Why is Spark setting partitions to the file size in bytes? - hadoop

I have a very simple pyspark program that is supposed to read CSV files from S3:
r = sc.textFile('s3a://some-bucket/some-file.csv')
.map(etc... you know the drill...)
This was failing when running a local Spark node (it works in EMR). I was getting OOM errors and GC crashes. Upon further inspection, I realized that the number of partitions was insanely high. In this particular case r.getNumPartitions() would return 2358041.
I realized that that's exactly the size of my file in bytes. This, of course, makes Spark crash miserably.
I've tried different configurations, like chaning mapred.min.split.size:
conf = SparkConf()
conf.setAppName('iRank {}'.format(datetime.now()))
conf.set("mapred.min.split.size", "536870912")
conf.set("mapred.max.split.size", "536870912")
conf.set("mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize", "536870912")
I've also tried using repartition or changing passing a partitions argument to textFile, to no avail.
I would love to know what makes Spark think that it's a good idea to derive the number of partitions from the file size.

In general it doesn't. As nicely explained by eliasah in his answer to Spark RDD default number of partitions it uses max of minPartitions (2 if not provided) and splits computed by Hadoop input format.
The latter one will by unreasonably high, only if instructed by the configuration. This suggests that some configuration file interferes with your program.
The possible problem with your code is that you use wrong configuration. Hadoop options should be set using hadoopConfiguration not Spark configuration. It looks like you use Python so you have to use private JavaSparkContext instance:
sc = ... # type: SparkContext
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().setInt("mapred.min.split.size", min_value)
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().setInt("mapred.max.split.size", max_value)

There was actually a bug in Hadoop 2.6 which would do this; the initial S3A release didn't provide a block size to Spark to split up, the default of "0" meant one-byte-per-job.
Later version should all take fs.s3a.block.size as the config option specifying the block size...something like 33554432 (= 32 MB) would be a start.
If you are using Hadoop 2.6.x. Don't use S3A. That's my recommendation.


Spark RDD problems

I am starting with spark and have never worked with Hadoop. I have 10 iMacs on which I have installed Spark 1.6.1 with Hadoop 2.6. I downloaded the precompiled version and just copied the extracted contents into /usr/local/spark/. I did all the environment variables setup with SCALA_HOME, changes to PATH and other spark conf. I am able to run both spark-shell and pyspark (with anaconda's python).
I have setup the standalone cluster; all the nodes are showing up on my web UI. Now, by using the python shell (ran on the cluster not locally) I followed this link's python interpreter word count example.
This is the code I have used
from operator import add
def tokenize(text):
return text.split()
text = sc.textFile("Testing/shakespeare.txt")
words = text.flatMap(tokenize)
wc = words.map(lambda x: (x,1))
counts = wc.reduceByKey(add)
It is giving me error that the file shakespeare.txt was not found on a slave nodes. Searching around I understood that if I am not using HDFS then the file should be present on each slave node on the same path. Here is the stack trace - github gist
Now, I have a few questions-
Isn't RDD supposed to be distributed? That is, it should have distributed (when the action was run on RDD) the file on all the nodes instead of requiring me to distribute it.
I downloaded the spark with Hadoop 2.6, but any of the Hadoop commands are not available to make a HDFS. I extracted the Hadoop jar file found in the spark/lib hoping to find some executable but there was nothing. So, what Hadoop related files were provided in the spark download?
Lastly, how can I run a distributed application (spark-submit) or a distributed analysis (using pyspark) on the cluster? If I have to create a HDFS then what extra steps are required? Also, how can I create a HDFS here?
If you read the Spark Programming Guide, you will find the answer to your first question:
To illustrate RDD basics, consider the simple program below:
val lines = sc.textFile("data.txt")
val lineLengths = lines.map(s => s.length)
val totalLength = lineLengths.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
The first line defines a base RDD from an external file. This dataset
is not loaded in memory or otherwise acted on: lines is merely a
pointer to the file. The second line defines lineLengths as the result
of a map transformation. Again, lineLengths is not immediately
computed, due to laziness. Finally, we run reduce, which is an action.
At this point Spark breaks the computation into tasks to run on
separate machines, and each machine runs both its part of the map and
a local reduction, returning only its answer to the driver program.
Remember that transformations are executed on the Spark workers (see link, slide n.21).
Regarding your second question, Spark contains only the libs, as you can see, to use the Hadoop infrastructure. You need to setup the Hadoop cluster first (Hdfs, etc etc), in order to use it (with the libs in Spark): have a look at Hadoop Cluster Setup.
To answer your last question, I hope that the official documentation helps, in particular Spark Standalone.

Mesos & Hadoop: How to get the running job input data size?

I'm running Hadoop 1.2.1 on top of Mesos 0.14. My goal is to log the input data size, running time, cpu usage, memory usage, and so on for optimization purposes later. All of these but data size are obtained using Sigar.
Is there any way I can get the input data size of any job which is running?
For example, when I'm running hadoop example's terasort, I need to get the teragen's generated data size before the job actually runs. If I'm running Wordcount example, I need to get the wordcount input file size. I need to get the data size automatically since I won't be able to know what job will be run inside this framework later.
I'm using Java to write some of the mesos library code. Preferably, I want to get the data size inside MesosExecutor class. For some reason, upgrading Hadoop/Mesos isn't an option.
Any suggestions or related API will be appreciated. Thank you.
Does hadoop fs -dus satisfy your requirement? Before submit the job to hadoop, calculate the input file size and pass it as params to your executor.

