Find the simple path with at least 5 edges in directed graph - algorithm

I have a question.
Given a directed graph (G = V, E) and the source vertex s from V group.
we want to check whether there is a simple path (no circles) from s to any vertex in G with at least 5 edges.
Offer as efficient an algorithm as possible that solves the problem for a graph G that can contain circles.
please I need your help
Thanks :-)

We need to find any 5-edge simple directed path starting at vertex s. This path will look like:
s -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e (all distinct)
Now let's go through the all possible values of c (any vertex besides s) and then for every c value we can go through all edges that do not contain s and c vertices and for the edge (x, y) do the following:
if edge (s, x) exists and edge (y, c) exists
put (x, y) in AB edges list
if edge (c, x) exists
put (x, y) in DE edges list
This can be done in O(|E|). Then we need to find a pair of edges (E1, E2) such that E1 is in AB, E2 is in DE and they don't share any vertex in common. The latter can be done in O(|E|).
We can take a graph G' = (V, DE) and find the degrees of the vertices. Then for every edge (a, b) from AB we need to check that
degree(a) + degree(b) = |DE| + x
where x = 1 if (a, b) is in DE, otherwise x = 0. If this equality does not hold it means that there is an edge in DE that contains neither a nor b and we can just iterate through entire DE to find the answer.
The overall complexity will be O(|V||E|) with O(|E|) additional memory.


How to find all the polygonal shapes of given the vertices?

I have a list of vertices and I know the connections between them. I am trying to find all the polygonal shapes of the vertices. These polygonal shapes should not overlap.
I did some research and I thought that I could detect the polygonal shapes, if I can traverse over the vertices on clockwise, (or counter-clockwise, doesn’t make a difference).
So, I search for solutions to traverse over the vertices on clockwise. And I found a similar topic and try the suggested solution. But the problem is while traversing over vertices, I cannot decide which path to choose when there are multiple clockwise options.
Basically, I want to find the following polygonal shapes:
* A, E, G, C, D, A
* E, F, G, E
* E, B, F, E
How can I decide to choose G path when I start from A then came to E vertex?
P.S: I am open for a different approach than mine if my approach is not appropriate for this problem or there are better/easier solutions for this
According to your example you are trying to find faces of planar graph, defined by its vertices and edges.
Step 1. Replace each of your un-directed edges by a pair of directed edges (arcs), connecting vertices in both directions. For each arc (v1 -> v2) find a next arc (v2 -> v3), such that both these arcs have the same face to the left of them - this can be done by calculating angles between arcs and the axis (say) OX and ordering them in clockwise (or counter-clockwise) order. Mark all the arcs as "unused".
Step 2. Pick up any "unused" arc and follow next arcs one after another until you reach the origin of the initial arc - you'll get a cycle, bounding a face. You've found a new face with all its arcs/vertices. Mark all the arcs in this cycle as "used". Repeat until there are no "unused" arcs.
Returning to your example - you'll have following arcs:
A -> E, E -> A
A -> D, D -> A
B -> E, E -> B
B -> F, F -> B
C -> D, D -> C
C -> G, G -> C
E -> F, F -> E
E -> G, G -> E
F -> G, G -> F
Examples of next arcs:
(D -> C) is the next arc for (A -> D)
(C -> G) is the next arc for (D -> C)
(G -> E) is the next arc for (C -> G)
and so on...
This algorithm will find all your internal faces plus one external face, bounded by the cycle (A -> E, E -> B, B -> F, F -> G, G -> C, C -> D, D -> A). You can ignore this external face, but in some cases it can be useful - for example, when you're a given a point and you need to find its position relative to your graph as a whole.

Find the Optimal vertex cover of a tree with k blue vertices

I need to find a 'dynamic - programming' kind of solution for the following problem:
Perfect Binary-Tree, T = (V,E) - (each node has exactly 2 children except the leafs).
V = V(blue) ∪ V(black).
V(blue) ∩ V(black) = ∅.
(In other words, some vertices in the tree are blue)
Root of the tree 'r'.
integer k
A legal Solution:
A subset of vertices V' ⊆ V which is a vertex cover of T, and |V' ∩ V(blue)| = k. (In other words, the cover V' contains k blue vertices)
Solution Value:
The value of a legal solution V' is the number of vertices in the set = |V'|.
For convenience, we will define the value of an "un-legal" solution to be ∞.
What we need to find:
A solution with minimal Value.
(In other words, The best solution is a solution which is a cover, contains exactly k blue vertices and the number of vertices in the set is minimal.)
I need to define a typical sub-problem. (Like, if i know what is the value solution of a sub tree I can use it to find my value solution to the problem.)
and suggest a formula to solve it.
To me, looks like you are on the right track!
Still, I think you will have to use an additional parameter to tell us how far is any picked vertex from the current subtree's root.
For example, it can be just the indication whether we pick the current vertex, as below.
Let fun (v, b, p) be the optimal size for subtree with root v such that, in this subtree, we pick exactly b blue vertices, and p = 1 if we pick vertex v or p = 0 if we don't.
The answer is the minimum of fun (r, k, 0) and fun (r, k, 1): we want the answer for the full tree (v = r), with exactly k vertices covered in blue (b = k), and we can either pick or not pick the root.
Now, how do we calculate this?
For the leaves, fun (v, 0, 0) is 0 and fun (v, t, 1) is 1, where t tells us whether vertex v is blue (1 if yes, 0 if no).
All other combinations are invalid, and we can simulate it by saying the respective values are positive infinities: for example, for a leaf vertex v, the value fun (v, 3, 1) = +infinity.
In the implementation, the infinity can be just any value greater than any possible answer.
For all internal vertices, let v be the current vertex and u and w be its children.
We have two options: to pick or not to pick the vertex v.
Suppose we pick it.
Then the value we get for f (v, b, 1) is 1 (the picked vertex v) plus the minimum of fun (u, x, q) + fun (w, y, r) such that x + y is either b if the vertex v is black or b - 1 if it is blue, and q and r can be arbitrary: if we picked the vertex v, the edges v--u and v--w are already covered by our vertex cover.
Now let us not pick the vertex v.
Then the value we get for f (v, b, 0) is just the minimum of fun (u, x, 1) + fun (w, y, 1) such that x + y = b: if we did not pick the vertex v, the edges v--u and v--w have to be covered by u and w.

