Confusion about Rank Selection for Genetic Algorithms - algorithm

I have seen other SO questions asked about rank selection for genetic algorithms, but I am still confused. I haven't really seen an answer to this, or maybe I just didn't understand it: When using the rank selection, what is the population being ranked on? I had seen some answers say it's fitness, others say it's not. If it is possible to get a snippet of code so I can better understand this would be greatly appreciated. If there are any other questions, I can answer them to provide clarity. Thank you
EDIT: The case I am trying to solve is that I have a string I need the program to get right (I know what it is and have hard-coded it)

That code snippet, the fitness function, is entirely dependent on the application. It really defines the selection process. Imagine a simple program for playing five-card draw (poker). Each candidate is an algorithm that decides which cards to replace.
The fitness function might work like this: (1) remove the specified cards. (2) repeat 100 trials: replace the cards and compute the strength of the resulting hand. (3) return the average of the 100 trials.
That average stands as the fitness measure by which the algorithms are ranked.
Does that clear things up a little?
This means that you have to choose a similarity metric. You'll want something that is distinct for an exact match and degrades gracefully as you get farther from the right answer. A simple search will find the popular ones.


Genetic algorithm - new generations getting worse

I have implemented a simple Genetic Algorithm to generate short story based on Aesop fables.
Here are the parameters I'm using:
Mutation: Single word swap mutation with tested rate with 0.01.
Crossover: Swap the story sentences at given point. rate - 0.7
Selection: Roulette wheel selection -
Fitness function: 3 different function. highest score of each is 1.0. so total highest fitness score is 3.0.
Population size: Since I'm using 86 Aesop fables, I tested population size with 50.
Initial population: All 86 fable sentence orders are shuffled in order to make complete nonsense. And my goal is to generate something meaningful(at least at certain level) from these structure lost fables.
Stop Condition: 3000 generations.
And the results are below:
However, this still did not produce a favorable result. I was expecting the plot that goes up over the generations. Any ideas to why my GA performing worse result?
Update: As all of you suggested, I've employed elitism by 10% of current generation copied to next generation. Result still remains the same:
Probably I should use tournament selection.
All of the above responses are great and I'd look into them. I'll add my thoughts.
Your mutation rate seems fine although with Genetic Algorithms mutation rate can cause a lot of issues if it's not right. I'd make sure you test a lot of other values to be sure.
With mutation I'd maybe use two types of mutation. One that replaces words with other from your dictionary, and one that swaps two words within a sentence. This would encourage diversifying the population as a whole, and shuffling words.
I don't know exactly how you've implemented this but one-point crossover doesn't seem like it'll be that effective in this situation. I'd try to implement an n-point crossover, which will do a much better job of shuffling your sentences. Again, I'm not sure how it's implemented but just swapping may not be the best solution. For example, if a word is at the first point, is there ever any way for it to move to another position, or will it always be the first word if it's chosen by selection?
If word order is important for your chosen problem simple crossover may not be ideal.
Again, this seems fine but I'd make sure you test other options. In the past I've found rank based roulette selection to be a lot more successful.
This is always the most important thing to consider in any genetic algorithm and with the complexity of problem you have I'd make doubly sure it works. Have you tested that it works with 'known' problems?
