Getting Slack user email address for AWS Lex bot - aws-lambda

I am creating a bot in aws-lex and will integrate it with Slack, FB Workplace and Yammer to start with.
I need to read the Slack user email address, then validate that against our webservice to ensure the user is registered. This will return some data about the users organisation that I need for further execution in lex.
I have no idea how to pass/extract the Slack user email (the one that is engaging in conversation with my Bot).
Any ideas?? Examples please! New to bot dev.

At least for slack you could do:
Under requestAttributes (from event) you can check the presence of x-amz-lex:channel-type. The value will be Slack if the user comes from slack.
You can then extract the user slack id from the event that is submitted to your lambda under the key userId
With that id, go to Slack API and call the method Now you can get the user email from the response.


DM to any user on Slack using Slack API

I'm trying to send Direct Messages (DMs) to a user on Slack using chat.postMessage using Bot token. But I'm only able to send messages to the users that are in my workspace.
How can I send message to any user on another workspaces?
When I try to do so, I get: "error": "channel_not_found"
I've that user's UserID (U02....), user's email and my Bot token.
When you create a bot/app in Slack, you grant it OAuth Scopes which provide the bot access to certain information in your Slack instance. So for example, I expect you have added the users:read Bot Token Scope to your Slack app, so that it can determine the users, and userId's in your workspace.
However, this scope restricts the bot to only see users in your workspace.
There's a couple of ways around this though:
Solution 1 - Slack Connect
Now in Slack, you can message users in other workspaces with a feature called Slack Connect.
You'll first need to establish a connection with the user you want the bot to message. This can be arranged via an invite process, and once completed that userId should become available to the bot. You can use that userId in the channel field of the chat.postMessage API to direct message the user from the other workspace.
Solution 2 - Org Level App
If you are on an Enterprise version of Slack, you should have multiple workspaces within a company, that are all linked by an enterpriseId.
In this case, a possible solution might be to create what is known as an Org Level App to have access to information across multiple workspaces. More information on Org Level apps can be found here.

Slack Events API not working for normal users

I'm using slack api to send reply whenever there is any direct message to authenticated user. So I created app, enabled events api and verified webhook url and subscribed to event
I use regular oauth flow with scope(chat:write:user,users:read) to get the access token.
First I tried with the admin of the workspace and everything worked fine. Whenever there is a direct message between admin user and any other user, i'm receiving events to my callback.
when I tried same with normal user(user2) i'm not receiving any events back when there is direct message between user2 and some other user. I followed the same steps above.
User2 went through same oauth flow with same scopes and got the access token of his own. As I subscribed to events api, I should be able to received event callbacks to the url I mentioned.
Is there any issue here? Is this not how things work?
This is not supposed to work.
Your Slack app will only receive message events from channels / conversations, which the installing user is a member of (e.g. the admin is member of the direct messaging conversation between him and others). But it's not possible to get direct messages between other users.
This is how Slack's security architecture is designed. In general it is not possible for any Slack app to monitor all private and direct messaging channel, even if the installing use is an admin / owner.
A common workaround for private channels is to retrieve messages for a bot user and make sure that bot user is a member of all private channels you need to monitor. However, this workaround is not very practical for direct message conversations.
Turns out it is an issue with scopes, following is the message I received from slack support team, they are awesome.
Hi Sasikanth,
Thanks for getting back to me. I took a look and it seems that there was some change with the scopes requested when user2 installed the "My App Name" app.
Here are the scopes that each of these users received upon installing the "My App Name":
user1: im:history,users:read,chat:write:user
user2: users:read,chat:write:user
You'll notice that user 1 above has the im:history scope, whereas user 2 above does not. It's mentioned on the doc for the event type ( that the im:history scope is needed.
That's the reason why you're not receiving the event type for DMs sent to user 2.
I hope that helps to explain the issue. What you'll need to do is remove the authorization for user2 from: (my dev app url) and have that user reinstall the app with the appropriate scopes.

How to let a user join channel in Slack App

I am working on a slack app which has its bot also.A user can share a file from the bot to any public channel even if he is not in that channel. If user is not in the channel then firstly I will add the user in the channel and then share the file. For this slack provides api which helps a user join a channel. But it expects a user token corresponding to the user who wants to join the channel. Now the issue is I only have bot token(xoxb-) and api token(xoxp-) corresponding to the user which has installed the app. So how can I get the token corresponding to any user whom I want to join OR I am missing something here. Please help.
No, you do not need a token corresponding with the joining user.
When installing a Slack app with a bot user you receive two tokens: a bot token and an app token. The app token (but not the bot token) will work for inviting users to public channels, provided your app has the required scopes (channels:write).

Find the address of a specific user using Microsoft bot-builder

I would like to open new conversations with users using the Microsoft Bot Builder on the Skype for Business channel. The only information I have is the user id (
In all the examples I could find, it is needed to save the conversation id/address of a user in a previous conversation to send a new message to this user.
How to create a new conversation as a bot to a user knowing only his id?
Like you stated the userId is required to send a message to the user. A new conversation can be created by the framework but ultimately, you can't do anything without the userId and to obtain this the user has to contact your bot first. This is only true for channels like Skype. Other channels like E-mail just use the email address as an id. Skype uses a GUID as the id for their users. This is done so bots can't randomly add themselves to any user on Skype. Source
This doesn't mean you have to necessarily wait for the user to start a conversation. Whenever a user adds a bot to their contact list an event is send to the bot. This is the ContactRelationUpdate event. It warns the bot that a user has added the bot and the bot can then respond accordingly. Once this event is thrown you can obtain the userId from the activity and do whatever you want with it. Source

How to get email of user in Skype bot

I am wanting to be able to post messages to Skype users via my bot, ideally the message would be posted using the users email address however the channel account for the user only has Id and Name.
Why does Skype not provide this information on the Activity?
