When setting the Linker behaviour to "Link all" I get the following error at runtime:
I've tried adding ignore assembly Autofac but without success.
Setting the Linker behavior to "Link Framework SDKs only" does work but I want to enable "Link All" if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Update :
ReflectionActivator.ActivateInstance (Autofac.IComponentContext context, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: No constructors on type 'Eela.Taxi.Service.RestService' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'.
No constructors on type 'Eela.Taxi.Service.RestService' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'.
An error occurred during the activation of a particular registration. See the inner exception for details. Registration: Activator = RestService (ReflectionActivator), Services = [Eela.Model.Xamarin.Interfaces.IRestService], Lifetime = Autofac.Core.Lifetime.CurrentScopeLifetime, Sharing = None, Ownership = OwnedByLifetimeScope ---> No constructors on type 'Eela.Taxi.Service.RestService' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'. (See inner exception for details.)
ReflectionActivator.ActivateInstance (Autofac.IComponentContext context, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
InstanceLookup.Activate (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
An error occurred during the activation of a particular registration. See the inner exception for details. Registration: Activator = RestService (ReflectionActivator), Services = [Eela.Model.Xamarin.Interfaces.IRestService], Lifetime = Autofac.Core.Lifetime.CurrentScopeLifetime, Sharing = None, Ownership = OwnedByLifetimeScope ---> No constructors on type 'Eela.Taxi.Service.RestService' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'. (See inner exception for details.)
InstanceLookup.Activate (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
InstanceLookup.Execute ()
ResolveOperation.GetOrCreateInstance (Autofac.Core.ISharingLifetimeScope currentOperationScope, Autofac.Core.IComponentRegistration registration, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
ResolveOperation.ResolveComponent (Autofac.Core.IComponentRegistration registration, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
ResolveOperation.Execute (Autofac.Core.IComponentRegistration registration, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
LifetimeScope.ResolveComponent (Autofac.Core.IComponentRegistration registration, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
Container.ResolveComponent (Autofac.Core.IComponentRegistration registration, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
ResolutionExtensions.TryResolveService (Autofac.IComponentContext context, Autofac.Core.Service service, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters, System.Object& instance)
ResolutionExtensions.ResolveService (Autofac.IComponentContext context, Autofac.Core.Service service, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
ResolutionExtensions.Resolve (Autofac.IComponentContext context, System.Type serviceType, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
ResolutionExtensions.Resolve[TService] (Autofac.IComponentContext context, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] parameters)
ResolutionExtensions.Resolve[TService] (Autofac.IComponentContext context)
App+<OnStart>d__4.MoveNext ()
ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw ()
AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state)
SyncContext+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<Post>b__0 ()
Thread+RunnableImplementor.Run ()
IRunnableInvoker.n_Run (System.IntPtr jnienv, System.IntPtr native__this)
(wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object:f9684b08-49ee-4f47-8b7c-c59b675c18f3 (intptr,intptr)
So as your Stack Trace indicates. Autofac is trying to instantiate an instance of Eela.Taxi.Service.RestService. However, it seems like the Mono Linker has removed the constructor because it is never directly invoked.
So you could do a couple of things. You could:
Add your assembly to be ignored from the linker
You could add a [Preserve] attribute on your RestService to tell the Linker not to touch it
You could similar to what MvvmCross does have a LinkerPleaseInclude.cs file which describes usage of each type that get stripped out. So for every one you discover you will need to add it here.
So 1. and 2. are fairly self explanatory. You have already used 1. for autofac, just do the same for your own assembly containing RestService. However, the downside here is that nothing in this assembly will be linked, potentially leaving you with a lot more code in it than actually needed.
For 2. you simply add [Preserve] right before declaring your class. So something like:
public class RestService : IRestService { }
You may also consider using it with AllMembers = true: [Preserve(AllMembers = true)] to keep member fields too.
As for the last option. You basically create a LinkerPleaseInclude.cs in your App project. You let the linker do its job. You continue adding stuff to the class until the Linker does kill your App at runtime. So a start on LinkerPleaseInclude.cs could look like:
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
public class LinkerPleaseInclude
public void Include(IRestService service)
service = new RestService();
This class is never invoked, but it is enough for the linker to know that the constructor of RestService should not be linked out.