Population Size
Your value seems small but I have seen genetic algorithms work successfully with small populations. Again though, I'd experiment with much larger populations to see if your results are any better.
The most popular suggestion so far is to implement elitism and I'd definitely recommend it. It doesn't have to be much, even just the best couple of chromosome every generation (although as with everything else I'd try different values).
Another sometimes useful operator to implement is culling. Destroy a portion of your weakest chromosomes, or one that are similar to others (or both) and replace them with new chromosomes. This should help to stop your population going 'stale', which, from your graph looks like it might be happening. Mutation only does so much to diversify the population.
You may be losing the best combinations, you should keep the best of each generation without crossing(elite). Also, your function seems to be quite stable, try other types of mutations, that should improve.
Drop 5% to 10% of your population to be elite, so that you don't lose the best you have.
Make sure your selection process is well set up, if bad candidates are passing through very often it'll ruin your evolution.
You might also be stuck in a local optimum, you might need to introduce other stuff into your genome, otherwise you wont move far.
Moving sentences and words around will not probably get you very far, introducing new sentences or words might be interesting.
If you think of story as a point x,y and your evaluation function as f(x,y), and you're trying to find the max for f(x,y), but your mutation and cross-over are limited to x -> y, y ->y, it makes sense that you wont move far. Granted, in your problem there is a lot more variables, but without introducing something new, I don't think you can avoid locality.
As #GettnDer said, elitism might help a lot.
What I would suggest is to use different selection strategy. The roulette wheel selection has one big problem: imagine that the best indidivual's fitness is e.g. 90% of the sum of all fitnesses. Then the roulette wheel is not likely to select the other individuals (see e.g. here). The selction strategy I like the most is the tournament selection. It is much more robust to big differences in fitness values and the selection pressure can be controlled very easily.
Novelty Search
I would also give a try to Novelty Search. It's relatively new approach in evolutionary computation, where you don't do the selection based on the actual fitness but rather based on novelty which is supposed to be some metric of how an individual is different in its behaviour from the others (but you still compute the fitness to catch the good ones). Of special interest might be combinations of classical fitness-driven algorithms and novelty-driven ones, like the this one by J.-B. Mouret.
When working with genetic algorithms, it is a good practice to structure you chromosome in order to reflect the actual knowledge on the process under optimization.
In your case, since you intend to generate stories, which are made of sentences, it could improve your results if you transformed your chromosomes into structured phrases, line <adjectives>* <subject> <verb> <object>* <adverbs>* (huge simplification here).
Each word could then be assigned a class. For instance, Fox=subject , looks=verb , grapes=object and then your crossover operator would exchange elements from the same category between chromosomes. Besides, your mutation operator could only insert new elements of a proper category (for instance, an adjective before the subject) or replace a word for a random word in the same category.
This way you would minimize the number of nonsensical chromosomes (like Fox beautiful grape day sky) and improve the discourse generation power for your GA.
Besides, I agree with all previous comments: if you are using elitism and the best performance decreases, then you are implementing it wrong (notice that in a pathological situation it may remain constant for a long period of time).
I hope it helps.

