks array and if it is zero set check to true.
if (tanks.Length == 0)
check = true;
There is name ambiguity between the tank in the forloop and the tank in the prefab. Its good practice to avoid that.
It is extremely hard to match two float values with == due to rounding. They might be extremely close, but are still different.
With your method tanks will still overlap. I would recommend to check if a position is truly free, by using Physics2D.OverlapBox or Physics2D.OverlapCircle
If a lot of tanks spawn there might not be any valid positions. You should think of a way to timeout or impose some other limit, else you'll get softlocked in the while loop again.

Adding a delay in my code, not working. C++

Trying to make simon says game as my semester project, problem is I cant add a delay between the colors when they change,
i.e i want to add a delay so that when one box color changes, then after about 3~4 seconds the next box color changes, but the problem is when I put the Sleep() in my for loop, the system pauses for the amount given as a whole, then displays all the colors changed at the same time not one by one....
Any help, here is the function that i call when the game's start button is clicked. How to fix it ?
void flash()
int x;
for (int i = 5; i > 0;i--)
x = rand() % 4;
if (x == 0)
button1->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Blue;
else if (x == 1)
button2->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Blue;
else if (x == 2)
button3->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Blue;
else if (x == 3)
button4->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Blue;
P.s I have tried to put the sleep in the if statements but that doesn't work either, Any help please ?
As your code is single-treaded and you are updating the colors of the buttons in a loop, there is (currently) no chance for the application's standard drawing routines to kick in, until the loop is finished. If you do want a redraw while being in the loop, you have to manually issue it by (e.g.):
Please be aware that, if you stay in the loop for too long, windows does recognize that your application is not responding to windows messages and renders it "unresponsive" (window fading to half white). To circumvent this, you can use the Timer class from System::Windows::Forms to implement the delay behaviour.

RNG giving same number after second interation in loop

So, I'm trying to make a game that requires randomly colored pictureboxes. I've been trying to make the random color generator, but I'm running into an issue that I can't explain.
When this code runs (inside of Form1_Load event):
for(int i=0; i<6, i++)
DateTime moment = DateTime::Now;
Random^RNG=gcnew Random(moment.Millisecond);
else if(color[i]==10)
else if(color[i]==11)
else if(color[i]==12)
else if(color[i]==13)
else if(color[i]==14)
else if(color[i]==15)
FullColor+=colorStr[i]; //FullColor was initialized with a value of "#";
this->Player->BackColor = System::Drawing::ColorTranslator::FromHTML(FullColor);
The textbox displays either all the same number (i.e. #000000), or the first number will be unique, but the other five will be equal to each other (i.e. #A22222).
Random generator should not be re-created every time. Try to do it once, before the loop:
Random^RNG=gcnew Random(moment.Millisecond);
for(int i=0; i<6, i++)
(In your case, it seems that the moment.Millisecond is the same for sequential calls. But even if it would be different, the generator is not supposed to be re-created.)
Instead of the loop, you may consider the following code:
Random^ RNG = gcnew Random(); // somewhere at the beginning
int color = RNG->Next(0x1000000);
String^ colorStr = color.ToString("X6");

What kind of 'for' loop is this?

My friend gave me this Arduino code:
int button;
void setup(){
pinMode(12, INPUT);
void loop(){
for(button; button == HIGH; button == digitalRead(12)) { //This line
//Do something here
The line commented with "this line" is unclear to me.
I've always seen a for loop like:
for (init; condition; increment)
Also used in different ways, like:
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){}
And so on, but I've never seen something like the code I got from my friend.
It does compile on the Arduino IDE, so what is the meaning of this specific for loop?
In other words, what kind of loop is it, and how does it work?
This loop:
for(button; button == HIGH; button == digitalRead(12))
is equivalent to:
button; // does nothing - should probably be `button = HIGH;` ?
while (button == HIGH) // break out of loop when button != HIGH
//do something here
button == digitalRead(12); // comparison - should probably be assignment ?
Note: I suspect the whole loop is buggy and should probably read:
for (button = HIGH; button == HIGH; button = digitalRead(12))
// do something here
Firstly, let's interpret this literally. Converts to while loop as:
button; // does nothing
while(button == HIGH) { // clear
// do stuff
button == digitalRead(12); // same as digitalRead(12);
This code really should be setting off a lot of IDE or compiler warnings. Anyway my answer is correct, that's what it literally converts to. Note that button == digitalRead(12) is valid but does nothing with the result of the comparison.
Most likely the code is buggy. One hypothesis is the == should be =.