I am having a weird issue with the entry point of my app in App.xaml.cs when an interface is being resolved by Prism MVVM.
public App(IPlatformIniializer initializer) : base(initializer) {}
Stack Trace
The issue I am having does not stem from my code (at least I can't see so) so here is the stack trace as I do not know what to post, and I can't post my entire project here.
The error starts in CreateFormsApp() as the trace shows, the line is var app = new App(new AndroidInitializer());
And then from there, it goes into Prisms library code. I had a look at their source code and I can see it on like 150 of this.
When IModuleCatalog is being resolved it throws an error, I don't know how I can fix something like this.
Has anyone encountered this before?
at Prism.DryIoc.DryIocContainerExtension.Resolve (System.Type type, System.ValueTuple`2[System.Type,System.Object][] parameters) [0x00053] in /_/src/Containers/Prism.DryIoc.Shared/DryIocContainerExtension.cs:298
at Prism.DryIoc.DryIocContainerExtension.Resolve (System.Type type) [0x00000] in /_/src/Containers/Prism.DryIoc.Shared/DryIocContainerExtension.cs:272
at Prism.Ioc.IContainerProviderExtensions.Resolve[T] (Prism.Ioc.IContainerProvider provider) [0x00000] in /_/src/Prism.Core/Ioc/IContainerProviderExtensions.cs:18
at Prism.PrismApplicationBase.Initialize () [0x00057] in /_/src/Forms/Prism.Forms/PrismApplicationBase.cs:150
at Prism.PrismApplicationBase.InitializeInternal () [0x00006] in /_/src/Forms/Prism.Forms/PrismApplicationBase.cs:94
at Prism.PrismApplicationBase..ctor (Prism.IPlatformInitializer platformInitializer) [0x00031] in /_/src/Forms/Prism.Forms/PrismApplicationBase.cs:72
at Prism.DryIoc.PrismApplication..ctor (Prism.IPlatformInitializer platformInitializer) [0x00000] in /_/src/Forms/Prism.DryIoc.Forms/PrismApplication.cs:25
at MyApp.App..ctor (Prism.IPlatformInitializer initializer) [0x00000] in C:\Users\Steve\source\repos\MyApp\MyApp\App.xaml.cs:50
at MyApp.Droid.MainActivity.CreateFormsApp (Android.OS.Bundle bundle) [0x0021e] in C:\Users\Steve\source\repos\MyApp\MyApp.Android\MainActivity.cs:226
I have previously used DryIOC as my IOC before, but I would like to try Splat for my IOC, would it be possible to combine these two?
I have tried making a LoginModule whom inherits the IModule so I have this on my LoginModule class:
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
Locator.CurrentMutable.RegisterLazySingleton(() => new ServiceEntityMapper(), typeof(IServiceEntityMapper));
Locator.CurrentMutable.RegisterLazySingleton(() => new LoginAPIService(), typeof(ILoginAPIService));
Locator.CurrentMutable.RegisterLazySingleton(() => new LoginManager(
Locator.Current.GetService<ILoginAPIService>()), typeof(ILoginManager));
and I have this for my view model constructor:
public LoginViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, ILoginManager loginManager = null) : base(navigationService)
LoginManager = loginManager ?? Locator.Current.GetService<ILoginManager>();
In result, I get this exception whenever I navigate to the page
{System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve the signature of a virtual method
at System.Lazy`1[T].CreateValue () [0x00081] in <fe08c003e91342eb83df1ca48302ddbb>:0
at System.Lazy`1[T].LazyInitValue () [0x00080] in <fe08c003e91342eb83df1ca48302ddbb>:0
at System.Lazy`1[T].get_Value () [0x0003a] in <fe08c003e91342eb83df1ca48302ddbb>:0
at Splat.DependencyResolverMixins+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<RegisterLazySingleton>b__0 () [0x00000] in <89c762f12a12451a8970372dc9921547>:0
at Splat.ModernDependencyResolver.GetService (System.Type serviceType, System.String contract) [0x00032] in <89c762f12a12451a8970372dc9921547>:0
at Splat.DependencyResolverMixins.GetService[T] (Splat.IDependencyResolver resolver, System.String contract)
From what I've seen Splat is a Service Locator not an actual DI Container. That said you certainly are not limited to the base Prism implementations, as those are provided to make it simple to adopt and get started. What I might suggest in your case is to create your own implementation of IContainerExtension and inherit from PrismApplicationBase.