Uncertainty versus randomness

I would like to know the difference between uncertainty and randomness in mathematical fashion. I tried to find it but I get confused , as some people said they are the same? But can any one provide me logical reasoning behind it. If they are not same then please explain it why?
Don't get too hung up on it.
People use different words in different situations.
It's not so much that they have different meanings, as that their meanings are situation-dependent.
Randomness is just a fuzzy general term meaning something is random.
In statistics, uncertainty is used to mean that some property of a distribution, such as its mean, is itself unknown but can be given a distribution.
For example, suppose you want to know the average weight of all people.
You could find it out exactly if you could go around to all people, get their weight, add it all up, and divide by the number of people.
But that's too hard to do, so suppose you just pick 10 people at random and get their average weight, and pretend it's the same as the average of everybody.
That's called the sample mean, but you know it isn't accurate.
It has what is called a standard error, meaning it has uncertainty.
In fact, if you were to do that experiment many times over with different people, you would get a different sample mean every time, and those sample means would themselves form a bell-shaped distribution, the standard deviation of which would be called the standard error, representing its uncertainty.
In general, if you increased the number of people you look at by a factor of 100, you can reduce the standard error, the uncertainty, by a factor of 10.
I bet you can tell that people who take polls for a living care about this stuff very much.
EDIT for the downvoter: In case the downvote is because this doesn't look like a stackoverflow question or answer,
I've made a point of advocating the random pausing method of profiling.
Profiling in large part is perceived to be about measuring (statistically) the time that programming constructs are responsible for.
Often people are inhibited from using that method because they are afraid the results have too much uncertainty.
This post gets very specific about what that uncertainty actually is.
It shows that the bogey-man fear of uncertainty has the effect of preventing people from finding really substantial speedups in their code.
So naivete' about statistics is definitely a serious programming problem.
My view looks at a scenario using three different coloured balls:
I love some of the answers given here. My own view, based on my current research, is that these are two distinct terms. Uncertainty refers to not knowing in advance which ball could be selected when a person, for instance, is given a chance to select one ball from three different coloured balls.
This remains true when each ball has an equal chance of being selected i.e. equal probabilities. However, things soon get complex when each ball has it's own distinct probability. Chances are that the one with the highest probability will be selected. This seems especially true in algorithm development which would almost always select the highest probability compromising the meaning of randomness.
Having said all of this - I believe these concepts remain confusing which has just made me realise the time I need to dedicate on clearly distinguishing between the two to make sure my current research is not confusing. My own predicament is that I need to work on stochastic vs deterministic views. Based on the current view stochastic would be more uncertain than random whereas deterministic would be more probability based i.e. knowing for certain that the highest probability would be chosen; but this seems very far from the truth.
It seems as if uncertainty holds until just before a ball is selected/touched and soon looses its meaning as soon as the ball is picked which should result to its probability being revised. I personally think the terms have theoretical differences which perhaps allows them to be used interchangeably.
Uncertainty in math and science typically means there are a lack of facts, or the facts are unobtainable. Weather forecasting is a great example of uncertainty.
Randomness has many definitions. Commonly it's used in probability / statistics as a measure or quantification of uncertainty. So in my weather example, a 30% chance of rain is a measure of uncertainty. The more general definition (which also applies to math / science) is unpredictable, or lack of order.
There is definitely a fuzzy distinction between the two.
According to the Bayesian interpretation of probability, uncertainty and randomness are just two names for the same thing.
If an experiment is random, then it is uncertain to you. If something is uncertain to you, then it has the randomness property.

