I'm attempting to setup a connection to our Hadoop cluster via DBVisualizer.
In order to connect I need to SSH into a server on the domain and then I need to run the command to a remote server (I've not ssh'd onto the Hadoop cluster directly)
I have (figuratively)
Database Server: abcd.efg
Database Port: 12345
Database: Hello
configured for the Database section
SSH Host: hijk.efg
SSH Port: 678
When I attempt a connection, it returns
Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri:
Where and ----- appear to be the defaults instead of what I entered.
Any idea how I get the SSH tunnel to use the server configuration I specify?
The SSH Tunnel is set up locally on the client, so connecting to the port on localhost tunnels you to the SSH Host/Port, which then sets up a connection to the database server/port you have specified. This page may help:
Best Regards,
I'm new to Amazon Web Service (AWS).
I already created a PostgreSQL from AWS RDS:
Endpoint: database-1.XXX.rds.amazonaws.com
Port: 5432
Public accessibility: Yes
Availablity zone: ap-northeast-1c
After that, I will push my application that using the database to AWS (maybe deploy to EKS).
However, I want to try testing the database server from my local computer first.
I haven't tried testing from my laptop PC at home yet, but I think it will connect OK because my laptop PC is not using the HTTP proxy to connect to the network.
The problem is that I want to try testing from my company PC, which needs setup the HTTP proxy to connect to the internet. The PC spec:
Windows 10
Installed PostgreSQL 10
Firstly, I tried using psql command-line:
psql -h database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgre
> Unknown host
set http_proxy=http://user:password#my_company_proxy:3128
set https_proxy=http://user:password#my_company_proxy:3128
psql -h database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgre
> Unknown host
set http_proxy=http://my_second_company_proxy:3128
set https_proxy=http://my_second_company_proxy:3128
psql -h database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgre
> Unknown host
Then, I tried using the pgAdmin tool.
As from the internet post, it said that we can use "SSH Tunnel" for inputing proxy:
However, the error message will be shown:
So, anyone can help suggest if we can connect to the public PostgreSQL server through HTTP proxy?
I think problem is Postgres uses plain TCP/IP protocol and you are trying to use HTTP proxy. Also you're trying to create SSH tunnel against your HTTP proxy server which won't work.
So I'd suggest following solutions:
Use TCP proxy instead of HTTP proxy
Create an EC2 or any instance that has SSH access from your company network and has access to public internet. So that you can create SSH tunnel through that instance to achieve your goal.
NOTE: Make sure you PostgreSQL is accessible from public internet (although this is usually bad idea, but it's out of scope this question) sometimes security group configs prevent it to connect from public internet.
Just add all ports(5432,3128...) in the Security Group from your RDS and specify your IP. Don't forget "/32"
Let me add that "unknown host" is usually an indication that you're not resolving the DNS hostname. Also, your HTTP proxy should not interfere with connections to databases since they aren't on port 80 or 443. A couple of things you can try (assuming you're on windows) sub in your actual url:
nslookup database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com
telnet database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com 5432
You should also check the security group that is attached to your RDS and make sure you've opened up the ip address that you're originating from on port TCP/5432.
Lastly check that your VPC has DNS and Hostnames enabled. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-dns.html#vpc-dns-updating
I am new to pgAdmin and to SSH tunnels. I am trying to establish a connection to a postgres DB with SSH tunnel. I am on Windows 10. I am given the following instructions (I changed all the names and ports in the below)
Add the following to your SSH config (~/.ssh/config):
Host prod
Hostname myorg.org.uk
User sshusername
IdentityFile idef.pem
LocalForward 9999 localforward.amazonaws.com:8888
Now you can tunnel your way through to PostgreSQL:
ssh -N prod
And now psql et al can connect (You must open a new Terminal window while the SSH tunnel is running):
psql -h localhost -p 9999 -U connectionusername -d dproduction
I am also given the dproduction database password for the database I am trying to connect to: dproduction_pwd
I don't understand where everything goes in pgAdmin. I did the following:
Name = test
Host Name/Address: localhost
Prot: 9999
Maintenance database: postgres
username: connectionusername
SSH Tunnel:
Tunnel host: myorg.org.uk
Tunnel post: 9999
username: sshusername
Identity file: C:\idef.pem
Password: dproduction_pwd
I must be doing something wrong, as I don't use LocalForward from the ssh config above, where does this go? putting it in Tunnel host does not work.
I managed to use SSH tunnel to access my database with Windows 10 SSH and PGAdmin SSH Tunnel. It did take a while. pgAdmin's document isn't very clear on this. Here's the difference I found:
When setting SSH tunnel with Windows 10 SSH, you need to forward a local port (9999 in your case) to the remote port (8888).
