iCloud Drive prevent offloading certain files - macos

I am running macOS High Sierra and using iCloud Drive. My mac recently ran low on storage so it automatically offloaded a bunch of my documents. This should always be seen as a good thing, it is working as expected. However my Mac offloaded my 20GB Windows Virtual Machine, forcing me to re-download the entire file before I could use Parallels again.
Is there a way to stop iCloud from offloading certain files?

You will need to create a folder one level up to store your VMs. In Finder, click Macintosh HD, then Users, Then your profile (your login name). This is your home folder. Once there, Click on the gear and creat a new folder named Virtual Machines (or just VMs) and move your VMs there.
You can create many different folders here and whey will not sync. Only Desktop and Documents will sync. For example, I have a folder called TEMP that has my draft documents for projects only on my local machine.
Hope that helps!


Working on Xcode project on multiple computers

I currently have my project stored on my laptop but I also occasionally want to work on it on my desktop. (Both have Xcode installed). If I connect my laptop to my desktop so that I can access my laptop's files from my desktop, is it safe to simply open the files and edit, or are there hidden files deep in my computer that will get messed up? If this isn't a good idea, are there ways to work on Xcode projects from another computer?
If I connect my laptop to my desktop so that I can access my laptop's files from my desktop, is it safe to simply open the files and edit
Yes. But I don't know what you mean by "open the files". The only thing you should ever open from the Finder is the Xcode project. That being said, there's absolutely no bar to opening an Xcode project located on another volume. (I do it all the time.)
Moreover, a project folder is usually a self-contained world, so there's no issue with copying the whole folder to another machine, working on it there, and copying it back.
Still, the soundest and simplest approach (as long as you'll always have Internet access) is to get yourself a remote git repository and use it to synchronize the work done on different machines. That way, you avoid the "connect my laptop to my desktop" part of the story entirely.

How do I Install Xcode 6 or 7 on an external drive?

The capacity of my SSD is just 60Gb, and I have just over 5Gb of free space at the moment. Is there a way to install Xcode directly on the external drive? Or to do so I'd have first to make this drive bootable and boot my system from it?
There are various possible solutions, including, making use of symlinks, dual booting two versions of macOS (one on external SSD), and many more.
But the best way I found was to create a new macOS user and change its home directory to external SSD (by going to advanced user settings under Users & Groups System Preferences).
The exact steps I followed:
Create a new APFS partition on external SSD with 100GB storage. (say NewVol)
Create new macOS user and change its home directory to /Volume/NewVol/user
Logged into the new user with external SSD connected, and installed xcode in ~/Application. (i.e. the local Application folder, not /Application)
Why this works best is because you don't need to manually manage symlinks, also symlinks might create problems during builds. All the required files (including builds and temporary files) are stored in user directory, so no space occupied on internal drive. Also, no hassle of installing a complete separate OS, and going through cycles of reboots to switch the OS.
There are a couple of options you can consider.
Move some files to the external drive, instead of installing applications on it. This would be your best bet, since applications have dependancies. Also, if you run them from your SSD, they will get better performance.
If you absolutely need your files on your SSD, and you can't move them, then I would suggest moving any third party applications to see if you can free up space for Xcode, and run it from your SSD.
If the two options above don't work for you, then you will have to try and work with Xcode. There is no easy way to change the install location. Your option here would be to free up some space temporarily, by moving bigger files to an external drive. Then do the Xcode install in your applications folder. Once that's done, move Xcode to the external drive, and take your files back to your SSD. Here is another questions that talks about the same topic.

Virtual Box Shared folders on Mac backup to external harddrive

So I found out how to share folders using Virtual Box and running Windows 8.
I was wondering, if I save files or projects from Windows 8 to the shared folder on my Mac, will TimeMachine backup those files onto my external harddrive? The hard drive is of course formatted for Mac because of that whole debockel, but that is besides the point. Even though the files were made in Windows.
Also...My assumption is that I would not be able to access the files on my external formatted hard drive from Virtual Box running Windows 8. Is this true?
To my knowledge, you cannot access the files on a journaled formatted hard drive from Windows without extra software. If I understand you correctly, you are trying to backup files created in the Windows VM within your Time Machine backup hard drive?
I'm sure you have solved this by now, but you should consider backing up the VM itself. If the files on the Windows Machine are important you can leave them in a shared folder and have time machine back up that folder.

