One-liner version of this function? (Ruby 1.8.6) - ruby

In the version of Ruby i'm using, (1.8.6 - don't ask), the Hash class doesn't define the Hash#hash method, which means that calling uniq on an array of hashes doesn't test whether the content is the same - it tests whether the objects are the same (using the default base Object#hash method).
To get around this, I can use include?, like so:
hashes = <a big list of hashes>
uniq_hashes = []
hashes.each do |hash|
unless uniq_hashes.include?(hash)
uniq_hashes << hash
Can anyone think of a way to condense this into a one-line method?

Can you use each_with_object?
hashes = [{title: 'a'}, {title: 'b'}, {title: 'c'}, {title: 'a'}]
p hashes.each_with_object([]) { |el, array| array << el unless array.include? el }.size
# 3

Rather than using include? to check if each hash matches a previously-examined hash, one can speed things up by making use of a set. Recall that a set is implemented with a hash under the covers, which explains why lookups are so fast.
require 'set'
def uniq_hashes(arr)
st = { |h| st.add?(h) }
uniq_hashes [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 2, a: 1 }, { a: 1, c: 2 }]
#=> [{:a=>1, :b=>2}, {:a=>1, :c=>2}]
See Set#add?.

hashes = <a big list of hashes>
uniq_hashes = []
hashes.each do |hash|
unless uniq_hashes.include?(hash)
uniq_hashes << hash
Can anyone think of a way to condense this into a one-line method?
hashes = <a big list of hashes>; uniq_hashes = []; hashes.each do |hash| unless uniq_hashes.include?(hash) then uniq_hashes << hash end end;uniq_hashes.size
In fact, you can always condense any Ruby code into one line, since newlines are completely optional. Newlines can always be replaced with either semicolons, separator keywords, or just nothing.


How to generate the expected output by using split method used in my code?

Create a method for Array that returns a hash having 'key' as length of the element and value as an array of all the elements of that length. Make use of Array#each.
Returned Hash should be sorted by key.
I have tried to do it through Hash sorting over length. I have almost resolved it using another method but I want to use split and hash to achieve expected output.
Can anyone suggest any amendments in my code below?
Input argument:
array-hash.rb "['abc','def',1234,234,'abcd','x','mnop',5,'zZzZ']"
Expected output:
{1=>["x", "5"], 3=>["abc", "def", "234"], 4=>["1234", "abcd", "mnop", "zZzZ"]}
class String
def key_length(v2)
hash = {}
v2.each do |item|
item_length = item.to_s.length
hash[item_length] ||= []
reader = ''
if ARGV.empty?
puts 'Please provide an input'
v1 = ARGV[0]
v2 ="'[]''",'').split
p reader.key_length(v2)
Actual output:
Given the array (converted from string, note integers as string between ""):
ary = str[1..-2].delete('\'').split(',')
ary #=> ["abc", "def", "1234", "234", "abcd", "x", "mnop", "5", "zZzZ"]
The most "idiomatic" way should be using group_by:
If you want to use each, then you could use Enumerable#each_with_object, where the object is an Hash#new with an empty array as default:
ary.each_with_object({ |h,k| h[k] = []}) { |e, h| h[e.size] << e }
Which is the same as
res ={ |h,k| h[k] = []}
ary.each { |e| res[e.size] << e }
Not sure why you need to monkeypatch* array here, is this a school exercise or something?
I think your bug is you need to pass in the comma delimiter arg to split.
I would solve the underlying problem as a reduce/inject/fold thing, myself.
s = "['abc','def',1234,234,'abcd','x','mnop',5,'zZzZ']"
splits ="'[]''",'').split(',') # need to pass in the comma for the split
Hash[splits.inject({}) { |memo,s| memo[s.length] ||= []; memo[s.length] << s; memo }.sort] # doesn't use Array.each but?
{1=>["x", "5"], 3=>["def", "234"], 4=>["1234", "abcd", "mnop"],
5=>["['abc"], 6=>["zZzZ']"]}

Search one hash for its keys, grab the values, put them in an array and merge the first hash with the second