In pgAdmin, that local port is no longer needed. My guess is since it already knows you want to access which service through which tunnel, it takes care of the local port in the background. That tunnel port, in the most common cases, should be the SSH port 22.
My suggested changes to your current setting would be:
in SSH Tunnel tab, set Tunnel port to 22
in Connection tab, set Port to 8888
This should work.
Using DBeaver, I'm trying to connect to my AWS ec2 instance where I've installed a MariaDB database.
I've created a new connection as:
Connection: AWS / Maria DB
Server Host: localhost (because I'm using ssh to connect)
Database, Username and Password: the right ones
Port: 3306
SSH tunnel on the connection:
Use SSH Tunnel: checked
Host/IP, Port and User: as suggested by the AWS documentation
Auth: Public Key
Private key: file .pem (the one I'm also using to connect via ssh from command line)
The connection works great at the beginning.
After some minutes of inactivity if I open a table the connection stucks and I need to invalidate/reconnect to fetch the data. This process sometimes is done by DBeaver, after 15 seconds of not fetching anything, but sometimes even if I wait 2 minutes it keeps running but fetching nothing.
Is there something I'm missing in my configuration? Or some configuration on the server maybe.. I don't know..
Have you ever had this problem?
Here I had the same situation. Previous versions of DBeaver used to keep the connection longer (I don't remember precisely which version), in the order of hours.
I solved this issue by using a VPN or a SSH port forwarding from my machine. So, it is the same configuration as yours with localhost, but the tunnel is done outside DBeaver.
config using pem key in shh tunel
Sorry for the noob question but I am new to Oracle SQL software.
I've been trying to create a connection to my database student (created on SQL Developer), but got quite confusing since I'm using a client-computer which will connect to server.
Below are the info about the connection:
Connection Name: LARGER123
Username: LARGER123
Hostname: uxkg265.admin.plent
Port: 1520
SID: ticp5076
Client-computer username: r5678
When I open the SQL Plus prompt, I tried several combinations on the username in order to establish the connection, but got the same error ORA-12154 Error.
I though that it could be the way I was setting the things on username field, so I followed the instructions from Oracle's website:
Basically it tells to "build" the username structure in that way:
Where: "nick" is the user; "dbhost.example.com" is the host; and "orcl.example.com" is the database.
So, following the example I put my username in that way and got errors:
I tried different ways, including the Port and SID but got no success.
Do you have a better idea of what's my mistake?
Are you quite certain somebody is listening where you are trying to connect. I would suggest you start by testing with telnet.
You say your server has the domain name “uxkg265.admin.plent”
nslookup uxkg265.admin.plent
I just checked my IP address and found:
$ nslookup $(hostname)
Server: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx##53
Name: mydomain.myorg.com
I just tried to connect to my oracle instance and got:
$ telnet 1521
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
If I try to the wrong port, I get:
$ telnet 1522
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
I was able to connect with:
sqlplus myoracle/testpass#
where UPGR is the service name.
I was also able to connect with:
sqlplus myoracle/testpass#"(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
With UPGR as the SID.
I had some trouble initially because my version of Oracle Linux had iptables enabled and that was keeping me from connecting using sqlplus. As soon as I disabled this protection, I was able to use Oracle.
sudo service iptables stop
sudo chkconfig iptables off
(Keep in mind that iptables serves a purpose. For my test system running on my PC in VirtualBox, turning it off is fine. For other systems, maybe not.)
ORA-12154 is TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified, but you likely aren't using TNS to resolve the connect identifier: have you edited the tnsnames.ora file on the client machine and created an entry for the SID you're trying to connect to? Probably not.
Instead of selecting SID, select "Service name" and put the Oracle SID there. With the "Basic" connection type, that should use the host/port and service name explicitly to build the connection rather than relying on TNS to look up (resolve) the SID.
I need to connect sqldeveloper to a database server port at 1521, but the db server is behind a firewall and allows only SSH connections. how can i utilize the ssh tunneling to connect sqldeveloper to the server
local machine ip(windows 7) : 10.1.2.xxx
oracle database server ip(solaris) : 10.1.100.xxx
connections from local ip to database is restricted to SSH only and i have ssh access to the database server
can anyone tell how to create the ssh tunnel in this case.
similar entry:
How can I connect to Oracle Database 11g server through ssh tunnel chain (double tunnel, server in company network)?
use PuTTY for tunneling: SSH -> Tunnels -> Add new forwarded port -> source port: 1521 -> destination: 10.1.100.xxx:1521 -> add
ssh into server
connect from local machine to localhost:1521