Update Empty Table with Records from a View - set

I am trying to update an empty table I just created ([LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116] t1) with records from a view ([LA_Temp].[dbo].[vClaim] t2). I know the update statement isn't working because of the join. Since t1 is a new (empty) table, I won't return any results because of the join. What is the best way to accomplish this task? I know I am missing something simple.
Update [LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116] --empty table
Set [Claim_Sys_ICN] = t2.ClaimID,
Claim_Line_Number = ClaimLine,
MCO_Claim_Status = Case When ClaimStatus = 'PAID' Then 'P'
When ClaimStatus = 'ADJUCATED' Then 'A'
When ClaimStatus = 'DENIED' Then 'D'
When ClaimStatus = 'REVERSED' Then 'R'
When ClaimStatus = 'VOID' Then 'V' End,
Patient_Account_Number = CarrierMemID,
MCO_Paid_Date = PaidDate,
Paid_Provider_NPI = PayToNPI,
Procedure_Code = ProcCode,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_1 = Modifier,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_2 = Modifier2,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_3 = Modifier3,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_4 = Modifier4,
Service_Provider_NPI = RenderingNPI,
HDR_Clm_Paid_Amount = AmountPaid
FROM [LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116] t1 --empty table
LEFT JOIN [LA_Temp].[dbo].[vClaim] t2 on --need records from this view
t1.[Claim_Sys_ICN] = t2.ClaimID
Where PaidDate Between '12/1/2016' and '12/31/2016'
Same idea using INSERT INTO...
INSERT INTO [LA_Temp].[dbo].[LA_MCO_EQR_MED_201612_20171116]
([Claim_Sys_ICN], Claim_Line_Number,
MCO_Claim_Status, Patient_Account_Number, MCO_Paid_Date, Paid_Provider_NPI,
Procedure_Code, Procedure_Code_Modifier_1, Procedure_Code_Modifier_2,
Procedure_Code_Modifier_3, Procedure_Code_Modifier_4,
Service_Provider_NPI, HDR_Clm_Paid_Amount)
Select ClaimID, ClaimLine, Case When ClaimStatus = 'PAID' Then 'P'
When ClaimStatus = 'ADJUCATED' Then 'A'
When ClaimStatus = 'DENIED' Then 'D'
When ClaimStatus = 'REVERSED' Then 'R'
When ClaimStatus = 'VOID' Then 'V' End,
CarrierMemID, PaidDate, PayToNPI, ProcCode, Modifier, Modifier2, Modifier3,
Modifier4, RenderingNPI, AmountPaid
FROM [LA_Temp].[dbo].[vClaim]
Where PaidDate Between '12/1/2016' and '12/31/2016'

Do an INSERT instead of an UPDATE.


Joining 3 tables doesnt work, should I use a subquery for the below

I have this query.
SELECT re_current_benefits.prospect_nbr, qo_quote.quote_id, hra_ind, quote_type, effective_date, quote_expiration_ind, mhs_lob_code
FROM re_current_benefits
INNER JOIN qo_quote ON qo_quote.prospect_nbr = re_current_benefits.prospect_nbr
WHERE hra_ind = 'Y' AND quote_type = 'R' AND quote_expiration_ind IS NULL AND mhs_lob_code NOT IN 'DTL1' AND mhs_lob_code NOT IN 'DTL2'
And I need to pull the prospect_nbr from here, I also need to add a filter saying effective_date = renewal_date but if I do that by joining all 3 tables together I get 0 results which should not be the case.
SELECT prospect_nbr, rmr_run_status, renewal_date
FROM re_group
WHERE rmr_run_status = ANY ('S', 'W')