Spark/Hadoop throws exception for large LZO files

I'm running an EMR Spark job on some LZO-compressed log-files stored in S3. There are several logfiles stored in the same folder, e.g.:
In the spark-shell I'm running a job that counts the lines in the files. If I count the lines individually for each file, there is no problem, e.g. like this:
// Works fine
If I use a wild-card to load all the files with a one-liner, I get two kinds of exceptions.
// One-liner throws exceptions
The exceptions are:
java.lang.InternalError: lzo1x_decompress_safe returned: -6
at com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoDecompressor.decompressBytesDirect(Native Method)
java.io.IOException: Compressed length 1362309683 exceeds max block size 67108864 (probably corrupt file)
at com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzopInputStream.getCompressedData(LzopInputStream.java:291)
It seems to me that the solution is hinted by the text given with the last exception, but I don't know how to proceed. Is there a limit to how big LZO files are allowed to be, or what is the issue?
My question is: Can I run Spark queries that load all LZO-compressed files in an S3 folder, without getting I/O related exceptions?
There are 66 files of roughly 200MB per file.
The exception only occurs when running Spark with Hadoop2 core libs (ami 3.1.0). When running with Hadoop1 core libs (ami 2.4.5), things work fine. Both cases were tested with Spark 1.0.1.
kgeyti's answer works fine, but:
LzoTextInputFormat introduces a performance hit, since it checks for an .index file for each LZO file. This can be especially painful with many LZO files on S3 (I've experienced up to several minutes delay, caused by thousands of requests to S3).
If you know up front that your LZO files are not splittable, a more performant solution is to create a custom, non-splittable input format:
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat
class NonSplittableTextInputFormat extends TextInputFormat {
override def isSplitable(context: JobContext, file: Path): Boolean = false
and read the files like this:
I haven't run into this specific issue myself, but it looks like .textFile expects files to be splittable, much like the Cedrik's problem of Hive insisting on using CombineFileInputFormat
You could either index your lzo files, or try using the LzoTextInputFormat - I'd be interested to hear if that works better on EMR:
.map(_._2.toString) // if you just want a RDD[String] without writing a new InputFormat
yesterday we deployed Hive on a EMR cluster and had the same problem with some LZO files in S3 which have been taken without any problem by another non EMR cluster. After some digging in the logs I noticed, that the map tasks read the S3 files in 250MB chunks, although the files are definitely not splittable.
It turned out that the paramter mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize was set to 250000000 ~ 250MB. That resulted in LZO opening a stream from within a file and a ultimately a corrupt LZO block.
I set the parameter mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=2000000000 bigger as the maximum file size of our input data and everything works now.
I'm not exactly sure how that correlates to Spark exactly, but changing the InputFormat might help, which seems like the problem in first place, as it has been mentioned in How Amazon EMR Hive Differs from Apache Hive.

How to achieve desired block size with Hadoop with data on local filesystem

I have a 2TB sequence file that I am trying to process with Hadoop which resides on a cluster set up to use a local (lustre) filesystem for storage instead of HDFS. My problem is that no matter what I try, I am always forced to have about 66000 map tasks when I run a map/reduce jobs with this data as input. This seems to correspond with a block size of 2TB/66000 =~ 32MB. The actual computation in each map task executes very quickly, but the overhead associated with so many map tasks slows things down substantially.
For the job that created the data and for all subsequent jobs, I have dfs.block.size=536870912 and fs.local.block.size=536870912 (512MB). I also found suggestions that said to try this:
hadoop fs -D fs.local.block.size=536870912 -put local_name remote_location
to make a new copy with larger blocks, which I did to no avail. I have also changed the stripe size of the file on lustre. It seems that any parameters having to do with block size are ignored for local file system.
I know that using lustre instead of HDFS is a non-traditional use of hadoop, but this is what I have to work with. I'm wondering if others either have experience with this, or have any ideas to try other than what I have mentioned.
I am using cdh3u5 if that is useful.

Hadoop dfs replicate

Sorry guys,just a simple question but I cannot find exact question on google.
The question about what's dfs.replication mean? If I made one file named filmdata.txt in hdfs, if I set dfs.replication=1,so is it totally one file(one filmdata.txt)?or besides the main file(filmdata.txt) hadoop will create another replication file.
shortly say:if set dfs.replication=1,there are totally one filmdata.txt,or two filmdata.txt?
Thanks in Advance
The total number of files in the file system will be what's specified in the dfs.replication factor. So, if you set dfs.replication=1, then there will be only one copy of the file in the file system.
Check the Apache Documentation for the other configuration parameters.
To ensure high availability of data, Hadoop replicates the data.
When we are storing the files into HDFS, hadoop framework splits the file into set of blocks( 64 MB or 128 MB) and then these blocks will be replicated across the cluster nodes.The configuration dfs.replication is to specify how many replications are required.
The default value for dfs.replication is 3, But this is configurable depends on your cluster setup.
Hope this helps.
The link provided by Praveen is now broken.
Here is the updated link describing the parameter dfs.replication.
Refer Hadoop Cluster Setup. for more information on configuration parameters.
You may want to note that files can span multiple blocks and each block will be replicated number of times specified in dfs.replication (default value is 3). The size of such blocks is specified in the parameter dfs.block.size.
In HDFS framework, we use commodity machines to store the data, these commodity machines are not high end machines like servers with high RAM, there will be a chance of loosing the data-nodes(d1, d2, d3) or a block(b1,b2,b3), as a result HDFS framework splits the each block of data(64MB, 128MB) into three replications(as a default) and each block will be stored in a separate data-nodes(d1, d2, d3). Now consider block(b1) gets corrupted in data-node(d1) the copy of block(b1) is available in data-node(d2) and data-node(d3) as well so that client can request data-node(d2) to process the block(b1) data and provide the result and same as if data-node(d2) fails client can request data-node(d3) to process block(b1) data . This is called-dfs.replication mean.
Hope you got some clarity.
