Elasticsearch Remove duplicate results if greater than some value - elasticsearch

I have news articles form multiple sources saved and each source have different category I need to write a query which will reverse time sort the article in chunks of 15 at a time also I don't need more than 3 articles from a particular source I am using the below query but the results are wrong can any one tell me what am I doing wrong.
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_phrase": {
"category": "Digital"
"match_phrase": {
"type": "Local"
"collapse": {
"field": "source.keyword",
"max_concurrent_group_searches": 3
"sort": [
"pub_date": {
"order": "desc"


What is the best way to aggregate the time between events in ElasticSearch?

I'm querying an ElasticSearch database in which several applications are logging every change they make to a shared entity - each application is responsible for managing different aspects of this shared entity. The entity is persisted in a document-database, but each change is persisted in this ElasticSearch database.
I'm attempting to query for changes to a specific property (status) in order to track the lifecycle of these Product entities over time. I need to be able to dynamically answer questions like:
Over the last N weeks, what's the average time it took for a Product to move from status-"Created" to status-"Details Submitted"?
During a specific time range, what's the average time it took for a Product to move from status-"Reviewed" to status-"Available Online"?
How long did take for Products in Group-A to move from status-"Details Submitted" to status-"Reviewed"?
In SQL I might use the group-by clause and perhaps some sub-queries, like:
select avg(submitted), avg(reviewed)
from (
select id,
max(timestamp) as reviewed,
min(timestamp) as submitted,
count(*) as statusChanges
from changes
where (
(key = 'status' and previous = 'Created' and updated = 'Details Submitted')
or (key = 'status' and previous = 'Details Submitted' and updated = 'Reviewed')
) and timestamp > ? and timestamp < ? and group_id = ?
group by id
where statusChanges = 2
What's the best way to accomplish something comparable in ElasticSearch?
I've tried using a Composite Index, which works decently when I need to examine the specific dates of when each Product changed its status - since it allows pagination. However this doesn't allow any further sorting of results nor overall aggregation. You can only sort by the field you grouped-by and you can't aggregate across all products.
I've just recently come across the concept of a Transform index? Is that the best approach for aggregating the results of an aggregation? I haven't gotten access to try this out yet, but I'm attempting to formulate a potential Transform Index now and struggling a bit.
Here's the composite query was able to write for finding out how long each Product remained in a specific status, although I couldn't figure out how to get min_doc_count to work in a composite query...
// GET: https://<my-cluster-hostname>:9092/product-index/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_phrase": {
"change.key": "status"
"match_phrase": {
"change.previousValue": "Created"
"match_phrase": {
"change.updatedValue": "Details Submitted"
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_phrase": {
"change.key": "status"
"match_phrase": {
"change.previousValue": "Details Submitted"
"match_phrase": {
"change.updatedValue": "Reviewed"
"aggs": {
"how-long-before-submitted-details-reviewed": {
"composite": {
"size": 20,
"after": {
"item": "<last_uuid_from_previous_page>"
"sources": [
"product": {
"terms": {
"field": "metadata.uuid.keyword",
"order": "desc"
"aggs": {
"detailsSubmitted": {
"min": {
"field": "timestamp"
"detailsReviewed": {
"max": {
"field": "timestamp"
Here's the Transform Index I'm thinking of submitting. But I wonder if there's a way of getting it to cover all status changes, or if instead I'll need to create an index for each status change like this and then filter/sort/aggregate over this Transform Index:
// PUT: https://<my-cluster-hostname>:9092/_transform/details-submitted-to-reviewed
"source": {
"index": "product-index",
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_phrase": {
"change.key": "status"
"match_phrase": {
"change.previousValue": "Created"
"match_phrase": {
"change.updatedValue": "Details Submitted"
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_phrase": {
"change.key": "status"
"match_phrase": {
"change.previousValue": "Details Submitted"
"match_phrase": {
"change.updatedValue": "Reviewed"
"dest": {
"index": "details-submitted-to-reviewed"
"pivot": {
"group_by": {
"product-id": {
"terms": {
"field": "metadata.uuid.keyword"
"aggregations": {
"detailsSubmitted": {
"min": {
"field": "timestamp"
"detailsReviewed": {
"max": {
"field": "timestamp"

