Object instantiation by reference - go

Here is a sample of Go code which I do not really understand:
type MyClass struct {
field1 string
field2 string
objectinstance1 := MyClass{field1:"Hello", field2:"World"}
objectinstance2 := &MyClass{field1:"Hello", field2:"World"}
I can do exactly the same thing with objectinstance1 and objectinstance2 (method call for example) with the same syntax.
So I do not understand the role of the & operator. What I understand is that objectinstance1 contains an object whereas objectinstance2 contains a pointer.
It is for me the same thing in C than the difference between char and char*.
But in this case I should use -> instead of . (dot)?

The & operator gives you a pointer to a struct, while not using it gives you the struct value.
The biggest place this is relevant is when you pass this struct over to another function - if you pass the pointer that you made using the & operator, the other function has access to the same struct. If that function changes it, you've got the changed struct as well.
If you pass the variable that you made without the & operator, the function that you pass it to has a copy of the struct. There is nothing that that function or any other function can possibly do to change what you see in your variable.
This effectively makes the value variable safe for use across multiple go routines with no race conditions - everyone has their own copy of the struct.
If you pass the pointer made with & to other go routines, all have access to the same struct, so you really want that to be intentional and considered.

Difference is not visible because it’s hidden in 2 things:
Operator := which assigns value and type for a variable simultaneously. So it looks like objectinstance1 and objectinstance2 are the same. But in fact first is a MyClass instance and second is a pointer to it. It will be more palpable if use long-form operator:
var objectinstace1 MyClass = MyClass{}
var objectinstance2 *MyClass = &MyClass{}
If you omit * or & variable and type become incompatible and assignment fails.
Implicit pointer indirection. Go does it automatically in statements like ptr1.Field1 to access a specific field in struct by pointer to it.
Only on rare cases when there’s ambiguity you have to use full form:
or sometimes even:
Explicit pointer usage for disambiguation:
type M map[int]int
func (m *M) Add1() {
// this doesn't work - invalid operation: m[1] (type *M does not support indexing)
// m[1] = 1
// the same - invalid operation: m[1] (type *M does not support indexing)
// *m[1] = 1
// this works
(*m)[1] = 1

But in this case i should use -> instead of . (dot) ?
No. Golang is not C is not Golang. In Golang there is no ->. You use dot (.) for pointers aswell. Golang is meant to be simple, there is no point in introducing another operator if the intention is clear (what else would . on a pointer mean than calling a method?)

In go, the & operator takes the address of its argument and returns a pointer to the type of the argument.
Pointer indirection happens automatically so there is no -> operator, the dot operator handles all field (member) operations and accesses for all types, whether a pointer or a struct.
package main
import (
func main() {
type Foo struct{ name string }
foo1 := Foo{"Alpha"} // A plain struct instance.
foo2 := &Foo{"Bravo"} // A pointer to a struct instance.
fmt.Printf("foo1=%v, name=%v\n", reflect.TypeOf(foo1), foo1.name)
fmt.Printf("foo2=%v, name=%v\n", reflect.TypeOf(foo2), foo2.name)
// foo1=main.Foo, name=Alpha
// foo2=*main.Foo, name=Bravo


GoLang: why doesn't address-of operator work without a variable declaration

In Go, suppose I have a []byte of UTF-8 that I want to return as a string.
func example() *string {
byteArray := someFunction()
text := string(byteArray)
return &text
I would like to eliminate the text variable, but Go doesn't support the following:
func example() *string {
byteArray := someFunction()
return &string(byteArray)
Is this second example syntax correct? And if so, why doesn't Go support it?
Because the spec defines is that way:
For an operand x of type T, the address operation &x generates a pointer of type *T to x. The operand must be addressable, that is, either a variable, pointer indirection, or slice indexing operation; or a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array indexing operation of an addressable array. As an exception to the addressability requirement, x may also be a (possibly parenthesized) composite literal.
Notice that type conversions (what you are trying to do with string(byteArray)) are not included in this list.
See Marc's answer for an official citation, but here's an intuitive reason for why Go doesn't support this.
Suppose the following code
var myString string
stringPointer := &myString
*stringPointer = "some new value"
Hopefully you know, this code will write some new value into myString. This is a basic use of pointers. Now consider the modified example (pretending that it is valid code):
var myBytes []byte
// modify myBytes...
stringPointer := &string(myString)
*stringPointer = "some new value"
The question is, where in the world (or computer) are we writing to?? Where is some new value going?
In order for the language to handle this correctly, the compiler would need some internal process to "promote" the temporary value to an invisible variable, and then take the address of that. This would be adding needless complexity to make some code slightly shorter, but create this confusing situation where we have pointers with no well defined location in the program. Instead of creating these confusing ghost-variables, the language delegates to the programmer to use their own variable as usual.

