Unix script - Comparing number of filename date with my single input date - bash

I am new to Unix scripting, I am trying to create Unix script since one week but I couldn't. Please help me in this.
I have a number of different files more than 100 (all the filenames are different) which the filename contains the date string(ex: 20171101)in the directory. I want compare these filename dates with my input date (today - 10days =20171114),with the files in the directories only using filename string date if it is less than with my input date then I have to delete the file. could anyone please help on this. Thanks
My script:
ten_days_ago=$(date -d "10 days ago" +%Y%m%d)
cd "$destination_dir" ;
ls *.* | awk -F '-' '{print $2}'
ls *.* | awk -F '-' '{print $2}' > removal.txt
while read filedate
if [ "$filedate" -lt "$ten_days_ago" ] ; then
cd "$destination_dir" ;
rm *-"$filedate"*
echo "deletion done"
done <removal.txt
this script is working fine. but I need to send a email as well - if the deletion has been done then -one pass email else fail email.
but here within while loop if I am writing the emails then that will iterate

You're probably trying to pipe to mail from the middle of your loop. (Your question should really show this code, otherwise we can't say what's wrong.) A common technique is to redirect the loop's output to a file, and then send that. (Using a temporary file is slightly ugly, but avoids sending an empty message when there is no output from the loop.)
Just loop over the files and decide which to remove.
t=$(mktemp -t tendays.XXXXXXXX) || exit
# Remove temp file if interrupted, or when done
trap 'rm -f "$t"' EXIT HUP INT TERM
ten_days_ago=$(date -d "10 days ago" +%Y%m%d)
for file in *-[1-9]*[1-9]-*; do
date=${file#*-} # strip prefix up through first dash
date=${date%-*} # strip from last dash from the previous result
if [ "$date" -lt "$ten_days_ago" ]; then
rm -v "$file"
done >"$t" 2>&1
test -s "$t" || exit # Quit if empty
mail -s "Removed files" recipient#example.net <"$t"
I removed the (repeated!) cd so this can be run in any directory -- just switch to the directory you want before running the script. This also makes it easier to test in a directory with a set of temporary files.
Collecting the script's standard error also means the mail message will contain any error messages if rm fails for some reason or you have other exceptions.
By the by you should basically never use ls in scripts.


mv command and rename not working on multiple flies

Below is a bash script to move files around and rename them. The problem is it doesn't work when there is more than one file in the directory. I'm assuming because the last parameter in the mv command is a file. Any suggestions?
YEAR=`date +%Y`
MONTH=`date +%m`
DAY=`date +%d`
HOUR=`date +%H`
MINUTE=`date +%M`
######## Do some error checking #########
# Does backup dir exist?
if [ ! -d $BACKUPDIR/$YEAR ]
if [[ $(find $INPUTDIR -type f | wc -l) -gt 0 ]];
###### Rename the file, move it to Backup, then copy to the Output Directory #####
for f in $INPUTDIR/*
echo "`date` - Move recurring txt flat file to BackupDir for Union TN from Southern"
sleep 2
echo "`date` - Copy backup file to the Union TN Output Directory"
Some notes:
Get out of the habit of using ALLCAPS variable names, leave those as reserved
by the shell. One day you'll write PATH=something and then wonder
why your script is
mkdir -p can create parent directories, and will not error if the dir already exists
store the filenames in an array. Then the shell does not have to duplicate
the work, and you don't need to count how many there are: if there are no
files, the loop has zero iterations
if you want to keep the same directory hierarchy in the outputdir,
you need to do that by hand.
use read to get the date parts
with bash v4.2+, printf can be used instead of calling out to date
use magic value "-1" to mean "now".
printf '%(%Y-%m-%d)T\n' -1 prints "2021-10-25" (as of the day I write this)
This is, I think, what you want:
read year month day hour minute < <(printf '%(%Y %m %d %H %M)T\n' -1)
# create backup dirs if not exists
mkdir -p "$backupdir/$date_dir"
mkdir -p "$outputdir/$date_dir"
mapfile -t files < <(find $inputdir -type f)
for f in "${files[#]}"
###### Rename the file, move it to Backup, then copy to the Output Directory #####
printf '%(%c)T - Move recurring txt flat file to backupdir for Union TN from Southern\n' -1
mv "$f" "$backupdir/$date_dir/$backup_file"
printf '%(%c)T - Copy backup file to the Union TN Output Directory\n' -1
cp "$backupdir/$date_dir/$backup_file" "$outputdir/$date_dir/$backup_file"
When using a glob with mv, the target must be an existing directory, and all matching files will be moved inside that directory.
In your case,
tells mv to move all file inside the $INPUTDIR/* directory to a directory named $BACKUPDIR/$YEAR/$MONTH/$DAY/UnionTN-S001007420-$YEAR$MONTH$DAY-$HOUR$MINUTE.txt.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but I hope this help.
Some more advice you could use:
Don't put the shebang (the first line beginning with "#") and the first three variable declarations inside single-quotes.
Some argue it is more portable and better to write /usr/bin/env bash instead of /bin/bash in the shebang
if [ CONDITION ] /then ACTION /fi statements can be simplified by writing [ CONDITION ] && ACTION
You reduce your likely hood of encountering unexpected behaviour when double-quoting your strings and variable (i.e. write "${year}/${month}/" instead of $year/$month.
No need to call mkdir a, followed by mkidr a/b, then mkdir a/b/c and so on, you can just call mkdir -p a/b/c. The p flag tells mkdir to create parent directories if they don't already exist.
It is unnecessary to validate the existence of a directory before calling mkdir since mkdir already validates that for you.
As pointed out by commenters, all-caps variables are conventions for special POSIX related variables. You should use another type of casing.
You could use date to do the formatting for you: date +%Y/%m/%d will print 2021/10/25
Strings without interpolation can have single-quotes.
(Optional, prevent undesired behaviors) Put set -e at the beginning of your scripts, after the shebang, to tell bash to halt if an error is encountered
And finally, use man <command_name> for built-in documentation!

