Transferring an app with an attached database to another Heroku account - heroku

I made an application in Heroku with a PostgreSQL addon and I want to transfer them to another account.
I didn't find any "transfer to another account" option for the PostgreSQL addon. Does it move automatically with the app? Should I create another database in the destination account and link it to the app after transferring it?
Will the repository location be affected? Do the collaborators have to re-clone the repository?
How long will the transfer process take? While it is transferring, can we still view the app / push code to it?

When you transfer a Heroku app its add-ons should come with it. Transfers take place very quickly once the receiver has accepted the transfer, and the transfer process shouldn't affect the running app.
The Heroku Git URL will change, but you shouldn't be using this as your main code repository:
Heroku provides the git service primarily for deployment, and the ability to clone from it is offered as a convenience. We strongly recommend you store your code in another git repository such as GitHub and treat that as canonical.
Nobody should be cloning from that URL. Either way, you'll have to update your Heroku remote's URL, e.g. using git remote --set-url.


Deploying from github through Heroku API

Background: I have a project deployed to heroku. The heroku app is connected with github so I can press the "deploy" button from heroku's web api to manually deploy a branch on github to heroku.
What I'm trying to do is build a slack bot that will let me accomplish that via a slack command. Ideally, there'd be some function on heroku's platform api like .deploy('my_app', 'some_branch_on_github), but I can't seem to find it.
The platform api's build feature is close. That function lets you provide the public url of a tarball that heroku will then deploy. However, my github repo isn't public, so that doesn't work. A private repo shouldn't be a problem, though, since heroku's already connected to my github repo.
TLDR: How can I programmatically tell Heroku to deploy my app from a private github it's connected to?
I got a response from Heroku's support team asking pretty much the same question. Their answer was that what I'm trying to do is not possible, but will be at some point (although not in the next few months, anyway).
They suggested that I could just use the undocumented web api used by heroku's own web console (a POST to an endpoint on They did warn that, as a private api, that's likely to change without warning.
As of April 2020, Heroku has integrated GitHub natively without recourse to any janky undocumented Icelandic endpoints.
When configured, Heroku can automatically build and release (if the build is successful) pushes to the specified GitHub repo.
Enabling GitHub integration
You can configure GitHub integration in the Deploy tab of apps in
the Heroku Dashboard.
To configure GitHub integration, you have to authenticate with GitHub.
You only have to do this once per Heroku account.
GitHub repo admin access is required for you to configure automatic
GitHub deploys. This is because Heroku has to register a service hook on
the GitHub repo, and this action requires admin access. For GitHub
organizations, your GitHub account will also need to be a member of the
organization and not an outside collaborator.
If your repo is in a GitHub organization that has third-party
application restrictions
an organization admin needs to approve Heroku for use with the
organization. More details are available on
After you link your Heroku app to a GitHub repo, you can selectively
deploy from branches or configure auto-deploys.
Manual deploys
With manual deploys, you can create an immediate deployment of any
branch from the GitHub repo that’s connected to your app. Use manual
deploys if you want to control when changes are deployed to Heroku.
You can also use manual deploys to temporarily deploy a branch other
than the one that’s configured for automatic deployment. For example,
you might have a development app synced to the development GitHub
branch, but you temporarily want to test a feature branch. Simply
trigger a manual deploy of the feature branch to test it on the Heroku
app. Note that release of the feature branch is overwritten on the next
successful GitHub push to the development branch.
Automatic deploys
When you enable automatic deploys for a GitHub branch, Heroku builds and
deploys all pushes to that branch. If, for example, you have a
development app on Heroku, you can configure pushes to your GitHub
development branch to be automatically built and deployed to that app.
If you’ve configured your GitHub repo to use automated Continuous
Integration (with Travis CI, for example), you can check the “Wait for
CI to pass before deploy” checkbox. When enabled, Heroku will only
auto-deploy after all the commit statuses of the relevant commit show
This commit won’t auto-deploy because one of the checks shows a
pending status:
This commit will auto-deploy because all of the checks show a status of
Review apps
With review apps enabled for a Heroku app, Heroku will create temporary
test apps for each pull request that’s opened on the GitHub repo that’s
connected to the parent app. Review apps are great if you’re using
GitHub Flow to propose,
discuss, and merge changes to your code base. Because pull request
branches are deployed to new apps on Heroku, it’s very simple for you
and your collaborators to test and debug code branches. You can also run
automated integration tests on the Heroku app representing a GitHub
See the Review apps
for details.
Heroku CI
Once you’ve connected your GitHub repo to your Pipeline, you can turn on
Heroku CI, our
visual, low-configuration test runner that integrates easily with Heroku
Pipelines (and so complements Review apps, existing Heroku apps, and our
GitHub integrations). Any Heroku Pipeline is already Heroku CI ready –
just turn it on in the Pipeline’s Settings tab.
Links to diffs
For apps that are linked to GitHub repos, releases in the Dashboard
Activity tab will include a “View Diff” link. Following the link
will take you to the GitHub comparison view, showing the changes made
since the last release.
Disconnecting from GitHub
Terminate an obsolete GitHub connection, if necessary.
Disconnecting individual apps
Individual apps can be disconnected in the GitHub pane of the
Deploy tab for the app.
Disconnecting account
You can disconnect your Heroku and GitHub accounts in the Applications
pane on your Dashboard account

How to prevent git push heroku master?