Proof of correctness: Algorithm for diameter of a tree in graph theory

In order to find the diameter of a tree I can take any node from the tree, perform BFS to find a node which is farthest away from it and then perform BFS on that node. The greatest distance from the second BFS will yield the diameter.
I am not sure how to prove this, though? I have tried using induction on the number of nodes, but there are too many cases.
Any ideas would be much appreciated...
Let's call the endpoint found by the first BFS x. The crucial step is proving that the x found in this first step always "works" -- that is, that it is always at one end of some longest path. (Note that in general there can be more than one equally-longest path.) If we can establish this, it's straightforward to see that a BFS rooted at x will find some node as far as possible from x, which must therefore be an overall longest path.
Hint: Suppose (to the contrary) that there is a longer path between two vertices u and v, neither of which is x.
Observe that, on the unique path between u and v, there must be some highest (closest to the root) vertex h. There are two possibilities: either h is on the path from the root of the BFS to x, or it is not. Show a contradiction by showing that in both cases, the u-v path can be made at least as long by replacing some path segment in it with a path to x.
[EDIT] Actually, it may not be necessary to treat the 2 cases separately after all. But I often find it easier to break a configuration into several (or even many) cases, and treat each one separately. Here, the case where h is on the path from the BFS root to x is easier to handle, and gives a clue for the other case.
[EDIT 2] Coming back to this later, it now seems to me that the two cases that need to be considered are (i) the u-v path intersects the path from the root to x (at some vertex y, not necessarily at the u-v path's highest point h); and (ii) it doesn't. We still need h to prove each case.
I'm going to work out j_random_hacker's hint. Let s, t be a maximally distant pair. Let u be the arbitrary vertex. We have a schematic like
/ \
/ \
/ \
s t ,
where x is the junction of s, t, u (i.e. the unique vertex that lies on each of the three paths between these vertices).
Suppose that v is a vertex maximally distant from u. If the schematic now looks like
x v
/ \ /
/ *
/ \
s t ,
d(s, t) = d(s, x) + d(x, t) <= d(s, x) + d(x, v) = d(s, v),
where the inequality holds because d(u, t) = d(u, x) + d(x, t) and d(u, v) = d(u, x) + d(x, v). There is a symmetric case where v attaches between s and x instead of between x and t.
The other case looks like
/ \
/ \
/ \
s t .
d(u, s) <= d(u, v) <= d(u, x) + d(x, v)
d(u, t) <= d(u, v) <= d(u, x) + d(x, v)
d(s, t) = d(s, x) + d(x, t)
= d(u, s) + d(u, t) - 2 d(u, x)
<= 2 d(x, v)
2 d(s, t) <= d(s, t) + 2 d(x, v)
= d(s, x) + d(x, v) + d(v, x) + d(x, t)
= d(v, s) + d(v, t),
so max(d(v, s), d(v, t)) >= d(s, t) by an averaging argument, and v belongs to a maximally distant pair.
Here's an alternative way to look at it:
Suppose G = ( V, E ) is a nonempty, finite tree with vertex set V and edge set E.
Consider the following algorithm:
Let count = 0. Let all edges in E initially be uncolored. Let C initially be equal to V.
Consider the subset V' of V containing all vertices with exactly one uncolored edge:
if V' is empty then let d = count * 2, and stop.
if V' contains exactly two elements then color their mutual (uncolored) edge green, let d = count * 2 + 1, and stop.
otherwise, V' contains at least three vertices; proceed as follows:
Increment count by one.
Remove all vertices from C that have no uncolored edges.
For each vertex in V with two or more uncolored edges, re-color each of its green edges red (some vertices may have zero such edges).
For each vertex in V', color its uncolored edge green.
Return to step (2).
That basically colors the graph from the leaves inward, marking paths with maximal distance to a leaf in green and marking those with only shorter distances in red. Meanwhile, the nodes of C, the center, with shorter maximal distance to a leaf are pared away until C contains only the one or two nodes with the largest maximum distance to a leaf.
By construction, all simple paths from leaf vertices to their nearest center vertex that traverse only green edges are the same length (count), and all other simple paths from a leaf vertex to its nearest center vertex (traversing at least one red edge) are shorter. It can furthermore be proven that
this algorithm always terminates under the conditions given, leaving every edge of G colored either red or green, and leaving C with either one or two elements.
at algorithm termination, d is the diameter of G, measured in edges.
Given a vertex v in V, the maximum-length simple paths in G starting at v are exactly those that contain contain all vertices of the center, terminate at a leaf, and traverse only green edges between center and the far endpoint. These go from v, across the center, to one of the leaves farthest from the center.
Now consider your algorithm, which might be more practical, in light of the above. Starting from any vertex v, there is exactly one simple path p from that vertex, ending at a center vertex, and containing all vertices of the center (because G is a tree, and if there are two vertices in C then they share an edge). It can be shown that the maximal simple paths in G having v as one endpoint all have the form of the union of p with a simple path from center to leaf traversing only green edges.
The key point for our purposes is that the incoming edge of the other endpoint is necessarily green. Therefore, when we perform a search for the longest paths starting there, we have access to those traversing only green edges from leaf across (all vertices of) the center to another leaf. Those are exactly the maximal-length simple paths in G, so we can be confident that the second search will indeed reveal the graph diameter.
2:pick an arbitrary vertex v where v∈V
3:u = BFS ( T, v )
4:t = BFS ( T, u )
5:return distance ( u, t )
Result: Complexity = O(|V|)