I have a hash with items like
and I have another hash with
and I want something like the following that takes the first hash and then looks through the second one, grabs all the links for each word and puts them into a array appended onto the end of the hash somehow.
{'people', '50' => {'', '', ''}},
{'footballs', '5' => {'', ''}},
{'crayons', '1' => {''}},
{'chairs', '23' => {'chairs'=>''}},
I am very new to Ruby, and I have tried quite a few combinations, and I need some help.
Excuse the example, I hope that it makes sense.
What you have is a mix of hashes, arrays, and something in the middle. I'm going to assume the following inputs:
categories = {'people'=>'50',
posts = [['people', ''],
and the following output:
[['people', '50', ['', '', '']],
[['footballs', '5', ['', '']],
['crayons', '1', ['']],
['chairs', '23' => {'chairs'=>'']]]
In which case what you would need is: do |name, count|
[name, count, do |category, _|
category == name { |_, post| post }]
You need to understand the different syntax for Array and Hash in Ruby:
{ 'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2' }
[ 'item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4' ]
A Hash in ruby (like in every other language) can't have more than once instance of any single key, meaning that a Hash {'key1' => 1, 'key1' => 2} is invalid and will result in an unexpected value (duplicate keys are overridden - you'll have {'key1' => 2 }).
Since there is some confusion about the format of the data, I will suggest how you might effectively structure both the input and the output. I will first present some code you could use, then give an example of how it's used, then explain what is happening.
def merge_em(hash, array)
hash_keys = hash.keys
new_hash = hash_keys.each_with_object({}) { |k,h|
h[k] = { qty: hash[k], http: [] } }
array.each do |h|
h.keys.each do |k|
(new_hash.update({k=>h[k]}) { |k,g,http|
{qty: g[:qty], http: (g[:http] << http)}}) if hash_keys.include?(k)
Here is a hash that I have modified to include a key/value pair that does not appear in the array below:
hash = {'people' =>'50', 'chairs' =>'23', 'footballs'=>'5',
'crayons'=> '1', 'cat_lives'=> '9'}
Below is your array of hashes that is to be merged into hash. You'll see I've added a key/value pair to your hash with key "chairs". As I hope to make clear, the code is no different (i.e., not simplified) if we know in advance that each hash has only one key value pair. (Aside: if, for example, we want want the key from a hash h that is known to have only one key, we still have to pull out all the keys into an array and then take the only element of the array: h.keys.first).
I have also added a hash to the array that has no key that is among hash's keys.
array =
[{'people' =>''},
{'people' =>''},
{'people' =>''},
{'people' =>''},
{'crayons' =>''},
{'chairs' =>'',
'crayons' =>''},
{'balloons' =>''}
We now merge the information from array into hash, and at the same time change the structure of hash to something more suitable:
result = merge_em(hash, array)
#=> {"people" =>{:qty=>"50",
# :http=>["",
# "",
# "",
# ""]},
# "chairs" =>{:qty=>"23",
# :http=>[""]},
# "footballs"=>{:qty=>"5",
# :http=>["",
# "",
# ""]},
# "crayons" =>{:qty=>"1",
# :http=>["",
# ""]},
# "cat_lives"=>{:qty=>"9",
# :http=>[]}}
I've assumed you want to look up the content of result with hash's keys. It is therefore convenient to make the values associated with those keys hashes themselves, with keys :qty and http. The former is for the values in hash (the naming may be wrong); the latter is an array containing the strings drawn from array.
This way, if we want the value for the key "crayons", we could write:
#=> {:qty=>"1",
# :http=>["", ""]}
irb(main):133:0> result["crayons"][:qty]
#=> "1"
irb(main):134:0> result["crayons"][:http]
#=> ["", ""]
Let's go through this line-by-line. First, we need to reference hash.keys more than once, so let's make it a variable:
hash_keys = hash.keys
#=> ["people", "chairs", "footballs", "crayons", "cat_lives"]
We may as well convert this hash to the output format now. We could do it during the merge operation below, but I think is clearer to do it as a separate step:
new_hash = hash_keys.each_with_object({}) { |k,h|
h[k] = { qty: hash[k], http: [] } }
#=> {"people" =>{:qty=>"50", :http=>[]},
# "chairs" =>{:qty=>"23", :http=>[]},
# "footballs"=>{:qty=>"5", :http=>[]},
# "crayons" =>{:qty=>"1", :http=>[]},
# "cat_lives"=>{:qty=>"9", :http=>[]}}
Now we merge each (hash) element of array into new_hash:
array.each do |h|
h.keys.each do |k|
(new_hash.update({k=>h[k]}) { |k,g,http|
{ qty: g[:qty], http: (g[:http] << http) } }) if hash_keys.include?(k)
The first hash h from array that is passed into the block by each is:
which is assigned to the block variable h. We next construct an array of h's keys:
h.keys #=> ["people"]
The first of these keys, "people" (pretend there were more, as there would be in the penultimate element of array) is passed by its each into the inner block, whose block variable, k, is assigned the value "people". We then use Hash#update (aka merge!) to merge the hash:
{k=>h[k]} #=> {"people"=>''}
into new_hash, but only because:
#=> ["people", "chairs", "footballs", "crayons", "cat_lives"].include?("people")
#=> true
evaluates to true. Note that this will evaluate to false for the key "balloons", so the hash in array with that key will not be merged. update's block:
{ |k,g,http| { qty: g[:qty], http: (g[:http] << http) } }
is crucial. This is update's way of determining the value of a key that is in both new_hash and in the hash being merged, {k=>h[k]}. The three block variables are assigned the following values by update:
k : the key ("people")
g : the current value of `new_hash[k]`
#=> `new_hash["people"] => {:qty=>"50", :http=>[]}`
http: the value of the key/value being merged
#=> ''
We want the merged hash value for key "people" to be:
{ qty: g[:qty], http: (g[:http] << http) }
#=> { qty: 50, http: ([] << '') }
#=> { qty: 50, http: [''] }
so now:
#=> {"people" =>{:qty=>"50", :http=>['']},
# "chairs" =>{:qty=>"23", :http=>[]},
# "footballs"=>{:qty=>"5", :http=>[]},
# "crayons" =>{:qty=>"1", :http=>[]},
# "cat_lives"=>{:qty=>"9", :http=>[]}}
We do the same for each of the other elements of array.
Lastly, we need to return the merged new_hash, so we make last line of the method:
You could also do this
cat = [{'people'=>'50'},
pages = [{'people'=>''},
{'chairs'=>''}] do |c|
c.merge(Hash['pages',pages.collect{|h| h[c.keys.pop]}.compact])
#=> [{"people"=>"50", "pages"=>["", "", "", ""]},
{"chairs"=>"23", "pages"=>[""]},
{"footballs"=>"5", "pages"=>["", "", ""]},
{"crayons"=>"1", "pages"=>[""]}]
Which is closer to your request but far less usable than some of the other posts.

