d3 trying to open html in div or iframe on click - d3.js

I have a d3 bar chart and I would like to have it so when a bar is clicked on the chart, HTML is loaded in another section of the page. As I've been trying to research how to do this, I am becoming more and more confused. Should I use a <div> or an <iframe>? I have this which works as far as a clicking event goes:
.on("click", function() { alert("Hello world"); })
But I don't think I can use it since I want different bars to open different content. So I also need to figure out how to tie which bar is clicked to which file is opened. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Add an onclick event which passes clicked bar reference to the function which loads html.
.on('click', function(d) {loadHtml(d)});
Then create a loadHtml function
function loadHtml(clickedBar)
if (clickedBar[0] = "foo")
if (clickedBar[0] = "bar")


Unable to reset the focus ordinal bar chart

I am trying to reset after choosing some of the individual's bar.
index.html: (line no. 62)
This seems not to work. I was able to reset all the graphs pie chart, line chart, etc but not this one.
Those two ordinal graphs are created in index.js like this:
var focus = new dc.barChart('#focus');
var range = new dc.barChart('#range');
It looks weird now Coz it's showing a single bar and all the bar have got invisible but I want them to be visible (in gray colour) but not clickable.
This example replaces the built-in filtering functionality of the bar chart with its own implementation of ordinal selection, because the chart has a linear scale.
The example uses a global variable focusFilter to store the current selection. We need to empty this out and we also need to update the dimension filter as the original filterAll would do, pulling that code out of the click handler:
focus.applyFilter = function() { // non-standard method
this.dimension().filterFunction(function(k) {
return focusFilter.includes(k);
else this.dimension().filter(null);
focus.filterAll = function() {
focusFilter = [];
This will also allow dc.filterAll() to work, for a "reset all" link.
Fork of your block.
For some reason, I could not get the original
links to work at all in this block, so I replaced them with the equivalent D3 click handlers:
d3.select('#reset-focus').on('click', () => {
d3.select('#reset-all').on('click', () => {
I also updated the focus ordinal bar example. Note that automatic hiding/showing of the reset link doesn't work because the chart still has an irrelevant range filter inside of it.

Get id of dragged element in d3.js

I am probably having some kind of brain damage atm because something like this should be trivial.
I got a bunch of SVG circles rendered manually (via React). I am then attaching d3 drag behavior to all of them. The drag behavior is applied, and the drag function is being executed, but when I drag one of these circles I am not able to respond accordingly because I do not know which one of them was moved. Where can I get the ID of dragged element?
I have checked a few other questions and found just some crazy filter solution... that cannot be it.
I have also peeked at docs and found the subject property.. however that one is null everywhere I tried it.
My code:
componentWillUpdate() {
let nodes = d3.selectAll("circle");
const dragFn = (d,i) => {
const dragBehavior = d3.behavior.drag();
dragBehavior.on('drag', dragFn);
dragBehavior.on('dragstart', () => {
I don't know what your "this" is inside the function but in plain js you can get any attribute of the html element with:
d3.select(this).attr("id"); //or class etc.
or if it's wrapped
Here's an example: http://jsfiddle.net/a2QpA/343/

How handle style chart click event on nvd3

I want to remove stream style (state ? ("Stream", "Stacked" and "Expanded")) on stacked area chart and use this code :
.filter(function() {
return d3.select(this).select("text").text() == "Stream";
But it works only the first time.
I tryed to handle events on chart because i want to refresh rendering of chart but it didn't work for the styles click. It works only for the legend click.
chart.legend.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(e){
console.log('legend was clicked', 'no namespace.');
How i can i handle click on style event ?
chart.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(e) {
console.log(e); //e.style holds the current style
List of available styles can be found here https://github.com/novus/nvd3/blob/master/src/models/stackedArea.js#L299-L318
I also had hard time with this issue so I hope this would help you.

Opening UI5 Quickview by non-SAPUI5 control

I'm trying to integrate UI5 with other libraries(namely D3) and am unable to open a UI5 Popover(or QuickView) by my controls.
The only method I can call to open the popover is .openBy(control).
According to the UI5 documentation: The Control = This is the control to which the popover will be placed. It can be not only a UI5 control, but also an existing DOM reference.
I've tried multiple things, but am unable to get the popover to open successfully. I continue to get errors in sap-ui-core.js.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to properly pass the DOM reference of my non-UI5 control?
Here is a code snippet showing what I'm trying to accomplish:
// circleClicked is the SVG element clicked on the map
function openQuickView(circleClicked) {
// quickView controls are UI5 and were created before this function
// error
Everything you describe seems to be correct.
According to the documentation of sap.m.Popover you can also call openBy with a DOM reference as parameter.
What you are passing in your code snippet is not a DOM reference however, it is a d3 selection. To get the required DOM reference from the selection you have to add [0][0](see this answer).
function openQuickView(circleClicked) {
EDIT: After playing around with the provided fiddle I found the problem.
The parameter to the function is the datum of the clicked object, not the DOM.
You should change your click handler and the function like this:
// ...
.on("click", function(d) {
openQuickView(this, d);
function openQuickView(circleClicked, circleData) {

JQuery sortable when dragging item down below visible area, window does not scroll in firefox

When using the jquery ui sortable widget and dragging an item down below the visible area in the browser, the window does not scroll so that you can drop it in an area below there where other items might be. I haven't been able to find an answer to this for Firefox- I have seen a workaround for Chrome where you add a helper property to the sortable function that does the following:
helper: function (event, element) {
return element.clone().appendTo('body');
...but again, this only fixes this same problem in Chrome, not Firefox.
try something like this
helper: function(){
$('yourScrollableContainer').append('<div id="clone">' + $(this).html() + '</div>');
return $("#clone");
You can refer to this and this question for more help.