Is type casting structs in Go a no-op?

Consider the following code in Go
type A struct {
f int
type B struct {
f int `somepkg:"somevalue"`
func f() {
var b *B = (*B)(&A{1}) // <-- THIS
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", b)
Will the marked line result in a memory copy (which I would like to avoid as A has many fields attached to it) or will it be just a reinterpretation, similar to casting an int to an uint?
EDIT: I was concerned, whether the whole struct would have to be copied, similarly to converting a byte slice to a string. A pointer copy is therefore a no-op for me
It is called a conversion. The expression (&A{}) creates a pointer to an instance of type A, and (*B) converts that pointer to a *B. What's copied there is the pointer, not the struct. You can validate this using the following code:
var b *B = (*B)(&a)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a)
Prints 2.
The crucial points to understand is that
First, unlike C, C++ and some other languages of their ilk, Go does not have type casting, it has type conversions.
In most, but not all, cases, type conversion changes the type but not the internal representation of a value.
Second, as to whether a type conversion "is a no-op", depends on how you define the fact of being a no-op.
If you are concerned with a memory copy being made, there are two cases:
Some type conversions are defined to drastically change the value's representation or to copy memory; for example:
Type-converting a value of type string to []rune would interpret the value as a UTF-8-encoded byte stream, decode each encoded Unicode code point and produce a freshly-allocated slice of decoded Unicode runes.
Type-converting a value of type string to []byte, and vice-versa, will clone the backing array underlying the value.
Other type-conversions are no-op in this sense but in order for them to be useful you'd need to either assign a type-converted value to some variable or to pass it as an argument to a function call or send to a channel etc — in other words, you have to store the result or otherwise make use of it.
All of such operations do copy the value, even though it does not "look" like this; consider:
package main
import (
type A struct {
X int
type B struct {
X int
func (b B) Whatever() {
func main() {
a := A{X: 42}
b := B(a)
Here, the first type conversion in main does not look like a memory copy, but the resulting value will serve as a receiver in the call to B.Whatever and will be physically copied there.
The second type conversion stores the result in a variable (and then copies it again when a method is called).
Reasonong about such things is easy in Go as there everything, always, is passed by value (and pointers are values, too).
It may worth adding that variables in Go does not store the type of the value they hold, so a type conversion cannot mutate the type of a variable "in place". Values do not have type information stored in them, either. This basically means that type conversions is what compiler is concerned with: it knows the types of all the participating values and variables and performs type checking.

Can I Use the Address of a returned value? [duplicate]