Column ambiguously defined Oracle SQL

I'm facing this ambiguously defined error. I understand this is due to alias not defined properly but I am not able to understand in the below query why this error is coming. I'm using Oracle.
papf.person_number as personnumber,
paam.position_id as position,
over (
PARTITION BY paam.assignment_id) rowcnt
per_all_assignments_m paam,
per_all_people_f papf,
hrc_txn_header hth,
hrc_arm_process_vl hapv,
hrc_txn_data htd,
fa_fusion_soainfra.wftask wft,
fun_all_business_units_v fabu
paam.primary_assignment_flag = 'Y'
AND paam.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
AND paam.assignment_status_type = 'ACTIVE'
AND paam.action_code IN ( 'GLB_TRANSFER', 'TRANSFER' )
AND hth.subject = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
AND hth.subject_id = paam.person_id
AND hth.object_id = Decode(hth.object, 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M', paam.assignment_id,
'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F', paam.person_id)
AND hapv.process_id = hth.process_id
AND hapv.txn_module_identifier IN ( 'Transfers', 'ManageEmployment', 'AddWorkRelationship' )
AND htd.transaction_id = hth.transaction_id
AND wft.identificationkey = To_char(hth.transaction_id)
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
AND paam.person_id = papf.person_id
and sysdate between fabu.date_from and fabu.date_to
and fabu.status='A'
and paam.business_unit_id=fabu.bu_id
GROUP BY papf.person_number,
htd.status) t1,
per_all_people_f papf,
per_all_assignments_m paam,
fun_all_business_units_v fabu
WHERE rowcnt = 1
AND outcome = 'APPROVE'
AND state = 'COMPLETE'
AND status = 'APPROVED'
AND paam.person_id = t1.person_id
AND paam.action_code = t1.action_code
AND paam.assignment_status_type = 'INACTIVE'
AND paam.assignment_sequence = 1
AND paam.effective_start_date = t1.effective_start_date
AND paam.assignment_type = 'E'
and papf.person_id = t1.person_id
AND papf.effective_start_date = t1.effective_start_date
AND fabu.bu_id = t1.bu_id
I'm defining the paam table and papf table the same way and not facing issue in them.
Why I am facing this error when I try to add fabu table in end ?
You forgot to add t1. when refer to some columns that can be found in other tables:
WHERE t1.rowcnt = 1
AND t1.outcome = 'APPROVE'
AND t1.state = 'COMPLETE'
AND t1.status = 'APPROVED'

ORA-01427: Subquery returns more than one row

When I execute the query below, I get the message like this: "ORA-01427: Sub-query returns more than one row"
Define REN_RunDate = '20160219'
Define MOP_ADJ_RunDate = '20160219'
Define RID_RunDate = '20160219'
Define Mbr_Err_RunDate = '20160219'
Define Clm_Err_RunDate = '20160219'
Define EECD_RunDate = '20160219'
select t6.Member_ID, (Select 'Y' from MBR_ERR t7 where t7.Member_ID = t6.Member_ID and t7.Rundate = &Mbr_Err_RunDate ) Mbr_Err,
NVL(Claim_Sent_Amt,0) Sent_Claims, Rejected_Claims,Orphan_Claim_Amt,Claims_Accepted, MOP_Adj_Sent Sent_MOP_Adj,Net_Sent,
When Net_Sent < 45000 then 0
When Net_Sent > 25000 then 20500
Net_Sent - 45000
' ' Spacer,
Total_Paid_Claims CMS_Paid_Claims, MOP_Adjustment CM_MOP_Adj, MOP_Adjusted_Paid_claims CM_Net_Claims, Estimated_RI_Payment CM_RI_Payment
select NVL(t3.Member_ID,t5.Member_ID)Member_ID, t3.Claim_Sent_Amt, NVL(t4.Reject_Claims_Amt,0) Rejected_Claims, NVL( t8.Orphan_Amt,0) Orphan_Claim_Amt,
(t3.Claim_Sent_Amt - NVL(t4.Reject_Claims_Amt,0) - NVL(t8.Orphan_Amt,0)) Claims_Accepted,
NVL(t2.MOP_Adj_Amt,0) MOP_Adj_Sent ,
( (t3.Claim_Sent_Amt - NVL(t4.Reject_Claims_Amt,0)) - NVL(t2.MOP_Adj_Amt,0) - NVL(t8.Orphan_Amt,0) ) Net_Sent,
t5.Member_ID CMS_Mbr_ID,t5.Total_Paid_Claims,t5.MOP_Adjustment, t5.MOP_Adjusted_Paid_Claims, t5.Estimated_RI_Payment
Select t1.Member_ID, Sum( t1.Paid_Amount) Claim_Sent_Amt
From RENS t1
where t1.rundate = &REN_RunDate
group by t1.Member_ID
) t3
Left Join MOP_ADJ t2
on (t3.Member_ID = t2.Member_ID and t2.rundate = &MOP_ADJ_RunDate)
Left Join
(select Member_ID, sum(Claim_Total_Paid_Amount) Reject_Claims_Amt from CLAIM_ERR
where Rundate = &Claim_Err_RunDate
and Claim_Total_Paid_Amount != 0
Group by member_ID
on (t4.Member_ID = t3.Member_ID )
Full Outer Join
select distinct Member_ID,Total_Paid_Claims,MOP_Adjustment,MOP_Adjusted_Paid_Claims, Estimated_RI_Payment
from RID
where Rundate = &RID_RunDate
and Estimated_RI_Payment != 0
On(t5.Member_ID = t3.Member_ID)
Left Outer Join
select Member_ID, Sum(Claim_Paid_Amount) Orphan_Amt
where RunDate = &EECD_RunDate
group by Member_ID
On(t8.Member_ID = t3.Member_ID)
order by Member_ID
You have this expression among the select columns (at the top of your code):
(Select 'Y' from MBR_ERR t7 where t7.Member_ID = t6.Member_ID
and t7.Rundate = &Mbr_Err_RunDate ) Mbr_Err
If you want to select the literal 'Y', then just select 'Y' as Mbr_Err. If you want to select either 'Y' or null, depending on whether the the subquery returns exactly one row or zero rows, then write it that way.
I suspect this subquery (or perhaps another one in your code, used in a similar way) returns more than one row - in which case you will get exactly the error you got.

