Can't load expdp data dump - oracle

I've been given a data dump by a client created with this command:
expdp system/"redacted pw" full=Y directory=WORK dumpfile=IM_DB_EXP_20171010.dmp logfile=IM_DB_EXP_20171010.log
Now am I correct in thinking that this will just export the system schema?
I don't think the client has created their tables in the system schema (a bad idea I think), so what they've given me isn't their actual app data?

You're doing a full export which is denoted by the full=Y. If you're looking for only schema try something like:
expdp system/"redacted pw" schemas=MYSCHEMA directory=WORK IM_DB_EXP_20171010.dmp logfile=IM_DB_EXP_20171010.log
impdp system/"redacted pw" schemas=MYSCHEMA directory=WORK IM_DB_EXP_20171010.dmp logfile=IM_DB_EXP_20171010.log
You have many additional options for controlling EXP/IMPDP as well. Check this out: as well as the links in the comments.


Am I impdp dump file in Oracle database 11g R2, right?

I have a dump file without log file,I have no idea what the expdp schema users are,so editing a parfile like below:
directory=my directory
My problem is that the user "rx" is not exist,IMPDP by the way above, Whether or not IMPDP load all objects properly to database
you don't need a log file
it is unclear whether you got that parameter file, or did you write it yourself
I think the former; otherwise, how would you know about the rx user?
if that's so, you shouldn't worry about the rx user - it looks as if dumpfile contains objects that belong(ed) to that user
what you should have is the tbs user (created in the target database). Why? Because of the remap_schema parameter. Certainly, you don't have to import into tbs; create any other user and fix the parameter file
that's it, then; import the dumpfile as e.g.
impdp system/password#database parfile=that_parameter_file.txt

How can I convert an Oracle impdp sqlfile to a PostgreSQL script to import data into PostgreSQL? [duplicate]

I am trying to import the dump file to .sql file using SQLFILE parameter.
I used the command "impdp username/password DIRECTORY=dir DUMPFILE=sample.dmp SQLFILE=sample.sql LOGFILE=sample.log"
I expected this to return a sql file with contents inside the table. But it created a sql file with only DDL queries.
For export I used, "expdp username/password DIRECTORY=dir DUMPFILE=sample.dmp LOGFILE=sample.log FULL=y"
Dump file size is 130 GB. So, I believe the dump has been exported correctly.
Am I missing something in the import command? Is there any other parameter should I use to get the contents?
Thanks in advance!
Your expectation was wrong, I'm afraid. You're asking it to do something it isn't designed for.
The documentation for SQLFILE says:
Specifies a file into which all of the SQL DDL that Import would have executed, based on other parameters, is written.
So it will only ever contain DDL.
There isn't a mechanism to turn a .dmp file into a .sql containing insert statements. If you need to put the data into a table, just use the native import.
Individual insert statements - if you could generate them, which SQL Developer will do as a separate task unrelated to your data pump export - would be slower, would have problems with LOBs, and would have to be careful about the order they were run unless integrity constraints were disabled. Data pump takes care of all of that for you.

How to export the user's data and restrict table rownum?

I want export data something like this.
exp xxx/xxx file=d:\xxx.dmp owner=xxx query=\"where rownum < 1000\"
But I get an error "QUERY parameter is only use in table mode"
Oracle version 10g
As #Thilo says, with exp you can only user the query parameter in table mode. If you're able to use the newer data pump functionality, via the expdp command, you can apply a similar query parameter to the whole export.
#Thilo is right, you can export a single table or a SUBSET of a single table
I also recommend reading Tom's advice in regards to using parfile

How do I copy or import Oracle schemas between two different databases on different servers?

What is the best way to copy schema from one user/instance/server:
jdbc:oracle:thin:#deeb02:1535:DH, user pov
to another user/instance/server
jdbc:oracle:thin:#123.456.789.123:1523:orcl, user vrs_development
Similarly, if you're using Oracle 10g+, you should be able to make this work with Data Pump:
expdp user1/pass1#db1 directory=dp_out schemas=user1 dumpfile=user1.dmp logfile=user1.log
And to import:
impdp user2/pass2#db2 directory=dp_out remap_schema=user1:user2 dumpfile=user1.dmp logfile=user2.log
Use oracle exp utility to take a dump of the schema from the first database
exp user1/pass1#db1 owner=user1 file=user1.dmp log=user1.log
Then use imp utility to populate the other schema in the other datbase
imp user2/pass2#db2 fromuser=user1 touser=user2 file=user1.dmp log=user2.log
you can directly copy schema via network (without moving files from one server to another) using datapump parameter NETWORK LINK as described here:
for example:
impdp -userid user/pass#destination_server LOGFILE=log.txt NETWORK_LINK=dblink_from_dest_to_source SCHEMAS=schema1 directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR
check that directory DATA_PUMP_DIR exists in
select *
from dba_directories
and points to correct place in destination_server file system.

Importing selective data using impdp

I have an entire DB to be imported as a dump into my own. I want to exclude data out of certain tables(mostly because they are huge in size and not useful). I cannot entirely exclude those tables since I need the table object per se(minus the data) and will have to re create them in my schema if I do so. Also in the absence of those table objects , various other foreign constraints defined on other tables will also fail to be imported and will need to be redefined.So I need to exclude just the data from certain tables.I want data from all other tables though.
Is there a set of parameters for impdp that can help me do so?
I would make two runs at it: The first I would import metadata only:
The second would include the data only for the tables I was interested in:
impdp ... CONTENT=DATA_ONLY TABLES=table1,table2...
Definitely make 2 runs. One to create all the table objects, but instead of using tables in the second impdp run, use the exclude
impdp ... Content=data_only exclude=TABLE:"IN ('table1', 'table2')"
The other way works, but this way you only have to list the tables you don't want versus all that you want.
If the size of the table is big for export import the you can use "SAMPLE" parameter in expdp command to take export of table for what ever percentage you want ....
$ expdp tables=T100test DIRECTORY=expimp1 DUMPFILE=test12.dmp SAMPLE = 10;
This command will export only 10% data of the T100test table's data.
Examples of operator-usage:
The parameter can also be stored in a parameter file, for example: exp.par
DIRECTORY = my_dir
DUMPFILE = exp_tab.dmp
LOGFILE = exp_tab.log
SCHEMAS = scott
It seems you can exclude directly when importing using impdp query parameter
impdp [...] QUERY='TABLE_NAME:"WHERE rownum = 0"'
cf :