Change date modified of multiple folders to match that of their most recently modified file

I've been using the following shell bin/bash script as an app which I can drop a folder on, and it will update the date modified of the folder to match the most recently modified file in that folder.
for f in each "$#"
echo "$f"
$HOME/setMod "$#"
This gets the folder name, and then passes it to this setMod script in my home folder.
# Check that exactly one parameter has been specified - the directory
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
# Go to that directory or give up and die
cd "$1" || exit 1
# Get name of newest file
newest=$(stat -f "%m:%N" * | sort -rn | head -1 | cut -f2 -d:)
# Set modification date of folder to match
touch -r "$newest" .
However, if I drop more than one folder on it at a time, it won't work, and I can't figure out how to make it work with multiple folders at once.
Also, I learned from Apple Support that the reason so many of my folders keep getting the mod date updated is due to some Time Machine-related process, despite the fact I haven't touched some of them in years. If anyone knows of a way to prevent this from happening, or to somehow automatically periodically update the date modified of folders to match the date/time of the most-recently-modified file in them, that would save me from having to run this step manually pretty regularly.
The setMod script current accepts only one parameter.
You could either make it accept many parameters and loop over them,
or you could make the calling script use a loop.
I take the second option, because the caller script has some mistakes and weak points. Here it is corrected and extended for your purpose:
for dir; do
echo "$dir"
"$HOME"/setMod "$dir"
Or to make setMod accept multiple parameters:
setMod() {
cd "$1" || return 1
# Get name of newest file
newest=$(stat -f "%m:%N" * | sort -rn | head -1 | cut -f2 -d:)
# Set modification date of folder to match
touch -r "$newest" .
for dir; do
if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
echo not a directory, skipping: $dir
(setMod "$dir")
for dir; do is equivalent to for dir in "$#"; do
The parentheses around (setMod "$dir") make it run in a sub-shell, so that the script itself doesn't change the working directory, the effect of the cd operation is limited to the sub-shell within (...)