What is the right Update Statement in Oracle 11g

My original update statement is still working great in Sybase (see below) but we're migrating to Oracle 11g and I have to convert this update statement into Oracle Update.
I tried so many version and keep getting error, I guess I have not gotten a grib of how Oracle Update statement works. Can anyone help?
My original good Update Statement (in Sybase):
SET A.status = 'X',
A.reason = 'Missing'
FROM Valid A, Valid B
WHERE A.id_number = B.id_number
AND A.session_id = 69
AND A.userid = 'BS'
AND A.status = 'A'
AND isnull(B.street1, ' ') = ' '
Below is my Oracle version that is not working no matter what I did:
INTO um_valid Target
USING (select * from um_valid) SOURCE
ON (t1.id_number = t2.id_number)
SET status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing (street 1)'
WHERE Target.session_id = 69
AND Target.userid = 'BS'
AND Target.status = 'A'
AND NVL(SOURCE.street1, ' ') = ' ')
The error I'm getting:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
The WHERE clause at the end isn't appropriate. Maybe you need this:
INTO um_valid Target
select distinct id_number
from um_valid
where street1 is null
ON (
Target.id_number = SOURCE.id_number
AND Target.session_id = 69
AND Target.userid = 'BS'
AND Target.status = 'A'
status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing (street 1)'
You can use a normal update statement. Merge is for bulk operations.
If you need to update something when it exists or insert when it doesn't then you can use a merge statement.
So for your example try using the following:
SET status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing'
WHERE session_id = 69
AND userid = 'BS'
AND status = 'A'
AND street1 is null
The above statement will update all rows in table "Valid" where session_id equals 69, userid equals BS, status equals A and street1 is empty (null).
I think this is what you need, if this is not the case pls let me know why you join valid with valid. The I will adjust my update.
This ought to do it:
UPDATE Valid a
SET status = 'X',
reason = 'Missing'
WHERE A.session_id = 69
AND A.userid = 'BS'
AND A.status = 'A'
AND exists (select null
from valid b
where a.id_number = b.id_number
AND coalesce(B.street1, ' ') = ' ')

If statement within Where clause

I am working with a query which contains "IF" statements within a "WHERE" clause. But PL\SQL Developer is giving some errors while executing it. Can anyone please help me with the correct query? Here is the query:
SELECT t.first_name,
FROM employeetable t
WHERE IF status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE then t.status = 'A'
IF status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE then t.status = 'T'
IF source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION then t.business_unit = 'production'
IF source_flag = SOURCE_USER then t.business_unit = 'users'
AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;
I receive the error "ORA-00920: invalid relational operator".
Placing brackets around status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE results in error "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis"
CASE might help you out:
SELECT t.first_name,
FROM employeetable t
WHERE t.status = (CASE WHEN status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE THEN 'A'
ELSE null END)
AND t.business_unit = (CASE WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION THEN 'production'
WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_USER THEN 'users'
ELSE null END)
AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;
The CASE statement evaluates multiple conditions to produce a single value. So, in the first usage, I check the value of status_flag, returning 'A', 'T' or null depending on what it's value is, and compare that to t.status. I do the same for the business_unit column with a second CASE statement.
You can't use IF like that. You can do what you want with AND and OR:
SELECT t.first_name,
FROM employeetable t
WHERE ((status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE AND t.status = 'A')
OR (status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE AND t.status = 'T')
OR (source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION AND t.business_unit = 'production')
OR (source_flag = SOURCE_USER AND t.business_unit = 'users'))
AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;