How to check user choice algorithm

I have an algorithm that chooses a list of items that should fit the user's likings.
I'll skip the algorithm's details because of confidentiality issues...
Now, I'm trying to think of a way to check it statistically, with a group of people.
The way I'm checking it now is:
Algorithm gets best results per user.
shuffle top 5 results with lowest 5 results.
make person list the results he liked by order (0 = liked best, 9 = didn't like)
compare user results to algorithm results.
I'm doing this because i figured that to show that algorithm chooses good results, i need to put in some bad results and show that the algorithm knows its a bad result as well.
So, what I'm asking is:
Is shuffling top results with low results is a good idea ?
And if not, do you have an idea on how to get good statistics on how good an algorithm matches user preferences (we have users that can choose stuff) ?
First ask yourself:
What am I trying to measure?
Not to rag on the other submissions here, but while mjv and Sjoerd's answers offer some plausible heuristic reasons for why what you are trying to do may not work as you expect; they are not constructive in the sense that they do not explain why your experiment is flawed, and what you can do to improve it. Before either of these issues can be addressed, what you need to do is define what you hope to measure, and only then should you go about trying to devise an experiment.
Now, I can't say for certain what would constitute a good metric for your purposes, but I can offer you some suggestions. As a starting point, you could try using a precision vs. recall graph:
This is a standard technique for assessing the performance of ranking and classification algorithms in machine learning and information retrieval (ie web searching). If you have an engineering background, it could be helpful to understand that precision/recall generalizes the notion of precision/accuracy:
Now let us suppose that your algorithm does something like this; it takes as input some prior data about a user then returns a ranked list of other items that user might like. For example, your algorithm is a web search engine and the items are pages; or you have a movie recommender and the items are books. This sounds pretty close to what you are trying to do now, so let us continue with this analogy.
Then the precision of your algorithm's results on the first n is the number of items that the user actually liked out of your first to top n recommendations:
precision = #(items user actually liked out of top n) / n
And the recall is the number of items that you actually got right out of the total number of items:
recall = #(items correctly marked as liked) / #(items user actually likes)
Ideally, one would want to maximize both of these quantities, but they are in a certain sense competing objectives. To illustrate this, consider a few extremal situations: For example, you could have a recommender that returns everything, which would have perfect recall, but very low precision. A second possibility is to have a recommender that returns nothing or only one sure-fire hit, which would have (in a limiting sense) perfect precision, but almost no recall.
As a result, to understand the performance of a ranking algorithm, people typically look at its precision vs. recall graph. These are just plots of the precision vs the recall as the number of items returned are varied:
Image taken from the following tutorial (which is worth reading):
Now to approximate a precision vs recall for your algorithm, here is what you can do. First, return a large set of say n, results as ranked by your algorithm. Next, get the user to mark which items they actually liked out of those n results. This trivially gives us enough information to compute the precision at every partial set of documents < n (since we know the number). We can also compute the recall (as restricted to this set of documents) by taking the total number of items liked by the user in the entire set. This, we can plot a precision recall curve for this data. Now there are fancier statistical techniques for estimating this using less work, but I have already written enough. For more information please check out the links in the body of my answer.
Your method is biased. If you use the top 5 and bottom 5 results, It is very likely that the user orders it according to your algorithm. Let's say we have an algorithm which rates music, and I present the top 1 and bottom 1 to the user:
The Cheeky Girls
Of course the user will mark it exactly like your algorithm, because the difference between the top and bottom is so big. You need to make the user rate randomly selected items.
Independently of the question of mixing top and bottom guesses, an implicit drawback of the experimental process, as described, is that the data related to the user's choice can only be exploited in the context of one particular version of the algorithm:
When / if the algorithm or its parameters are ever slightly tuned, the record of past user's choices cannot be reused to validate the changes to the algorithm.
On mixing high and low results:
The main drawback of producing sets of items by mixing the algorithm's top and bottom guesses is that it may further complicate the choice of the error/distance function used to measure how well the algorithm performed. Unless the two subsets of items (topmost choices, bottom most choices) are kept separately for the purpose of computing distinct measurements, typical statistical measures of the error (say RMSE) will not be a good measurement of the effective algorithm's quality.
For example, an algorithm which frequently suggests, low guesses items which end up being picked as top choices by the user may have the same averaged error rate than an algorithm which never confuses highs with lows, but where there the user tends to reorders the items more within their subset.
A second drawback is that the algorithm evaluation method may merely qualify its ability of filtering the relative like/dislike of users for items it [the algorithm] chooses rather than its ability of producing the user's actual top choices.
In other words the user's actual top choices may never be offered to him; so yeah the algorithm does a good job at guessing that user will like say Rock-and-Roll before Rap, but never guessing that in fact user prefers Classical Baroque music over all.