Trying to understand ElasticSearch search latency issue

I have setup an ES index to index user centered data, each document contains the relevant user ID (either in an owner field on in a contributor field) and 2 fields that need to be searched on with a "contains" semantic. The index contains about 100M documents each of them sized about 15K with a complex nested structure. The index is setup with dynamic_templates that indexes all fields as keywords (since no free text search is needed tokenizing seemed redundant), some fields are also normalized with a lowercase filter to enable case-insensitive search. The reasoning behind indexing all fields at this point in time is to avoid having to reindex in order to allow searches on other fields so that new features could be added quickly (the size of the index makes reindexing abit painful). The cluster is configured with 3 nodes and 5 shards with replication factor of 1. The query I use looks like this:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"wildcard": {
"document.name": {
"value": "*SEARCH_TERM*"
"wildcard": {
"externalData.properties.displayName": {
"value": "*SEARCH_TERM*"
"filter": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"contributorIds": {
"value": "deadbeef-cafe-babe-cafe-deadbeefcafe"
"term": {
"document.ownerId": {
"value": "deadbeef-cafe-babe-cafe-deadbeefcafe"
"filter": [
"term": {
"deleted": {
"value": "false"
"size": 50,
"sort": [
"_doc": {
"order": "asc"
I've noticed searches (very low RPM) with high latency (and latency variance but I assume that is related to some caching mechanism) varying between 300ms and 1500ms per search. I am trying to understand the pain point in this query so as to understand whether a solution that does not require reindexing (such as using a ngram tokenizer on the relevant searchable fields) can be used to lower the latency.
I've also tried using a filtered query with constant_score:
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"wildcard": {
"document.name": {
"value": "*SEARCH_TERM*"
"wildcard": {
"externalData.properties.displayName": {
"value": "*SEARCH_TERM*"
"must": [
"term": {
"contributorIds": {
"value": "deadbeef-cafe-babe-cafe-deadbeefcafe"
"term": {
"document.ownerId": {
"value": "deadbeef-cafe-babe-cafe-deadbeefcafe"
"term": {
"deleted": {
"value": "false"
"size": 50,
"sort": [
"_doc": {
"order": "asc"
but the latency has not changed. Can anyone shed some light on what is the pain point in this query? I am trying to understand possible scaling paths (adding 2 more nodes for instance) vs. re-indexing the data in a different way (for instance using an ngram tokenizer) which I would rather avoid if possible.

Elasticsearch, counting not included terms

I'm trying to get a single, or a couple, of ES requests to count the terms I have not included in my current search.
Let me elaborate.... My front-end looks like this:
I have Closed currently selected, so the other items should show how many items they would add if I were to include that term.
Assume that closed == 500 and Rejected == 100;
While I have closed selected the rejected field should have the number 100 appended to it. If I deselect closed , it should show the number 500. If I select rejected and not select closed it should also show 500.
Easy enough huh? We just add a bucket counting the status field and that will return a bucket for each of these items, we then get the value from it and display it.
That part I got :) However.... when I actually add a term (for example one that filters on NoOffer) the buckets won't include the others field...
This is what my query looks like (global buckets by: ChintanShah25)
"size": 50,
"from": 1,
"sort": [
"createdAt": "desc"
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"wildcard": {
"fromPlace": "*rotter*"
"bool": {
"should": [
"wildcard": {
"status": "closed"
"aggs": {
"status": {
"global": {},
"aggs": {
"all_status": {
"terms": {
"field": "status.raw",
"size": 10
The global now shows all the different status codes, but it doesn't take into regard the rest of the statement. The "fromPlace" filter doesn't get applied.
I guess you are looking for global aggregation which will include all the fields regardless of the query. You could also use filter aggregation for selective stats if you want.
"query": {
"term": {
"status": {
"value": "closed"
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"everything": {
"global": {},
"aggs": {
"all_status": {
"terms": {
"field": "status.raw",
"size": 10