How to merge array index values and create a hash

I'm trying to convert an array into a hash by using some matching. Before converting the array into a hash, I want to merge the values like this
and create a hash from it. The rule is that, first value of the array is the key in Hash, in array there are repeating keys, for those keys I need to merge values and place it under one key. "Desc:" are keys. My program looks like this.
p 'test sample application'
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
arr =
arr = str.split(":")
p arr
test_hash = Hash[*arr]
p test_hash
I could not find a way to figure it out. If any one can guide me, It will be thankful.
Functional approach with Facets:
require 'facets'
str.split(":").each_slice(2).map_by { |k, v| [k, v] }.mash { |k, vs| [k, vs.join] }
#=> {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
Not that you cannot do it without Facets, but it's longer because of some basic abstractions missing in the core:
Hash[str.split(":").each_slice(2).group_by(&:first).map { |k, gs| [k,] }]
#=> {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
A small variation on #Sergio Tulentsev's solution:
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
str.split(':').each_slice(2).each_with_object({""}){|(k,v),h| h[k] += v}
# => {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
str.split(':') results in an array; there is no need for initializing with arr =
each_slice(2) feeds the elements of this array two by two to a block or to the method following it, like in this case.
each_with_object takes those two elements (as an array) and passes them on to a block, together with an object, specified by:
({""}) This object is an empty Hash with special behaviour: when a key is not found then it will respond with a value of "" (instead of the usual nil).
{|(k,v),h| h[k] += v} This is the block of code which does all the work. It takes the array with the two elements and deconstructs it into two strings, assigned to k and v; the special hash is assigned to h. h[k] asks the hash for the value of key "Desc". It responds with "", to which "X1" is added. This is repeated until all elements are processed.
I believe you're looking for each_slice and each_with_object here
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
hash = str.split(':').each_slice(2).each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), memo|
memo[key] ||= ''
memo[key] += value
hash # => {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}
Enumerable#slice_before is a good way to go.
str = "Desc:X1:C:CCCC:Desc:XXSC:xxxs:xswd:C:4524"
a = ["Desc","C","xxxs"] # collect the keys in a separate collection.
str.split(":").slice_before(""){|i| a.include? i}
# => [["Desc", "X1"], ["C", "CCCC"], ["Desc", "XXSC"], ["xxxs", "xswd"], ["C", "4524"]]
hsh = str.split(":").slice_before(""){|i| a.include? i}.each_with_object("")) do |i,h|
h[i[0]] += i[1]
# => {"Desc"=>"X1XXSC", "C"=>"CCCC4524", "xxxs"=>"xswd"}