Designing a twenty questions algorithm

I am interested in writing a twenty questions algorithm similar to what akinator and, to a lesser extent, uses. The latter seems to focus more on objects, explicitly telling you not to think of persons or places. One could say that akinator is more general, allowing you to think of literally anything, including abstractions such as "my brother".
The problem with this is that I don't know what algorithm these sites use, but from what I read they seem to be using a probabilistic approach in which questions are given a certain fitness based on how many times they have lead to correct guesses. This SO question presents several techniques, but rather vaguely, and I would be interested in more details.
So, what could be an accurate and efficient algorithm for playing twenty questions?
I am interested in details regarding:
What question to ask next.
How to make the best guess at the end of the 20 questions.
How to insert a new object and a new question into the database.
How to query (1, 2) and update (3) the database efficiently.
I realize this may not be easy and I'm not asking for code or a 2000 words presentation. Just a few sentences about each operation and the underlying data structures should be enough to get me started.
Update, 10+ years later
I'm now hosting a (WIP, but functional) implementation here: with the code here: It's based on the same rough idea listed below.
Well, over three years later, I did it (although I didn't work full time on it). I hosted a crude implementation at if anyone is interested (please don't teach it too much wrong stuff yet!).
It wasn't that hard, but I would say it's the non-intuitive kind of not hard that you don't immediately think of. My methods include some trivial fitness-based ranking, ideas from reinforcement learning and a round-robin method of scheduling new questions to be asked. All of this is implemented on a normalized relational database.
My basic ideas follow. If anyone is interested, I will share code as well, just contact me. I plan on making it open source eventually, but once I have done a bit more testing and reworking. So, my ideas:
an Entities table that holds the characters and objects played;
a Questions table that holds the questions, which are also submitted by users;
an EntityQuestions table holds entity-question relations. This holds the number of times each answer was given for each question in relation to each entity (well, those for which the question was asked for anyway). It also has a Fitness field, used for ranking questions from "more general" down to "more specific";
a GameEntities table is used for ranking the entities according to the answers given so far for each on-going game. An answer of A to a question Q pushes up all the entities for which the majority answer to question Q is A;
The first question asked is picked from those with the highest sum of fitnesses across the EntityQuestions table;
Each next question is picked from those with the highest fitness associated with the currently top entries in the GameEntities table. Questions for which the expected answer is Yes are favored even before the fitness, because these have more chances of consolidating the current top ranked entity;
If the system is quite sure of the answer even before all 20 questions have been asked, it will start asking questions not associated with its answer, so as to learn more about that entity. This is done in a round-robin fashion from the global questions pool right now. Discussion: is round-robin fine, or should it be fully random?
Premature answers are also given under certain conditions and probabilities;
Guesses are given based on the rankings in GameEntities. This allows the system to account for lies as well, because it never eliminates any possibility, just decreases its likeliness of being the answer;
After each game, the fitness and answers statistics are updated accordingly: fitness values for entity-question associations decrease if the game was lost, and increase otherwise.
I can provide more details if anyone is interested. I am also open to collaborating on improving the algorithms and implementation.
This is a very interesting question. Unfortunately I don't have a full answer, let me just write down the ideas I could come up with in 10 minutes:
If you are able to halve the set of available answers on each question, you can distinguish between 2^20 ~ 1 million "objects". Your set is probably going to be larger, so it's right to assume that sometimes you have to make a guess.
You want to maximize utility. Some objects are chosen more often than others. If you want to make good guesses you have to take into consideration the weight of each object (= the probability of that object being picked) when creating the tree.
If you trust a little bit of your users you can gain knowledge based on their answers. This also means that you cannot use a static tree to ask questions because then you'll get the answers for the same questions.. and you'll learn nothing new if you encounter with the same object.
If a simple question is not able to divide the set to two halves, you could combine them to get better results: eg: "is the object green or blue?". "green or has a round shape?"
I am trying try to write a python implementation using a naïve Bayesian network for learning and minimizing the expected entropy after the question has been answered as criterium for selecting a question (with an epsilon chance of selecting a random question in order to learn more about that question), following the ideas in I have put what I got so far on github.
Preferably choose questions with low remaining entropy expectation. (For putting together something quickly, I stole from ε-greedy multi-armed bandit learning and use: With probability 1–ε: Ask the question with the lowest remaining entropy expectation. With probability ε: Ask any random question. However, this approach seems far from optimal.)
Since my approach is a Bayesian network, I obtain the probabilities of the objects and can ask for the most probable object.
A new object is added as new column to the probabilities matrix, with low a priori probability and the answers to the questions as given if given or as guessed by the Bayes network if not given. (I expect that this second part would work much better if I would add Bayes network structure learning instead of just using naive Bayes.)
Similarly, a new question is a new row in the matrix. If it comes from user input, probably only very few answer probabilities are known, the rest needs to be guessed. (In general, if you can get objects by asking for properties, you can obtain properties by asking if given objects have them or not, and the transformation between these is essentially Bayes' theorem and breaks down to transposition in the easiest case. The guessing quality should improve again once the network has an appropriate structure.)
(This is a problem, since I calculate lots of probabilities. My goal is to do it using database-oriented sparse tensor calculations optimized for working with weighted directed acyclic graphs.)
It would be interesting to see how good a decision tree based algorithm would serve you. The trick here is purely in the learning/sorting of the tree. I'd like to note that this is stuff I remember from AI class and student work in the AI working group and should be taken with a semi-large grain (or nugget) of salt.
To answer the questions:
You just walk the tree :)
This is a big downside of decision trees. You'd only have one guess that can be attached to the end nodes of the tree at depth 20 (or earlier, if the tree is still sparse).
There are whole books dedicated to this topic. As far as I remember from AI class you try minimize entropy at all times, so you want to ask questions that ideally divide the set of remaining objects into two sets of equal size. I'm afraid you'd have to look this up in AI books.
Decision trees are highly efficient during the query phase, as you literally walk the tree and follow the 'yes' or 'no' branch at each node. Update efficiency depends on the learning algorithm applied. You might be able to do this offline as in a nightly batched update or something like that.

