I am trying to update an empty table I just created ([LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116] t1) with records from a view ([LA_Temp].[dbo].[vClaim] t2). I know the update statement isn't working because of the join. Since t1 is a new (empty) table, I won't return any results because of the join. What is the best way to accomplish this task? I know I am missing something simple.
Update [LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116] --empty table
Set [Claim_Sys_ICN] = t2.ClaimID,
Claim_Line_Number = ClaimLine,
MCO_Claim_Status = Case When ClaimStatus = 'PAID' Then 'P'
When ClaimStatus = 'ADJUCATED' Then 'A'
When ClaimStatus = 'DENIED' Then 'D'
When ClaimStatus = 'REVERSED' Then 'R'
When ClaimStatus = 'VOID' Then 'V' End,
Patient_Account_Number = CarrierMemID,
MCO_Paid_Date = PaidDate,
Paid_Provider_NPI = PayToNPI,
Procedure_Code = ProcCode,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_1 = Modifier,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_2 = Modifier2,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_3 = Modifier3,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_4 = Modifier4,
Service_Provider_NPI = RenderingNPI,
HDR_Clm_Paid_Amount = AmountPaid
FROM [LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116] t1 --empty table
LEFT JOIN [LA_Temp].[dbo].[vClaim] t2 on --need records from this view
t1.[Claim_Sys_ICN] = t2.ClaimID
Where PaidDate Between '12/1/2016' and '12/31/2016'
Same idea using INSERT INTO...
INSERT INTO [LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116]
([Claim_Sys_ICN], Claim_Line_Number,
MCO_Claim_Status, Patient_Account_Number, MCO_Paid_Date, Paid_Provider_NPI,
Procedure_Code, Procedure_Code_Modifier_1, Procedure_Code_Modifier_2,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_3, Procedure_Code_Modifier_4,
Service_Provider_NPI, HDR_Clm_Paid_Amount)
Select ClaimID, ClaimLine, Case When ClaimStatus = 'PAID' Then 'P'
When ClaimStatus = 'ADJUCATED' Then 'A'
When ClaimStatus = 'DENIED' Then 'D'
When ClaimStatus = 'REVERSED' Then 'R'
When ClaimStatus = 'VOID' Then 'V' End,
CarrierMemID, PaidDate, PayToNPI, ProcCode, Modifier, Modifier2, Modifier3,
Modifier4, RenderingNPI, AmountPaid
FROM [LA_Temp].[dbo].[vClaim]
Where PaidDate Between '12/1/2016' and '12/31/2016'
Do an INSERT instead of an UPDATE.
I have this query.
SELECT re_current_benefits.prospect_nbr, qo_quote.quote_id, hra_ind, quote_type, effective_date, quote_expiration_ind, mhs_lob_code
FROM re_current_benefits
INNER JOIN qo_quote ON qo_quote.prospect_nbr = re_current_benefits.prospect_nbr
WHERE hra_ind = 'Y' AND quote_type = 'R' AND quote_expiration_ind IS NULL AND mhs_lob_code NOT IN 'DTL1' AND mhs_lob_code NOT IN 'DTL2'
And I need to pull the prospect_nbr from here, I also need to add a filter saying effective_date = renewal_date but if I do that by joining all 3 tables together I get 0 results which should not be the case.
SELECT prospect_nbr, rmr_run_status, renewal_date
FROM re_group
WHERE rmr_run_status = ANY ('S', 'W')
I'm facing this ambiguously defined error. I understand this is due to alias not defined properly but I am not able to understand in the below query why this error is coming. I'm using Oracle.