What's the cleanest way to handle a case such as this:
func a() string {
/* doesn't matter */
b *string = &a()
This generates the error:
cannot take the address of a()
My understanding is that Go automatically promotes a local variable to the heap if its address is taken. Here it's clear that the address of the return value is to be taken. What's an idiomatic way to handle this?
The address operator returns a pointer to something having a "home", e.g. a variable. The value of the expression in your code is "homeless". if you really need a *string, you'll have to do it in 2 steps:
tmp := a(); b := &tmp
Note that while there are completely valid use cases for *string, many times it's a mistake to use them. In Go string is a value type, but a cheap one to pass around (a pointer and an int). String's value is immutable, changing a *string changes where the "home" points to, not the string value, so in most cases *string is not needed at all.
See the relevant section of the Go language spec. & can only be used on:
Something that is addressable: variable, pointer indirection, slice indexing operation, field selector of an addressable struct, array indexing operation of an addressable array; OR
A composite literal
What you have is neither of those, so it doesn't work.
I'm not even sure what it would mean even if you could do it. Taking the address of the result of a function call? Usually, you pass a pointer of something to someone because you want them to be able to assign to the thing pointed to, and see the changes in the original variable. But the result of a function call is temporary; nobody else "sees" it unless you assign it to something first.
If the purpose of creating the pointer is to create something with a dynamic lifetime, similar to new() or taking the address of a composite literal, then you can assign the result of the function call to a variable and take the address of that.
In the end you are proposing that Go should allow you to take the address of any expression, for example:
i,j := 1,2
var p *int = &(i+j)
The current Go compiler prints the error: cannot take the address of i + j
In my opinion, allowing the programmer to take the address of any expression:
Doesn't seem to be very useful (that is: it seems to have very small probability of occurrence in actual Go programs).
It would complicate the compiler and the language spec.
It seems counterproductive to complicate the compiler and the spec for little gain.
I recently was tied up in knots about something similar.
First talking about strings in your example is a distraction, use a struct instead, re-writing it to something like:
func a() MyStruct {
/* doesn't matter */
var b *MyStruct = &a()
This won't compile because you can't take the address of a(). So do this:
func a() MyStruct {
/* doesn't matter */
tmpA := a()
var b *MyStruct = &tmpA
This will compile, but you've returned a MyStruct on the stack, allocated sufficient space on the heap to store a MyStruct, then copied the contents from the stack to the heap. If you want to avoid this, then write it like this:
func a2() *MyStruct {
/* doesn't matter as long as MyStruct is created on the heap (e.g. use 'new') */
var a *MyStruct = a2()
Copying is normally inexpensive, but those structs might be big. Even worse when you want to modify the struct and have it 'stick' you can't be copying then modifying the copies.
Anyway, it gets all the more fun when you're using a return type of interface{}. The interface{} can be the struct or a pointer to a struct. The same copying issue comes up.
You can't get the reference of the result directly when assigning to a new variable, but you have idiomatic way to do this without the use of a temporary variable (it's useless) by simply pre-declaring your "b" pointer - this is the real step you missed:
func a() string {
return "doesn't matter"
b := new(string) // b is a pointer to a blank string (the "zeroed" value)
*b = a() // b is now a pointer to the result of `a()`
*b is used to dereference the pointer and directly access the memory area which hold your data (on the heap, of course).
Play with the code: https://play.golang.org/p/VDhycPwRjK9
Yeah, it can be annoying when APIs require the use of *string inputs even though you’ll often want to pass literal strings to them.
For this I make a very tiny function:
// Return pointer version of string
func p(s string) *string {
return &s
and then instead of trying to call foo("hi") and getting the dreaded cannot use "hi" (type string) as type *string in argument to foo, I just wrap the argument in a call to to p():
a() doesn't point to a variable as it is on the stack. You can't point to the stack (why would you ?).
You can do that if you want
va := a()
b := &va
But what your really want to achieve is somewhat unclear.
At the time of writing this, none of the answers really explain the rationale for why this is the case.
Consider the following:
func main() {
m := map[int]int{}
val := 1
m[0] = val
v := &m[0] // won't compile, but let's assume it does
delete(m, 0)
If this code snippet actually compiled, what would v point to!? It's a dangling pointer since the underlying object has been deleted.
Given this, it seems like a reasonable restriction to disallow addressing temporaries
guess you need help from More effective Cpp ;-)
Temp obj and rvalue
“True temporary objects in C++ are invisible - they don't appear in your source code. They arise whenever a non-heap object is created but not named. Such unnamed objects usually arise in one of two situations: when implicit type conversions are applied to make function calls succeed and when functions return objects.”
And from Primer Plus
lvalue is a data object that can be referenced by address through user (named object). Non-lvalues include literal constants (aside from the quoted strings, which are represented by their addresses), expressions with multiple terms, such as (a + b).
In Go lang, string literal will be converted into StrucType object, which will be a non-addressable temp struct object. In this case, string literal cannot be referenced by address in Go.
Well, the last but not the least, one exception in go, you can take the address of the composite literal. OMG, what a mess.