Multiple parameter optimization with lots of local minima

I'm looking for algorithms to find a "best" set of parameter values. The function in question has a lot of local minima and changes very quickly. To make matters even worse, testing a set of parameters is very slow - on the order of 1 minute - and I can't compute the gradient directly.
Are there any well-known algorithms for this kind of optimization?
I've had moderate success with just trying random values. I'm wondering if I can improve the performance by making the random parameter chooser have a lower chance of picking parameters close to ones that had produced bad results in the past. Is there a name for this approach so that I can search for specific advice?
More info:
Parameters are continuous
There are on the order of 5-10 parameters. Certainly not more than 10.
How many parameters are there -- eg, how many dimensions in the search space? Are they continuous or discrete - eg, real numbers, or integers, or just a few possible values?
Approaches that I've seen used for these kind of problems have a similar overall structure - take a large number of sample points, and adjust them all towards regions that have "good" answers somehow. Since you have a lot of points, their relative differences serve as a makeshift gradient.
Annealing: The classic approach. Take a bunch of points, probabalistically move some to a neighbouring point chosen at at random depending on how much better it is.
Swarm Optimization: Take a "swarm" of particles with velocities in the search space, probabalistically randomly move a particle; if it's an improvement, let the whole swarm know.
Genetic Algorithms: This is a little different. Rather than using the neighbours information like above, you take the best results each time and "cross-breed" them hoping to get the best characteristics of each.
The wikipedia links have pseudocode for the first two; GA methods have so much variety that it's hard to list just one algorithm, but you can follow links from there. Note that there are implementations for all of the above out there that you can use or take as a starting point.
Note that all of these -- and really any approach to this large-dimensional search algorithm - are heuristics, which mean they have parameters which have to be tuned to your particular problem. Which can be tedious.
By the way, the fact that the function evaluation is so expensive can be made to work for you a bit; since all the above methods involve lots of independant function evaluations, that piece of the algorithm can be trivially parallelized with OpenMP or something similar to make use of as many cores as you have on your machine.
Your situation seems to be similar to that of the poster of Software to Tune/Calibrate Properties for Heuristic Algorithms, and I would give you the same advice I gave there: consider a Metropolis-Hastings like approach with multiple walkers and a simulated annealing of the step sizes.
The difficulty in using a Monte Carlo methods in your case is the expensive evaluation of each candidate. How expensive, compared to the time you have at hand? If you need a good answer in a few minutes this isn't going to be fast enough. If you can leave it running over night, it'll work reasonably well.
Given a complicated search space, I'd recommend a random initial distributed. You final answer may simply be the best individual result recorded during the whole run, or the mean position of the walker with the best result.
Don't be put off that I was discussing maximizing there and you want to minimize: the figure of merit can be negated or inverted.
I've tried Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Optimization. (As a reminder, I couldn't use gradient descent because the gradient cannot be computed).
I've also tried an algorithm that does the following:
Pick a random point and a random direction
Evaluate the function
Keep moving along the random direction for as long as the result keeps improving, speeding up on every successful iteration.
When the result stops improving, step back and instead attempt to move into an orthogonal direction by the same distance.
This "orthogonal direction" was generated by creating a random orthogonal matrix (adapted this code) with the necessary number of dimensions.
If moving in the orthogonal direction improved the result, the algorithm just continued with that direction. If none of the directions improved the result, the jump distance was halved and a new set of orthogonal directions would be attempted. Eventually the algorithm concluded it must be in a local minimum, remembered it and restarted the whole lot at a new random point.
This approach performed considerably better than Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm: it required fewer evaluations of the (very slow) function to achieve a result of the same quality.
Of course my implementations of S.A. and P.S.O. could well be flawed - these are tricky algorithms with a lot of room for tweaking parameters. But I just thought I'd mention what ended up working best for me.
I can't really help you with finding an algorithm for your specific problem.
However in regards to the random choosing of parameters I think what you are looking for are genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are generally based on choosing some random input, selecting those, which are the best fit (so far) for the problem, and randomly mutating/combining them to generate a next generation for which again the best are selected.
If the function is more or less continous (that is small mutations of good inputs generally won't generate bad inputs (small being a somewhat generic)), this would work reasonably well for your problem.
There is no generalized way to answer your question. There are lots of books/papers on the subject matter, but you'll have to choose your path according to your needs, which are not clearly spoken here.
Some things to know, however - 1min/test is way too much for any algorithm to handle. I guess that in your case, you must really do one of the following:
get 100 computers to cut your parameter testing time to some reasonable time
really try to work out your parameters by hand and mind. There must be some redundancy and at least some sanity check so you can test your case in <1min
for possible result sets, try to figure out some 'operations' that modify it slightly instead of just randomizing it. For example, in TSP some basic operator is lambda, that swaps two nodes and thus creates new route. Your can be shifting some number up/down for some value.
then, find yourself some nice algorithm, your starting point can be somewhere here. The book is invaluable resource for anyone who starts with problem-solving.