My workflow encompasses the following steps:
Git push (to BitBucket or GitHub depending on the project).
BitBucket/GitHub is integrated with CodeShip, tests are run.
If tests are ok, CodeShip automatically deploys to Heroku.
Everything works fine when, by pushing to the remote repo, the deployment tasks are triggered which ends up with the new version going live when everything is ok.
My question is:
Sometimes, I simply do a git push heroku master which defeats the whole purpose of this workflow.
How can I prevent it from happening? Is there a way to make Heroku only accept the deploy when the source is CodeShip?
After looking around for quite some time, I noticed that there are a some ways to accomplish this, all of them related to simply not giving access to the Heroku Account for the developer:
If you're a single developer ("one-man / one-woman show"):
Do not add the Heroku Remote to your Git Repository. If it is already added, remove it. That way you're not going to push to it by mistake.
If you're managing a team:
Do not give the team a user/pass to access Heroku Toolbelt. That way, the only remote repo they will have access to should be GitHub/BitBucket/Whatever.
You could just create another branch called dev and push to that branch your changes and when you are ready to deploy to heroku merge changes into master branch.
I just came accross your issue and this is what i did as quickest resolution

Deploying a Github App on Heroku

I have been trying to deploy from a GitHub repository to Heroku. For pushing my changes to GitHub I am using Mac UI Client for GitHub.
Now in the heroku app setup, I changed at . Here I made changes in option GitHub Rep (Link your app to a GitHub repository to see commit diffs in the activity log.). I added as my github-user/repository-name
Now when i use I am redirected to a default page which says :
Heroku | Welcome to your new app! Refer to the documentation if you
need help deploying.
In the documentation it is all commands which is going over me since i use Github UI tool.
Any idea if this can be deployed w/o using the commands?
I am asking this particular thing, since last time I used AppHarbor and it simply pulled my github rep w/o any hiccups.
Adding your GitHub repo to the Heroku app settings will not set up automatic deployments. It just allows Heroku to provide commit information in the app logs.
To achieve what you are looking for, you need to set up continuous deployment (or "CD"). The easiest way to do this is with a continuous integration (or "CI") solution.
One common CI server is Jenkins, though that will require you to set it up manually. Nowadays, there are several automated CI/CD services you can take advantage of, including Travis, CircleCI, Codeship, Snap. All of them have options to automatically deploy to Heroku after building your app (which can be trigger by a push to GitHub).

How can I keep a backup of my web application being developing live on web server?

I am using Coda to create a web application using CodeIgniter. I am hosting it live on hostgator and testing it as well. I want to know if there is a way to use some kind of Revision contorl or backup system like Github that would allow me to save my files and keep them updated without having to actually do the folder copy pasting.
You can set up a remote repo at hostgator, and push changes to the remote using git, that doesn't require github, you can just do it from a repo locally on your machine.
Here is a tutorial.

How can i create a clone of an existing app on heroku from another heroku app as separate app?

I have a main app on heroku and another app A on git in location github:a.
I want to create, when it is necessary, copies of A as A1,A2,A3...AN as separate apps on heroku from my main app automatically with different parameters.
How can i do that?
Edit: This process should be done by my main app automatically.
Updating this answer due to Heroku command DEPRECATION:
heroku fork has been deprecated as a core command as of 12/01/2017.
You will need to install the heroku-fork plugin to continue using this command.
heroku plugins:install heroku-fork
Here is a link to the Github plugin repo.
Use heroku fork to copy an existing application, including add-ons, config vars, and Heroku Postgres data.
See this KB page: Forking Applications.
Heroku toolbelt now provides a fork method to clone an existing application, see my answer here :
how to clone a project on heroku
There is a new feature on Heroku called Review Apps. One can create copies of the app manually or set up automatic copies from new PRs on Github.
Read more at:
Simply create new applications and push your code to them. If you need to copy data, checkout the pgbackups transfers.
For management purposes, check out this dev center article.
To do this programatically, you'll need to look at the Heroku gem, and then figure out a way of getting something to git push to the appropriate remote. I would be surprised if this was possible to be honest.