Ruby: cleaner returns from loop iteration methods

I find that I frequently have methods that iterate through an enumerable in order to return a different enumerable or a hash. These methods almost always look like this simplistic example:
def build_hash(array)
hash = {}
array.each do |item|
hash[ item[:id] ]= item
This approach works works, but I've often wondered if there's a cleaner way to do this, specifically without having to wrap the loop in a temporary object so that the return is correct.
Does anyone know of an improved and/or cleaner and/or faster way to do this, or is this pretty much the best way?
Here are a few ways, considering your specific example
arr = [{:id => 1, :name => :foo}, {:id => 2, :name => :bar}]
Hash[{ |o| [o[:id], o] }]
arr.each_with_object({}){ |o, h| h[o[:id]] = o }
arr.reduce({}){ |h, o| h[o[:id]] = o; h }
arr.reduce({}){ |h, o| h.merge o[:id] => o }
# each of these return the same Hash
# {1=>{:id=>1, :name=>:foo}, 2=>{:id=>2, :name=>:bar}}
Well in this case, you can use inject and do something like this :
def build_hash(array)
array.inject({}) { |init, item| init[item[:id]] = item; init }
{}.tap { |h| array.each { |a| h[a[:id]] = a } }
Here is also a way how to convert Array into Hash.
list_items = ["1", "Foo", "2", "Bar", "3" , "Baz"]
hss = Hash[*list_items]
parameters must be even, otherwise a fatal error is raised, because an odd
number of arguments can’t be mapped to a series of key/value pairs.
{"1"=>"Foo", "2"=>"Bar", "3"=>"Baz"}
You can use ActiveSupport's index_by.
Your example becomes trivial:
def build_hash(array)
array.index_by{|item| item[:id]}
There is no really great way to build a hash in Ruby currently, even in Ruby 2.0.
You can use Hash[], although I find that very ugly:
def build_hash(array)
Hash[{|item| [item[:id], item]}]
If we can convince Matz, you could at least:
def build_hash(array){|item| [item[:id], item]}.to_h
There are other requests for new ways to create hashes.