How to specify the folder in which the applications should get installed on Mac?

I find that when I install applications(.dmg files), they all are installed into the folder /Volumes.And some days ago, they were installed into the folder /Applications. I don't know my macbook had suffered what kind of attacks, improper use or something like these. Anyway, it changed. I don't know how to resolve it. Is there anyone who ever had that kind of problem like me?Anyone who know how to make my macbook back to install applications into /Applications folder by default?Or anyone who know how to specific the installing folder if the default installing folder is not I want?
You need to begin by understanding the difference between installing and application and running it from a disk image. The whole disk image situation is understandably confusing for users, but considering that this is a programming Q&A, here are the important points.
Macintosh applications are stored in special directories with the extension .app. Because of the extension, these files are known by the Finder and treated as special Bundles, which are shown to the user as a single icon which cannot easily be opened further (there are other types of bundles as well, but the .app bundles deal specifically with applications.
Because Macintosh applications are actually directories full of files and other directories, they cannot be downloaded as a single file through the Internet without some kind of packaging. Recently there has been a move to package these in standard zip files, because they are understood well by many platforms. For many years prior to this, though, Macintosh applications were distributed on mountable Disk Images (.dmg format files), which themselves were multi-file containers which could support a variety of files and directories.
The key problem in both cases is that applications, once downloaded, don't necessarily move themselves to the most obvious location (the Applications folder on the boot volume, where Apple-installed applications are stored). Zip files usually automatically decompress, but are left inside of your Downloads directory, and Disk Images are usually downloaded to the Downloads directory and then mounted on the desktop, showing up as a new volume under /Volumes and appearing in the Finder as a disk.
In most cases, applications can be run from any of these locations, leading to the particularly confusing situation of:
Download a disk image
Disk image file goes to the Downloads folder
OS X mounts the disk image
User runs the application just fine from the disk image
User reboots the Mac
Application appears to have disappeared
In this case, the application isn't gone, but the disk image was uncounted by the reboot, and so it isn't obvious to most users where the application has gone.
The most straightforward solution for users is to copy the applications to their Applications folder in order to make sure it is easy to find.
Obscure note: This works well for Disk Images (which can subsequently be deleted), but may cause some confusion for Applications decompressed from zip files if the Application was downloaded on a disk other than the boot volume. I this case, copying the Application may lead to having two copies of it, one in the downloaded location and one in the Applications folder. This can be very confusing if you delete the application as the Finder will still locate it in the Downloads folder. It can also be confusing when you download an update for the application manually, as it may result in multiple copies of the application in your Downloads folder. These will usually be named "My app", "My app 1", "My app 2", etc.

p4v getting files as writable

Perforce is downloading files to the external hard-drive connected to my MacBookPro as writable ("777"). It's as if the "allwrite" option is set in my workspace, but it's not.
I thought Perforce was supposed to mark the files read-only until I check them out. Is there a setting somewhere I missed?
Rev. P4V/MACOSX104U/2009.2/236331
MacBookPro OSX 10.5.8
Is your external hard-drive formated as hfs+? If it's FAT32, it will be 777 anyway.
Have you checked if Windows thinks the files are read only after syncing with the Mac client?
Perforce does not like it when you access the same disk location from two different workspaces, nor the same workspace from two different hosts. This is because the server tracks the state of the files on the client; you're begging for your local store to lose synchronization with the depot.
What are you really trying to accomplish here?
I would recommend that you forget about FAT32; put your Windows workspace on an NTFS volume and your Mac workspace on an HFS+ volume. Submit & sync to share the data. Storage is cheap.