You can see it's really not that much extra work in your App class by looking either at the implementations for Unity or DryIoc... there is a similar example using the Grace DI Container. Keep in mind that a couple of new API's have been added since the last preview, with a proposed breaking change to make IContainerRegistry have a fluent API.
I get the following error while executing my Xamarin Android app in release mode. I suppose something is missing in LinkerPleaseInclude.cs, but the error message is not very helpful.
09-25 16:17:38.140 W/art ( 1082): JNI RegisterNativeMethods: attempt to register 0 native methods for mvvmcross.binding.droid.views.MvxRadioGroup
[0:] MvxBind:Error: 2,89 Exception thrown during the view binding ArgumentNullException: missing source event info in MvxWeakEventSubscription
Parameter name: sourceEventInfo
at MvvmCross.Platform.WeakSubscription.MvxWeakEventSubscription`2[TSource,TEventArgs]..ctor (Android.Widget.TextView source, System.Reflection.EventInfo sourceEventInfo, System.EventHandler`1[TEventArgs] targetEventHandler) [0x00017] in <54d9eb77c4d448d4bc5e7c7a5cdd0a97>:0
at MvvmCross.Platform.WeakSubscription.MvxWeakEventSubscription`2[TSource,TEventArgs]..ctor (Android.Widget.TextView source, System.String sourceEventName, System.EventHandler`1[TEventArgs] targetEventHandler) [0x00012] in <54d9eb77c4d448d4bc5e7c7a5cdd0a97>:0
at MvvmCross.Platform.WeakSubscription.MvxWeakSubscriptionExtensionMethods.WeakSubscribe[TSource,TEventArgs] (TSource source, System.String eventName, System.EventHandler`1[TEventArgs] eventHandler) [0x00000] in <54d9eb77c4d448d4bc5e7c7a5cdd0a97>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Droid.Target.MvxTextViewTextTargetBinding.SubscribeToEvents () [0x0000b] in <cc9453c0f5794d529a8b1975bb62dd40>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Bindings.MvxFullBinding.CreateTargetBinding (System.Object target) [0x00057] in <5d9349f2d9c240e38eaeca40fe71d977>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Bindings.MvxFullBinding..ctor (MvvmCross.Binding.MvxBindingRequest bindingRequest) [0x0002f] in <5d9349f2d9c240e38eaeca40fe71d977>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Binders.MvxFromTextBinder.BindSingle (MvvmCross.Binding.MvxBindingRequest bindingRequest) [0x00000] in <5d9349f2d9c240e38eaeca40fe71d977>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Binders.MvxFromTextBinder+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<Bind>b__0 (MvvmCross.Binding.Bindings.MvxBindingDescription description) [0x00018] in <5d9349f2d9c240e38eaeca40fe71d977>:0
at System.Linq.Utilities+<>c__DisplayClass2_0`3[TSource,TMiddle,TResult].<CombineSelectors>b__0 (TSource x) [0x00012] in <9ecdeee51aa740839577d6db9550e95f>:0
at System.Linq.Utilities+<>c__DisplayClass2_0`3[TSource,TMiddle,TResult].<CombineSelectors>b__0 (TSource x) [0x00000] in <9ecdeee51aa740839577d6db9550e95f>:0
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.Func`2[System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[System.String,MvvmCross.Binding.Parse.Binding.MvxSerializableBindingDescription],System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[System.Object,MvvmCross.Binding.Bindings.IMvxUpdateableBinding]]:invoke_TResult_T (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2<string, MvvmCross.Binding.Parse.Binding.MvxSerializableBindingDescription>)
at System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () [0x00048] in <9ecdeee51aa740839577d6db9550e95f>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].InsertRange (System.Int32 index, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) [0x000ea] in <b2855d13f99e445b95990a59348d98e8>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].AddRange (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) [0x00000] in <b2855d13f99e445b95990a59348d98e8>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Droid.Binders.MvxAndroidViewBinder.StoreBindings (Android.Views.View view, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] newBindings) [0x00028] in <cc9453c0f5794d529a8b1975bb62dd40>:0
at MvvmCross.Binding.Droid.Binders.MvxAndroidViewBinder.ApplyBindingsFromAttribute (Android.Views.View view, Android.Content.Res.TypedArray typedArray, System.Int32 attributeId) [0x0001c] in <cc9453c0f5794d529a8b1975bb62dd40>:0
I see, something is missing with MvxRadioGroup. How do I find out what to add in LinkerPleaseInclude?