Best way to convert strings to symbols in hash

What's the (fastest/cleanest/straightforward) way to convert all keys in a hash from strings to symbols in Ruby?
This would be handy when parsing YAML.
my_hash = YAML.load_file('yml')
I'd like to be able to use:
Rather than:
In Ruby >= 2.5 (docs) you can use:
Using older Ruby version? Here is a one-liner that will copy the hash into a new one with the keys symbolized:
my_hash = my_hash.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo}
With Rails you can use:
Here's a better method, if you're using Rails:
The end.
If you're not, just rip off their code (it's also in the link):
myhash.keys.each do |key|
myhash[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = myhash.delete(key)
For the specific case of YAML in Ruby, if the keys begin with ':', they will be automatically interned as symbols.
require 'yaml'
require 'pp'
yaml_str = "
- host:
port: 10000
- host:
port: 20000
yaml_sym = "
- :host:
:port: 10000
- :host:
:port: 20000
pp yaml_str = YAML.load(yaml_str)
puts yaml_str.keys.first.class
pp yaml_sym = YAML.load(yaml_sym)
puts yaml_sym.keys.first.class
# /opt/ruby-1.8.6-p287/bin/ruby ~/test.rb
[{"port"=>10000, "host"=>""},
{"port"=>20000, "host"=>""}]}
[{:port=>10000, :host=>""},
{:port=>20000, :host=>""}]}
if you're using Rails, it is much simpler - you can use a HashWithIndifferentAccess and access the keys both as String and as Symbols:
see also:
Or you can use the awesome "Facets of Ruby" Gem, which contains a lot of extensions to Ruby Core and Standard Library classes.
require 'facets'
> {'some' => 'thing', 'foo' => 'bar'}.symbolize_keys
=> {:some=>"thing", :foo=>"bar}
see also:
Even more terse:
Hash[{|(k,v)| [k.to_sym,v]}]
Since Ruby 2.5.0 you can use Hash#transform_keys or Hash#transform_keys!.
{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}.transform_keys(&:to_sym) #=> {:a => 1, :b => 2}
hash = { 'name' => 'Rob', 'age' => '28' }
# => { name: "Rob", age: "28" }
If you are using json, and want to use it as a hash, in core Ruby you can do it:
json_obj = JSON.parse(json_str, symbolize_names: true)
symbolize_names: If set to true, returns symbols for the names (keys) in a JSON object. Otherwise strings are returned. Strings are the default.
Doc: Json#parse symbolize_names
Here's a way to deep symbolize an object
def symbolize(obj)
return obj.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = symbolize(v); memo} if obj.is_a? Hash
return obj.inject([]){|memo,v | memo << symbolize(v); memo} if obj.is_a? Array
return obj
I really like the Mash gem.
you can do mash['key'], or mash[:key], or mash.key
A modification to #igorsales answer
class Object
def deep_symbolize_keys
return self.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v.deep_symbolize_keys; memo} if self.is_a? Hash
return self.inject([]){|memo,v | memo << v.deep_symbolize_keys; memo} if self.is_a? Array
return self
params.symbolize_keys will also work. This method turns hash keys into symbols and returns a new hash.
In Rails you can use:
{'g'=> 'a', 2 => {'v' => 'b', 'x' => { 'z' => 'c'}}}.deep_symbolize_keys!
Converts to:
{:g=>"a", 2=>{:v=>"b", :x=>{:z=>"c"}}}
So many answers here, but the one method rails function is hash.symbolize_keys
This is my one liner for nested hashes
def symbolize_keys(hash)
hash.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v.is_a?(Hash) ? symbolize_keys(v) : v }
In case the reason you need to do this is because your data originally came from JSON, you could skip any of this parsing by just passing in the :symbolize_names option upon ingesting JSON.
No Rails required and works with Ruby >1.9
JSON.parse(my_json, :symbolize_names => true)
You could be lazy, and wrap it in a lambda:
my_hash = YAML.load_file('yml')
my_lamb = lambda { |key| my_hash[key.to_s] }
my_lamb[:a] == my_hash['a'] #=> true
But this would only work for reading from the hash - not writing.
To do that, you could use Hash#merge
my_hash = { |h,k| h[k] = h[k.to_s] }.merge(YAML.load_file('yml'))
The init block will convert the keys one time on demand, though if you update the value for the string version of the key after accessing the symbol version, the symbol version won't be updated.
irb> x = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
irb> y = { |h,k| h[k] = h[k.to_s] }.merge(x)
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
irb> y[:a] # the key :a doesn't exist for y, so the init block is called
#=> 1
irb> y
#=> {"a"=>1, :a=>1, "b"=>2}
irb> y[:a] # the key :a now exists for y, so the init block is isn't called
#=> 1
irb> y['a'] = 3
#=> 3
irb> y
#=> {"a"=>3, :a=>1, "b"=>2}
You could also have the init block not update the hash, which would protect you from that kind of error, but you'd still be vulnerable to the opposite - updating the symbol version wouldn't update the string version:
irb> q = { 'c' => 4, 'd' => 5 }
#=> {"c"=>4, "d"=>5}
irb> r = { |h,k| h[k.to_s] }.merge(q)
#=> {"c"=>4, "d"=>5}
irb> r[:c] # init block is called
#=> 4
irb> r
#=> {"c"=>4, "d"=>5}
irb> r[:c] # init block is called again, since this key still isn't in r
#=> 4
irb> r[:c] = 7
#=> 7
irb> r