Strange behaviour of int inside a struct

Let's say we have this kind of a struct (one of the simplest ever):
type some struct{
I uint32
And we want to have a variable of that type and to atomically increment in for loop (possibly in another goroutine but now the story is different). I do the following:
q := some{0}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
atomic.AddUint32(&q.I,1) // increment [1]
We're getting what we'd expect, so far so good, but if we declare a function for that type as follows:
func (sm some) Add1(){
and call this function in the above sample (line [1]) the value isn't incremented and we just get zeros. The question is obvious - why?
This has to be something basic but since I am new to go I don't realize it.
The Go Programming Language Specification
In a function call, the function value and arguments are evaluated in
the usual order. After they are evaluated, the parameters of the call
are passed by value to the function and the called function begins
execution. The return parameters of the function are passed by value
back to the calling function when the function returns.
The receiver sm some is passed by value to the method and the copy is discarded when you return from the method. Use a pointer receiver.
For example,
package main
import (
type some struct {
I uint32
func (sm *some) Add1() {
atomic.AddUint32(&sm.I, 1)
func main() {
var s some
Go Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When are function parameters passed by value?
As in all languages in the C family, everything in Go is passed by
value. That is, a function always gets a copy of the thing being
passed, as if there were an assignment statement assigning the value
to the parameter. For instance, passing an int value to a function
makes a copy of the int, and passing a pointer value makes a copy of
the pointer, but not the data it points to.
Should I define methods on values or pointers?
func (s *MyStruct) pointerMethod() { } // method on pointer
func (s MyStruct) valueMethod() { } // method on value
For programmers unaccustomed to pointers, the distinction between
these two examples can be confusing, but the situation is actually
very simple. When defining a method on a type, the receiver (s in the
above examples) behaves exactly as if it were an argument to the
method. Whether to define the receiver as a value or as a pointer is
the same question, then, as whether a function argument should be a
value or a pointer. There are several considerations.
First, and most important, does the method need to modify the
receiver? If it does, the receiver must be a pointer. (Slices and maps
act as references, so their story is a little more subtle, but for
instance to change the length of a slice in a method the receiver must
still be a pointer.) In the examples above, if pointerMethod modifies
the fields of s, the caller will see those changes, but valueMethod is
called with a copy of the caller's argument (that's the definition of
passing a value), so changes it makes will be invisible to the caller.
By the way, pointer receivers are identical to the situation in Java,
although in Java the pointers are hidden under the covers; it's Go's
value receivers that are unusual.
Second is the consideration of efficiency. If the receiver is large, a
big struct for instance, it will be much cheaper to use a pointer
Next is consistency. If some of the methods of the type must have
pointer receivers, the rest should too, so the method set is
consistent regardless of how the type is used. See the section on
method sets for details.
For types such as basic types, slices, and small structs, a value
receiver is very cheap so unless the semantics of the method requires
a pointer, a value receiver is efficient and clear.
Your function need to receive a pointer for the value to be incremented, that way you are not passing a copy of the struct and on next iteration the I can be incremented.
package main
import (
type some struct{
I uint32
func main() {
q := &some{0}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
func (sm *some) Add1(){

What's the meaning of interface{}?

