How to resolve SG0002 warning in UWP application? - visual-studio

we are facing the below warning in the output window while build our application. How to resolve this kind of exception.
warning : SG0002 : Cannot generate serialization code for type 'XXXX.UI.Xaml.SerializableColumn'
After a several analysis i have tried to Explicitly add reference to System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml 4.0.11-beta-23225 by include the pre-release. But still we got the same one.
Please find our configuration.
Build the application by enabling Native tool chain.
Framework version:4.6 with VS 2015


Xamarin.Android binding invalid opcode

Recently received a new Android SDK (aar) to bind in Xamarin. When initially starting the binding I receive the error
COMPILETODALVIK : Uncaught translation error : invalid opcode ba (invokedynamic requires --min-sdk-version >= 26)
This error is due to the SDK containing Java 8 (v1.8) byte code and it needs to be compatible with Java 7 (v1.7) to support lower API versions of Android.
In your Android project (not the binding project), add the following property.
or if you are in VS 2019+ you can turn on D8 which enables this by default.
Desugaring is the process of allowing Java 8 byte code to be converted into Java 7 compatible byte code. This is a Google process that performs the conversion and is part of the Xamarin.Android build process.
Then if the SDK doesn't have any dependencies, it should all work. If you have EmbeddedReferenceJars, then things get more complicated.
In Visual Studio 2017 you will experience errors similar to
Error: java.lang.TypeNotPresentException : Type io.reactivex.functions.Consumer not present
It will be unable to find these types in reference jars, because the desugaring processing isn't working properly. From Github Issues you eventually find the reason:
The first fix here is to add the `--classpath_entry` flag for every
`--input`, for some reason `Desugar` is not treating `--input` jars as
classpath entries
The bug is already tracked and fixed in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2.
Now you switch to Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 and you will come across this error.
Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/runtime/ThrowableExtension;
The desugaring processing is failing again because it needs this class to help communicate to the desugared code.
The class ThrowableExtension is actually found:
You then take that Java class and you can compile it into a jar. A quick way to do it is copy that java file into a folder. Then inside that folder create a folder called output.
Call this command
javac -d ./output
Then move into the output directory and call this command
jar cvf desugar.jar *
It will create desugar.jar. Add that as an EmbeddedReferenceJar in your Android binding project. Your binding with Java 8 byte code with desugaring should now work.
Hopefully this might be resolved in a future Visual Studio version, so all these steps aren't necessary, but until then, at least you know what is happening and how to fix it.

Error MT2001: Could not link assemblies. Reason: Error while processing references

I'm getting this error trying to build a Xamarin.iOS project referencing a .NET Standard 2.0 library.
None of the MT2001 issues online seem to have this specific "Error while processing references" reason, so I'm at a loss as to how to diagnose this. I've tweaked and fiddled about as much as any one person can and stay sane, but I'm really in the dark.
Can anyone out there point me in a direction?
Adding -v -v -v -v to "Additional mtouch arguments" in the project iOS Build settings will help diagnose the issue. After that, you can search the build output for MT2001 and view the inner exceptions. Obviously, each project may differ as to what assembly causes the linker to fail. You may need to add, remove or fix your references based on the output.
For example, I was trying to use SignalR from AspNetCore 2.1, which has a dependency on System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.5.1 in my project, which it seems Mono does not yet support. Mono does not provide its own version of the assembly yet, so when mtouch goes to link the assembly, it's unable to do so and throws an exception:
Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'
Removing all references to this assembly (and therefore the whole feauture in my case) allowed the build and linking to succeed.
I've found that I get this when using a Xamarin library that is dependent on System.Reactive 4.1.0. There's a bug in there associated with System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, and since it is a library I'm writing, I had to roll back to System.Reactive 4.0.0.
For me the error is as follows.
one of the package is mentioned in package.config file but it was not available in packages. So i added the missing package from nuget and the app works fine