#=> {:c=>7, "c"=>4, "d"=>5}
So the thing to be careful of with these is switching between the two key forms. Stick with one.
Would something like the following work?
new_hash =
my_hash.each { |k, v| new_hash[k.to_sym] = v }
It'll copy the hash, but you won't care about that most of the time. There's probably a way to do it without copying all the data.
a shorter one-liner fwiw:
my_hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h.merge({ k.to_sym => v}) }
How about this:
my_hash ='yml'))
# my_hash['key'] => "val"
# my_hash[:key] => "val"
This is for people who uses mruby and do not have any symbolize_keys method defined:
class Hash
def symbolize_keys!
self.keys.each do |k|
if self[k].is_a? Hash
if k.is_a? String
raise RuntimeError, "Symbolizing key '#{k}' means overwrite some data (key :#{k} exists)" if self[k.to_sym]
self[k.to_sym] = self[k]
return self
The method:
symbolizes only keys that are String
if symbolize a string means to lose some informations (overwrite part of hash) raise a RuntimeError
symbolize also recursively contained hashes
return the symbolized hash
works in place!
The array we want to change.
strings = ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "Python", "Ruby"]
Make a new variable as an empty array so we can ".push" the symbols in.
symbols = [ ]
Here's where we define a method with a block.
strings.each {|x| symbols.push(x.intern)}
End of code.
So this is probably the most straightforward way to convert strings to symbols in your array(s) in Ruby. Make an array of strings then make a new variable and set the variable to an empty array. Then select each element in the first array you created with the ".each" method. Then use a block code to ".push" all of the elements in your new array and use ".intern or .to_sym" to convert all the elements to symbols.
Symbols are faster because they save more memory within your code and you can only use them once. Symbols are most commonly used for keys in hash which is great. I'm the not the best ruby programmer but this form of code helped me a lot.If anyone knows a better way please share and you can use this method for hash too!
If you would like vanilla ruby solution and as me do not have access to ActiveSupport here is deep symbolize solution (very similar to previous ones)
def deep_convert(element)
return element.collect { |e| deep_convert(e) } if element.is_a?(Array)
return element.inject({}) { |sh,(k,v)| sh[k.to_sym] = deep_convert(v); sh } if element.is_a?(Hash)
Starting on Psych 3.0 you can add the symbolize_names: option
Psych.load("---\n foo: bar")
# => {"foo"=>"bar"}
Psych.load("---\n foo: bar", symbolize_names: true)
# => {:foo=>"bar"}
Note: if you have a lower Psych version than 3.0 symbolize_names: will be silently ignored.
My Ubuntu 18.04 includes it out of the box with ruby 2.5.1p57
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :001 > h = {'aaa' => 1, 'bbb' => 2}
=> {"aaa"=>1, "bbb"=>2}
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :002 > Hash[{|a| [a.first.to_sym, a.last]}]
=> {:aaa=>1, :bbb=>2}
This is not exactly a one-liner, but it turns all string keys into symbols, also the nested ones:
def recursive_symbolize_keys(my_hash)
case my_hash
when Hash
Hash[ do |key, value|
[ key.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? key.to_sym : key, recursive_symbolize_keys(value) ]
when Enumerable { |value| recursive_symbolize_keys(value) }
I like this one-liner, when I'm not using Rails, because then I don't have to make a second hash and hold two sets of data while I'm processing it:
my_hash = { "a" => 1, "b" => "string", "c" => true }
my_hash.keys.each { |key| my_hash[key.to_sym] = my_hash.delete(key) }
=> {:a=>1, :b=>"string", :c=>true}
Hash#delete returns the value of the deleted key
Facets' Hash#deep_rekey is also a good option, especially:
if you find use for other sugar from facets in your project,
if you prefer code readability over cryptical one-liners.
require 'facets/hash/deep_rekey'
my_hash = YAML.load_file('yml').deep_rekey
In ruby I find this to be the most simple and easy to understand way to turn string keys in hashes to symbols :
my_hash.keys.each { |key| my_hash[key.to_sym] = my_hash.delete(key)}
For each key in the hash we call delete on it which removes it from the hash (also delete returns the value associated with the key that was deleted) and we immediately set this equal to the symbolized key.
Similar to previous solutions but written a bit differently.
This allows for a hash that is nested and/or has arrays.
Get conversion of keys to a string as a bonus.
Code does not mutate the hash been passed in.
module HashUtils
def symbolize_keys(hash)
transformer_function = ->(key) { key.to_sym }
transform_keys(hash, transformer_function)
def stringify_keys(hash)
transformer_function = ->(key) { key.to_s }
transform_keys(hash, transformer_function)
def transform_keys(obj, transformer_function)
case obj
when Array{|value| transform_keys(value, transformer_function)}
when Hash
obj.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash|
hash[] = transform_keys(value, transformer_function)