My binding for MvxRadioGroup is the following:
local:MvxBind="ItemsSource GenderAnswers; SelectedItem GenderAnswer"
local:MvxItemTemplate="#layout/radioitem_enum" />
and my LinkerPleaseInclude is still empty.
Here's the defintiion of the properties in view model:
public IEnumerable<GenderQuestionAnswers> GenderAnswers => Enum.GetValues(typeof(GenderQuestionAnswers)).Cast<GenderQuestionAnswers>();
public GenderQuestionAnswers? GenderAnswer
get => _genderAnswer;
set => SetProperty(ref _genderAnswer, value);
[edit 2017-09-27]: added code for MvxRadioGroup binding
[edit 2017-09-27]: added snippet for properties in view model
I ended up adding theses lines to LinkerPleaseInclude in addition to the file mentioned by #york-shen-msft
public void Include(RadioButton radioButton)
radioButton.CheckedChange += (sender, args) => radioButton.Checked = args.IsChecked
Well, that doesn't really answer my question as I wanted to know how to find the correct solution without searching the whole internet for lines others included before and do trial and error, but it solves my actual problem for the moment.
I created a fresh new entity which has no additional fields or relations to anything and also without any records.
Just after i created the entity and when i try to delete it, it gives me the following error:
An error has occurred.
And in the log file which can be downloaded from the error dialog:
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection
And when enabled tracing the error was:
Process: w3wp |Organization:0220cef0-4f09-e711-80d8-000c2950db72 |Thread: 244 |Category: Platform.Metadata |User: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |Level: Error |ReqId: 17d8623e-7539-48af-9652-b8550acfb76f | EntityService.Delete ilOffset = 0x1A8
>EntityService.Update caught exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: collection
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CascadeEngine.LogRecordSetCount(Int32 count, IEnumerable`1 entityIds, Int32 parentEntityObjectTypeCode, String perfCounterName)
at Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CascadeEngine.CascadeDeleteDB(IEnumerable`1 parentEntityIds, Int32 parentEntityObjectTypeCode, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CascadeEngine.Delete(IEnumerable`1 entityIds, Int32 entityObjectTypeCode, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CascadeEngine.DeleteAll(Int32 entityObjectTypeCode, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Metadata.EntityService.Delete(Guid entityId, MetadataHelper metadataHelper, Boolean suppressSecurityCacheFlush, ExecutionContext context)
Well i don't know whats wrong. Please let me know if you know anything. Thanks.
One thing to check is if there are any dependencies, which you can do by selecting the entity in a solution and clicking Show Dependencies:
I did noticed something that this error only happens when Persian language pack is installed, but when its just CRM with no language packs everything is fine.
So at least i know what to do now and it's not something useful to be discussed further here.
I am facing an issue while installing my Managed package in Cloud CRM Dynamics 365. As I am not able to track the issue, it's a headache.
Let me explain the key points:
I have set customizable false for all the components
I have registered Plug-in in Sandbox mode. I have used plugin registration tool for license and a few other functions.
I have tried two ways.
First: When I tried to install the first time, I got unprocess status from workflow.
Second: To solve above issue, I have tried by removing Licence process related component. Now I am getting unprocess status from Plugin Assembly of Updating Sales Order.
The worst thing is I am not getting any error message or error code in log file.