Decide whether there is a MST that contains some edges of 2 distinct edge sets

Let G = (V, E) be a weighted, connected and undirected graph. Let T1 and T2 be 2 different MST's. Suppose we can write E = (A1 U B U A2) such that:
B is the intersection of the edges of T1 and T2, and
A1 = T1 - B
A2 = T2 - B
Assuming that every MST T in G contains all the edges of B, find an algorithm that decides whether there is a MST T that contains at least one edge in A1 and at least one edge in A2.
Edit: I've dropped the part that was here. I think that it does more harm than good.
you should sort your edge that the red edge is prefer to blue edge for choose.then you can use any MST algorithm same as Prim's algorithm :
If a graph is empty then we are done immediately. Thus, we assume
otherwise. The algorithm starts with a tree consisting of a single
vertex, and continuously increases its size one edge at a time, until
it spans all vertices. Input: A non-empty connected weighted graph
with vertices V and edges E (the weights can be negative). Initialize:
Vnew = {x}, where x is an arbitrary node (starting point) from V, Enew
= {} Repeat until Vnew = V: Choose an edge {u, v} with minimal weight such that u is in Vnew and v is not (if there are multiple edges with
the same weight, any of them may be picked) Add v to Vnew, and {u, v}
to Enew Output: Vnew and Enew describe a minimal spanning tree

Graph - Square of a directed graph

Yes, this will be a homework (I am self-learning not for university) question but I am not asking for solution. Instead, I am hoping to clarify the question itself.
In CLRS 3rd edition, page 593, excise 22.1-5,
The square of a directed graph G = (V, E) is the graph G2 = (V, E2) such that (u,v) ∈ E2 if and only if G contains a path with at most two edges between u and v. Describe efficient algorithms for computing G2 from G for both the adjacency-list and adjacency-matrix representations of G. Analyze the running times of your algorithms.
However, in CLRS 2nd edition (I can't find the book link any more), page 530, the same exercise but with slightly different description:
The square of a directed graph G = (V, E) is the graph G2 = (V, E2) such that (u,w) ∈ E2 if and only if for some v ∈ V, both (u,v) ∈ E and (v,w) ∈ E. That is, G2 contains an edge between u and w whenever G contains a path with exactly two edges between u and w. Describe efficient algorithms for computing G2 from G for both the adjacency-list and adjacency-matrix representations of G. Analyze the running times of your algorithms.
For the old exercise with "exactly two edges", I can understand and can solve it. For example, for adjacency-list, I just do v->neighbour->neighbour.neighbour, then add (v, neighbour.neighbour) to the new E2.
But for the new exercise with "at most two edges", I am confused.
What does "if and only if G contains a path with at most two edges between u and v" mean?
Since one edge can meet the condition "at most two edges", if u and v has only one path which contains only one edge, should I add (u, v) to E2?
What if u and v has a path with 2 edges, but also has another path with 3 edges, can I add (u, v) to E2?
Yes, that's exactly what it means. E^2 should contain (u,v) iff E contains (u,v) or there is w in V, such that E contains both (u,w) and (w,v).
In other words, E^2 according to the new definition is the union of E and E^2 according to the old definition.
Regarding to your last question: it doesn't matter what other paths between u and v exist (if they do). So, if there are two paths between u and v, one with 2 edges and one with 3 edges, then (u,v) should be in E^2 (according to both definitions).
The square of a graph G, G^2 defined by those vertices V' for which d(u,v)<=2 and the eges G' of G^2 is all those edges of G which have both the end vertices From V'