Select distinct values of bool query elastic search

I have a query that gets me some user post data from an elastic index. I am happy with that query, though I need to make it return rows with unique usernames. Current, it displays relevant posts by users, but it may display one user twice..
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{ "match_phrase": { "gtitle": {"query": "voice","boost": 1}}},
{ "match_phrase": { "gdesc": {"query": "voice","boost": 1}}},
{ "match": { "city": {"query": "voice","boost": 2}}},
{ "match": { "gtags": {"query": "voice","boost": 1} }}
],"must_not": [
{ "term": { "profilepicture": ""}}
],"minimum_should_match" : 1
I have read about aggregations but didn't understand much (also tried to use aggs but didn't work either).... any help is appreciated
You would need to use terms aggregation to get all unique users and then use top hits aggregation to get only one result for each user. This is how it looks.
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match_phrase": {
"gtitle": {
"query": "voice",
"boost": 1
"match_phrase": {
"gdesc": {
"query": "voice",
"boost": 1
"match": {
"city": {
"query": "voice",
"boost": 2
"match": {
"gtags": {
"query": "voice",
"boost": 1
"must_not": [
"term": {
"profilepicture": ""
"minimum_should_match": 1
"aggs": {
"unique_user": {
"terms": {
"field": "userid",
"size": 100
"aggs": {
"only_one_post": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 1
"size": 0
Here size inside user aggregation is 100, you can increase that if you have more unique users(default is 10), also the outermost size is zero to get only aggregation results. One important thing to remember is your user ids have to be unique, i.e ABC and abc will be considered different users, you might have to make your userid not_analyzed to be sure about that. More on that.
Hope this helps!!

How to do nested AND and OR filters in ElasticSearch?

My filters are grouped together into categories.
I would like to retrieve documents where a document can match any filter in a category, but if two (or more) categories are set, then the document must match any of the filters in ALL categories.
If written in pseudo-SQL it would be:
SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE (CategoryA = 'A') AND (CategoryB = 'B' OR CategoryB = 'C')
I've tried Nested filters like so:
"sort": [{
"orderDate": "desc"
"size": 25,
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"and": [{
"nested": {
"filter": {
"or": [{
"term": {
"progress": "incomplete"
}, {
"term": {
"progress": "completed"
}, {
"nested": {
"filter": {
"or": [{
"term": {
"paid": "yes"
}, {
"term": {
"paid": "no"
But evidently I don't quite understand the ES syntax. Is this on the right track or do I need to use another filter?
This should be it (translated from given pseudo-SQL)
"sort": [
"orderDate": "desc"
"size": 25,
{ "term": { "CategoryA":"A" } },
{ "term": { "CategoryB":"B" } },
{ "term": { "CategoryB":"C" } }
I realize you're not mentioning facets but just for the sake of completeness:
You could also use a filter as the basis (like you did) instead of a filtered query (like I did). The resulting json is almost identical with the difference being:
a filtered query will filter both the main results as well as facets
a filter will only filter the main results NOT the facets.
Lastly, Nested filters (which you tried using) don't relate to 'nesting filters' like you seemed to believe, but related to filtering on nested-documents (parent-child)
Although I have not understand completely your structure this might be what you need.
You have to think tree-wise. You create a bool where you must (=and) fulfill the embedded bools. Each embedded checks if the field does not exist or else (using should here instead of must) the field must (terms here) be one of the values in the list.
Not sure if there is a better way, and do not know the performance.
"sort": [
"orderDate": "desc"
"size": 25,
"query": {
"query": { #
"match_all": {} # These three lines are not necessary
}, #
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"not": {
"exists": {
"field": "progress"
"terms": {
"progress": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"not": {
"exists": {
"field": "paid"
"terms": {
"paid": [