Xamarin binding for AWS SDK

When binding a JAR/AAR built on top of aws-java-sdk, do you have to EmbeddedReferenceJar all the libraries below your JAR, down to and including the aws-java-sdk, when down at that low level the AWS SDK for .NET has the functionality.
Are there any Xamarin packages (Xamarin.Forms or Xamarin.Android) that give an out-of-the box authentication UI with Sign-In/Sign-Up buttons for AWS user pools, Google+, Facebook authentication providers ?
I would like to use SignInUI from aws-android-sdk-auth-ui in a Xamarin.Android app, which gives you an out-of-the-box UI for authentication to AWS. I've got the AWS UserPool and AWS IdentityPool setup already.
Unfortunately, the AWS SDK for .NET does not expose the equivalent aws-android-sdk-auth-ui a java package built on top of aws-android-sdk-auth-core (also unavailable in .NET), which is built on top of aws-android-sdk-core and finally aws-java-sdk.
I thought about binding a java library. I would create a Xamarin binding project for aws-android-sdk-auth-ui.aar downloaded from maven Central. I followed the Binding an .AAR tutorial. It builds, but the generated aws-android-sdk-auth-ui.dll file is missing some classes. I opened the dll with Ildasm.exe and in the Com.Amazonaws.Mobile.Auth.UI namespace I only found AuthUIConfiguration and BuildConfig, clearly missing the SignInUI class.
Is it expected that when you build a binding project for an .aar file that references other .jar, the build succeeds but silently does not produce wrapper classes for java classes who reference missing jars? I would have guessed building would succeed AND would include a wrapper for all classes, but a failure would occur at runtime in codepaths that require the missing jar.
Alright, so I added aws-android-sdk-auth-core.jar, aws-android-sdk-core.jar to the bindings project, as EmbeddedReferencedJar. That did not help, the generated dll is also missing the same classes. The build output pasted below does point in the direction of misssing reference jars. See below.
How far do I need to go though, do I also need to embed all the way down to the 80MB aws-java-sdk.jar?
I have the following build output:
1>JARTOXML : warning J2X9001: Couldn't load class com/amazonaws/mobile/auth/ui/SignInActivity : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: android/support/v7/app/AppCompatActivity
1>JARTOXML : warning J2X9001: Couldn't load class com/amazonaws/mobile/auth/ui/SignInUI$1 : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/amazonaws/mobile/auth/core/DefaultSignInResultHandler
1>JARTOXML : warning J2X9001: Couldn't load class com/amazonaws/mobile/auth/ui/SignInActivity$SignInProviderResultHandlerImpl : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/amazonaws/mobile/auth/core/signin/SignInProviderResultHandler
android/support/v7/app/AppCompatActivity indicates that isn't found. How are those supposed to bind? In Xamarin.Android these classes are in
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat Nuget package. But the jar does not know it's running in Xamarin.Android. Does that mean I also need to EmbedReferenceJar all the native Android stuff as well? That's a deep rabbit hole...
com/amazonaws/mobile/auth/core/DefaultSignInResultHandler: that one should not error, I did embed aws-android-sdk-auth-core.jar with EmbbededRefenceJar
Someone referred me to Xamarin.GradleBindings. I haven't tested this yet, but thought I'd share in hopes this can be useful to other readers.

ros::init(...) throws an error - Windows roscpp

I'm trying to use ros in cpp with Visual Studio 2012. I wrote the publisher and subscriber tutorial ( and first, I configure the project as says in the guide (
Then i compiled an linked the publisher, but when I tried to run it, ros::init(argc,argv,"talker") throws an exception... The console says that I ROS_MASTER_URI is not defined but I've got it defined
There are 2 images here: -
Can anyone helps me?
Thanks in advance
So, I had the same issue, although I didn't set the ROS_MASTER_URI globally.
I managed to get around this specific issue by adding
to the debugging environment variables (Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->Debugging->Environment).
However, after implementing the above I got an uncaught exception (Unhandled exception at 0x768bc41f in ros_demo.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x0028f0e4..).
That went away when I built, compiled and ran the project in release mode (which matched my ROS SDK build).
I got the idea for the release/debug build from here:
xstring isn't an OSG specific object, so the error is elsewhere in the
3rd party dependency chain. As I know nothing about your OS and
software setup I can't speculate what this might be.
In general though this type of error could well be a linking issue -
for instance Visual Studio is hopeless at handling different libs
being built debug and release and will crash randomly.
That was fun to discover..

OpenCV_HelloWorld project in VC++ 2010 Runtime Error:

I set up the environment according to this tutorial:
However the picture they want you to use is no longer there, so I just saved the supplied screen shot with the same name as the original file.
Builds fine, Begins to run but then I get a runtime error
Here is the runtime error:
OpenCV_HelloWorld.exe - Application Error : The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0150002). Click OK to close the application.
I looked in Event Viewer and found that it also set off a another error but did not announce
Here is the unannounced error:
Activation context generation failed for "C:\OpenCV2.1\bin\cxcore210d.dll". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
As you can see it says to use sxstrace.exe however I don't appear to have that program. After a quick Google I read that the program was included in the Microsoft Windows Platform SDK, so I'm downloading the most relevant version (windows 7 version for c# and .net) and installing that to follow up on that, I'll post what I find as it comes.
Any help is very much appreciated
Unexpectedly the project builds and runs now. The only modifications made were removing spaces in the c++ directory and linker options from the tutorial. External changes were the completed installation of the windows platform SDK, however OpenCV has no dependencies with windows platform sdk. I am unsure how it was resolved, but it's no longer a problem.