Finally, here are a few logs. Can anybody suggest a solution?
AsynchronousProcessingService Failed to add the item to the sync item collection for the mailbox : {8CBF53D0-896B-E611-80F2-FC15B4288714}. Exception details : Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Crm.CrmArgumentException: Invalid input.
at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.EmailConnector.ExchangeItemFinder.AddItemToSyncItemChangeInfoCollection(Item item, String itemId, SyncItemChangeType itemChangeType, ItemObjectType itemObjectType, String crmId)
Inner Exception: System.ArgumentException: Invalid input.
AsynchronousProcessingService Failed to add the item to the ItemFinder sync error collection for the mailbox : {8CBF53D0-896B-E611-80F2-FC15B4288714}. Exception details : Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Crm.CrmArgumentException: Invalid input.
at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.EmailConnector.ExchangeItemFinder.AddItemToItemFinderSyncErrors(String itemId, SyncItemChangeType itemChangeType, ItemObjectType itemObjectType, Exception ex)
Inner Exception: System.ArgumentException: Invalid input.
WebApplicationServer MessageProcessor fail to process message 'InitializeFrom' for 'none'.
WebApplicationServer InitializeFrom cannot be invoked from source entity of type account with id 89abd2b1-248f-e611-80f3-fc15b4282658 to target entity type task because there is no entity map defined between these two entities.
WebApplicationServer Web Service Plug-in failed in SdkMessageProcessingStepId: 27cbbb1b-ea3e-db11-86a7-000a3a5473e8; EntityName: none; Stage: 30; MessageName: InitializeFrom; AssemblyName: Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.InternalOperationPlugin, Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35; ClassName: Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.InternalOperationPlugin; Exception: Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.LogicalMethodInfo.Invoke(Object target, Object[] values)
at Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.InternalOperationPlugin.Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
at Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.V5PluginProxyStep.ExecuteInternal(PipelineExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.VersionedPluginProxyStepBase.Execute(PipelineExecutionContext context)
Inner Exception: Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: There is no entity map defined for the given entities
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.CustomizationService.InitializeFrom(BusinessEntityMoniker moniker, String targetEntityName, TargetFieldType targetFieldType, Boolean mapReadSecuredOnSourceAndTarget, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.CustomizationService.InitializeFrom(BusinessEntityMoniker moniker, String targetEntityName, TargetFieldType targetFieldType, ExecutionContext context)
WebApplicationServer MessageProcessor fail to process message 'InitializeFrom' for 'none'.
WebApplicationServer MSCRM Error Report:
Error: There is no entity map defined for the given entities
Error Number: 0x80040E01
Error Message: There is no entity map defined for the given entities
Error Details: There is no entity map defined for the given entities
Source File: Not available
Line Number: Not available
Request URL:
Stack Trace Info: [CrmException: There is no entity map defined for the given entities]
at Microsoft.Crm.Application.Platform.ServiceCommands.PlatformCommand.XrmExecuteInternal()
at Microsoft.Crm.Application.Platform.ServiceCommands.InitializeFromCommand.Execute()
Try turning off the plugins and workflows related to the entities and try again. Looks like you code have a bug in your plugin as well.
Based on the error message's it appears TFS does not permission to save the configuration file in the user roaming path:
Error Message: SaveConfigToFile() - fail - \\tpapsvmgmt01\UserMyDocs\sbrown\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\PackageDeployer\Default_PackageDeployer.exe
Also, what version of the SDK are you using? It states you are using a pre 8.0 version. Ensure you have the latest SDK dll's.
PackageDeployment Information 8 4/4/2017 10:06:45 AM Executing Solution Import Pre v8.0
Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient Verbose 16 4/4/2017 10:08:43 AM Failed to Execute Command - ImportSolution
Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient Error 2 4/4/2017 10:08:43 AM Source : mscorlib
Method : HandleReturnMessage
Date : 4/4/2017
Time : 10:08:43 AM
Error : Message: Import failed
ErrorCode: -2147188706
Stack Trace : Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.Servic
Could be the configuration setting that are being used to
Authentic because it is throwing error invoking channel proxy command.