UniqueBody empty when Body is not - exchange-server

I have inherited responsibility for a project from a previous developer which takes incoming emails and processes them into customer support tickets.
It mostly works fine but it is having problems with one particular email and I can't work out why.
In Outlook the email clearly has a body (some short text, an image and a signature). It is a new message and not a reply.
The exchange server version is 2013.
But when being processed by the code below UniqueBody is empty, while Body contains the correct text. This does not happen with any other emails I've come across on that server.
if (serverVersion >= ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010)
body = msg.UniqueBody.Text;
body = msg.Body.Text;
What would cause UniqueBody to be empty while Body is not?
Why would the previous developer prefer to use UniqueBody over Body, how do they differ?
Could be related to this?

Check if you request the properties correctly:
PropertySet ps = new PropertySet(ItemSchema.UniqueBody);
var email = EmailMessage.Bind(service, item.ItemId, ps);
If you do so, the UniqueBody-Property should not be empty.
As far as I know, UniqueBody should be set by the exchange-server to show you which part of the mail is relevant for your ticket:
If your customer answers later to the ticket-conversation, you only want the new text.
With a new mail/ticket: body == uniqueBody == "the text you want to use".


Get a message's ts value from /archives link

Slack has a Copy link feature, which copies a deep link to an individual chat message to the clipboard:
Here's an example of such a deep link (obfuscated):
What I'd like to do is, get the details of that message from the Slack API given that link.
The first string after /archives/ is the channel's ID. I'm not quite clear about that second string though:
According to Slack's API documentation,
channels.history can also be used to pluck a single message from the
You'll need a message's ts value, uniquely identifying it within a
channel. You'll also need that channel's ID.
So, what I've found is that the p1234567898000159 value in the link above is almost the message's ts value, but not quite (the Slack API won't accept it): the leading p needs to be removed, also there has to be a . inserted after the 10th digit: 1234567898.000159
Putting all this together into an API request...
... I'm getting a response with all the message details, exactly what I need.
My question is: am I doing this right? Do I really need to craft the message's ts value from the URL parameter this way, or is there a better, more robust, officially supported way?
Im new in python, but i got same problem when i creating SlackBot (by SlackBolt), and i solved it like that:
link = 'https://***.slack.com/archives/C03UGEVQ6BX/p1668769293636169'
#Grab information from link
wrong_link_list = link.split('/')
wrong_ts = wrong_link_list[-1]
t_ts = wrong_ts.replace('p', '', 1)
dot = '.'
char_count = 10
#Put information in variables
channel = wrong_link_list[-2]
text = 'Hey dude!'
mess_ts = t_ts[:char_count] + dot + t_ts[char_count:]
app.client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=text, thread_ts = mess_ts)
Hope this will help you!

MQRFH2.usr coming in the main message body

Using WMQ7.0 with WMB 6.1
I have one flow where I am transforming a message and using MQRFH2.usr for holding some data.
But, I am facing the issue where the MQRFH2.usr is coming in the main message body.
I have deployed the same code in different environments, but I am getting this issue only in one environment.
So, it doesn't seems to be a code issue. It has something to do with configurations.
Kindly, suggest what could be the possible cause.
Check the queue's PROPCTL setting. If this is set to NONE then the behavior is as follows:
If the application does not create a message handle, all the message
properties are removed from the MQRFH2. Name/value pairs in the MQRFH2
headers are left in the message.
Be sure to read the doc page through a couple of times and maybe test with different settings to understand fully how PROPCTL modifies the message content your app receives.
The MQRFH2 headers, if present, always come in the payload part of the message (that's the way webpshere organizes it). You can receive one or more MQRFH2 headers (structures).
Perhaps you are expecting only one and are receiving two? This would explain your message data being left with gibberish.
I use the following code to handler these heards upon receiving a message
MQRFH2 header = null;
// Find and store message length
int msglen = replyMessage.getMessageLength();
MQHeaderList list = new MQHeaderList(replyMessage);
int indexOf = list.indexOf("MQRFH2");
if (indexOf >= 0) {
header = (MQRFH2) list.get(indexOf);
msglen = msglen - header.size();
String msgText = replyMessage.readStringOfCharLength(msglen);
Hope it helps.

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem.To is empty

I am encountering a strange issue in my outlook addin application. It is being run on Outlook 2010.
I enter an email address e.g: abc#foo.com into the "TO..." box in the email. I have the following code to get the recipients:
var dynamicMailItem = (dynamic) mailItem;
var recipients = (string)dynamicMailItem.To;
However, recipients returns an empty string! But when I evaluate dynamicMailItem.To in the immediate window, all of a sudden, the value is returned. How can I force consistent behavior?
You're improperly casting dynamicMailItem.To, which is why the variable recipients contains nothing after the fact.
The code you posted isn't valid - there's one extra close bracket. It must not be an exact copy paste from your add-in, or you would see a compile error. Can you post exactly the code you have that assigns the value of var recipients?

Delete Exchange 2003 Emails with WebDav

I am trying to manage an Inbox in Exchange 2003 automatically using webdav from a C# application. Looking at msdn is not helping me a whole lot as the methods described here (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa142917.aspx) do not coincide at all with the samples I have found otherwise. So there are two things I am trying to determine:
Of all the fields that return from a webdav query
string reqStr =
#"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:"">
WHERE ""urn:schemas:mailheader:from"" = 'email2#domain.com'
Which one is the unique identifier? I have browsed it (but not sure of a reference to verify the fields) and it appears at first glance that DAV:id is what I want (), but I am not wanting to work on assumptions.
Secondly, what is the correct way to programmatically delete an email after I have processed it? Would something like the following work (will it remove the entry and all related metadata). I don't want any files left orphaned on the server...
string reqStr =
#"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:"">
And finally, what are the best online sources for investigating all the data returned in the XML from the first request, and where are all the options documented for managing the webdav interface? Looking at MSDN just hasn't been fruitful.
Look for the dav:hef tags tag in the response. They contain an url you can use to issue a delete command.
From the result of a query that gets you the msg Uri then:
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(mail.MailUri);
request.Credentials = _credential;
request.Method = "DELETE";
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
//something might of broke

Flex 4 coltware airxmail - send vCal appointment

I am using coltware.airxmail to send emails from my Flex app.
I would like to send VCalendar appointment files generated from Flex straight to Outlook so they are opened in the Calender view. I am able to send the VCal files as an attachment on an email, however, these are not "auto-opened" in Outlook Calendar, which requires the user to double click on the file.
I have been trying to set the content type of the mail to "text/x-vCalendar", and pass in a byte array containing the VCal file, however, no joy. The vCal arrives as a .txt attachment to an empty email!
I wonder if anyone has had previous experience with this kit, or can suggest any pointers?
Or even suggest another component they have used to send VCal files straight to outlook, from ActionScript?
var sender:SMTPSender = new SMTPSender();
// Set the from / to / host / port values here
var contentType:ContentType = new ContentType();
var message:MimeMessage = new MimeMessage(contentType,"UTF-8");
var file:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("vcal.vcs");
function(ev:Event):void {
Hopefully I can achieve this using the coltware component. There's nothing on their site about using these methods, although the API guide is very incomplete - just "basic usage"... http://code.google.com/p/airxmail/wiki/HowToUseAPI
Did you try using a different content type, such as "text/calendar"? see here: http://weblogs.asp.net/bradvincent/archive/2008/01/16/creating-vcalendars-programmatically.aspx