I'm new to interfaces and trying to do SOAP request by github
I don't understand the meaning of
Msg interface{}
in this code:
type Envelope struct {
Body `xml:"soap:"`
type Body struct {
Msg interface{}
I've observed the same syntax in
but don't understand what's being achieved by
Note: Go 1.18 (Q1 2022) does rename interface{} to any (alias for interface{}).
See issue 49884, CL 368254 and commit 2580d0e.
See the last part of this answer.
You can refer to the article "How to use interfaces in Go" (based on "Russ Cox’s description of interfaces"):
What is an interface?
An interface is two things:
it is a set of methods,
but it is also a type
The interface{} type (or any with Go 1.18+), the empty interface is the interface that has no methods.
Since there is no implements keyword, all types implement at least zero methods, and satisfying an interface is done automatically, all types satisfy the empty interface.
That means that if you write a function that takes an interface{} value as a parameter, you can supply that function with any value.
(That is what Msg represents in your question: any value)
func DoSomething(v interface{}) {
// ...
func DoSomething(v any) {
// ...
Here’s where it gets confusing:
inside of the DoSomething function, what is v's type?
Beginner gophers are led to believe that “v is of any type”, but that is wrong.
v is not of any type; it is of interface{} type.
When passing a value into the DoSomething function, the Go runtime will perform a type conversion (if necessary), and convert the value to an interface{} value.
All values have exactly one type at runtime, and v's one static type is interface{} (or any with Go 1.18+).
An interface value is constructed of two words of data:
one word is used to point to a method table for the value’s underlying type,
and the other word is used to point to the actual data being held by that value.
Addendum: This is were Russ's article is quite complete regarding an interface structure:
type Stringer interface {
String() string
Interface values are represented as a two-word pair giving a pointer to information about the type stored in the interface and a pointer to the associated data.
Assigning b to an interface value of type Stringer sets both words of the interface value.
The first word in the interface value points at what I call an interface table or itable (pronounced i-table; in the runtime sources, the C implementation name is Itab).
The itable begins with some metadata about the types involved and then becomes a list of function pointers.
Note that the itable corresponds to the interface type, not the dynamic type.
In terms of our example, the itable for Stringer holding type Binary lists the methods used to satisfy Stringer, which is just String: Binary's other methods (Get) make no appearance in the itable.
The second word in the interface value points at the actual data, in this case a copy of b.
The assignment var s Stringer = b makes a copy of b rather than point at b for the same reason that var c uint64 = b makes a copy: if b later changes, s and c are supposed to have the original value, not the new one.
Values stored in interfaces might be arbitrarily large, but only one word is dedicated to holding the value in the interface structure, so the assignment allocates a chunk of memory on the heap and records the pointer in the one-word slot.
Issue 33232 seems to point out to any as an alias to interface{} in Go 1.18 (Q1 2022)
Russ Cox explains:
'any' being only for constraints is a detail that will be in every writeup of generics - books, blog posts, and so on.
If we think we are likely to allow it eventually, it makes sense to allow it from the start and avoid invalidating all that written material.
'any' being only for constraints is an unexpected cut-out that reduces generality and orthogonality of concepts.
It's easy to say "let's just wait and see", but prescribing uses tends to create much more jagged features than full generality. We saw this with type aliases as well (and resisted almost all the proposed cut-outs, thankfully).
If 'any' is allowed in generics but not non-generic code, then it might encourage people to overuse generics simply because 'any' is nicer to write than 'interface{}', when the decision about generics or not should really be made by considering other factors.
If we allow 'any' for ordinary non-generic usage too, then seeing interface{} in code could serve as a kind of signal that the code predates generics and has not yet been reconsidered in the post-generics world.
Some code using interface{} should use generics. Other code should continue to use interfaces.
Rewriting it one way or another to remove the text 'interface{}' would give people a clear way to see what they'd updated and hadn't. (Of course, some code that might be better with generics must still use interface{} for backwards-compatibility reasons, but it can still be updated to confirm that the decision was considered and made.)
That thread also includes an explanation about interface{}:
It's not a special design, but a logical consequence of Go's type declaration syntax.
You can use anonymous interfaces with more than zero methods:
func f(a interface{Foo(); Bar()}) {
Analogous to how you can use anonymous structs anywhere a type is expected:
func f(a struct{Foo int; Bar string}) {
An empty interface just happens to match all types because all types have at least zero methods.
Removing interface{} would mean removing all interface functionality from the language if you want to stay consistent / don't want to introduce a special case.
interface{} means you can put value of any type, including your own custom type. All types in Go satisfy an empty interface (interface{} is an empty interface).
In your example, Msg field can have value of any type.
package main
import (
type Body struct {
Msg interface{}
func main() {
b := Body{}
b.Msg = "5"
fmt.Printf("%#v %T \n", b.Msg, b.Msg) // Output: "5" string
