Using Laravel includes inside a vue component? - laravel

I have a set of components, some components include other components via #include('my-sub-component')
The issue is that when I want to use vue I have to put the entire component in the vue.js file inside the template tags.
But inside the template I want to use the #include so I can include some sub components. This does not work.
How can I include blade components inside a vue component?

As far as I know, it's impossible. You can't use PHP (Laravel Blade) .blade.php tags inside Vue Component .js, of course Vue can't execute PHP script in this case. The possible use case is you use the Vue Component inside Laravel Blade.

The closest thing you can get to this is to use inline templates. You can't access blade directives it if you are writing your templates in single file components and compiling them with webpack or something because they are not being rendered with PHP.
You could put the style and scripts components in the SFC though and but in order to use blade directives the template would need to be in a .blade.php file


How to Use Vuejs on Laravel blade

everyone, I want to make a dormitory management system with laravel and vuejs but I don't know how to display my data instead of "welcome.blade.php" file but instead of "blade" use vue component if someone knows this please help me how to do this. I use API route for this
thanks everyone
You don't use it instead of blade you mostly use it with or inside blade.
Use Vue like normally would just treat your blade template as your plain HTML.

interact with different language pages in vuejs and laravel

I'm building a multi language website using Laravel and VueJS. I've build many vue components and laravel blade files in same html structure and those are different languages. I suppose to make different route file to each language.
But my problem is I cannot switch between different language. Please let me know how to do that?
If you're using blade and Vue as a library you can use
If you're using Vue as SPA you can use

Laravel: Using a mix between Blade and Vuejs

I'm developing a website using Laravel and I will need a mix between Blade templates and Vuejs components.
Basically the requirements of the project state that in the customer pages we can only use Blade but in the admin pages we are free to use anything, so we will use Blade + Vuejs.
I know is possible to create a form in Blade, and then require or #include that form in any other Blade file. Is it also possible require that form inside a Vuejs component?
For example, Is it possible to do something like this:
If you want just use vue js in blade template, you can definetely use,
Hope you aware that blade and vue share similar syntax {{ }} for variable interpolation, to avoid vue and blade conflicting, you should add # notations ex: #{{ .. }} so blade engine will skip it,
But if you want to use vuejs component and blade template mixing, you shouldnot do it..

VueJs view in laravel

I wonder how can i get my page parts such as sidebar or header with Vue way?
currently I get them like #include('') which is blade template, but is it possible i move them to components (header.vue) and get them with vue way like <router-view name="header"></router-view> ?
The correct way to import via #include. You need to import vue components only with vue, blade with blade.
the solution was to have div with id around my sidebar.vue (eg) template and call that id instead of in my main component.

Writing JS code in blade templating engine

I have a Laravel 5.0 project and inside of that I have a foo.blade.php file,in here I want to use some Javascript to get the pathname of the link the user currently in like so
Is it possible? Or blade templating allows only php to be written on the file?
First, Javascript runs client side, so whatever you write in <script> tag will be totally ignored by laravel.
But if you want to access path (route) in laravel, you can check this question.
