How to print environment variables on Heroku? - heroku

I'd like to print all environment variables set on my Heroku server. How can I do that with command line only?

Ok, I found the way:
heroku config

The heroku run command runs a one-off process inside a Heroku dyno. The unix command that prints environment variables is printenv (manual page). Thus
heroku run -a app-name printenv
is the command you are looking for.

step 1 : list your apps
heroku apps
Copy the name of your app
step 2 : view config variables of this app
heroku config -a acme-web

Append --json to get the output as JSON.
heroku config -a acme-web --json

Append -s to get the output in shell format, to paste directly to a .env file, for example.
heroku config -a your-app -s


Set enviroment variables in Heroku from .env file

I'm developing a Node application using Docker and docker-compose, which all have awesome ways to import multiple environment variables from a .env file.
Just wondering if there's a shortcut for updating a Heroku deployment's env vars instead of typing them out.
I've noticed there's no --env-file option on the official docs:
Using some xargs magic
cat | xargs heroku config:set
# Output:
# API_PORT: 3000
# API_KEY_1: ab-cd
# DB_PORT: 6379
Happily sets multiple args from a local .env file

How to execute gcloud command in bash script from crontab -e

I am trying execute some gcloud commands in bash script from crontab. The script execute sucessfully from command shell but not from the cron job.
I have tried with:
Settng the full path to gcloud like:
Setting in the begin the script:
/bin/bash -l
Setting in the crontab:
51 21 30 5 6 CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.7;
/home/myuser/folder1/ param1 param2 param3 -f >>
Setting inside the script:
export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.7
Setting inside the script:
sudo ln -s /home/myuser/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud /usr/bin/gcloud
Version Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
command to execute: gcloud config set project myproject
but nothing is working, maybe I am doing something wrongly. I hope you can help me.
You need to set your user in your crontab, for it to run the gcloud command. As well explained in this other post here, you need to modify your crontab to fetch the data in your Cloud SDK, for the execution to occur properly - it doesn't seem that you have made this configuration.
Another option that I would recommend you to try out, it's using a Cloud Scheduler to run your gcloud commands. This way, you can use gcloud for your cron jobs in a more integrated and easy way. You can verify more information about this option here: Creating and configuring cron jobs
Let me know if the information helped you!
I found my error, the problem here was only in the command: "gcloud dns record-sets transaction start", the others command was executing sucesfully but only no logging nothing, by that I though that was not executng the other commands. This Command create a temp file ex. transaction.yaml and that file could not be created in the default path for gcloud(snap/bin), but the log simply dont write any thing!. I had to specify the path and name for that file with the flag --transaction-file=mytransaction.yaml. Thanks for your supprot and ideas
I have run into the same issue before. I fixed it by forcing the profile to load in my,loading the gcloud environment variables with it. Example below:
source /etc/profile
gcloud config set project myprojectecho
echo "Project set to myprojectecho."
I hope this can help others in the future with similar issues, as this also helped me when trying to set GKE nodes from 0-4 on a schedule.
Adding the below line to the shell script fixed my issue
#Execute user profile
source /root/.bash_profile

Pass environment variable from command line to yarn

I have a code that reads port number from environment variable or from config. Code looks like this
const port = process.env.PORT || serverConfig.port;
await app.listen(port);
To run app without defining environment variable, I run following yarn command.
yarn start:dev
This command works successfully in Linux shell and Windows command line.
Now, I want to pass environment variable. I tried following,
PORT=2344 yarn start:dev
This commands works successfully in Linux shell but failing in Windows command line. I tried following ways but couldn't get it to work.
Tried: PORT=2344 yarn start:dev
I got error: 'PORT' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Tried: yarn PORT=2344 start:dev
I got error: yarn run v1.17.3
error Command "PORT=2344" not found.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Any idea please? I know, I can define environment variables from System Properties in Windows. But any way if I can do it from command line?
i'd suggest you use the NPM module called cross-env. it allows adding particular env variables on the command line regardless of platform. with that said, you may try:
$ cross-env PORT=2344 yarn start:dev
You can chain commands on the Windows command prompt with &(or &&). To set an environment variable you need to use the set command.
The result should look like this: set PORT=1234 && yarn start:dev.
Found a solution for this problem in Windows command prompt.
Create a .env file in project root folder (outside src folder).
Define PORT in it. In my case, contents of .env file will be,
Run yarn start:dev
Application will use port number that you have specified in .env file.
Put .env file at root. Then following command will expose content of .env file and then run yarn start command
$ source .env && yarn start
or this command
$ export $(cat .env) && yarn start
If update any variable in .env then close the terminal and open new terminal window and can again run above command. Or else can also run unset command to remove existing var.
unset VAR_NAME
You can use popular package dotenv:
create a file .env in root directory
put all your env vars
run your code like this
$ node -r dotenv/config your_script.js
here the explanation:
To define environment variables in the Windows command prompt we can use the set command, you can then split your call into two lines.
set PORT=2344
yarn start:dev
The set command persists within the current command prompt, so you only need to run it once.
The equivalent command in bash is 'export'.
FYI (not a direct answer). I was attempting this in VS Code - passing .env variables through yarn to a JavaScript app. Google had very few examples so I'm sharing this for posterity as it's somewhat related.
The following simply substitutes text normally placed directly into the package.json or script file. Use this to quickly obfuscate or externalize your delivery configurations.
In Environment Variable File (.env)
In Yarn File (package.json)
source .env; yarn ./ --port $PORT
In Yarn Script (
while [ $? != 0 ]; do
node dist/src/index.js $1; #replace with your app call#
The app then accepts port as a variable. Great for multi-tenant deployments.