papf.person_number as personnumber,
paam.position_id as position,
over (
PARTITION BY paam.assignment_id) rowcnt
per_all_assignments_m paam,
per_all_people_f papf,
hrc_txn_header hth,
hrc_arm_process_vl hapv,
hrc_txn_data htd,
fa_fusion_soainfra.wftask wft,
fun_all_business_units_v fabu
paam.primary_assignment_flag = 'Y'
AND paam.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
AND paam.assignment_status_type = 'ACTIVE'
AND paam.action_code IN ( 'GLB_TRANSFER', 'TRANSFER' )
AND hth.subject = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
AND hth.subject_id = paam.person_id
AND hth.object_id = Decode(hth.object, 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M', paam.assignment_id,
'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F', paam.person_id)
AND hapv.process_id = hth.process_id
AND hapv.txn_module_identifier IN ( 'Transfers', 'ManageEmployment', 'AddWorkRelationship' )
AND htd.transaction_id = hth.transaction_id
AND wft.identificationkey = To_char(hth.transaction_id)
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
AND paam.person_id = papf.person_id
and sysdate between fabu.date_from and fabu.date_to
and fabu.status='A'
and paam.business_unit_id=fabu.bu_id
GROUP BY papf.person_number,
htd.status) t1,
per_all_people_f papf,
per_all_assignments_m paam,
fun_all_business_units_v fabu
WHERE rowcnt = 1
AND outcome = 'APPROVE'
AND state = 'COMPLETE'
AND status = 'APPROVED'
AND paam.person_id = t1.person_id
AND paam.action_code = t1.action_code
AND paam.assignment_status_type = 'INACTIVE'
AND paam.assignment_sequence = 1
AND paam.effective_start_date = t1.effective_start_date
AND paam.assignment_type = 'E'
and papf.person_id = t1.person_id
AND papf.effective_start_date = t1.effective_start_date
AND fabu.bu_id = t1.bu_id
I'm defining the paam table and papf table the same way and not facing issue in them.
Why I am facing this error when I try to add fabu table in end ?
You forgot to add t1. when refer to some columns that can be found in other tables:
WHERE t1.rowcnt = 1
AND t1.outcome = 'APPROVE'
AND t1.state = 'COMPLETE'
AND t1.status = 'APPROVED'
When I execute the query below, I get the message like this: "ORA-01427: Sub-query returns more than one row"
Define REN_RunDate = '20160219'
Define MOP_ADJ_RunDate = '20160219'
Define RID_RunDate = '20160219'
Define Mbr_Err_RunDate = '20160219'
Define Clm_Err_RunDate = '20160219'
Define EECD_RunDate = '20160219'
select t6.Member_ID, (Select 'Y' from MBR_ERR t7 where t7.Member_ID = t6.Member_ID and t7.Rundate = &Mbr_Err_RunDate ) Mbr_Err,
NVL(Claim_Sent_Amt,0) Sent_Claims, Rejected_Claims,Orphan_Claim_Amt,Claims_Accepted, MOP_Adj_Sent Sent_MOP_Adj,Net_Sent,
When Net_Sent < 45000 then 0
When Net_Sent > 25000 then 20500
Net_Sent - 45000
' ' Spacer,
Total_Paid_Claims CMS_Paid_Claims, MOP_Adjustment CM_MOP_Adj, MOP_Adjusted_Paid_claims CM_Net_Claims, Estimated_RI_Payment CM_RI_Payment
select NVL(t3.Member_ID,t5.Member_ID)Member_ID, t3.Claim_Sent_Amt, NVL(t4.Reject_Claims_Amt,0) Rejected_Claims, NVL( t8.Orphan_Amt,0) Orphan_Claim_Amt,
(t3.Claim_Sent_Amt - NVL(t4.Reject_Claims_Amt,0) - NVL(t8.Orphan_Amt,0)) Claims_Accepted,
NVL(t2.MOP_Adj_Amt,0) MOP_Adj_Sent ,
( (t3.Claim_Sent_Amt - NVL(t4.Reject_Claims_Amt,0)) - NVL(t2.MOP_Adj_Amt,0) - NVL(t8.Orphan_Amt,0) ) Net_Sent,
t5.Member_ID CMS_Mbr_ID,t5.Total_Paid_Claims,t5.MOP_Adjustment, t5.MOP_Adjusted_Paid_Claims, t5.Estimated_RI_Payment
Select t1.Member_ID, Sum( t1.Paid_Amount) Claim_Sent_Amt
From RENS t1
where t1.rundate = &REN_RunDate
group by t1.Member_ID
) t3
Left Join MOP_ADJ t2
on (t3.Member_ID = t2.Member_ID and t2.rundate = &MOP_ADJ_RunDate)
Left Join
(select Member_ID, sum(Claim_Total_Paid_Amount) Reject_Claims_Amt from CLAIM_ERR
where Rundate = &Claim_Err_RunDate
and Claim_Total_Paid_Amount != 0
Group by member_ID
on (t4.Member_ID = t3.Member_ID )
Full Outer Join
select distinct Member_ID,Total_Paid_Claims,MOP_Adjustment,MOP_Adjusted_Paid_Claims, Estimated_RI_Payment
from RID
where Rundate = &RID_RunDate
and Estimated_RI_Payment != 0
On(t5.Member_ID = t3.Member_ID)
Left Outer Join
select Member_ID, Sum(Claim_Paid_Amount) Orphan_Amt
where RunDate = &EECD_RunDate
group by Member_ID
On(t8.Member_ID = t3.Member_ID)
order by Member_ID
You have this expression among the select columns (at the top of your code):
(Select 'Y' from MBR_ERR t7 where t7.Member_ID = t6.Member_ID
and t7.Rundate = &Mbr_Err_RunDate ) Mbr_Err
If you want to select the literal 'Y', then just select 'Y' as Mbr_Err. If you want to select either 'Y' or null, depending on whether the the subquery returns exactly one row or zero rows, then write it that way.
