how to save images in png using MITK - image

Hi i am uisng MITK Workbench 2016.11.0. I want to save image in PNG or JPEG or TIFF using MITK. But there are only 5 options available: NRRD, NIFTI, VTK, VTK LEGACY IMAGE.

Only 2-d images can be saved in classic 2-d image formats such as PNG, BMP, JPEG, or TIFF and only if the pixel format is supported by the image format.
If you seem to have a 2-d image for which the 2-d options are not available, it's most probably a 3-d image with a single slice. A 3-d image can't be saved as 2-d image even with a single slice as important 3-d meta-data like 3-d origin and orientation in 3-d space would be lost.


Is there any generic 3d pixel image data format?

For 2d image, there are so many format that we use, view and exchange, such as ppm, tiff, png, jpg, svg... and most of these is for saving pixel data. However, almost every 3d format is for modeling which like svg in 2d. I found some format for neuroimaging but didn't find any generic format to save color pixels.
Is there really no such format?

jpg rotate without quality change

I know that jpg follows the following method when saving images.
DCT transformation
Lossless Compression
Usually when rotating an image
Image -> RGB Array
RGB Array -> Convert to Image
I don't want to add loss to the image in the process of converting the file to RGB.
Perhaps there is a way to go through the following steps:
Image -> Quantization Array
Quantization Array -> Image
Any good way?

Image with transparent background in Flutter

I have image of object with transparent background for my Flutter app.
But Flutter shows this image with transparent background, as it is.
How do i hide transparent background of the image in Flutter?
The image you are using is not a proper transparent PNG file. It's a JPEG. So, please use a proper transparent PNG file. Here are some difference between a JPEG and PNG:
Both support true color or a palette of 16 million colors, PNG also
supports 256 color and monochrome images.
JPEG uses a lossy algorithm, PNG uses the ubiquitous lossless
algorithm which we all know as ZIP.
PNG supports alpha as well as single color transparency. JPEGS are
Compression ratio of images can be upto 50x for a JPEG but maybe at
most 4:1 in PNGs for most images with many colors

Drawing a 20x20 pixel greyscale image

I'm currently trying to write a program that takes a user-inputted 20x20 pixel greyscale image of a digit and predicts what number the user drew. Here is a sample image of what a typical user input would be:
How can I ask the user to draw such an image?
Maybe shell out to ImageMagick to create a 400x400 greyscale image:
convert -size 400x400 xc:gray image.bmp
and then start MS Paint (Windows) or GIMP (Linux/macOS) to edit the image. Then, when the user exits, resize the image to 20x20 and save as a PGM which is dead easy to read and necessarily greyscale:
convert image.bmp -resize 20x20 result.pgm

How to Convert Gray scaled image to RGB image?

I am on MAC OSX.
How to convert an gray scaled image to the RGB format.
Can i use the CIFilters for converting? Or any other way
And also i want to reverse the operation. i.e., convert the RGB format to Gray scaled format.
You can draw the grayscale image into an RGB-color context and export that image. Of course, the ability to draw a grayscale image into a non-grayscale context means you probably don't need to convert the image in the first place, since it will be done for you on-the-fly.
Core Image requires RGB images as input and produces them as output. I think it will convert a non-RGB image for you, so you could just use some simple filter in its identity configuration, but that's unnecessary.
What are you really trying to do that requires you to convert the image?