Change directory for saving a file and return to old directory

I wrote a very little and basic script which compares two files and writes all matching lines into a file.
I now want to secure, that no matter from which directory/working directory you run the bash script, the file is stored in the directory where the script is located.
#! /bin/bash
typeset -i count=1
typeset -i useable_counter=1
echo `pushd ${wantedDir}`
if [ -e $file ]; then
echo `chmod 777 ${file}`
echo `rm ${file}`
echo `touch ${file}`
while read pass; do
pass_nr=`echo $pass | cut -d ":" -f 3`
while read groups; do
group_nr=`echo $groups | cut -d ":" -f 3`
if [ "$pass_nr" = "$group_nr" ]; then
if [ $count -gt 15 ]; then
echo "#$useable_counter: $pass in $groups" >> $file
done < /etc/group
done < /etc/passwd
echo `chmod 444 $file`
echo `popd`
echo "Writing done!"
That's my script with the pushd command to get to the directory in which the script is located and popd should return.
But still, the output file is created in the directory/working directory, from where the script is launched.
What do I have to change so it'll work? I already tried to use normal cd to change the directory, that's why the variable curDir stores the starting directory.
By putting pushd into backticks, you're running it in a subshell. No subshell can change the current working directory of its parent shell.
Just call
pushd "$wantedDir"
directly, and same with popd.
Your script is a hopeless mess. All you need to produce output in the named file is
command >/Users/Stephan/Documents/Schule/SYT/Skripting/bin/Uebungen/Fundstellen.txt
Generally, very few scripts need to explicitly cd and fewer still would need to pushd and popd -- these commands are almost exclusively for interactive use.
The loop where you read all of the group file for every entry in the passwd file is extremely inefficient, especially when the purpose of the inner loop seems to be to find only a small subset of the records in the file. Very often, when you see while read, you want Awk instead. Here is a simple framework for doing that.
awk -F : 'NR==FNR { ++p[$3]; next }
FNR > 15 && $3 in p { print "#" ++i ": " $3 " in " $0 }' /etc/passdwd /etc/group
It's not clear what the 15 is supposed to accomplish. Is it a bug in your script, or is the intent to only skip the first 15 lines on the first iteration?

what is the purpase of the command rsync -rvzh

im trying to understand what this two command doing:
config=$(date +%s)
rsync -rvzh $1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
this line appears in a bigger script - script.sh looking like this:
#! /bin/bash
config=$(date +%s)
rsync -rvzh $1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
countS=`wc -l /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/'`
let countS--
let countS--
let countS--
while read LINEC #read line
if [ "$countC" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$countC" -lt "$countS" ]; then
while read LINE
for word in $LINE;
echo "INSERT INTO data_mining.data (word, line, numWordLine, file) VALUES ('$word', '$count', '$countW', '$FILENAME');" >> /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
mysql -u root -Alaba1515< /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
echo > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
let countW++
let count++
done < $FILENAME
rm -f /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
rm -f /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
let countC++
done < /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config #finish while
i was able to find lots of documentary about rsync and what it is doing but i don't understand whats the rest of the command do. any help please?
The first command assigns the current time (in seconds since epoch) to the shell variable config. For example:
$ config=$(date +%s)
$ echo $config
rsync is a file copying utility. The second command thus makes a backup copy of the directory listed in argument 1 (referred to as $1). The backup copy is placed in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target. A log file of what was copied is saved in var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config:
rsync -rvzh $1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
The rsync options mean:
-r tells rsync to copy files diving recursively into subdirectories
-v tells it to be verbose so that it shows what is copied.
-z tells it to compress files during their transfer from one location to the other.
-h tells it to show any numbers in the output in human-readable format.
Note that because $1 is not inside double-quotes, this script will fail if the name of directory $1 contains whitespace.

How to read output from bzcat instead of specifying a filename

I need to use 'last' to search through a list of users who logged into a system, i.e.
last -f /var/log/wtmp <username>
Considering the number of bzipped archive files in that directory, and considering I am on a shared system, I am trying to include an inline bzcat, but nothing seems to work. I have tried the following combinations with no success:
last -f <"$(bzcat /var/log/wtmp-*)"
last -f <$(bzcat /var/log/wtmp-*)
bzcat /var/log/wtmp-* | last -f -
Driving me bonkers. Any input would be great!
last (assuming the Linux version) can't read from a pipe. You'll need to temporarily bunzip2 the files to read them.
tempfile=`mktemp` || exit 1
for wtmp in /var/log/wtmp-*; do
bzcat "$wtmp" > "$tempfile"
last -f "$tempfile"
rm -f "$tempfile"
You can only use < I/O redirection on one file at a time.
If anything is going to work, then the last line of your examples is it, but does last recognize - as meaning standard input? (Comments in another answer indicate "No, last does not recognize -". Now you see why it is important to follow all the conventions - it makes life difficult when you don't.) Failing that, you'll have to do it the classic way with a shell loop.
for file in /var/log/wtmp-*
last -f <(bzcat "$file")
Well, using process substitution like that is pure Bash...the classic way would be more like:
tmp=/tmp/xx.$$ # Or use mktemp
trap "rm -f $tmp; exit 1" 0 1 2 3 13 15
for file in /var/log/wtmp-*
bzcat $file > $tmp
last -f $tmp
rm -f $tmp
trap 0