I suspect this subquery (or perhaps another one in your code, used in a similar way) returns more than one row - in which case you will get exactly the error you got.
My original update statement is still working great in Sybase (see below) but we're migrating to Oracle 11g and I have to convert this update statement into Oracle Update.
I tried so many version and keep getting error, I guess I have not gotten a grib of how Oracle Update statement works. Can anyone help?
My original good Update Statement (in Sybase):
SET A.status = 'X',
A.reason = 'Missing'
FROM Valid A, Valid B
WHERE A.id_number = B.id_number
AND A.session_id = 69
AND A.userid = 'BS'
AND A.status = 'A'
AND isnull(B.street1, ' ') = ' '
Below is my Oracle version that is not working no matter what I did:
INTO um_valid Target
USING (select * from um_valid) SOURCE
ON (t1.id_number = t2.id_number)
SET status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing (street 1)'
WHERE Target.session_id = 69
AND Target.userid = 'BS'
AND Target.status = 'A'
AND NVL(SOURCE.street1, ' ') = ' ')
The error I'm getting:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
The WHERE clause at the end isn't appropriate. Maybe you need this:
INTO um_valid Target
select distinct id_number
from um_valid
where street1 is null
ON (
Target.id_number = SOURCE.id_number
AND Target.session_id = 69
AND Target.userid = 'BS'
AND Target.status = 'A'
status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing (street 1)'
You can use a normal update statement. Merge is for bulk operations.
If you need to update something when it exists or insert when it doesn't then you can use a merge statement.
So for your example try using the following:
SET status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing'
WHERE session_id = 69
AND userid = 'BS'
AND status = 'A'
AND street1 is null
The above statement will update all rows in table "Valid" where session_id equals 69, userid equals BS, status equals A and street1 is empty (null).
I think this is what you need, if this is not the case pls let me know why you join valid with valid. The I will adjust my update.
This ought to do it:
UPDATE Valid a
SET status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing'
WHERE A.session_id = 69
AND A.userid = 'BS'
AND A.status = 'A'
AND exists (select null
from valid b
where a.id_number = b.id_number
AND coalesce(B.street1, ' ') = ' ')
I am working with a query which contains "IF" statements within a "WHERE" clause. But PL\SQL Developer is giving some errors while executing it. Can anyone please help me with the correct query? Here is the query:
SELECT t.first_name,
FROM employeetable t
WHERE IF status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE then t.status = 'A'
IF status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE then t.status = 'T'
IF source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION then t.business_unit = 'production'
IF source_flag = SOURCE_USER then t.business_unit = 'users'
AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;
I receive the error "ORA-00920: invalid relational operator".
Placing brackets around status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE results in error "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis"
CASE might help you out:
SELECT t.first_name,
FROM employeetable t
WHERE t.status = (CASE WHEN status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE THEN 'A'
ELSE null END)
AND t.business_unit = (CASE WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION THEN 'production'
WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_USER THEN 'users'
ELSE null END)
AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;
The CASE statement evaluates multiple conditions to produce a single value. So, in the first usage, I check the value of status_flag, returning 'A', 'T' or null depending on what it's value is, and compare that to t.status. I do the same for the business_unit column with a second CASE statement.
You can't use IF like that. You can do what you want with AND and OR:
SELECT t.first_name,
FROM employeetable t
WHERE ((status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE AND t.status = 'A')
OR (status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE AND t.status = 'T')
OR (source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION AND t.business_unit = 'production')
OR (source_flag = SOURCE_USER AND t.business_unit = 'users'))
AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;