b.Msg = 5
fmt.Printf("%#v %T", b.Msg, b.Msg) //Output: 5 int
Go Playground
There are already good answers here. Let me add my own too for others who want to understand it intuitively:
Here's an interface with one method:
type Runner interface {
So any type that has a Run() method satisfies the Runner interface:
type Program struct {
/* fields */
func (p Program) Run() {
/* running */
func (p Program) Stop() {
/* stopping */
Although the Program type has also a Stop method, it still satisfies the Runner interface because all that is needed is to have all of the methods of an interface to satisfy it.
So, it has a Run method and it satisfies the Runner interface.
Empty Interface
Here's a named empty interface without any methods:
type Empty interface {
/* it has no methods */
So any type satisfies this interface. Because, no method is needed to satisfy this interface. For example:
// Because, Empty interface has no methods, following types satisfy the Empty interface
var a Empty
a = 5
a = 6.5
a = "hello"
But, does the Program type above satisfy it? Yes:
a = Program{} // ok
interface{} is equal to the Empty interface above.
var b interface{}
// true: a == b
b = a
b = 9
b = "bye"
As you see, there's nothing mysterious about it but it's very easy to abuse. Stay away from it as much as you can.
It's called the empty interface and is implemented by all types, which means you can put anything in the Msg field.
Example :
body := Body{3}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", body) // -> main.Body{Msg:3}
body = Body{"anything"}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", body) // -> main.Body{Msg:"anything"}
body = Body{body}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", body) // -> main.Body{Msg:main.Body{Msg:"anything"}}
This is the logical extension of the fact that a type implements an interface as soon as it has all methods of the interface.
From the Golang Specifications:
An interface type specifies a method set called its interface. A
variable of interface type can store a value of any type with a method
set that is any superset of the interface. Such a type is said to
implement the interface. The value of an uninitialized variable of
interface type is nil.
A type implements any interface comprising any subset of its methods
and may therefore implement several distinct interfaces. For instance,
all types implement the empty interface:
The concepts to graps are:
Everything has a Type. You can define a new type, let's call it T. Let's say now our Type T has 3 methods: A, B, C.
The set of methods specified for a type is called the "interface type". Let's call it in our example: T_interface. Is equal to T_interface = (A, B, C)
You can create an "interface type" by defining the signature of the methods. MyInterface = (A, )
When you specify a variable of type, "interface type", you can assign to it only types which have an interface that is a superset of your interface.
That means that all the methods contained in MyInterface have to be contained inside T_interface
You can deduce that all the "interface types" of all the types are a superset of the empty interface.
An example that extends the excellent answer by #VonC and the comment by #NickCraig-Wood. interface{} can point to anything and you need a cast/type assertion to use it.
package main
import (
. "fmt"
var c = cat("Fish")
var d = dog("Bone")
func main() {
var i interface{} = c
switch i.(type) {
case cat:
c.Eat() // Fish
i = d
switch i.(type) {
case dog:
d.Eat() // Bone
i = "4.3"
Printf("%T %v\n", i, i) // string 4.3
s, _ := i.(string) // type assertion
f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
n := int(f) // type conversion
Printf("%T %v\n", n, n) // int 4
type cat string
type dog string
func (c cat) Eat() { Println(c) }
func (d dog) Eat() { Println(d) }
i is a variable of an empty interface with a value cat("Fish"). It is legal to create a method value from a value of interface type. See https://golang.org/ref/spec#Interface_types.
A type switch confirms i interface type is cat("Fish") . See https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#type_switch. i is then reassigned to dog("Bone"). A type switch confirms that i interface’s type has changed to dog("Bone") .
You can also ask the compiler to check that the type T implements the interface I by attempting an assignment: var _ I = T{}. See https://golang.org/doc/faq#guarantee_satisfies_interface and https://stackoverflow.com/a/60663003/12817546.
All types implement the empty interface interface{}. See https://talks.golang.org/2012/goforc.slide#44 and https://golang.org/ref/spec#Interface_types . In this example, i is reassigned, this time to a string "4.3".i is then assigned to a new string variable s with i.(string) before s is converted to a float64 type f using strconv. Finally f is converted to n an int type equal to 4. See What is the difference between type conversion and type assertion?
Go's built-in maps and slices, plus the ability to use the empty interface to construct containers (with explicit unboxing) mean in many cases it is possible to write code that does what generics would enable, if less smoothly. See https://golang.org/doc/faq#generics.
Interface is a type which is unknown at compile time
It is a contract between object and the struct type to satisfy with common functionality
common functionality acting on different types of struct objects
for example in the below code PrintDetails is a common functionality acting on different types of structs as Engineer,Manager,
please find the example code
interface examplehttps://play.golang.org/p/QnAqEYGiiF7
A method can bind to any type(int, string, pointer, and so on) in GO
Interface is a way of declear what method one type should have, as long as A type has implement those methods, this can be assigned to this interface.
Interface{} just has no declear of method, so it can accept any type