how do I make a envvar-modifying alias

I run several Heroku apps from the same folder and I often need to target a specific one for a command I'm typing, through one of two environment variables
the options available to me are:
heroku command --app MYAPPID
heroku command -r MYAPPSGITREMOTEID
HEROKU_APP=MYAPPID heroku command
I currently use -r but it's difficult to build aliases with it, especially if I want to pipe the output of the heroku command to a different command... I can't call myalias -r myappid if the alias is heroku command | tail
I'd much prefer something like
#production heroku command that would evaluate to HEROKU_APP=MYPRODUCTIONID heroku command
bonus points if it'll work with chaining aliases, like #production myalias which would expand both the target app envvar alias and the command to be executed alias
any ideas?
This is where shell functions are the perfect solution:
myheroku () {
local heroku_app=$1
env HEROKU_APP="$heroku_app" heroku "$#"
myalias1 () {
myheroku "$1" specific command here
myalias2 () {
myheroku "$1" some other command
# ...
myalias1 #production
Will eventually invoke
env HEROKU_APP="#production" heroku specific command here

Get Heroku Release Number / Code Version From a Running Dyno

Is it possible to get a unique key per slug / release from a running dyno? I was following this article to setup RAILS_CACHE_ID (for expiring etags after deployments) but found that the dynos no longer ship with GIT configured (which causes this error):
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /app)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
I also considered setting it in a config/initializers to the current Time but obviously that wouldn't work across multiple dynos. Any ideas?
There's a new (Nov 2015) labs feature which does just what you need "Dyno metadata"
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a <app name>
Then on heroku:
~ $ env
HEROKU_APP_ID: 9daa2797-e49b-4624-932f-ec3f9688e3da
HEROKU_APP_NAME: example-app
HEROKU_DYNO_ID: 1vac4117-c29f-4312-521e-ba4d8638c1ac
HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT: 2c3a0b24069af49b3de35b8e8c26765c1dba9ff0
One solution is to use a git pre-push hook to set a heroku config value. Since it's done before the push and slug compilation, the config variable will be available as an ENV var to your rails app.
while read local_ref local_sha remote_ref remote_sha
if [[ $url =~ heroku ]] ; then
app=$(git remote show -n $remote | sed -n -E -e 's/[[:space:]]+(Push[[:space:]]+URL)(\/|:).+(:|\/)(.*)\.git$/\4/gp')
echo Setting RAILS_CACHE_ID to $local_sha on app $app
heroku config:set RAILS_CACHE_ID=$local_sha --app $app
exit 0
The pre-push.sample file has some documentation about the parameters that the hook is called with. I'm using verbose output of git remote to determine which app to set the config value on. The '-E' option for sed is for Mac OS X -- if you are using GNU sed replace that with '-r'.
Another solution is to use the heroku-api via a profile.d script to get the unique release id. This example uses curl to get the latest release id using the RANGE header. It's not the commit reference but it will be unique to every release, including rollbacks and config changes. You'll want to set the API_KEY and the APP_NAME as heroku config variables.
# get release id and set as RAILS_CACHE_ID
# Heroku config variables that need to be set
# API_KEY: heroku api key (get from dashboard or `heroku auth:token`
# APP_NAME: set this to your app_name (this could be hardcoded in the profile.d script but
# would make it harder to manage apps with multiple environments
res=$(curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"\
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"\
-H "Range: version ..; order=desc, max=1"\
-X GET$APP_NAME/releases)
release_id=$(ruby -rjson -e "j = JSON.parse('$res'); puts j[0]['id']")
export RAILS_CACHE_ID=$release_id
In the rails app, ENV['RAILS_CACHE_ID'] should now be set to the most recent release id. You could also use this same strategy in a rails initializer.
